{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Synthesizer.State.Signal where
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Modifier as Modifier
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Algebra.Module as Module
import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive
import Algebra.Module ((*>))
import Algebra.Additive (zero)
import qualified Synthesizer.Format as Format
import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.BodyTime as EventList
import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Class as NonNeg98
import Numeric.NonNegative.Class ((-|), )
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
(runState, StateT(StateT), runStateT, )
import Control.Monad (Monad, mplus, msum,
(>>), (>>=), fail, return, (=<<),
Functor, fmap, )
import qualified Control.Applicative as App
import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldr, )
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty, )
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>), )
import qualified Synthesizer.Storable.Signal as SigSt
import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy.Pattern as SVL
import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy.Pointer as PtrSt
import qualified Data.StorableVector as V
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapFst, mapSnd, mapPair, fst3, snd3, thd3, )
import Data.Function.HT (nest, )
import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe, )
import Data.Bool.HT (if', )
import NumericPrelude.Numeric (Float, Double, fromInteger, )
import Text.Show (Show(showsPrec), show, showParen, showString, )
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just, Nothing), maybe, fromMaybe, )
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude
((.), ($), id, const, flip, curry, uncurry, fst, snd, error,
(>), (>=), max, Ord, (==), Eq,
succ, pred, Bool(True,False), (&&), not, Int,
data T a =
forall s.
Cons !(StateT s Maybe a)
instance (Show y) => Show (T y) where
showsPrec p x =
showParen (p >= 10)
(showString "StateSignal.fromList " . showsPrec 11 (toList x))
instance (Eq y) => Eq (T y) where
(==) = equal
instance Format.C T where
format = showsPrec
instance Functor T where
fmap g (Cons f s) = Cons (fmap g f) s
instance Foldable T where
foldr = foldR
instance App.Applicative T where
pure = singleton
x <*> y = liftA2 ($) x y
instance Monad T where
return = singleton
x >>= k =
runViewL x $ \f s0 ->
flip generate (fmap (mapFst k) $ f s0) $ \m ->
m >>=
let go (y,s) =
(fmap (\(y1,ys) -> (y1, Just (ys,s))) (viewL y))
(fmap (mapFst k) (f s) >>= go)
in go
{-# INLINE runViewL #-}
runViewL ::
T y ->
(forall s. (s -> Maybe (y, s)) -> s -> x) ->
runViewL (Cons f s) cont =
cont (runStateT f) s
{-# INLINE runSwitchL #-}
runSwitchL ::
T y ->
(forall s. (forall z. z -> (y -> s -> z) -> s -> z) -> s -> x) ->
runSwitchL sig cont =
runViewL sig (\next ->
cont (\n j -> maybe n (uncurry j) . next))
{-# INLINE generate #-}
generate :: (acc -> Maybe (y, acc)) -> acc -> T y
generate f = Cons (StateT f)
{-# INLINE unfoldR #-}
unfoldR :: (acc -> Maybe (y, acc)) -> acc -> T y
unfoldR = generate
{-# INLINE generateInfinite #-}
generateInfinite :: (acc -> (y, acc)) -> acc -> T y
generateInfinite f = generate (Just . f)
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
fromList :: [y] -> T y
fromList = generate ListHT.viewL
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList :: T y -> [y]
toList (Cons f x0) =
List.unfoldr (runStateT f) x0
{-# INLINE fromStorableSignal #-}
fromStorableSignal ::
(Storable a) =>
SigSt.T a -> T a
fromStorableSignal =
generate PtrSt.viewL .
