Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A convinience module which re-exports common basic functionality of `syntax-tree`
- type (#) k p = Tree (GetKnot k) p
- type Tree k p = (k (Knot p) :: Type)
- type family GetKnot k where ...
- newtype Knot = Knot (Knot -> Type)
- asTree :: Tree k p -> Tree k p
- data Product f g a = Pair (f a) (g a)
- class KNodes (k :: Knot -> Type) where
- type KNodesConstraint k (c :: (Knot -> Type) -> Constraint) :: Constraint
- data KWitness k :: (Knot -> Type) -> Type
- kLiftConstraint :: KNodesConstraint k c => KWitness k n -> Proxy c -> (c n => r) -> r
- (#>) :: (KNodes k, KNodesConstraint k c) => Proxy c -> (c n => r) -> KWitness k n -> r
- (#*#) :: (KNodes k, KNodesConstraint k c) => Proxy c -> (KWitness k n -> c n => r) -> KWitness k n -> r
- class KNodes k => KPointed k where
- class KNodes k => KFunctor k where
- mappedK1 :: forall k n p q. (KFunctor k, KNodesConstraint k ((~) n)) => Setter (Tree k p) (Tree k q) (Tree p n) (Tree q n)
- class (KPointed k, KApply k) => KApplicative k
- class KFunctor k => KApply k where
- liftK2 :: KApply k => (forall n. KWitness k n -> Tree p n -> Tree q n -> Tree r n) -> Tree k p -> Tree k q -> Tree k r
- makeKApplicativeBases :: Name -> DecsQ
- class KNodes k => KFoldable k where
- traverseK_ :: (Applicative f, KFoldable k) => (forall c. KWitness k c -> Tree m c -> f ()) -> Tree k m -> f ()
- traverseK1_ :: forall f k n p. (Applicative f, KFoldable k, KNodesConstraint k ((~) n)) => (Tree p n -> f ()) -> Tree k p -> f ()
- class (KFunctor k, KFoldable k) => KTraversable k where
- sequenceK :: Applicative f => Tree k (ContainedK f p) -> f (Tree k p)
- traverseK :: (Applicative f, KTraversable k) => (forall n. KWitness k n -> Tree p n -> f (Tree q n)) -> Tree k p -> f (Tree k q)
- traverseK1 :: (KTraversable k, KNodesConstraint k ((~) n)) => Traversal (Tree k p) (Tree k q) (Tree p n) (Tree q n)
- makeKTraversableApplyAndBases :: Name -> DecsQ
- makeKTraversableAndBases :: Name -> DecsQ
- newtype Pure k = Pure (k # Pure)
- _Pure :: Iso (Tree Pure k) (Tree Pure j) (Tree k Pure) (Tree j Pure)
- (&#) :: a -> (a -> Tree k Pure) -> Tree Pure k
- class Show (KPlain k) => KHasPlain k where
- makeKHasPlain :: [Name] -> DecsQ
- newtype ANode c k = MkANode (k # c)
- _ANode :: Iso (Tree (ANode c0) k0) (Tree (ANode c1) k1) (Tree k0 c0) (Tree k1 c1)
- makeZipMatch :: Name -> DecsQ
- class (KTraversable k, Recursively KFunctor k, Recursively KFoldable k) => RTraversable k
- class RNodes k => Recursively c k where
- recursively :: Proxy (c k) -> Dict (c k, KNodesConstraint k (Recursively c))
- class KNodes k => RNodes k
- data Ann a k = Ann {}
- ann :: forall a k. Lens' (Ann a k) a
- annotations :: forall k a b. RTraversable k => Traversal (Tree (Ann a) k) (Tree (Ann b) k) a b
type family GetKnot k where ... Source #
A type-level getter for the type constructor encoded in Knot
- If
supported lifting field getters this would had been replaced with the type's getter. GetKnot
is injective, but due to no support for constrained type families, that's not expressible at the moment.- Because
can't declared as bijective, uses of it may restrict inference. In those cases wrapping terms with theasTree
helper assists Haskell's type inference as if Haskell knew thatGetKnot
was bijective.
A Kind
for nested higher-kinded data.
A PolyKinds
variant of Product
Note that the original Product
is poly-kinded
in its type, but not in its instances such as Eq
Pair (f a) (g a) |
class KNodes (k :: Knot -> Type) where Source #
allows lifting a constraint to the child nodes of a Knot
by using the KNodesConstraint
type family.
It also provides some methods to combine and process child node constraints.
Various classes like KFunctor
build upon KNodes
to provide methods such as mapKWith
which provide a rank-n function
for processing child nodes which requires a constraint on the nodes.
Associated Types
type KNodesConstraint k (c :: (Knot -> Type) -> Constraint) :: Constraint Source #
Lift a constraint to apply to the child nodes
data KWitness k :: (Knot -> Type) -> Type Source #
KWitness k n
is a witness that n
is a node of k
kLiftConstraint :: KNodesConstraint k c => KWitness k n -> Proxy c -> (c n => r) -> r Source #
Lift a rank-n value with a constraint which the child nodes satisfy to a function from a node witness.
