-- | Provides functions to check if a given instance together with some
--   arguments to instantiate it, is actually instantiated by those arguments.
--   Also provides functions to produce evidence for the instantiations if
--   necessary.
module Control.Super.Plugin.Evidence
  ( matchInstanceTyVars
  , matchInstanceTyVars'
  , produceEvidenceFor
  , produceEvidenceForCt
  , isPotentiallyInstantiatedCt
  ) where

import Data.Either ( isLeft )
import Data.List ( find )
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Control.Monad ( forM )

import Type
  ( Type, TyVar
  , mkTyVarTy, mkAppTys, mkTyConTy
  , substTy, substTys
  , eqType
  , getClassPredTys_maybe, getClassPredTys
  , getEqPredTys_maybe, getEqPredTys, getEqPredRole
  , getTyVar_maybe
  , splitTyConApp_maybe, splitFunTy_maybe, splitAppTy_maybe )
import TyCon
  ( TyCon
  , isTypeFamilyTyCon, isTypeSynonymTyCon )
import Class ( Class, classTyCon )
import Coercion ( Coercion )
import CoAxiom ( Role(..) )
import InstEnv
  ( ClsInst(..)
  , instanceSig
  , lookupUniqueInstEnv )
import Unify ( tcUnifyTys )
import TcRnTypes ( Ct, isGivenCt, ctPred, ctEvidence, ctEvTerm )
import TcType ( isAmbiguousTyVar )
import TcEvidence 
  ( EvTerm( EvDFunApp, EvCoercion )
  , mkEvCast
  , mkTcSymCo, mkTcReflCo )
import TcPluginM
  ( TcPluginM
  , getInstEnvs, getFamInstEnvs )
import FamInstEnv ( normaliseType )
import Outputable ( ($$), SDoc )
import qualified Outputable as O

-- import qualified Control.Super.Plugin.Collection.Set as S
import Control.Super.Plugin.Wrapper
  ( mkTypeVarSubst
  , mkTcCoercion
  , lookupInstEnv
  , produceTupleEvidence
  , isTupleTyCon )
import Control.Super.Plugin.Constraint 
  ( GivenCt
  , constraintClassType
  , constraintPredicateType )
import Control.Super.Plugin.Utils
  ( fromLeft, fromRight
  , allM
  , collectTyVars
  , partiallyApplyTyCons
  , skolemVarsBindFun )
import qualified Control.Super.Plugin.Log as L
--import qualified Control.Super.Plugin.Debug as D

-- | Try to evaluate the given type as far as possible by evaluating contained
--   type families and expanding type synonyms.
evaluateType :: Role -> Type -> TcPluginM (Coercion, Type)
evaluateType r t = do
  famInstEnvs <- getFamInstEnvs
  return $ normaliseType famInstEnvs r t

-- | Trys to see if the given arguments match the class instance
--   arguments by unification. This only works if the number of arguments
--   given is equal to the arguments taken by the class the instance is of.
--   If the given arguments match the class arguments, a list with a type for
--   each free variable in the instance is returned. This list is in the same
--   order as the list of free variables that can be retrieved from the instance.
--   This function is meant for use in conjunction with 'isInstanceOf',
--   'isInstantiatedBy' and 'produceEvidenceFor'.
--   The second element of the pair shows how each ambiguous type variable in 
--   the given list type arguments would be bound by the instance.
matchInstanceTyVars :: ClsInst -> [Type] -> Maybe ([Type], [(TyVar, Type)])
matchInstanceTyVars inst instArgs = do
  let ambVars = Set.toList $ Set.filter isAmbiguousTyVar $ Set.unions $ fmap collectTyVars instArgs
  matchInstanceTyVars' ambVars inst instArgs

