Copyright | (c) 2022 Composewell Technologies |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | GHC |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Channel m a = Channel {
- svarMrun :: RunInIO m
- outputQueue :: IORef ([ChildEvent a], Int)
- outputDoorBell :: MVar ()
- readOutputQ :: m [ChildEvent a]
- postProcess :: m Bool
- maxWorkerLimit :: Limit
- maxBufferLimit :: Limit
- remainingWork :: Maybe (IORef Count)
- yieldRateInfo :: Maybe YieldRateInfo
- enqueue :: Bool -> (RunInIO m, StreamK m a) -> IO ()
- eagerDispatch :: m ()
- isWorkDone :: IO Bool
- isQueueDone :: IO Bool
- doorBellOnWorkQ :: IORef Bool
- workLoop :: Maybe WorkerInfo -> m ()
- workerThreads :: IORef (Set ThreadId)
- workerCount :: IORef Int
- accountThread :: ThreadId -> m ()
- workerStopMVar :: MVar ()
- svarRef :: Maybe (IORef ())
- svarStats :: SVarStats
- svarInspectMode :: Bool
- svarCreator :: ThreadId
- yield :: Channel m a -> Maybe WorkerInfo -> a -> IO Bool
- stop :: Channel m a -> Maybe WorkerInfo -> IO ()
- stopChannel :: MonadIO m => Channel m a -> m ()
- dumpSVar :: Channel m a -> IO String
- toChannel :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> Stream m a -> m ()
- toChannelK :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> StreamK m a -> m ()
- fromChannel :: MonadAsync m => Channel m a -> Stream m a
- fromChannelK :: MonadAsync m => Channel m a -> StreamK m a
- newAppendChannel :: MonadRunInIO m => (Config -> Config) -> m (Channel m a)
- newInterleaveChannel :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> m (Channel m a)
- pushWorker :: MonadRunInIO m => Count -> Channel m a -> m ()
- dispatchWorker :: MonadRunInIO m => Count -> Channel m a -> m Bool
- dispatchWorkerPaced :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m Bool
- sendWorkerWait :: MonadIO m => Bool -> (Channel m a -> IO ()) -> (Channel m a -> m Bool) -> Channel m a -> m ()
- startChannel :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m ()
- sendWorkerDelay :: Channel m a -> IO ()
- sendWorkerDelayPaced :: Channel m a -> IO ()
- readOutputQPaced :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m [ChildEvent a]
- readOutputQBounded :: MonadRunInIO m => Bool -> Channel m a -> m [ChildEvent a]
- postProcessPaced :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m Bool
- postProcessBounded :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m Bool
- data Channel m a = Channel {
- svarMrun :: RunInIO m
- outputQueue :: IORef ([ChildEvent a], Int)
- outputDoorBell :: MVar ()
- readOutputQ :: m [ChildEvent a]
- postProcess :: m Bool
- maxWorkerLimit :: Limit
- maxBufferLimit :: Limit
- remainingWork :: Maybe (IORef Count)
- yieldRateInfo :: Maybe YieldRateInfo
- enqueue :: Bool -> (RunInIO m, StreamK m a) -> IO ()
- eagerDispatch :: m ()
- isWorkDone :: IO Bool
- isQueueDone :: IO Bool
- doorBellOnWorkQ :: IORef Bool
- workLoop :: Maybe WorkerInfo -> m ()
- workerThreads :: IORef (Set ThreadId)
- workerCount :: IORef Int
- accountThread :: ThreadId -> m ()
- workerStopMVar :: MVar ()
- svarRef :: Maybe (IORef ())
- svarStats :: SVarStats
- svarInspectMode :: Bool
- svarCreator :: ThreadId
- newChannel :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> m (Channel m a)
- withChannel :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m a -> (Channel m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b) -> Stream m b
- withChannelK :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> StreamK m a -> (Channel m b -> StreamK m a -> StreamK m b) -> StreamK m b
- data Config
- defaultConfig :: Config
- maxThreads :: Int -> Config -> Config
- maxBuffer :: Int -> Config -> Config
- data Rate = Rate {}
- rate :: Maybe Rate -> Config -> Config
- avgRate :: Double -> Config -> Config
- minRate :: Double -> Config -> Config
- maxRate :: Double -> Config -> Config
- constRate :: Double -> Config -> Config
- data StopWhen
- stopWhen :: StopWhen -> Config -> Config
- getStopWhen :: Config -> StopWhen
- eager :: Bool -> Config -> Config
- ordered :: Bool -> Config -> Config
- interleaved :: Bool -> Config -> Config
- inspect :: Bool -> Config -> Config
- type MonadAsync m = (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m)
- parEval :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- parRepeatM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> m a -> Stream m a
- parReplicateM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Int -> m a -> Stream m a
- parMapM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- parSequence :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m (m a) -> Stream m a
- parTwo :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- parZipWithM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> b -> m c) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m c
- parZipWith :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> b -> c) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m c
- parMergeByM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> a -> m Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- parMergeBy :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- parListLazy :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a
- parListOrdered :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a
- parListInterleaved :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a
- parListEager :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a
- parListEagerFst :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a
