{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Summoner.CLI
( summon
) where
import Universum
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import NeatInterpolation (text)
import Options.Applicative (Parser, ParserInfo, command, execParser, flag, fullDesc, help, helper,
info, infoFooter, infoHeader, infoOption, long, metavar, optional,
progDesc, short, strArgument, strOption, subparser)
import Options.Applicative.Help.Chunk (stringChunk)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import Paths_summoner (version)
import Summoner.Ansi (Color (Green), beautyPrint, bold, errorMessage, infoMessage, setColor,
import Summoner.Config (ConfigP (..), PartialConfig, defaultConfig, finalise, loadFileConfig)
import Summoner.Default (defaultConfigFile, endLine)
import Summoner.Project (generateProject)
import Summoner.ProjectData (CustomPrelude (..), Decision (..))
import Summoner.Validation (Validation (..))
summon :: IO ()
summon = execParser prsr >>= runWithOptions
runWithOptions :: InitOpts -> IO ()
runWithOptions (InitOpts projectName maybeFile cliConfig) = do
fileConfig <- readFileConfig maybeFile
let unionConfig = defaultConfig <> fileConfig <> cliConfig
finalConfig <- case finalise unionConfig of
Success c -> pure c
Failure msgs -> do
for_ msgs errorMessage
generateProject projectName finalConfig
beautyPrint [bold, setColor Green] "\nJob's done\n"
readFileConfig :: Maybe FilePath -> IO PartialConfig
readFileConfig maybeFile = do
(isDefault, file) <- case maybeFile of
Nothing -> (True,) <$> defaultConfigFile
Just x -> pure (False, x)
isFile <- doesFileExist file
if isFile then do
infoMessage $ "Configurations from " <> toText file <> " will be used."
loadFileConfig file
else if isDefault then do
fp <- toText <$> defaultConfigFile
warningMessage $ "Default config " <> fp <> " file is missing."
pure mempty
else do
errorMessage $ "Specified configuration file " <> toText file <> " is not found."
data InitOpts = InitOpts Text (Maybe FilePath) PartialConfig
targetsP :: Decision -> Parser PartialConfig
targetsP d = do
cGitHub <- githubP d
cTravis <- travisP d
cAppVey <- appVeyorP d
cPrivate <- privateP d
cScript <- scriptP d
cLib <- libraryP d
cExe <- execP d
cTest <- testP d
cBench <- benchmarkP d
pure mempty
{ cGitHub = cGitHub
, cTravis = cTravis
, cAppVey = cAppVey
, cPrivate= cPrivate
, cScript = cScript
, cLib = cLib
, cExe = cExe
, cTest = cTest
, cBench = cBench
githubP :: Decision -> Parser Decision
githubP d = flag Idk d
$ long "github"
<> short 'g'
<> help "GitHub integration"
travisP :: Decision -> Parser Decision
travisP d = flag Idk d
$ long "travis"
<> short 'c'
<> help "Travis CI integration"
appVeyorP :: Decision -> Parser Decision
appVeyorP d = flag Idk d
$ long "app-veyor"
<> short 'w'
<> help "AppVeyor CI integration"
privateP :: Decision -> Parser Decision
privateP d = flag Idk d
$ long "private"
<> short 'p'
<> help "Private repository"
scriptP :: Decision -> Parser Decision
scriptP d = flag Idk d
$ long "script"
<> short 's'
<> help "Build script for convenience"
libraryP :: Decision -> Parser Decision
libraryP d = flag Idk d
$ long "library"
<> short 'l'
<> help "Library folder"
execP :: Decision -> Parser Decision
execP d = flag Idk d
$ long "exec"
<> short 'e'
<> help "Executable target"
testP :: Decision -> Parser Decision
testP d = flag Idk d
$ long "test"
<> short 't'
<> help "Test target"
benchmarkP :: Decision -> Parser Decision
benchmarkP d = flag Idk d
$ long "benchmark"
<> short 'b'
<> help "Benchmarks"
withP :: Parser PartialConfig
withP = subparser $ mconcat
[ metavar "with [OPTIONS]"
, command "with" $ info (helper <*> targetsP Yes) (progDesc "Specify options to enable")
withoutP :: Parser PartialConfig
withoutP = subparser $ mconcat
[ metavar "without [OPTIONS]"
, command "without" $ info (helper <*> targetsP Nop) (progDesc "Specify options to disable")
fileP :: Parser FilePath
fileP = strOption
$ long "file"
<> short 'f'
<> metavar "FILENAME"
<> help "Path to the toml file with configurations. If not specified '~/.summoner.toml' will be used if present"
preludePackP :: Parser Text
preludePackP = strOption
$ long "prelude-package"
<> metavar "PACKAGE_NAME"
<> help "Name for the package of the custom prelude to use in the project"
preludeModP :: Parser Text
preludeModP = strOption
$ long "prelude-module"
<> metavar "MODULE_NAME"
<> help "Name for the module of the custom prelude to use in the project"
cabalP :: Parser Decision
cabalP = flag Idk Yes
$ long "cabal"
<> help "Cabal support for the project"
stackP :: Parser Decision
stackP = flag Idk Yes
$ long "stack"
<> help "Stack support for the project"
optsP :: Parser InitOpts
optsP = do
projectName <- strArgument (metavar "PROJECT_NAME")
cabal <- cabalP
stack <- stackP
with <- optional withP
without <- optional withoutP
file <- optional fileP
preludePack <- optional preludePackP
preludeMod <- optional preludeModP
pure $ InitOpts projectName file
$ (maybeToMonoid $ with <> without)
{ cPrelude = Last $ Prelude <$> preludePack <*> preludeMod
, cCabal = cabal
, cStack = stack
versionP :: Parser (a -> a)
versionP = infoOption summonerVersion
$ long "version"
<> short 'v'
<> help "Show summoner's version"
summonerVersion :: String
summonerVersion = showVersion version
prsr :: ParserInfo InitOpts
prsr = modifyHeader
$ modifyFooter
$ info ( helper <*> versionP <*> optsP )
$ fullDesc
<> progDesc "Create your own haskell project"
modifyHeader :: ParserInfo InitOpts -> ParserInfo InitOpts
modifyHeader initOpts = initOpts {infoHeader = stringChunk $ toString artHeader}
modifyFooter :: ParserInfo InitOpts -> ParserInfo InitOpts
modifyFooter initOpts = initOpts {infoFooter = stringChunk $ toString artFooter}
artHeader :: Text
artHeader = [text|
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│ │\_. │ Summoner — tool for creating Haskell projects │
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│ │_____________________________________________╱
│ │
╲ ╱
artFooter :: Text
artFooter = [text|
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