-- | Trys to see if the given arguments match the class instance
--   arguments by unification. This only works if the number of arguments
--   given is equal to the arguments taken by the class the instance is of.
--   If the given arguments match the class arguments, a list with a type for
--   each free variable in the instance is returned. This list is in the same
--   order as the list of free variables that can be retrieved from the instance.
--   The first argument gives those variables that should be bound and their substitution 
--   be returned.
--   The second element of the pair shows how each given type variable in 
--   the list type argumproduceEvidenceForCtents would be bound by the instance.
matchInstanceTyVars' :: [TyVar] -> ClsInst -> [Type] -> Maybe ([Type], [(TyVar, Type)])
matchInstanceTyVars' varsToBind inst instArgs = do
  let (instVars, _cts, _cls, tyArgs) = instanceSig inst
  let constVars = Set.toList $ (Set.unions $ fmap collectTyVars instArgs) Set.\\ (Set.fromList varsToBind)
  subst <- tcUnifyTys (skolemVarsBindFun constVars) tyArgs instArgs
  return $ (substTy subst . mkTyVarTy <$> instVars, fmap (\v -> (v, substTy subst $ mkTyVarTy v)) varsToBind)

-- | Apply the given instance dictionary to the given type arguments
--   and try to produce evidence for the application.
--   This function should properly work with type synonyms and type functions.
--   It only produces evidence for type equalities if they are trivial, i.e., @a ~ a@.
--   Handles 'Bind' constraints that can be resolved with the functor or 
--   apply instance specially. This leads to 'Bind Identity Identity Identity'
--   being solved although there is no unique matching instance for it.
  :: [GivenCt] -- ^ The given constraints that can be used when producing evidence.
               --   Be aware that only actually /given/ constraints (as in 'isGivenCt') 
               --   are useful here, because only those produce evidence for themselves.
               --   All other constraints will be ignored.
  -> ClsInst   -- ^ The instance to produce evidence for.
  -> [Type]    -- ^ The type arguments of the instance. These 
               --   have to be given in order of the instance 
               --   variables ('is_tvs'). It has to match the number of open variables of the
               --   given instance dictionary in length. See 'matchInstanceTyVars' to achieve this.
  -> TcPluginM (Either SDoc EvTerm) -- ^ Either an error if evidence can not 
                                    -- be produced or the actual evidence.
produceEvidenceFor givenCts inst instArgs = do
  -- Get the instance type variables and constraints (by that we know the
  -- number of type arguments and dictionart arguments for the EvDFunApp)
  let (tyVars, instCts, _cls, _tyArgs) = instanceSig inst -- ([TyVar], [Type], Class, [Type])
  -- How the instance variables for the current instance are bound.
  let varSubst = mkTypeVarSubst $ zip tyVars instArgs
  -- Now go over each constraint and find a suitable instance and evidence.
  -- Don't forget to substitute all variables for their actual values,
  ctEvTerms <- forM (substTys varSubst instCts) $ produceEvidenceForCtType givenCts
  -- If we found a good instance and evidence for every constraint,
  -- we can create the evidence for this instance.
  return $ if any isLeft ctEvTerms
    then Left
      $ O.text "Can't produce evidence for instance:"
      $$ O.ppr inst
      $$ O.text "Reason:"
      $$ O.vcat (fromLeft <$> filter isLeft ctEvTerms)
    else Right $ EvDFunApp (is_dfun inst) instArgs (fromRight <$> ctEvTerms)

-- | Try to find evidence that proves the given constraint. Only works 
--   properly if there is only one instance matching the given constraint
--   and if the constraint does not contain ambiguous variables.
--   Handles 'Bind' constraints that can be resolved with the functor or 
--   apply instance specially. This leads to 'Bind Identity Identity Identity'
--   being solved although there is no unique matching instance for it.
produceEvidenceForCt :: [GivenCt] -- ^ The given constraints to be used when producing evidence.
                     -> Ct -- ^ The constraint to produce evidence for.
                     -> TcPluginM (Either SDoc EvTerm)
produceEvidenceForCt givenCts ct =
  produceEvidenceForCtType givenCts $ constraintPredicateType ct

