syntactic-3.7.1: Generic representation and manipulation of abstract syntax
mkTupT :: [Type] -> Type Source #
mkPairT :: Type -> Type -> Type Source #
mkPairE :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp Source #
mkPairP :: Pat -> Pat -> Pat Source #
data Nest a Source #
Defined in Data.NestTuple.TH
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Nest a -> Nest b #
(<$) :: a -> Nest b -> Nest a #
(==) :: Nest a -> Nest a -> Bool #
(/=) :: Nest a -> Nest a -> Bool #
showsPrec :: Int -> Nest a -> ShowS #
show :: Nest a -> String #
showList :: [Nest a] -> ShowS #
foldNest :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> Nest a -> b Source #
toNest :: [a] -> Nest a Source #
mkNestableInstances Source #
Max tuple width