{-# INLINE fromStrictStorableSignal #-}
fromStrictStorableSignal ::
(Storable a) =>
V.Vector a -> T a
fromStrictStorableSignal xs =
map (V.index xs) $ take (V.length xs) $ iterate succ zero
{-# INLINE toStorableSignal #-}
toStorableSignal ::
(Storable a) =>
SigSt.ChunkSize -> T a -> SigSt.T a
toStorableSignal size (Cons f a) =
SigSt.unfoldr size (runStateT f) a
{-# INLINE toStrictStorableSignal #-}
toStrictStorableSignal ::
(Storable a) =>
Int -> T a -> V.Vector a
toStrictStorableSignal size (Cons f a) =
fst $ V.unfoldrN size (runStateT f) a
{-# INLINE toStorableSignalVary #-}
toStorableSignalVary ::
(Storable a) =>
SVL.LazySize -> T a -> SigSt.T a
toStorableSignalVary size (Cons f a) =
fst $ SVL.unfoldrN size (runStateT f) a
fromPiecewiseConstant ::
(NonNeg98.C time, P.Integral time) =>
EventList.T time a -> T a
fromPiecewiseConstant xs0 =
(let go ((x,n),xs) =
if' (n == P.fromInteger 0)
(go =<< EventList.viewL xs)
(Just (x, ((x, n -| P.fromInteger 1), xs)))
in go)
((error "if counter is zero, the sample value is invalid", P.fromInteger 0), xs0)
{-# INLINE iterate #-}
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> T a
iterate f = generateInfinite (\x -> (x, f x))
{-# INLINE iterateAssociative #-}
iterateAssociative :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> T a
iterateAssociative op x = iterate (op x) x
{-# INLINE repeat #-}
repeat :: a -> T a
repeat = iterate id
{-# INLINE crochetL #-}
crochetL :: (x -> acc -> Maybe (y, acc)) -> acc -> T x -> T y
crochetL g b (Cons f a) =
(StateT (\(a0,b0) ->
do (x0,a1) <- runStateT f a0
(y0,b1) <- g x0 b0
Just (y0, (a1,b1))))
{-# INLINE scanL #-}
scanL :: (acc -> x -> acc) -> acc -> T x -> T acc
scanL f start =
cons start .
crochetL (\x acc -> let y = f acc x in Just (y, y)) start
{-# INLINE scanLClip #-}
scanLClip :: (acc -> x -> acc) -> acc -> T x -> T acc
scanLClip f start =
crochetL (\x acc -> Just (acc, f acc x)) start
{-# INLINE map #-}
map :: (a -> b) -> (T a -> T b)
map = fmap
{-# INLINE unzip #-}
unzip :: T (a,b) -> (T a, T b)
unzip x = (map fst x, map snd x)
{-# INLINE unzip3 #-}
unzip3 :: T (a,b,c) -> (T a, T b, T c)
unzip3 xs = (map fst3 xs, map snd3 xs, map thd3 xs)
{-# INLINE delay1 #-}
delay1 :: a -> T a -> T a
delay1 = crochetL (flip (curry Just))
{-# INLINE delay #-}
delay :: y -> Int -> T y -> T y
delay z n = append (replicate n z)
{-# INLINE take #-}
take :: Int -> T a -> T a
take n =
map snd . takeWhile ((>0) . fst) . zip (iterate pred n)
{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> T a -> T a
takeWhile p = crochetL (\x _ -> toMaybe (p x) (x, ())) ()
{-# INLINE replicate #-}
replicate :: Int -> a -> T a
replicate n = take n . repeat
{-# INLINE zipWith #-}
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> (T a -> T b -> T c)
zipWith h (Cons f a) =
(\x0 a0 ->
do (y0,a1) <- runStateT f a0
Just (h y0 x0, a1))
{-# INLINE zipWithStorable #-}
zipWithStorable :: (Storable b, Storable c) =>
(a -> b -> c) -> (T a -> SigSt.T b -> SigSt.T c)