-- | Try to find evidence that proves the given constraint given by the type 
--   representing the constraint predicate. Only works 
--   properly if there is only one instance matching the given constraint
--   and if the constraint does not contain ambiguous variables.
--   Handles 'Bind' constraints that can be resolved with the functor or 
--   apply instance specially. This leads to 'Bind Identity Identity Identity'
--   being solved although there is no unique matching instance for it.
produceEvidenceForCtType :: [GivenCt] -- ^ The given constraints to be used when producing evidence.
                         -> Type -- ^ The constraint to produce evidence for, given as a type.
                         -> TcPluginM (Either SDoc EvTerm)
produceEvidenceForCtType givenCts ct =
  case splitTyConApp_maybe ct of
    -- Do we have a tuple of constraints?
    Just (tc, tcArgs) | isTupleTyCon tc -> do
      produceTupleEvidence ct tc tcArgs produceEvidenceForCtType'
    -- Do we have a type family application?
    Just (tc, _tcArgs) | isTyFunCon tc -> do
      -- Evaluate it...
      (coer, evalCt) <- evaluateType Representational ct
      -- Check if evaluation made progress...
      if eqType ct evalCt 
        -- Evaluation did not make any progress, end with error...
        then do
          return $ Left 
                 $ O.text "Could make progress evaluating a type function:"
                 $$ O.ppr ct
        -- Evaluation could make progress, we can try producing 
        -- evidence for the new constraints...
        else do
          -- Produce evidence for the evaluated term
          eEvEvalCt <- produceEvidenceForCtType' evalCt
          -- Add the appropriate cast to the produced evidence
          return $ (\ev -> mkEvCast ev (mkTcSymCo $ mkTcCoercion coer)) <$> eEvEvalCt
    -- Do we have a type equality constraint?
    _ -> case getEqPredTys_maybe ct of
      -- If there is a synonym or type function in the equality...
      Just _ | containsTyFunApp ct -> do
          -- Evaluate it...
          (coer, evalCt) <- evaluateType Representational ct
          -- Produce evidence for the evaluated term and
          -- add the appropriate cast to the produced evidence
          let (ta, tb) = getEqPredTys evalCt
          let r = getEqPredRole evalCt
          return $ (\ev -> mkEvCast ev (mkTcSymCo $ mkTcCoercion coer)) <$> produceTypeEqEv r ta tb
      -- If there isn't we can just proceed...
      Just (r, ta, tb) -> return $ produceTypeEqEv r ta tb
      -- Do we have a class constraint?
      _ -> case getClassPredTys_maybe ct of
        -- If the class constraint contains a type function application...
        Just _ | containsTyFunApp ct -> do
          -- Evaluate it...
          (coer, evalCt) <- evaluateType Representational ct
          -- Produce evidence for the evaluated term and
          -- add the appropriate cast to the produced evidence
          let (cls, args) = getClassPredTys evalCt
          res <- fmap (\ev -> mkEvCast ev (mkTcSymCo $ mkTcCoercion coer)) <$> produceClassCtEv cls args
          -- If this failed there may still be a given constraint that matches...
          case res of
            Right _ -> return res
            Left _ -> do
              let newRes = (\ev -> mkEvCast ev (mkTcCoercion coer)) <$> produceGivenCtEv evalCt
              return $ case newRes of
                Right _ -> newRes
                Left _ -> res
        -- It is a normal class constraint...
        Just (ctCls, ctArgs) -> do
          res <- produceClassCtEv ctCls ctArgs
          -- If this failed there may still be a given constraint that matches...
          case res of
            Right _ -> return res
            Left _ -> do
              let newRes = produceGivenCtEv ct
              return $ case newRes of
                Right _ -> newRes
                Left _ -> res
        -- In any other case, lets try if one of the given constraints can help...
        _ | containsTyFunApp ct -> do
          -- Evaluate it...
          (coer, evalCt) <- evaluateType Representational ct
          -- and produce the appropriate cast
          return $ (\ev -> mkEvCast ev (mkTcCoercion coer)) <$> produceGivenCtEv evalCt
        -- In any other case, lets try if one of the given constraints can help...
        _ -> return $ produceGivenCtEv ct
    produceEvidenceForCtType' :: Type -> TcPluginM (Either SDoc EvTerm)
    produceEvidenceForCtType' = produceEvidenceForCtType checkedGivenCts
    produceEvidenceFor' :: ClsInst -> [Type] -> TcPluginM (Either SDoc EvTerm)
    produceEvidenceFor' = produceEvidenceFor checkedGivenCts
    -- Ensure there are only given constraints there.
    checkedGivenCts = filter isGivenCt givenCts