- parListEagerMin :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a
- parList :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> [Stream m a] -> Stream m a
- parApply :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m (a -> b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- parConcat :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m (Stream m a) -> Stream m a
- parConcatMap :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> Stream m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- parConcatIterate :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- fromCallback :: MonadAsync m => ((a -> m ()) -> m ()) -> Stream m a
- parTapCount :: MonadAsync m => (a -> Bool) -> (Stream m Int -> m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- tapCount :: MonadAsync m => (a -> Bool) -> (Stream m Int -> m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- periodic :: MonadIO m => m a -> Double -> Stream m a
- ticks :: MonadIO m => Double -> Stream m ()
- ticksRate :: MonadAsync m => Rate -> Stream m ()
- interject :: MonadAsync m => m a -> Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- takeInterval :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- takeLastInterval :: Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- dropInterval :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- dropLastInterval :: Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- intervalsOf :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- groupsOfTimeout :: MonadAsync m => Int -> Double -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- sampleIntervalEnd :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- sampleIntervalStart :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- sampleBurst :: MonadAsync m => Bool -> Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- sampleBurstEnd :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- sampleBurstStart :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- classifySessionsByGeneric :: forall m f a b. (MonadAsync m, IsMap f) => Proxy (f :: Type -> Type) -> Double -> Bool -> (Int -> m Bool) -> Double -> Fold m a b -> Stream m (AbsTime, (Key f, a)) -> Stream m (Key f, b)
- classifySessionsBy :: (MonadAsync m, Ord k) => Double -> Bool -> (Int -> m Bool) -> Double -> Fold m a b -> Stream m (AbsTime, (k, a)) -> Stream m (k, b)
- classifySessionsOf :: (MonadAsync m, Ord k) => (Int -> m Bool) -> Double -> Fold m a b -> Stream m (AbsTime, (k, a)) -> Stream m (k, b)
- classifyKeepAliveSessions :: (MonadAsync m, Ord k) => (Int -> m Bool) -> Double -> Fold m a b -> Stream m (AbsTime, (k, a)) -> Stream m (k, b)
- bufferLatest :: Stream m a -> Stream m (Maybe a)
- bufferLatestN :: Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- bufferOldestN :: Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- after :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- bracket :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => m b -> (b -> m c) -> (b -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a
- bracket3 :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => m b -> (b -> m c) -> (b -> m d) -> (b -> m e) -> (b -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a
- finally :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- retry :: (MonadCatch m, Exception e, Ord e) => Map e Int -> (e -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- afterD :: MonadRunInIO m => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- bracket3D :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => m b -> (b -> m c) -> (b -> m d) -> (b -> m e) -> (b -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a
- retryD :: forall e m a. (Exception e, Ord e, MonadCatch m) => Map e Int -> (e -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
Imports for example snippets in this module.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Streamly.Data.Array as Array
import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold
import qualified Streamly.Data.Parser as Parser
import qualified Streamly.Data.StreamK as StreamK
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream as Stream hiding (append2)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Concurrent as Stream
import Prelude hiding (concatMap, concat, zipWith)
delay n = do threadDelay (n * 1000000) -- sleep for n seconds putStrLn (show n ++ " sec") -- print "n sec" return n -- IO Int :}
A mutable channel to evaluate multiple streams concurrently and provide the combined results as output stream.
Channel | |
stopChannel :: MonadIO m => Channel m a -> m () Source #
Stop the channel. Kill all running worker threads.
toChannel :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> Stream m a -> m () Source #
Send a stream to a given channel for concurrent evaluation.
toChannelK :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> StreamK m a -> m () Source #
Write a stream to an SVar
in a non-blocking manner. The stream can then
be read back from the SVar using fromSVar
fromChannel :: MonadAsync m => Channel m a -> Stream m a Source #
Generate a stream of results from concurrent evaluations from a channel. Evaluation of the channel does not start until this API is called. This API must not be called more than once on a channel. It kicks off evaluation of the channel by dispatching concurrent workers and ensures that as long there is work queued on the channel workers are dispatched proportional to the demand by the consumer.