zipWithStorable h (Cons f a) =
(\x0 a0 ->
do (y0,a1) <- runStateT f a0
Just (h y0 x0, a1))
{-# INLINE zipWith3 #-}
zipWith3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (T a -> T b -> T c -> T d)
zipWith3 f s0 s1 =
zipWith (uncurry f) (zip s0 s1)
{-# INLINE zipWith4 #-}
zipWith4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> (T a -> T b -> T c -> T d -> T e)
zipWith4 f s0 s1 =
zipWith3 (uncurry f) (zip s0 s1)
{-# INLINE zip #-}
zip :: T a -> T b -> T (a,b)
zip = zipWith (,)
{-# INLINE zip3 #-}
zip3 :: T a -> T b -> T c -> T (a,b,c)
zip3 = zipWith3 (,,)
{-# INLINE zip4 #-}
zip4 :: T a -> T b -> T c -> T d -> T (a,b,c,d)
zip4 = zipWith4 (,,,)
{-# INLINE foldL' #-}
foldL' :: (x -> acc -> acc) -> acc -> T x -> acc
foldL' g b0 sig =
runSwitchL sig (\next s0 ->
let recurse b s =
seq b (next b (\x -> recurse (g x b)) s)
in recurse b0 s0)
{-# INLINE foldL #-}
foldL :: (acc -> x -> acc) -> acc -> T x -> acc
foldL f = foldL' (flip f)
{-# INLINE foldL1 #-}
foldL1 :: (x -> x -> x) -> T x -> x
foldL1 f =
(error "State.Signal.foldL1: empty signal")
(foldL f)
{-# INLINE length #-}
length :: T a -> Int
length = foldL' (const succ) zero
{-# INLINE equal #-}
equal :: (Eq a) => T a -> T a -> Bool
equal xs ys =
runViewL xs (\nextX sx ->
runViewL ys (\nextY sy ->
let go px py =
case (nextX px, nextY py) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> True
(Just (x,xr), Just (y,yr)) ->
x==y && go xr yr
_ -> False
in go sx sy
foldR :: (x -> acc -> acc) -> acc -> T x -> acc
foldR g b sig =
runSwitchL sig (\next s0 ->
let recurse =
next b (\ x xs -> g x (recurse xs))
in recurse s0)
{-# INLINE null #-}
null :: T a -> Bool
null =
switchL True (const (const False))
{-# INLINE empty #-}
empty :: T a
empty = generate (const Nothing) ()
{-# INLINE singleton #-}
singleton :: a -> T a
singleton =
generate (fmap (\x -> (x, Nothing))) . Just
{-# INLINE cons #-}
cons :: a -> T a -> T a
cons x xs =
(\(mx0,xs0) ->
fmap (mapSnd ((,) Nothing)) $
(viewL xs0)
(\x0 -> Just (x0, xs0))
mx0) $
(Just x, xs)
{-# INLINE viewL #-}
viewL :: T a -> Maybe (a, T a)
viewL (Cons f a0) =
(mapSnd (Cons f))
(runStateT f a0)
{-# INLINE viewR #-}
viewR :: Storable a => T a -> Maybe (T a, a)
viewR = viewRSize SigSt.defaultChunkSize
{-# INLINE viewRSize #-}
viewRSize :: Storable a => SigSt.ChunkSize -> T a -> Maybe (T a, a)
viewRSize size =
fmap (mapFst fromStorableSignal) .
SigSt.viewR .
toStorableSignal size
{-# INLINE switchL #-}
switchL :: b -> (a -> T a -> b) -> T a -> b
switchL n j =
maybe n (uncurry j) . viewL
{-# INLINE switchR #-}
switchR :: Storable a => b -> (T a -> a -> b) -> T a -> b
switchR n j =
maybe n (uncurry j) . viewR
{-# INLINE extendConstant #-}
extendConstant :: T a -> T a
extendConstant sig =
runSwitchL sig (\switch s0 ->
(\ x0 _ ->
(\xt1@(x1,s1) ->
Just $ switch
(\x s2 -> (x, (x,s2)))
(x0,s0)) $
{-# INLINE drop #-}
drop :: Int -> T a -> T a
drop n =
fromMaybe empty .
nest n (fmap snd . viewL =<<) .
