symbolic-base- ZkFold Symbolic compiler and zero-knowledge proof protocols
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




class (FiniteField a, Euclidean (IntegralOf a)) => ResidueField a where Source #

A ResidueField is a FiniteField backed by a Euclidean integral type.

Associated Types

type IntegralOf a :: Type Source #


Instances details
PrimeField (Zp p) => ResidueField (Zp p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.MonadCircuit

Associated Types

type IntegralOf (Zp p) Source #

Finite (Zp n) => ResidueField (MerkleHash ('Just n)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Compiler.ArithmeticCircuit.MerkleHash

Associated Types

type IntegralOf (MerkleHash ('Just n)) Source #

Finite a => ResidueField (WitnessF a v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Compiler.ArithmeticCircuit.Witness

Associated Types

type IntegralOf (WitnessF a v) Source #

(Arithmetic a, Eq (Rep i)) => ResidueField (UVar a i) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Compiler.ArithmeticCircuit.WitnessEstimation

Associated Types

type IntegralOf (UVar a i) Source #


fromIntegral :: IntegralOf (UVar a i) -> UVar a i Source #

toIntegral :: UVar a i -> IntegralOf (UVar a i) Source #

class ResidueField w => Witness i w | w -> i where Source #

A type of witness builders. i is a type of variables.

Witness builders should support all the operations of witnesses, and in addition there should be a corresponding builder for each variable.


at :: i -> w Source #

at x is a witness builder whose value is equal to the value of x.


Instances details
Arithmetic a => Witness a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Interpreter


at :: a -> a Source #

type ClosedPoly var a = forall x. Algebra a x => (var -> x) -> x Source #

A type of polynomial expressions. var is a type of variables, a is a base field.

A function is a polynomial expression if, given an arbitrary algebra x over a and a function mapping known variables to their witnesses, it computes a new value in that algebra.

NOTE: the property above is correct by construction for each function of a suitable type, you don't have to check it yourself.

type NewConstraint var a = forall x. Algebra a x => (var -> x) -> var -> x Source #

A type of constraints for new variables. var is a type of variables, a is a base field.

A function is a constraint for a new variable if, given an arbitrary algebra x over a, a function mapping known variables to their witnesses in that algebra and a new variable, it computes the value of a constraint polynomial in that algebra.

NOTE: the property above is correct by construction for each function of a suitable type, you don't have to check it yourself.

class (Monad m, FromConstant a var, FromConstant a w, Scale a w, Witness var w) => MonadCircuit var a w m | m -> var, m -> a, m -> w where Source #

A monadic DSL for constructing arithmetic circuits. var is a type of variables, a is a base field, w is a type of witnesses and m is a monad for constructing the circuit.

DSL provides the following guarantees:

  • Constraints never reference undefined variables;
  • Variables with equal witnesses are reused as much as possible;
  • Variables with different witnesses are different;
  • There is an order in which witnesses can be generated.

However, DSL does NOT provide the following guarantees (yet):

  • That provided witnesses satisfy the provided constraints. To check this, you can use checkCircuit.
  • That introduced constraints are supported by the zk-SNARK utilized for later proving.


unconstrained :: w -> m var Source #

Creates new variable from witness.

NOTE: this does not add any constraints to the system, use rangeConstraint or constraint to add them.

constraint :: ClosedPoly var a -> m () Source #

Adds new polynomial constraint to the system. E.g., constraint (\x -> x i) forces variable var to be zero.

NOTE: it is not checked (yet) whether provided constraint is in appropriate form for zkSNARK in use.

rangeConstraint :: var -> a -> m () Source #

Adds new range constraint to the system. E.g., rangeConstraint var B forces variable var to be in range \([0; B]\).

registerFunction :: (Representable f, Binary (Rep f), Foldable g) => (forall x. ResidueField x => f x -> g x) -> m (FunctionId (f a -> g a)) Source #

Adds new lookup function to the system. For example, registerFunction f stores the function f.

newAssigned :: ClosedPoly var a -> m var Source #

Creates new variable given a polynomial witness AND adds a corresponding polynomial constraint.

E.g., newAssigned (\x -> x i + x j) creates new variable k whose value is equal to \(x_i + x_j\) and a constraint \(x_i + x_j - x_k = 0\).

NOTE: this adds a polynomial constraint to the system.

NOTE: is is not checked (yet) whether the corresponding constraint is in appropriate form for zkSNARK in use.

newRanged :: MonadCircuit var a w m => a -> w -> m var Source #

Creates new variable from witness constrained with an inclusive upper bound. E.g., newRanged b (\x -> x var - one) creates new variable whose value is equal to x var - one and which is expected to be in range [0..b].

NOTE: this adds a range constraint to the system.

newConstrained :: MonadCircuit var a w m => NewConstraint var a -> w -> m var Source #

Creates new variable from witness constrained by a polynomial. E.g., newConstrained (\x i -> x i * (x i - one)) (\x -> x j - one) creates new variable whose value is equal to x j - one and which is expected to be a root of the polynomial x i * (x i - one).

NOTE: this adds a polynomial constraint to the system.

NOTE: it is not checked (yet) whether provided constraint is in appropriate form for zkSNARK in use.