{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Symbol.Ascii.Internal where
import Prelude hiding (head, lookup)
import Data.Char (chr)
import GHC.TypeLits (CmpSymbol, Symbol, AppendSymbol, ErrorMessage (..), TypeError)
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
type M = Either String
head :: String -> M String
head "" = Right ""
head sym = head1 sym (compare sym "\128")
head1 :: String -> Ordering -> M String
head1 sym GT = Left $ "Starts with non-ASCII character " ++ sym
head1 sym _ = lookup sym "" chars
toList :: String -> M [String]
toList sym = toList1 sym ""
toList1 :: String -> String -> M [String]
toList1 x pfx
| x == pfx = Right []
| otherwise = toList2 x pfx (compare x (pfx ++ "\128"))
toList2 :: String -> String -> Ordering -> M [String]
toList2 x pfx LT = do
h <- lookup x pfx chars
t <- toList1 x (pfx ++ h)
return (h : t)
toList2 x pfx o = Left $ "Non-ASCII " ++ show (x, pfx, o)
lookup :: String -> String -> Tree String -> M String
lookup "" _ _ = Right ""
lookup _ _ (Leaf x) = Right x
lookup x "" (Node l c r) = lookup2 x "" c (compare x c) l r
lookup x pfx (Node l c r) = lookup2 x pfx c (compare x (pfx ++ c)) l r
lookup2 :: String -> String -> String -> Ordering -> Tree String -> Tree String -> M String
lookup2 x pfx c o l r = case o of
EQ -> Right c
LT -> lookup x pfx l
GT -> lookup x pfx r
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck
head_prop :: ASCIIString -> Property
head_prop (ASCIIString []) = label "empty" True
head_prop (ASCIIString xs@(x : _)) = label "non-empty" $ head xs === Right [x]
headError_prop :: String -> Property
headError_prop [] = label "empty" True
headError_prop xs@(x : _)
| x < chr 128 = label "ascii" $ head xs === Right [x]
| otherwise = label "non-ascii" $ case head xs of
Left _ -> property True
Right res -> counterexample (show res) False
toList_prop :: ASCIIString -> Property
toList_prop (ASCIIString s) = toList s === Right (map (:[]) s)
toListError_prop :: ASCIIString -> Char -> ASCIIString -> Property
toListError_prop (ASCIIString xs) y (ASCIIString zs) =
label (if ascii then "ascii" else "non-ascii") $
not ascii ==> case toList (xs ++ [y] ++ zs) of
Left _ -> property True
Right res -> counterexample (show res) False
ascii = y < chr 128
type family Head (sym :: Symbol) :: Symbol where
Head "" = ""
Head sym = Head1 sym (CmpSymbol sym "\128")
type family ToList (sym :: Symbol) :: [Symbol] where
ToList sym = ToList1 sym ""
type family Head1 (x :: Symbol) (o :: Ordering) :: Symbol where
Head1 x 'GT = TypeError ('Text "Starts with non-ASCII character " ':<>: ShowType x)
Head1 x _ = Lookup x "" Chars
type family ToList1 (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) :: [Symbol] where
ToList1 x x = '[]
ToList1 x pfx = ToList2 x pfx (CmpSymbol x (AppendSymbol pfx "\128"))
type family ToList2 (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) (o :: Ordering) :: [Symbol] where
ToList2 x pfx 'LT = Lookup x pfx Chars ': ToList1 x (AppendSymbol pfx (Lookup x pfx Chars))
ToList2 x _ _ = TypeError ('Text "Non-AScII character in " ':<>: ShowType x)
type family Lookup (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) (xs :: Tree Symbol) :: Symbol where