fromChannelK :: MonadAsync m => Channel m a -> StreamK m a Source #
newAppendChannel :: MonadRunInIO m => (Config -> Config) -> m (Channel m a) Source #
Create a new async style concurrent stream evaluation channel. The monad state used to run the stream actions is taken from the call site of newAppendChannel.
newInterleaveChannel :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> m (Channel m a) Source #
Create a new async style concurrent stream evaluation channel. The monad state used to run the stream actions is taken from the call site of newInterleaveChannel.
pushWorker :: MonadRunInIO m => Count -> Channel m a -> m () Source #
dispatchWorker :: MonadRunInIO m => Count -> Channel m a -> m Bool Source #
dispatchWorkerPaced :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m Bool Source #
sendWorkerWait :: MonadIO m => Bool -> (Channel m a -> IO ()) -> (Channel m a -> m Bool) -> Channel m a -> m () Source #
startChannel :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m () Source #
Start the evaluation of the channel's work queue by kicking off a worker. Note: Work queue must not be empty otherwise the worker will exit without doing anything.
sendWorkerDelay :: Channel m a -> IO () Source #
sendWorkerDelayPaced :: Channel m a -> IO () Source #
Read Output
readOutputQPaced :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m [ChildEvent a] Source #
readOutputQBounded :: MonadRunInIO m => Bool -> Channel m a -> m [ChildEvent a] Source #
Postprocess Hook After Reading
postProcessPaced :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m Bool Source #
postProcessBounded :: MonadRunInIO m => Channel m a -> m Bool Source #
A mutable channel to evaluate multiple streams concurrently and provide the combined results as output stream.
Channel | |
newChannel :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> m (Channel m a) Source #
Create a new concurrent stream evaluation channel. The monad state used to run the stream actions is captured from the call site of newChannel.
withChannel :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m a -> (Channel m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b) -> Stream m b Source #
Allocate a channel and evaluate the stream using the channel and the supplied evaluator function. The evaluator is run in a worker thread.
withChannelK :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> StreamK m a -> (Channel m b -> StreamK m a -> StreamK m b) -> StreamK m b Source #
Allocate a channel and evaluate the stream using the channel and the supplied evaluator function. The evaluator is run in a worker thread.
An abstract type for specifying the configuration parameters of a
. Use Config -> Config
modifier functions to modify the default
configuration. See the individual modifier documentation for default values.
defaultConfig :: Config Source #
The fields prefixed by an _ are not to be accessed or updated directly but via smart accessor APIs. Use get/set routines instead of directly accessing the Config fields
maxThreads :: Int -> Config -> Config Source #
Specify the maximum number of threads that can be spawned by the channel. A value of 0 resets the thread limit to default, a negative value means there is no limit. The default value is 1500.
When the actions in a stream are IO bound, having blocking IO calls, this option can be used to control the maximum number of in-flight IO requests. When the actions are CPU bound this option can be used to control the amount of CPU used by the stream.
maxBuffer :: Int -> Config -> Config Source #
Specify the maximum size of the buffer for storing the results from concurrent computations. If the buffer becomes full we stop spawning more concurrent tasks until there is space in the buffer. A value of 0 resets the buffer size to default, a negative value means there is no limit. The default value is 1500.
CAUTION! using an unbounded maxBuffer
value (i.e. a negative value)
coupled with an unbounded maxThreads
value is a recipe for disaster in
presence of infinite streams, or very large streams. Especially, it must
not be used when pure
is used in ZipAsyncM
streams as pure
applicative zip streams generates an infinite stream causing unbounded
concurrent generation with no limit on the buffer or threads.
Rate Control
Specifies the stream yield rate in yields per second (Hertz
We keep accumulating yield credits at rateGoal
. At any point of time we
allow only as many yields as we have accumulated as per rateGoal
since the
start of time. If the consumer or the producer is slower or faster, the
actual rate may fall behind or exceed rateGoal
. We try to recover the gap
between the two by increasing or decreasing the pull rate from the producer.
However, if the gap becomes more than rateBuffer
we try to recover only as
much as rateBuffer
puts a bound on how low the instantaneous rate can go when
recovering the rate gap. In other words, it determines the maximum yield
latency. Similarly, rateHigh
puts a bound on how high the instantaneous
rate can go when recovering the rate gap. In other words, it determines the
minimum yield latency. We reduce the latency by increasing concurrency,
therefore we can say that it puts an upper bound on concurrency.
If the rateGoal
is 0 or negative the stream never yields a value.
If the rateBuffer
is 0 or negative we do not attempt to recover.
rate :: Maybe Rate -> Config -> Config Source #
Specify the stream evaluation rate of a channel.
A Nothing
value means there is no smart rate control, concurrent execution
blocks only if maxThreads
or maxBuffer
is reached, or there are no more
concurrent tasks to execute. This is the default.