(#>) :: (KNodes k, KNodesConstraint k c) => Proxy c -> (c n => r) -> KWitness k n -> r infixr 0 Source #
c #> r replaces the witness parameter of
r@ with a constraint on the witnessed node
(#*#) :: (KNodes k, KNodesConstraint k c) => Proxy c -> (KWitness k n -> c n => r) -> KWitness k n -> r infixr 0 Source #
A variant of #>
which does not consume the witness parameter.
c0 Proxy c1 #> r
brings into context both the c0 n
and c1 n
class KNodes k => KPointed k where Source #
pureK :: (forall n. KWitness k n -> Tree p n) -> Tree k p Source #
Construct a value from a generator of k
's nodes
(a generator which can generate a tree of any type given a witness that it is a node of k
class KNodes k => KFunctor k where Source #
mappedK1 :: forall k n p q. (KFunctor k, KNodesConstraint k ((~) n)) => Setter (Tree k p) (Tree k q) (Tree p n) (Tree q n) Source #
class (KPointed k, KApply k) => KApplicative k Source #
A variant of Applicative
for Knot
(KPointed k, KApply k) => KApplicative k Source # | |
Defined in AST.Class.Apply |
class KFunctor k => KApply k where Source #
A type which has KApply
and KPointed
instances also has KApplicative
which is the equivalent to the Applicative
zipK :: Tree k p -> Tree k q -> Tree k (Product p q) Source #
Combine child values
zipK (Person name0 age0) (Person name1 age1)
Person (Pair name0 name1) (Pair age0 age1)
liftK2 :: KApply k => (forall n. KWitness k n -> Tree p n -> Tree q n -> Tree r n) -> Tree k p -> Tree k q -> Tree k r Source #
makeKApplicativeBases :: Name -> DecsQ Source #
Generate instances of KApply
, KPointed
and KNodes
which together form KApplicative
class KNodes k => KFoldable k where Source #
traverseK_ :: (Applicative f, KFoldable k) => (forall c. KWitness k c -> Tree m c -> f ()) -> Tree k m -> f () Source #
traverseK1_ :: forall f k n p. (Applicative f, KFoldable k, KNodesConstraint k ((~) n)) => (Tree p n -> f ()) -> Tree k p -> f () Source #
class (KFunctor k, KFoldable k) => KTraversable k where Source #
A variant of Traversable
for Knot
sequenceK :: Applicative f => Tree k (ContainedK f p) -> f (Tree k p) Source #
variant of sequenceA
traverseK :: (Applicative f, KTraversable k) => (forall n. KWitness k n -> Tree p n -> f (Tree q n)) -> Tree k p -> f (Tree k q) Source #
variant of traverse
traverseK1 :: (KTraversable k, KNodesConstraint k ((~) n)) => Traversal (Tree k p) (Tree k q) (Tree p n) (Tree q n) Source #
variant of traverse
for Knot
s with a single node type.
It is a valid Traversal
as it avoids using RankNTypes
makeKTraversableAndBases :: Name -> DecsQ Source #
Generate a KTraversable
instance along with the instance of its base classes:
, KFunctor
, and KNodes
A Knot
to express the simplest plain form of a nested higher-kinded data structure
ANode c
is a Knot
with a single child node of type c
class (KTraversable k, Recursively KFunctor k, Recursively KFoldable k) => RTraversable k Source #
A class of Knot
s which recursively implement KTraversable
class RNodes k => Recursively c k where Source #
A constraint lifted to apply recursively.
Note that in cases where a constraint has dependencies other than RNodes
one will want to create a class such as RTraversable to capture the dependencies,
otherwise using it in class contexts will be quite unergonomic.
Minimal complete definition
recursively :: Proxy (c k) -> Dict (c k, KNodesConstraint k (Recursively c)) Source #
recursively :: (c k, KNodesConstraint k (Recursively c)) => Proxy (c k) -> Dict (c k, KNodesConstraint k (Recursively c)) Source #
class KNodes k => RNodes k Source #
RNodes Pure Source # | |
Defined in AST.Class.Recursive Methods recursiveKNodes :: Proxy Pure -> Dict (KNodesConstraint Pure RNodes) | |
RNodes Prune Source # | |
Defined in AST.Knot.Prune Methods recursiveKNodes :: Proxy Prune -> Dict (KNodesConstraint Prune RNodes) | |
Recursive RNodes Source # | |
RNodes (F f) Source # | |
Defined in AST.Knot.Functor Methods recursiveKNodes :: Proxy (F f) -> Dict (KNodesConstraint (F f) RNodes) | |
RNodes (Ann a) Source # | |
Defined in AST.Knot.Ann Methods recursiveKNodes :: Proxy (Ann a) -> Dict (KNodesConstraint (Ann a) RNodes) | |
RNodes (Const a :: Knot -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in AST.Class.Recursive Methods recursiveKNodes :: Proxy (Const a) -> Dict (KNodesConstraint (Const a) RNodes) | |
RNodes t => RNodes (Scheme v t) Source # | |
Defined in AST.Term.Scheme Methods recursiveKNodes :: Proxy (Scheme v t) -> Dict (KNodesConstraint (Scheme v t) RNodes) |
A Knot
which adds an annotation to every node in a tree
annotations :: forall k a b. RTraversable k => Traversal (Tree (Ann a) k) (Tree (Ann b) k) a b Source #
A Traversal
from an annotated tree to its annotations