Lookup "" _ _ = ""
Lookup _ _ ('Leaf x) = x
Lookup x "" ('Node l c r) = Lookup2 x "" c (CmpSymbol x c) l r
Lookup x pfx ('Node l c r) = Lookup2 x pfx c (CmpSymbol x (AppendSymbol pfx c)) l r
type family Lookup2 (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) (c :: Symbol) (o :: Ordering) (l :: Tree Symbol) (r :: Tree Symbol) :: Symbol where
Lookup2 _ _ c 'EQ _ _ = c
Lookup2 x pfx c 'LT l _ = Lookup x pfx l
Lookup2 x pfx _ 'GT _ r = Lookup x pfx r
data Tree a
= Leaf a
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving (Show)
chars :: Tree String
chars = buildTree [ chr c | c <- [0..0x7f] ] where
buildTree [] = error "panic! buildTree []"
buildTree [c] = Leaf [c]
buildTree pairs = Node (buildTree l) c (buildTree r) where
n = length pairs
(l, r) = splitAt (n `div` 2) pairs
c = case r of
[] -> error "panic! buildTree: r is empty"
(c':_) -> [c']
type Chars = Node
(Node (Leaf "\NUL") "\SOH" (Leaf "\SOH"))
(Node (Leaf "\STX") "\ETX" (Leaf "\ETX")))
(Node (Leaf "\EOT") "\ENQ" (Leaf "\ENQ"))
(Node (Leaf "\ACK") "\a" (Leaf "\a"))))
(Node (Leaf "\b") "\t" (Leaf "\t"))
(Node (Leaf "\n") "\v" (Leaf "\v")))
(Node (Leaf "\f") "\r" (Leaf "\r"))
(Node (Leaf "\SO") "\SI" (Leaf "\SI")))))
(Node (Leaf "\DLE") "\DC1" (Leaf "\DC1"))
(Node (Leaf "\DC2") "\DC3" (Leaf "\DC3")))
(Node (Leaf "\DC4") "\NAK" (Leaf "\NAK"))
(Node (Leaf "\SYN") "\ETB" (Leaf "\ETB"))))
(Node (Leaf "\CAN") "\EM" (Leaf "\EM"))
(Node (Leaf "\SUB") "\ESC" (Leaf "\ESC")))
(Node (Leaf "\FS") "\GS" (Leaf "\GS"))
(Node (Leaf "\RS") "\US" (Leaf "\US"))))))
" "
(Node (Leaf " ") "!" (Leaf "!"))
(Node (Leaf "\"") "#" (Leaf "#")))
(Node (Leaf "$") "%" (Leaf "%"))
(Node (Leaf "&") "'" (Leaf "'"))))
(Node (Leaf "(") ")" (Leaf ")"))
(Node (Leaf "*") "+" (Leaf "+")))
(Node (Leaf ",") "-" (Leaf "-"))
(Node (Leaf ".") "/" (Leaf "/")))))
(Node (Leaf "0") "1" (Leaf "1"))
(Node (Leaf "2") "3" (Leaf "3")))
(Node (Leaf "4") "5" (Leaf "5"))
(Node (Leaf "6") "7" (Leaf "7"))))
(Node (Leaf "8") "9" (Leaf "9"))
(Node (Leaf ":") ";" (Leaf ";")))
(Node (Leaf "<") "=" (Leaf "="))
(Node (Leaf ">") "?" (Leaf "?")))))))
(Node (Leaf "@") "A" (Leaf "A"))
(Node (Leaf "B") "C" (Leaf "C")))
(Node (Leaf "D") "E" (Leaf "E"))
(Node (Leaf "F") "G" (Leaf "G"))))
(Node (Leaf "H") "I" (Leaf "I"))
(Node (Leaf "J") "K" (Leaf "K")))
(Node (Leaf "L") "M" (Leaf "M"))
(Node (Leaf "N") "O" (Leaf "O")))))
(Node (Leaf "P") "Q" (Leaf "Q"))
(Node (Leaf "R") "S" (Leaf "S")))
(Node (Leaf "T") "U" (Leaf "U"))
(Node (Leaf "V") "W" (Leaf "W"))))
(Node (Leaf "X") "Y" (Leaf "Y"))
(Node (Leaf "Z") "[" (Leaf "[")))
(Node (Leaf "\\") "]" (Leaf "]"))
(Node (Leaf "^") "_" (Leaf "_"))))))
(Node (Leaf "`") "a" (Leaf "a"))
(Node (Leaf "b") "c" (Leaf "c")))
(Node (Leaf "d") "e" (Leaf "e"))
(Node (Leaf "f") "g" (Leaf "g"))))
(Node (Leaf "h") "i" (Leaf "i"))
(Node (Leaf "j") "k" (Leaf "k")))
(Node (Leaf "l") "m" (Leaf "m"))
(Node (Leaf "n") "o" (Leaf "o")))))
(Node (Leaf "p") "q" (Leaf "q"))
(Node (Leaf "r") "s" (Leaf "s")))
(Node (Leaf "t") "u" (Leaf "u"))
(Node (Leaf "v") "w" (Leaf "w"))))
(Node (Leaf "x") "y" (Leaf "y"))
(Node (Leaf "z") "{" (Leaf "{")))
(Node (Leaf "|") "}" (Leaf "}"))
(Node (Leaf "~") "\DEL" (Leaf "\DEL")))))))