When rate (throughput) is specified, concurrent production may be ramped
up or down automatically to achieve the specified stream throughput. The
specific behavior for different styles of Rate
specifications is
documented under Rate
. The effective maximum production rate achieved by
a channel is governed by:
- The
limit - The
limit - The maximum rate that the stream producer can achieve
- The maximum rate that the stream consumer can achieve
Maximum production rate is given by:
\(rate = \frac{maxThreads}{latency}\)
If we know the average latency of the tasks we can set maxThreads
avgRate :: Double -> Config -> Config Source #
Same as rate (Just $ Rate (r/2) r (2*r) maxBound)
Specifies the average production rate of a stream in number of yields
per second (i.e. Hertz
). Concurrent production is ramped up or down
automatically to achieve the specified average yield rate. The rate can
go down to half of the specified rate on the lower side and double of
the specified rate on the higher side.
minRate :: Double -> Config -> Config Source #
Same as rate (Just $ Rate r r (2*r) maxBound)
Specifies the minimum rate at which the stream should yield values. As far as possible the yield rate would never be allowed to go below the specified rate, even though it may possibly go above it at times, the upper limit is double of the specified rate.
maxRate :: Double -> Config -> Config Source #
Same as rate (Just $ Rate (r/2) r r maxBound)
Specifies the maximum rate at which the stream should yield values. As far as possible the yield rate would never be allowed to go above the specified rate, even though it may possibly go below it at times, the lower limit is half of the specified rate. This can be useful in applications where certain resource usage must not be allowed to go beyond certain limits.
constRate :: Double -> Config -> Config Source #
Same as rate (Just $ Rate r r r 0)
Specifies a constant yield rate. If for some reason the actual rate goes above or below the specified rate we do not try to recover it by increasing or decreasing the rate in future. This can be useful in applications like graphics frame refresh where we need to maintain a constant refresh rate.
Stop behavior
Specify when the Channel
should stop.
FirstStops | Stop when the first stream ends. |
AllStop | Stop when all the streams end. |
AnyStops | Stop when any one stream ends. |
getStopWhen :: Config -> StopWhen Source #
Scheduling behavior
eager :: Bool -> Config -> Config Source #
By default, processing of output from the worker threads is given priority
over dispatching new workers. More workers are dispatched only when there is
no output to process. When eager
is set to True
, workers are dispatched
aggresively as long as there is more work to do irrespective of whether
there is output pending to be processed by the stream consumer. However,
dispatching may stop if maxThreads
or maxBuffer
is reached.
Note: This option has no effect when rate has been specified.
Note: Not supported with interleaved
ordered :: Bool -> Config -> Config Source #
When enabled the streams may be evaluated cocnurrently but the results are produced in the same sequence as a serial evaluation would produce.
Note: Not supported with interleaved
interleaved :: Bool -> Config -> Config Source #
Interleave the streams fairly instead of prioritizing the left stream. This schedules all streams in a round robin fashion over limited number of threads.
Note: Can only be used on finite number of streams.
Note: Not supported with ordered
inspect :: Bool -> Config -> Config Source #
Print debug information about the Channel
when the stream ends.
type MonadAsync m = (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) Source #
A monad that can perform concurrent or parallel IO operations. Streams
that can be composed concurrently require the underlying monad to be
Stream combinators using a concurrent channel
Evaluates a stream concurrently using a channel.
parEval :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
evaluates a stream as a whole asynchronously with respect to
the consumer of the stream. A worker thread evaluates multiple elements of
the stream ahead of time and buffers the results; the consumer of the stream
runs in another thread consuming the elements from the buffer, thus
decoupling the production and consumption of the stream. parEval
can be
used to run different stages of a pipeline concurrently.
It is important to note that parEval
does not evaluate individual actions
in the stream concurrently with respect to each other, it merely evaluates
the stream serially but in a different thread than the consumer thread,
thus the consumer and producer can run concurrently. See parMapM
to evaluate actions in the stream concurrently.