    -- We only do the simplest kind of equality constraint solving and
    -- evidence construction.
    produceTypeEqEv :: Role -> Type -> Type -> Either SDoc EvTerm
    produceTypeEqEv r ta tb = if eqType ta tb
      then Right $ EvCoercion $ mkTcReflCo r ta
      else Left
        $ O.text "Can't produce evidence for this type equality constraint:"
        $$ O.ppr ct

    -- Produce evidence of a class constraint.
    produceClassCtEv :: Class -> [Type] -> TcPluginM (Either SDoc EvTerm)
    produceClassCtEv cls args = do
      -- Get global instance environment
      instEnvs <- getInstEnvs
      -- Look for a suitable instance. Since we are not necessarily working
      -- with 'Bind's anymore we need to find a unique one.
      case lookupUniqueInstEnv instEnvs cls args of -- (snd <$> normCtArgs)
        -- No instance found, too bad...
        Left err ->
          return $ Left
            $ O.text "Can't produce evidence for this class constraint:"
            $$ O.ppr ct
            $$ O.text "Lookup error:"
            $$ err
        -- We found one: Now we can produce evidence for the found instance.
        Right (clsInst, instArgs) -> produceEvidenceFor' clsInst instArgs

    -- Try to find a given constraint that matches and use its evidence.
    produceGivenCtEv :: Type -> Either SDoc EvTerm
    produceGivenCtEv cnstrnt = case find (eqType cnstrnt . ctPred) checkedGivenCts of
      -- Check if there is some given constraint that provides evidence
      -- for our constraint.
      Just foundGivenCt -> Right $ ctEvTerm (ctEvidence foundGivenCt)
      -- Nothing delivered a result, give up...
      Nothing -> Left
        $ O.text "Can't produce evidence for this constraint:"
        $$ O.ppr cnstrnt

    -- Is this type constructor something that requires evaluation?
    isTyFunCon :: TyCon -> Bool
    isTyFunCon tc = isTypeFamilyTyCon tc || isTypeSynonymTyCon tc

    -- | Check of the given type is the application of a type family data constructor.
    isTyFunApp :: Type -> Bool
    isTyFunApp t = case splitTyConApp_maybe t of
      Just (tc, _args) -> isTyFunCon tc
      Nothing -> False

    -- | Find out if there is a type function application somewhere inside the type.
    containsTyFunApp :: Type -> Bool
    containsTyFunApp t = isTyFunApp t ||
      case getTyVar_maybe t of
        Just _tv -> False
        Nothing -> case splitTyConApp_maybe t of
          Just (_tc, args) -> any containsTyFunApp args
          Nothing -> case splitFunTy_maybe t of
            Just (ta, tb) -> containsTyFunApp ta || containsTyFunApp tb
            Nothing -> case splitAppTy_maybe t of
              Just (ta, tb) -> containsTyFunApp ta || containsTyFunApp tb
              Nothing -> case getEqPredTys_maybe t of
                Just (_r, ta, tb) -> containsTyFunApp ta || containsTyFunApp tb
                Nothing -> False

-- | Check if a given class constraint can 
--   potentially be instantiated using the given
--   type constructors. By potentially we mean: First, check if an
--   instance can actually be applied to the instance. 
--   Then check if all resulting constraints that do not contain 
--   free variables actually can be instantiated.
--   Note: A constraint is only potentially instantiable if there is only
--   one matching instance for the constraint and all of its implied constraints.
--   Note: This function only handle class constraints. It will always deliver 
--   'False' when another constraint type is given.
  :: [GivenCt] -- ^ The given constraints to be used when producing evidence.
  -> Ct        -- ^ The constraint to check.
  -> [(TyVar, Either TyCon TyVar)] -- ^ Associations to use for type constructor variables in the constraint
  -> TcPluginM Bool -- ^ Will deliver false of the constraint definitly can not 
                    --   be instantiated. If 'True' is returned the constraint 
                    --   either can be instantiated or it is unknown of that is possible.
isPotentiallyInstantiatedCt  givenCts ct assocs = 
  case constraintClassType ct of
    -- If we have a class constraint...
    Just splitCt -> isPotentiallyInstantiatedCtType  givenCts splitCt assocs
    Nothing -> return False

