Definitions of strict linked list.

Most basic operations like `fmap`, `filter`, `<*>`
can only be implemented efficiently by producing an intermediate list in reversed order
and then reversing it to the original order.
These intermediate reversed functions are exposed by the API,
because they very well may be useful for efficient implementations of data-structures built on top of list.
E.g., the <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/deque "deque"> package exploits them heavily.

One useful rule of thumb would be that
whenever you see that a function has a reversed counterpart,
that counterpart is faster and hence if you don't care about the order or
intend to reverse the list further down the line, you should give preference to that counterpart.

The typical `toList` and `fromList` conversions are provided by means of
the `Foldable` and `IsList` instances.
module StrictList where

import StrictList.Prelude hiding (take, drop, takeWhile, dropWhile, reverse)

Strict linked list.
data List a = Cons !a !(List a) | Nil deriving
  (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Generic1, Data, Typeable)

instance IsList (List a) where
  type Item (List a) = a
  fromList = reverse . fromListReversed
  toList = foldr (:) []

instance Semigroup (List a) where
  (<>) a b = case b of
    Nil -> a
    _ -> prependReversed (reverse a) b

instance Monoid (List a) where
  mempty = Nil
  mappend = (<>)

instance Functor List where
  fmap f = reverse . mapReversed f

instance Foldable List where
  foldr step init = let
    loop = \ case
      Cons head tail -> step head (loop tail)
      _ -> init
    in loop
  foldl' step init = let
    loop !acc = \ case
      Cons head tail -> loop (step acc head) tail
      _ -> acc
    in loop init

instance Traversable List where
  sequenceA = foldr (liftA2 Cons) (pure Nil)

instance Apply List where
  (<.>) fList aList = apReversed (reverse fList) (reverse aList)

instance Applicative List where
  pure a = Cons a Nil
  (<*>) = (<.>)

instance Alt List where
  (<!>) = mappend

instance Plus List where
  zero = mempty

instance Alternative List where
  empty = zero
  (<|>) = (<!>)

instance Bind List where
  (>>-) ma amb = reverse (explodeReversed amb ma)
  join = reverse . joinReversed

instance Monad List where
  return = pure
  (>>=) = (>>-)

instance MonadPlus List where
  mzero = empty
  mplus = (<|>)

instance Hashable a => Hashable (List a)

Reverse the list.
reverse :: List a -> List a
reverse = foldl' (flip Cons) Nil

Leave only the specified amount of elements.
take :: Int -> List a -> List a
take amount = reverse . takeReversed amount

Leave only the specified amount of elements, in reverse order.
takeReversed :: Int -> List a -> List a
takeReversed = let
  loop !output !amount = if amount > 0
    then \ case
      Cons head tail -> loop (Cons head output) (pred amount) tail
      _ -> output
    else const output
  in loop Nil

Leave only the elements after the specified amount of first elements.
drop :: Int -> List a -> List a
drop amount = if amount > 0
  then \ case
    Cons _ tail -> drop (pred amount) tail
    _ -> Nil
  else id

Leave only the elements satisfying the predicate.
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filter predicate = reverse . filterReversed predicate

Leave only the elements satisfying the predicate,
producing a list in reversed order.
filterReversed :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filterReversed predicate = let
  loop !newList = \ case
    Cons head tail -> if predicate head
      then loop (Cons head newList) tail
      else loop newList tail
    Nil -> newList
  in loop Nil

Leave only the first elements satisfying the predicate.
takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
takeWhile predicate = reverse . takeWhileReversed predicate

Leave only the first elements satisfying the predicate,
producing a list in reversed order.
takeWhileReversed :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
takeWhileReversed predicate = let
  loop !newList = \ case
    Cons head tail -> if predicate head
      then loop (Cons head newList) tail
      else newList
    _ -> newList
  in loop Nil

Drop the first elements satisfying the predicate.
dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
dropWhile predicate = \ case
  Cons head tail -> if predicate head
    then dropWhile predicate tail
    else Cons head tail
  Nil -> Nil

An optimized version of the same predicate applied to `takeWhile` and `dropWhile`.

>span predicate list = (takeWhile predicate list, dropWhile predicate list)
span :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
span predicate = first reverse . spanReversed predicate

Same as `span`, only with the first list in reverse order.
spanReversed :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
spanReversed predicate = let
  buildPrefix !prefix = \ case
    Cons head tail -> if predicate head
      then buildPrefix (Cons head prefix) tail
      else (prefix, Cons head tail)
    _ -> (prefix, Nil)
  in buildPrefix Nil

An opposite version of `span`. I.e.,

>break predicate = span (not . predicate)
break :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
break predicate = first reverse . breakReversed predicate

Same as `break`, only with the first list in reverse order.
breakReversed :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
breakReversed predicate = let
  buildPrefix !prefix = \ case
    Cons head tail -> if predicate head
      then (prefix, Cons head tail)
      else buildPrefix (Cons head prefix) tail
    _ -> (prefix, Nil)
  in buildPrefix Nil

Same as @(`takeWhile` predicate . `reverse`)@.