The evaluation requires only one thread as only one stream needs to be
evaluated. Therefore, the concurrency options that are relevant to multiple
streams do not apply here e.g. maxThreads, eager, interleaved, ordered,
stopWhen options do not have any effect on parEval
Useful idioms:
parUnfoldrM step = Stream.parEval id . Stream.unfoldrM step
parIterateM step = Stream.parEval id . Stream.iterateM step
Uses a single channel to evaluate all actions.
parRepeatM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> m a -> Stream m a Source #
parRepeatM cfg = Stream.parSequence cfg . Stream.repeat
Generate a stream by repeatedly executing a monadic action forever.
parReplicateM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Int -> m a -> Stream m a Source #
Generate a stream by concurrently performing a monadic action n
parReplicateM cfg n = Stream.parSequence cfg . Stream.replicate n
Example, parReplicateM
in the following example executes all the
replicated actions concurrently, thus taking only 1 second:
Stream.fold Fold.drain $ Stream.parReplicateM id 10 $ delay 1
Uses a single channel to evaluate all actions.
parMapM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
parMapM modifier f = Stream.parConcatMap modifier (Stream.fromEffect . f)
For example, the following finishes in 3 seconds (as opposed to 6 seconds) because all actions run in parallel. Even though results are available out of order they are ordered due to the config option:
f x = delay x >> return x
Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.parMapM (Stream.ordered True) f $ Stream.fromList [3,2,1]
1 sec 2 sec 3 sec [3,2,1]
parSequence :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m (m a) -> Stream m a Source #
parSequence modifier = Stream.parMapM modifier id
Useful idioms:
parFromListM = Stream.parSequence id . Stream.fromList
parFromFoldableM = Stream.parSequence id . StreamK.toStream . StreamK.fromFoldable
Combine two
Use a channel for each pair.
parTwo :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Binary operation to evaluate two streams concurrently using a channel.
If you want to combine more than two streams you almost always want the
or parConcat
operation instead. The performance of this
operation degrades rapidly when more streams are combined as each operation
adds one more concurrent channel. On the other hand, parConcat
uses a
single channel for all streams. However, with this operation you can
precisely control the scheduling by creating arbitrary shape expression
parTwo cfg x y = Stream.parList cfg [x, y]
Example, the following code finishes in 4 seconds:
async = Stream.parTwo id
stream1 = Stream.fromEffect (delay 4)
stream2 = Stream.fromEffect (delay 2)
Stream.fold Fold.toList $ stream1 `async` stream2
2 sec 4 sec [2,4]
parZipWithM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> b -> m c) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m c Source #
Evaluates the streams being zipped in separate threads than the consumer. The zip function is evaluated in the consumer thread.
parZipWithM cfg f m1 m2 = Stream.zipWithM f (Stream.parEval cfg m1) (Stream.parEval cfg m2)
Multi-stream concurrency options won't apply here, see the notes in
If you want to evaluate the zip function as well in a separate thread, you
can use a parEval
on parZipWithM
parZipWith :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> b -> c) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m c Source #
parZipWith cfg f = Stream.parZipWithM cfg (\a b -> return $ f a b)
m1 = Stream.fromList [1,2,3]
m2 = Stream.fromList [4,5,6]
Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.parZipWith id (,) m1 m2
parMergeByM :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> a -> m Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Like mergeByM
but evaluates both the streams concurrently.
parMergeByM cfg f m1 m2 = Stream.mergeByM f (Stream.parEval cfg m1) (Stream.parEval cfg m2)
parMergeBy :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Like mergeBy
but evaluates both the streams concurrently.
parMergeBy cfg f = Stream.parMergeByM cfg (\a b -> return $ f a b)
List of streams
Shares a single channel across many streams.
parListLazy :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a Source #
Like concat
but works on a list of streams.
parListLazy = Stream.parList id
parListOrdered :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a Source #
Like parListLazy
but with ordered
parListOrdered = Stream.parList (Stream.ordered True)
parListInterleaved :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a Source #
Like parListLazy
but interleaves the streams fairly instead of prioritizing
the left stream. This schedules all streams in a round robin fashion over
limited number of threads.
parListInterleaved = Stream.parList (Stream.interleaved True)
parListEager :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a Source #
Like parListLazy
but with eager
parListEager = Stream.parList (Stream.eager True)
parListEagerFst :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a Source #
Like parListEager
but stops the output as soon as the first stream stops.
parListEagerFst = Stream.parList (Stream.eager True . Stream.stopWhen Stream.FirstStops)
parListEagerMin :: MonadAsync m => [Stream m a] -> Stream m a Source #
Like parListEager
but stops the output as soon as any of the two streams
parListEagerMin = Stream.parList (Stream.eager True . Stream.stopWhen Stream.AnyStops)
parList :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> [Stream m a] -> Stream m a Source #
Like parConcat
but works on a list of streams.
parList modifier = Stream.parConcat modifier . Stream.fromList
Stream of streams
parApply :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m (a -> b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
Apply an argument stream to a function stream concurrently. Uses a shared channel for all individual applications within a stream application.
