{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

Module      : Data.Sv
Copyright   : (C) CSIRO 2017-2018
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : George Wilson <george.wilson@data61.csiro.au>
Stability   : experimental
Portability : non-portable

This module exports most of the other modules from the package. It is intended
to be imported unqualified, along with some qualified imports for the
"Data.Sv.Decode" and "Data.Sv.Encode" modules as needed.

import Data.Sv
import qualified Data.Sv.Decode as D
import qualified Data.Sv.Encode as E

module Data.Sv (
  -- * Decoding
  , parseDecodeFromFile
  , parseDecodeFromDsvCursor
  , parseDecodeNamed
  , parseDecodeNamedFromFile
  , parseDecodeNamedFromDsvCursor
  , decode
  , decodeMay
  , decodeEither
  , decodeEither'
  , (>>==)
  , (==<<)
  , module Data.Sv.Parse
  , module Data.Sv.Decode.Type
  , module Data.Sv.Decode.Error

  -- * Encoding
  , encode
  , encodeToFile
  , encodeToHandle
  , encodeBuilder
  , encodeRow
  , module Data.Sv.Encode.Type
  , module Data.Sv.Encode.Options

  -- * Structure
  , module Data.Sv.Structure

  -- * Re-exports from contravariant, validation, and semigroupoids
  , Alt (..)
  , Contravariant (..)
  , Divisible (..)
  , divided
  , Decidable (..)
  , chosen
  , Validation (..)
) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as AL
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (first))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import HaskellWorks.Data.Dsv.Lazy.Cursor as DSV
import Data.Functor.Alt (Alt (..))
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant (..))
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible (Divisible (..), divided, Decidable (..), chosen)
import Data.Validation (Validation (..))

import Data.Sv.Alien.Cassava (field)
import Data.Sv.Decode
import Data.Sv.Decode.Type
import Data.Sv.Decode.Error
import Data.Sv.Encode
import Data.Sv.Encode.Options
import Data.Sv.Encode.Type
import Data.Sv.Structure
import Data.Sv.Parse

-- | Parse a 'ByteString' as an Sv, and then decode it with the given decoder.
parseDecode ::
  Decode' ByteString a
  -> ParseOptions
  -> LBS.ByteString
  -> DecodeValidation ByteString [a]
parseDecode d opts bs =
  let sep = _separator opts
      cursor = DSV.makeCursor sep bs
  in  parseDecodeFromDsvCursor d opts cursor

-- | Parse a 'ByteString' as an Sv, and then decode it with the given colum
-- based decoder.
parseDecodeNamed ::
  NameDecode' ByteString a
  -> ParseOptions
  -> LBS.ByteString
  -> DecodeValidation ByteString [a]
parseDecodeNamed d opts bs =
  parseDecodeNamedFromDsvCursor d opts
    (DSV.makeCursor (_separator opts) bs)

-- | Load a file, parse it, and decode it.
parseDecodeFromFile ::
  MonadIO m
  => Decode' ByteString a
  -> ParseOptions
  -> FilePath
  -> m (DecodeValidation ByteString [a])
parseDecodeFromFile d opts fp =
  parseDecode d opts <$> liftIO (LBS.readFile fp)

-- | Load a file, parse it, and decode it by column.
parseDecodeNamedFromFile ::
  MonadIO m
  => NameDecode' ByteString a
  -> ParseOptions
  -> FilePath
  -> m (DecodeValidation ByteString [a])
parseDecodeNamedFromFile d opts fp =
  parseDecodeNamed d opts <$> liftIO (LBS.readFile fp)

-- | Decode from a 'DsvCursor'
parseDecodeFromDsvCursor :: Decode' ByteString a -> ParseOptions -> DsvCursor -> DecodeValidation ByteString [a]
parseDecodeFromDsvCursor d opts cursor =
  flip bindValidation (decode d) . traverse (traverse toField) . DSV.toListVector $ case _headedness opts of
    Unheaded -> cursor
    Headed   -> nextPosition (nextRow cursor)

-- | Decode from a 'DsvCursor'
parseDecodeNamedFromDsvCursor :: NameDecode' ByteString a -> ParseOptions -> DsvCursor -> DecodeValidation ByteString [a]
parseDecodeNamedFromDsvCursor n opts cursor =
  let parts =
        case DSV.toListVector cursor of
          [] -> missingHeader
          (header:body) ->
            let header' = traverse toField header
            in  case _headedness opts of
              Unheaded ->
                badConfig $ mconcat
                  [ "Your ParseOptions indicates a CSV with no header (Unheaded),\n"
                  , "but your decoder requires column names."
              Headed   ->
                (,body) <$> bindValidation header' (flip makePositional n)
  in  bindValidation parts $ \(d,b) ->
      flip bindValidation (decode d) $ traverse (traverse toField) b

toField :: LBS.ByteString -> DecodeValidation ByteString ByteString
toField = Prelude.either badParse pure . first UTF8.fromString . AL.eitherResult . AL.parse field