{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}
-- |
-- Module    : Statistics.Distribution.Exponential
-- Copyright : (c) 2009 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- The exponential distribution.  This is the continuous probability
-- distribution of the times between events in a poisson process, in
-- which events occur continuously and independently at a constant
-- average rate.

module Statistics.Distribution.Exponential
    -- * Constructors
    , exponential
    , exponentialE
    -- * Accessors
    , edLambda
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson                      (FromJSON(..),ToJSON,Value(..),(.:))
import Data.Binary                     (Binary, put, get)
import Data.Data                       (Data, Typeable)
import GHC.Generics                    (Generic)
import Numeric.SpecFunctions           (log1p)
import Numeric.MathFunctions.Constants (m_neg_inf)
import qualified System.Random.MWC.Distributions as MWC
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G

import qualified Statistics.Distribution         as D
import qualified Statistics.Sample               as S
import Statistics.Internal

newtype ExponentialDistribution = ED {
      edLambda :: Double
    } deriving (Eq, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance Show ExponentialDistribution where
  showsPrec n (ED l) = defaultShow1 "exponential" l n
instance Read ExponentialDistribution where
  readPrec = defaultReadPrecM1 "exponential" exponentialE

instance ToJSON ExponentialDistribution
instance FromJSON ExponentialDistribution where
  parseJSON (Object v) = do
    l <- v .: "edLambda"
    maybe (fail $ errMsg l) return $ exponentialE l
  parseJSON _ = empty

instance Binary ExponentialDistribution where
  put = put . edLambda
  get = do
    l <- get
    maybe (fail $ errMsg l) return $ exponentialE l

instance D.Distribution ExponentialDistribution where
    cumulative      = cumulative
    complCumulative = complCumulative

instance D.ContDistr ExponentialDistribution where
    density (ED l) x
      | x < 0     = 0
      | otherwise = l * exp (-l * x)
    logDensity (ED l) x
      | x < 0     = m_neg_inf
      | otherwise = log l + (-l * x)
    quantile      = quantile
    complQuantile = complQuantile

instance D.Mean ExponentialDistribution where
    mean (ED l) = 1 / l

instance D.Variance ExponentialDistribution where
    variance (ED l) = 1 / (l * l)

instance D.MaybeMean ExponentialDistribution where
    maybeMean = Just . D.mean

instance D.MaybeVariance ExponentialDistribution where
    maybeStdDev   = Just . D.stdDev
    maybeVariance = Just . D.variance

instance D.Entropy ExponentialDistribution where
  entropy (ED l) = 1 - log l

instance D.MaybeEntropy ExponentialDistribution where
  maybeEntropy = Just . D.entropy

instance D.ContGen ExponentialDistribution where
  genContVar = MWC.exponential . edLambda

cumulative :: ExponentialDistribution -> Double -> Double
cumulative (ED l) x | x <= 0    = 0
                    | otherwise = 1 - exp (-l * x)

complCumulative :: ExponentialDistribution -> Double -> Double
complCumulative (ED l) x | x <= 0    = 1
                         | otherwise = exp (-l * x)

quantile :: ExponentialDistribution -> Double -> Double
quantile (ED l) p
  | p >= 0 && p <= 1 = - log1p(-p) / l
  | otherwise        =
    error $ "Statistics.Distribution.Exponential.quantile: p must be in [0,1] range. Got: "++show p

complQuantile :: ExponentialDistribution -> Double -> Double
complQuantile (ED l) p
  | p == 0          = 0
  | p >= 0 && p < 1 = -log p / l
  | otherwise       =
    error $ "Statistics.Distribution.Exponential.quantile: p must be in [0,1] range. Got: "++show p

-- | Create an exponential distribution.
exponential :: Double            -- ^ Rate parameter.
            -> ExponentialDistribution
exponential l = maybe (error $ errMsg l) id $ exponentialE l

-- | Create an exponential distribution.
exponentialE :: Double            -- ^ Rate parameter.
             -> Maybe ExponentialDistribution
exponentialE l
  | l > 0     = Just (ED l)
  | otherwise = Nothing

errMsg :: Double -> String
errMsg l = "Statistics.Distribution.Exponential.exponential: scale parameter must be positive. Got " ++ show l

-- | Create exponential distribution from sample. Returns @Nothing@ if
--   sample is empty or contains negative elements. No other tests are
--   made to check whether it truly is exponential.
instance D.FromSample ExponentialDistribution Double where
  fromSample xs
    | G.null xs       = Nothing
    | G.all (>= 0) xs = Nothing
    | otherwise       = Just $! ED (S.mean xs)