Shares a single channel across many streams.
parConcat :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> Stream m (Stream m a) -> Stream m a Source #
Evaluate the streams in the input stream concurrently and combine them.
parConcat modifier = Stream.parConcatMap modifier id
parConcatMap :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> Stream m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
Map each element of the input to a stream and then concurrently evaluate and concatenate the resulting streams. Multiple streams may be evaluated concurrently but earlier streams are perferred. Output from the streams are used as they arrive.
parConcatMap modifier f stream = Stream.parConcat modifier $ fmap f stream
f cfg xs = Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.parConcatMap cfg id $ Stream.fromList xs
The following streams finish in 4 seconds:
stream1 = Stream.fromEffect (delay 4)
stream2 = Stream.fromEffect (delay 2)
stream3 = Stream.fromEffect (delay 1)
f id [stream1, stream2, stream3]
1 sec 2 sec 4 sec [1,2,4]
Limiting threads to 2 schedules the third stream only after one of the first two has finished, releasing a thread:
f (Stream.maxThreads 2) [stream1, stream2, stream3]
... [2,1,4]
When used with a Single thread it behaves like serial concatMap:
f (Stream.maxThreads 1) [stream1, stream2, stream3]
... [4,2,1]
stream1 = Stream.fromList [1,2,3]
stream2 = Stream.fromList [4,5,6]
f (Stream.maxThreads 1) [stream1, stream2]
Schedule all streams in a round robin fashion over the available threads:
f cfg xs = Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.parConcatMap (Stream.interleaved True . cfg) id $ Stream.fromList xs
stream1 = Stream.fromList [1,2,3]
stream2 = Stream.fromList [4,5,6]
f (Stream.maxThreads 1) [stream1, stream2]
parConcatIterate :: MonadAsync m => (Config -> Config) -> (a -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Same as concatIterate
but concurrent.
fromCallback :: MonadAsync m => ((a -> m ()) -> m ()) -> Stream m a Source #
fromCallback f
creates an entangled pair of a callback and a stream i.e.
whenever the callback is called a value appears in the stream. The function
is invoked with the callback as argument, and the stream is returned.
would store the callback for calling it later for generating values in
the stream.
The callback queues a value to a concurrent channel associated with the stream. The stream can be evaluated safely in any thread.
parTapCount :: MonadAsync m => (a -> Bool) -> (Stream m Int -> m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
parTapCount predicate fold stream
taps the count of those elements in
the stream that pass the predicate
. The resulting count stream is sent to
a fold
running concurrently in another thread.
For example, to print the count of elements processed every second:
rate = Stream.rollingMap2 (flip (-)) . Stream.delayPost 1
report = Stream.fold (Fold.drainMapM print) . rate
tap = Stream.parTapCount (const True) report
go = Stream.fold Fold.drain $ tap $ Stream.enumerateFrom 0
Note: This may not work correctly on 32-bit machines because of Int overflow.
tapCount :: MonadAsync m => (a -> Bool) -> (Stream m Int -> m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Deprecated: Please use parTapCount instead.
Same as parTapCount
. Deprecated.
Imports for Examples
Imports for example snippets in this module.
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Streamly.Data.Array as Array
import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold
import qualified Streamly.Data.Parser as Parser
import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream as Stream (delayPost, timestamped)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Concurrent as Stream (parListEagerFst)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Time as Stream
import Prelude hiding (concatMap, concat)
delay n = do threadDelay (n * 1000000) -- sleep for n seconds putStrLn (show n ++ " sec") -- print "n sec" return n -- IO Int :}
periodic :: MonadIO m => m a -> Double -> Stream m a Source #
Generate a stream by running an action periodically at the specified time interval.
ticks :: MonadIO m => Double -> Stream m () Source #
Generate a tick stream consisting of ()
elements, each tick is generated
after the specified time delay given in seconds.
ticks = Stream.periodic (return ())
ticksRate :: MonadAsync m => Rate -> Stream m () Source #
Generate a tick stream, ticks are generated at the specified Rate
. The
rate is adaptive, the tick generation speed can be increased or decreased at
different times to achieve the specified rate. The specific behavior for
different styles of Rate
specifications is documented under Rate
. The
effective maximum rate achieved by a stream is governed by the processor
tickStream = Stream.repeatM (return ())
ticksRate r = Stream.parEval (Stream.rate (Just r)) tickStream
interject :: MonadAsync m => m a -> Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Intersperse a monadic action into the input stream after every n
interject n f xs = Stream.parListEagerFst [xs, Stream.periodic f n]
s = Stream.fromList "hello"
input = Stream.mapM (\x -> threadDelay 1000000 >> putChar x) s
Stream.fold Fold.drain $ Stream.interject (putChar ',') 1.05 input
takeInterval :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
takeInterval interval
runs the stream only upto the specified time
in seconds.
The interval starts when the stream is evaluated for the first time.
takeLastInterval :: Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Take time interval i
seconds at the end of the stream.