-- | Utility helper for 'isPotentiallyInstantiatedCt' that checks class constraints.
  :: [GivenCt] -- ^ The given constraints to be used when producing evidence.
  -> (Class, [Type]) -- ^ A class and the type arguments for that class to 
                     --   check if the class is potentially instantiated for those arguments.
                     --   The arguments are given in the actual representational order used in Haskell.
  -> [(TyVar, Either TyCon TyVar)] -- ^ Associations to use for type constructor variables in the constraint
  -> TcPluginM Bool
isPotentiallyInstantiatedCtType  givenCts (ctCls, ctArgs) assocs = do
  let produceEvidence :: Type -> TcPluginM (Either SDoc EvTerm)
      produceEvidence = produceEvidenceForCtType  givenCts
  -- Get the type constructors partially applied to some new variables as
  -- is necessary.
  appliedAssocs <- either L.pluginFailSDoc return =<< partiallyApplyTyCons assocs
  -- Create the substitution for the given associations.
  let ctSubst = mkTypeVarSubst $ fmap (\(tv, t, _) -> (tv, t)) appliedAssocs
  -- Substitute variables in the constraint arguments with the type constructors.
  let ctSubstArgs = substTys ctSubst ctArgs
  -- Calculate set of generated type variables in constraints
  let ctGenVars = Set.unions $ fmap (\(_tv, _tcTy, vars) -> Set.fromList vars) appliedAssocs
  -- If there are no ambiguous or generated type variables in the substituted arguments of our constraint
  -- we can simply check if there is evidence.
  if all (not . containsGivenOrAmbiguousTyVar ctGenVars) ctSubstArgs
    then do
      eEv <- produceEvidence $ mkAppTys (mkTyConTy $ classTyCon ctCls) ctSubstArgs
      return $ either (const False) (const True) eEv
    else do
      instEnvs <- getInstEnvs
      let (instMatches, unificationMatches, _) = lookupInstEnv instEnvs ctCls ctSubstArgs
      -- FIXME: for now we only accept our constraint as potentially 
      -- instantiated iff there is only one match.
      if length instMatches + length unificationMatches == 1 
          -- Look at the found instances and check if their implied constraints 
          -- are also potentially instantiable.
          flip allM (fmap fst instMatches ++ unificationMatches) $ \inst -> do
            -- Match the instance variables so we can check the implied constraints.
            case matchInstanceTyVars inst ctSubstArgs of
              Just (instArgs, _) -> do
                let (instVars, instCtTys, _, _) = instanceSig inst
                let instSubst = mkTypeVarSubst $ zip instVars instArgs
                let instSubstCtTys = substTys instSubst instCtTys
                flip allM instSubstCtTys $ \substCtTy -> do
                  if not (containsGivenOrAmbiguousTyVar ctGenVars substCtTy) 
                    -- The implied constraint does not contain generated or
                    -- ambiguous type variable, which means we can actually 
                    -- check its satisfiability.
                    then do
                      eEv <- produceEvidence substCtTy 
                      return $ either (const False) (const True) eEv
                    -- The implied constraint contains generated or ambiguous
                    -- type variables, which means we can't check it, but it
                    -- may potentially be satisfiable.
                    else return True
              -- There was no match, this should never happen.
              Nothing -> return False
        -- We found more then one matching instance for this constraint 
        else return False
    -- Checks if the given type constains any ambiguous variables or if 
    -- it contains any of the given type variables.
    containsGivenOrAmbiguousTyVar :: Set.Set TyVar -> Type -> Bool
    containsGivenOrAmbiguousTyVar givenTvs ty = 
      let tyVars = collectTyVars ty
      in any isAmbiguousTyVar tyVars || not (Set.null (Set.intersection givenTvs tyVars))