streamly-core-0.2.1: Streaming, parsers, arrays, serialization and more
Copyright(c) 2019 Composewell Technologies
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Combinators to efficiently manipulate streams of mutable arrays.

We can either push these in the MutArray module with a "chunks" prefix or keep this as a separate module and release it.



chunksOf :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m (MutArray a) Source #

chunksOf n stream groups the elements in the input stream into arrays of n elements each.

Same as the following but may be more efficient:

>>> chunksOf n = Stream.foldMany (MutArray.writeN n)


pinnedChunksOf :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m (MutArray a) Source #

Like chunksOf but creates pinned arrays.

writeChunks :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Int -> Fold m a (StreamK n (MutArray a)) Source #

Buffer a stream into a stream of arrays.

>>> writeChunks n = Fold.many (MutArray.writeN n) Fold.toStreamK

Breaking an array into an array stream can be useful to consume a large array sequentially such that memory of the array is released incrementatlly.

See also: arrayStreamKFromStreamD.


splitOn :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => (a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> Stream m (MutArray a) Source #

Split the array into a stream of slices using a predicate. The element matching the predicate is dropped.



packArraysChunksOf :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Int -> Stream m (MutArray a) -> Stream m (MutArray a) Source #

This mutates the first array (if it has space) to append values from the second one. This would work for immutable arrays as well because an immutable array never has space so a new array is allocated instead of mutating it.

| Coalesce adjacent arrays in incoming stream to form bigger arrays of a maximum specified size. Note that if a single array is bigger than the specified size we do not split it to fit. When we coalesce multiple arrays if the size would exceed the specified size we do not coalesce therefore the actual array size may be less than the specified chunk size.

Since: 0.7.0

lpackArraysChunksOf :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Int -> Fold m (MutArray a) () -> Fold m (MutArray a) () Source #

compact :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Int -> Stream m (MutArray a) -> Stream m (MutArray a) Source #

Coalesce adjacent arrays in incoming stream to form bigger arrays of a maximum specified size in bytes.


compactLE :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Int -> Stream m (MutArray a) -> Stream m (Either ParseError (MutArray a)) Source #

Coalesce adjacent arrays in incoming stream to form bigger arrays of a maximum specified size in bytes.


compactEQ :: Int -> Stream m (MutArray a) -> Stream m (MutArray a) Source #

Like compactLE but generates arrays of exactly equal to the size specified except for the last array in the stream which could be shorter.


compactGE :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Int -> Stream m (MutArray a) -> Stream m (MutArray a) Source #

Like compactLE but generates arrays of size greater than or equal to the specified except for the last array in the stream which could be shorter.



flattenArrays :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Stream m (MutArray a) -> Stream m a Source #

Use the "reader" unfold instead.

flattenArrays = unfoldMany reader

We can try this if there are any fusion issues in the unfold.

flattenArraysRev :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Stream m (MutArray a) -> Stream m a Source #

Use the "readerRev" unfold instead.

flattenArrays = unfoldMany readerRev

We can try this if there are any fusion issues in the unfold.

fromArrayStreamK :: (Unbox a, MonadIO m) => StreamK m (MutArray a) -> m (MutArray a) Source #

Convert an array stream to an array. Note that this requires peak memory that is double the size of the array stream.