O(n) space, where n is the number elements taken.
dropInterval :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
dropInterval interval
drops all the stream elements that are generated
before the specified interval
in seconds has passed.
The interval begins when the stream is evaluated for the first time.
dropLastInterval :: Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Drop time interval i
seconds at the end of the stream.
O(n) space, where n is the number elements dropped.
intervalsOf :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
Group the input stream into windows of n
second each and then fold each
group using the provided fold function.
twoPerSec = Stream.parEval (Stream.constRate 2) $ Stream.enumerateFrom 1
intervals = Stream.intervalsOf 1 Fold.toList twoPerSec
Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.take 2 intervals
groupsOfTimeout :: MonadAsync m => Int -> Double -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
Like chunksOf
but if the chunk is not completed within the specified
time interval then emit whatever we have collected till now. The chunk
timeout is reset whenever a chunk is emitted. The granularity of the clock
is 100 ms.
s = Stream.delayPost 0.3 $ Stream.fromList [1..1000]
f = Stream.fold (Fold.drainMapM print) $ Stream.groupsOfTimeout 5 1 Fold.toList s
sampleIntervalEnd :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Continuously evaluate the input stream and sample the last event in each
time window of n
This is also known as throttle
in some libraries.
sampleIntervalEnd n = Stream.catMaybes . Stream.intervalsOf n Fold.latest
sampleIntervalStart :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Like sampleInterval
but samples at the beginning of the time window.
sampleIntervalStart n = Stream.catMaybes . Stream.intervalsOf n
sampleBurst :: MonadAsync m => Bool -> Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
sampleBurstEnd :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Sample one event at the end of each burst of events. A burst is a group of events close together in time, it ends when an event is spaced by more than the specified time interval (in seconds) from the previous event.
This is known as debounce
in some libraries.
The clock granularity is 10 ms.
sampleBurstStart :: MonadAsync m => Double -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Like sampleBurstEnd
but samples the event at the beginning of the burst
instead of at the end of it.
Windowed Sessions
classifySessionsByGeneric Source #
:: forall m f a b. (MonadAsync m, IsMap f) | |
=> Proxy (f :: Type -> Type) | |
-> Double | timer tick in seconds |
-> Bool | reset the timer when an event is received |
-> (Int -> m Bool) | predicate to eject sessions based on session count |
-> Double | session timeout in seconds |
-> Fold m a b | Fold to be applied to session data |
-> Stream m (AbsTime, (Key f, a)) | timestamp, (session key, session data) |
-> Stream m (Key f, b) | session key, fold result |
:: (MonadAsync m, Ord k) | |
=> Double | timer tick in seconds |
-> Bool | reset the timer when an event is received |
-> (Int -> m Bool) | predicate to eject sessions based on session count |
-> Double | session timeout in seconds |
-> Fold m a b | Fold to be applied to session data |
-> Stream m (AbsTime, (k, a)) | timestamp, (session key, session data) |
-> Stream m (k, b) | session key, fold result |
classifySessionsBy tick keepalive predicate timeout fold stream
classifies an input event stream
consisting of (timestamp, (key,
into sessions based on the key
, folding all the values
corresponding to the same key into a session using the supplied fold
When the fold terminates or a timeout
occurs, a tuple consisting of the
session key and the folded value is emitted in the output stream. The
timeout is measured from the first event in the session. If the keepalive
option is set to True
the timeout is reset to 0 whenever an event is
The timestamp
in the input stream is an absolute time from some epoch,
characterizing the time when the input event was generated. The notion of
current time is maintained by a monotonic event time clock using the
timestamps seen in the input stream. The latest timestamp seen till now is
used as the base for the current time. When no new events are seen, a timer
is started with a clock resolution of tick
seconds. This timer is used to
detect session timeouts in the absence of new events.
To ensure an upper bound on the memory used the number of sessions can be
limited to an upper bound. If the ejection predicate
returns True
, the
oldest session is ejected before inserting a new session.
When the stream ends any buffered sessions are ejected immediately.
If a session key is received even after a session has finished, another session is created for that key.
