{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts #-}
module StatusNotifier.Watcher.Service where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import DBus
import DBus.Client
import DBus.Generation
import DBus.Internal.Message as M
import DBus.Internal.Types
import qualified DBus.Internal.Types as T
import qualified DBus.Introspection as I
import qualified DBus.TH as DBusTH
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Int
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import qualified StatusNotifier.Item.Client as Item
import StatusNotifier.Util
import StatusNotifier.Watcher.Constants
import StatusNotifier.Watcher.Signals
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Log.Logger
import Text.Printf
buildWatcher WatcherParams
{ watcherNamespace = interfaceNamespace
, watcherStop = stopWatcher
, watcherPath = path
, watcherDBusClient = mclient
} = do
let watcherInterfaceName = getWatcherInterfaceName interfaceNamespace
logNamespace = "StatusNotifier.Watcher.Service"
log = logM logNamespace INFO
logError = logM logNamespace ERROR
mkLogCb cb msg = lift (log (show msg)) >> cb msg
mkLogMethod method = method { methodHandler = mkLogCb $ methodHandler method }
mkLogProperty name fn =
readOnlyProperty name $ log (coerce name ++ " Called") >> fn
client <- maybe connectSession return mclient
notifierItems <- newMVar []
notifierHosts <- newMVar []
let itemIsRegistered item items =
isJust $ find (== item) items
registerStatusNotifierItem MethodCall
{ methodCallSender = sender }
name = runExceptT $ do
let maybeBusName = getFirst $ mconcat $
map First [T.parseBusName name, sender]
parseServiceError = makeErrorReply errorInvalidParameters $
printf "the provided service %s could not be parsed \
\as a bus name or an object path." name
path = fromMaybe Item.defaultPath $ T.parseObjectPath name
remapErrorName =
left $ (`makeErrorReply` "Failed to verify ownership.") .
busName <- ExceptT $ return $ maybeToEither parseServiceError maybeBusName
let item = ItemEntry { serviceName = busName
, servicePath = path
hasOwner <- ExceptT $ remapErrorName <$>
DBusTH.nameHasOwner client (coerce busName)
lift $ modifyMVar_ notifierItems $ \currentItems ->
if itemIsRegistered item currentItems
return currentItems
emitStatusNotifierItemRegistered client $ coerce busName
return $ item : currentItems
registerStatusNotifierHost name =
let item = ItemEntry { serviceName = busName_ name
, servicePath = "/StatusNotifierHost"
} in
modifyMVar_ notifierHosts $ \currentHosts ->
if itemIsRegistered item currentHosts
return currentHosts
emitStatusNotifierHostRegistered client
return $ item : currentHosts
registeredStatusNotifierItems :: IO [String]
registeredStatusNotifierItems =
map (coerce . serviceName) <$> readMVar notifierItems
registeredSNIEntries :: IO [(String, String)]
registeredSNIEntries =
map getTuple <$> readMVar notifierItems
where getTuple (ItemEntry bname path) = (coerce bname, coerce path)
objectPathForItem :: String -> IO (Either Reply String)
objectPathForItem name =
maybeToEither notFoundError . fmap (coerce . servicePath) .
find ((== busName_ name) . serviceName) <$>
readMVar notifierItems
where notFoundError =
makeErrorReply errorInvalidParameters $
printf "Service %s is not registered." name
isStatusNotifierHostRegistered = not . null <$> readMVar notifierHosts
protocolVersion = return 1 :: IO Int32
filterDeadService :: String -> MVar [ItemEntry] -> IO [ItemEntry]
filterDeadService deadService mvar = modifyMVar mvar $
return . partition ((/= busName_ deadService) . serviceName)
handleNameOwnerChanged _ name oldOwner newOwner =
when (newOwner == "") $ do
removedItems <- filterDeadService name notifierItems
unless (null removedItems) $ do
log $ printf "Unregistering item %s because it disappeared." name
emitStatusNotifierItemUnregistered client name
removedHosts <- filterDeadService name notifierHosts
unless (null removedHosts) $
log $ printf "Unregistering host %s because it disappeared." name
return ()
watcherMethods = map mkLogMethod
[ autoMethodWithMsg "RegisterStatusNotifierItem"
, autoMethod "RegisterStatusNotifierHost"
, autoMethod "StopWatcher"
, autoMethod "GetObjectPathForItemName"
watcherProperties =
[ mkLogProperty "RegisteredStatusNotifierItems"
, mkLogProperty "RegisteredSNIEntries"
, mkLogProperty "IsStatusNotifierHostRegistered"
, mkLogProperty "ProtocolVersion"
watcherInterface =
{ interfaceName = watcherInterfaceName
, interfaceMethods = watcherMethods
, interfaceProperties = watcherProperties
, interfaceSignals = watcherSignals
startWatcher = do
nameRequestResult <- requestName client (coerce watcherInterfaceName) []
case nameRequestResult of
NamePrimaryOwner ->
_ <- DBusTH.registerForNameOwnerChanged client
matchAny handleNameOwnerChanged
export client (fromString path) watcherInterface
_ -> stopWatcher
return nameRequestResult
return (watcherInterface, startWatcher)
{-# NOINLINE watcherInterface #-}
watcherInterface = buildIntrospectionInterface clientInterface
where (clientInterface, _) =
unsafePerformIO $ buildWatcher
defaultWatcherParams { watcherDBusClient = Just undefined }