>>> takeWhileFromEnding (> 2) (fromList [1,4,2,3,4,5])
fromList [5,4,3]
takeWhileFromEnding :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
takeWhileFromEnding predicate = foldl'
  (\ newList a -> if predicate a
    then Cons a newList
    else Nil)

Same as @(`dropWhile` predicate . `reverse`)@.

>>> dropWhileFromEnding (> 2) (fromList [1,4,2,3,4,5])
fromList [2,4,1]
dropWhileFromEnding :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
dropWhileFromEnding predicate = let
  loop confirmed unconfirmed = \ case
    Cons head tail -> if predicate head
      then loop confirmed (Cons head unconfirmed) tail
      else let
        !newConfirmed = Cons head unconfirmed
        in loop newConfirmed newConfirmed tail
    Nil -> confirmed
  in loop Nil Nil

Same as @(`span` predicate . `reverse`)@.
spanFromEnding :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
spanFromEnding predicate = let
  loop !confirmedPrefix !unconfirmedPrefix !suffix = \ case
    Cons head tail -> if predicate head
      then loop confirmedPrefix (Cons head unconfirmedPrefix) (Cons head suffix) tail
      else let
        !prefix = Cons head unconfirmedPrefix
        in loop prefix prefix Nil tail
    Nil -> (suffix, confirmedPrefix)
  in loop Nil Nil Nil

Pattern match on list using functions.

Allows to achieve all the same as `uncons` only without intermediate `Maybe`.

Essentially provides the same functionality as `either` for `Either` and `maybe` for `Maybe`.
match :: result -> (element -> List element -> result) -> List element -> result
match nil cons = \ case
  Cons head tail -> cons head tail
  Nil -> nil

Get the first element and the remainder of the list if it's not empty.
uncons :: List a -> Maybe (a, List a)
uncons = \ case
  Cons head tail -> Just (head, tail)
  _ -> Nothing

Get the first element, if list is not empty.
head :: List a -> Maybe a
head = \ case
  Cons head _ -> Just head
  _ -> Nothing

Get the last element, if list is not empty.
last :: List a -> Maybe a
last = let
  loop !previous = \ case
    Cons head tail -> loop (Just head) tail
    _ -> previous
  in loop Nothing

Get all elements of the list but the first one.
tail :: List a -> List a
tail = \ case
  Cons _ tail -> tail
  Nil -> Nil

Get all elements but the last one.
init :: List a -> List a
init = reverse . initReversed

Get all elements but the last one, producing the results in reverse order.
initReversed :: List a -> List a
initReversed = let
  loop !confirmed !unconfirmed = \ case
    Cons head tail -> loop unconfirmed (Cons head unconfirmed) tail
    _ -> confirmed
  in loop Nil Nil

Apply the functions in the left list to elements in the right one.
apZipping :: List (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
apZipping left right = apZippingReversed (reverse left) (reverse right)

Apply the functions in the left list to elements in the right one,
producing a list of results in reversed order.
apZippingReversed :: List (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
apZippingReversed = let
  loop bList = \ case
    Cons f fTail -> \ case
      Cons a aTail -> loop (Cons (f a) bList) fTail aTail
      _ -> bList
    _ -> const bList
  in loop Nil

-- ** Reversed intermediate functions used in instances

Construct from a lazy list in reversed order.
fromListReversed :: [a] -> List a
fromListReversed = foldl' (flip Cons) Nil

Add elements of the left list in reverse order
in the beginning of the right list.
prependReversed :: List a -> List a -> List a
prependReversed = \ case
  Cons head tail -> prependReversed tail . Cons head
  Nil -> id

Map producing a list in reversed order.
mapReversed :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
mapReversed f = let
  loop !newList = \ case
    Cons head tail -> loop (Cons (f head) newList) tail
    _ -> newList
  in loop Nil

Apply the functions in the left list to every element in the right one,
producing a list of results in reversed order.
apReversed :: List (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
apReversed fList aList = foldl' (\ z f -> foldl' (\ z a -> Cons (f a) z) z aList) Nil fList

Use a function to produce a list of lists and then concat them sequentially,
producing the results in reversed order.
explodeReversed :: (a -> List b) -> List a -> List b
explodeReversed amb = foldl' (\ z -> foldl' (flip Cons) z . amb) Nil

Join (concat) producing results in reversed order.
joinReversed :: List (List a) -> List a
joinReversed = foldl' (foldl' (flip Cons)) Nil