Stream.fold (Fold.drainMapM print) $ Stream.classifySessionsBy 1 False (const (return False)) 3 (Fold.take 3 Fold.toList) $ Stream.timestamped $ Stream.delay 0.1 $ Stream.fromList ((,) <$> [1,2,3] <*> ['a','b','c']) :} (1,"abc") (2,"abc") (3,"abc")
:: (MonadAsync m, Ord k) | |
=> (Int -> m Bool) | predicate to eject sessions on session count |
-> Double | time window size |
-> Fold m a b | Fold to be applied to session data |
-> Stream m (AbsTime, (k, a)) | timestamp, (session key, session data) |
-> Stream m (k, b) |
Same as classifySessionsBy
with a timer tick of 1 second and keepalive
option set to False
classifySessionsOf = Stream.classifySessionsBy 1 False
classifyKeepAliveSessions Source #
:: (MonadAsync m, Ord k) | |
=> (Int -> m Bool) | predicate to eject sessions on session count |
-> Double | session inactive timeout |
-> Fold m a b | Fold to be applied to session payload data |
-> Stream m (AbsTime, (k, a)) | timestamp, (session key, session data) |
-> Stream m (k, b) |
Same as classifySessionsBy
with a timer tick of 1 second and keepalive
option set to True
classifyKeepAliveSessions = classifySessionsBy 1 True
Evaluate strictly using a buffer of results. When the buffer becomes full we can block, drop the new elements, drop the oldest element and insert the new at the end.
bufferLatest :: Stream m a -> Stream m (Maybe a) Source #
Always produce the latest available element from the stream without any delay. The stream is continuously evaluated at the highest possible rate and only the latest element is retained for sampling.
bufferLatestN :: Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Evaluate the input stream continuously and keep only the latest n
elements in a ring buffer, keep discarding the older ones to make space for
the new ones. When the output stream is evaluated the buffer collected till
now is streamed and it starts filling again.
bufferOldestN :: Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Evaluate the input stream continuously and keep only the oldest n
elements in the buffer, discard the new ones when the buffer is full. When
the output stream is evaluated the collected buffer is streamed and the
buffer starts filling again.
after :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Run the action m b
whenever the stream Stream m a
stops normally, or
if it is garbage collected after a partial lazy evaluation.
The semantics of the action m b
are similar to the semantics of cleanup
action in bracket
See also after_
bracket :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => m b -> (b -> m c) -> (b -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a Source #
Run the alloc action IO b
with async exceptions disabled but keeping
blocking operations interruptible (see mask
). Use the
output b
of the IO action as input to the function b -> Stream m a
generate an output stream.
is usually a resource under the IO monad, e.g. a file handle, that
requires a cleanup after use. The cleanup action b -> m c
, runs whenever
(1) the stream ends normally, (2) due to a sync or async exception or, (3)
if it gets garbage collected after a partial lazy evaluation. The exception
is not caught, it is rethrown.
only guarantees that the cleanup action runs, and it runs with
async exceptions enabled. The action must ensure that it can successfully
cleanup the resource in the face of sync or async exceptions.
When the stream ends normally or on a sync exception, cleanup action runs immediately in the current thread context, whereas in other cases it runs in the GC context, therefore, cleanup may be delayed until the GC gets to run.
See also: bracket_
Inhibits stream fusion
bracket3 :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => m b -> (b -> m c) -> (b -> m d) -> (b -> m e) -> (b -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a Source #
Like bracket
but can use 3 separate cleanup actions depending on the
mode of termination:
- When the stream stops normally
- When the stream is garbage collected
- When the stream encounters an exception
bracket3 before onStop onGC onException action
runs action
using the
result of before
. If the stream stops, onStop
action is executed, if the
stream is abandoned onGC
is executed, if the stream encounters an
exception onException
is executed.
The exception is not caught, it is rethrown.
finally :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
Run the action m b
whenever the stream Stream m a
stops normally,
aborts due to an exception or if it is garbage collected after a partial
lazy evaluation.
The semantics of running the action m b
are similar to the cleanup action
semantics described in bracket
finally action xs = Stream.bracket (return ()) (const action) (const xs)
See also finally_
Inhibits stream fusion
:: (MonadCatch m, Exception e, Ord e) | |
=> Map e Int | map from exception to retry count |
-> (e -> Stream m a) | default handler for those exceptions that are not in the map |
-> Stream m a | |
-> Stream m a |
takes 3 arguments
- A map
whose keys are exceptions and values are the number of times to retry the action given that the exception occurs. - A handler
that decides how to handle an exception when the exception cannot be retried. - The stream itself that we want to run this mechanism on.
When evaluating a stream if an exception occurs,
- The stream evaluation aborts
- The exception is looked up in
a. If the exception exists and the mapped value is > 0 then,
i. The value is decreased by 1.
ii. The stream is resumed from where the exception was called, retrying the action.
b. If the exception exists and the mapped value is == 0 then the stream evaluation stops.
c. If the exception does not exist then we handle the exception using
afterD :: MonadRunInIO m => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #
bracket3D :: (MonadAsync m, MonadCatch m) => m b -> (b -> m c) -> (b -> m d) -> (b -> m e) -> (b -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a Source #