{-# INLINE dropMarginRem #-}
dropMarginRem :: Int -> Int -> T a -> (Int, T a)
dropMarginRem n m =
switchL (error $ "StateSignal.dropMaringRem: length xs < " ++ show n) const .
dropMargin (succ n) m .
zipWithTails1 (,) (iterate (max 0 . pred) m)
{-# INLINE dropMargin #-}
dropMargin :: Int -> Int -> T a -> T a
dropMargin n m xs =
dropMatch (take m (drop n xs)) xs
dropMatch :: T b -> T a -> T a
dropMatch xs ys =
fromMaybe ys $
liftM2 dropMatch
(fmap snd $ viewL xs)
(fmap snd $ viewL ys)
index :: Int -> T a -> a
index n =
switchL (error $ "State.Signal: index " ++ show n ++ " too large") const . drop n
{-# INLINE splitAt #-}
splitAt :: Storable a =>
Int -> T a -> (T a, T a)
splitAt = splitAtSize SigSt.defaultChunkSize
{-# INLINE splitAtSize #-}
splitAtSize :: Storable a =>
SigSt.ChunkSize -> Int -> T a -> (T a, T a)
splitAtSize size n =
mapPair (fromStorableSignal, fromStorableSignal) .
SigSt.splitAt n .
toStorableSignal size
{-# INLINE dropWhile #-}
dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> T a -> T a
dropWhile p (Cons f s0) =
let recurse s =
maybe empty (\(x,s1) -> if' (p x) (recurse s1) (Cons f s)) $
runStateT f s
in recurse s0
{-# INLINE span #-}
span :: Storable a =>
(a -> Bool) -> T a -> (T a, T a)
span = spanSize SigSt.defaultChunkSize
{-# INLINE spanSize #-}
spanSize :: Storable a =>
SigSt.ChunkSize -> (a -> Bool) -> T a -> (T a, T a)
spanSize size p =
mapPair (fromStorableSignal, fromStorableSignal) .
SigSt.span p .
toStorableSignal size
{-# INLINE cycle #-}
cycle :: T a -> T a
cycle sig =
runViewL sig
(\next s ->
(error "StateSignal.cycle: empty input")
(\yt -> generate (Just . fromMaybe yt . next) s) $
next s)
{-# SPECIALISE INLINE mix :: T Float -> T Float -> T Float #-}
{-# SPECIALISE INLINE mix :: T Double -> T Double -> T Double #-}
{-# INLINE mix #-}
mix :: Additive.C a => T a -> T a -> T a
mix = zipWithAppend (Additive.+)
{-# INLINE sub #-}
sub :: Additive.C a => T a -> T a -> T a
sub xs ys = mix xs (neg ys)
{-# INLINE neg #-}
neg :: Additive.C a => T a -> T a
neg = map Additive.negate
instance Additive.C y => Additive.C (T y) where
zero = empty
(+) = mix
(-) = sub
negate = neg
instance Module.C y yv => Module.C y (T yv) where
(*>) x y = map (x*>) y
infixr 5 `append`
{-# INLINE append #-}
append :: T a -> T a -> T a
append xs ys =
(\(b,xys) ->
(fmap (mapSnd ((,) b)) $ viewL xys)
(if' b Nothing
(fmap (mapSnd ((,) True)) $ viewL ys)))
{-# INLINE appendStored #-}
appendStored :: Storable a =>
T a -> T a -> T a
appendStored = appendStoredSize SigSt.defaultChunkSize
{-# INLINE appendStoredSize #-}
appendStoredSize :: Storable a =>
SigSt.ChunkSize -> T a -> T a -> T a
appendStoredSize size xs ys =
fromStorableSignal $
(toStorableSignal size xs)
(toStorableSignal size ys)
{-# INLINE concat #-}
concat :: [T a] -> T a
concat =
(msum .
(\ x -> ListHT.viewL x >>=
\(y,ys) -> viewL y >>=
\(z,zs) -> Just (z,zs:ys)) .
List.init . List.tails)
{-# INLINE concatStored #-}
concatStored :: Storable a =>
[T a] -> T a
concatStored = concatStoredSize SigSt.defaultChunkSize
{-# INLINE concatStoredSize #-}
concatStoredSize :: Storable a =>
SigSt.ChunkSize -> [T a] -> T a
concatStoredSize size =
fromStorableSignal .
SigSt.concat .
List.map (toStorableSignal size)
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (T a -> T b -> T c)
liftA2 p x y =
runViewL x $ \f s0 ->
runViewL y $ \g t0 ->
flip generate (App.liftA2 (,) (f s0) (g t0)) $ \m ->
flip fmap m $ \(as@(a,s), (b,t)) ->
(p a b,
fmap ((,) as) (g t) `mplus`
App.liftA2 (,) (f s) (g t0))
{-# INLINE reverse #-}
reverse ::
T a -> T a
reverse =
fromList . List.reverse . toList
{-# INLINE reverseStored #-}
reverseStored :: Storable a =>
T a -> T a
reverseStored = reverseStoredSize SigSt.defaultChunkSize
{-# INLINE reverseStoredSize #-}
reverseStoredSize :: Storable a =>
SigSt.ChunkSize -> T a -> T a
reverseStoredSize size =
fromStorableSignal .
SigSt.reverse .
toStorableSignal size
{-# INLINE sum #-}
sum :: (Additive.C a) => T a -> a
sum = foldL' (Additive.+) Additive.zero
{-# INLINE maximum #-}
maximum :: (Ord a) => T a -> a
maximum =
(error "StateSignal.maximum: empty list")
(foldL' max)
{-# INLINE init #-}
init :: T y -> T y
init =
(error "StateSignal.init: empty list")
(crochetL (\x acc -> Just (acc,x)))
{-# INLINE sliceVert #-}
sliceVert :: Int -> T y -> [T y]
sliceVert n =
List.map (take n) . List.takeWhile (not . null) . List.iterate (drop n)
{-# DEPRECATED zapWith, zapWithAlt "use mapAdjacent" #-}
{-# INLINE zapWith #-}
zapWith :: (a -> a -> b) -> T a -> T b
zapWith = mapAdjacent
zapWithAlt :: (a -> a -> b) -> T a -> T b
zapWithAlt f xs =
zipWith f xs (switchL empty (curry snd) xs)
{-# INLINE mapAdjacent #-}
mapAdjacent :: (a -> a -> b) -> T a -> T b
mapAdjacent f =
switchL empty
(crochetL (\y x -> Just (f x y, y)))
{-# INLINE modifyStatic #-}
modifyStatic :: Modifier.Simple s ctrl a b -> ctrl -> T a -> T b
modifyStatic modif control x =
(\a acc ->
Just (runState (Modifier.step modif control a) acc))
(Modifier.init modif) x
{-# INLINE modifyModulated #-}
modifyModulated :: Modifier.Simple s ctrl a b -> T ctrl -> T a -> T b
modifyModulated modif control x =
(\ca acc ->
Just (runState (uncurry (Modifier.step modif) ca) acc))
(Modifier.init modif)
(zip control x)
{-# INLINE linearComb #-}
linearComb ::
(Module.C t y) =>
T t -> T y -> y
linearComb ts ys =
sum $ zipWith (*>) ts ys
{-# INLINE mapTails #-}
mapTails ::
(T y0 -> y1) -> T y0 -> T y1
mapTails f =
generate (\xs ->
do (_,ys) <- viewL xs
return (f xs, ys))
{-# INLINE zipWithTails #-}
zipWithTails ::
(y0 -> T y1 -> y2) -> T y0 -> T y1 -> T y2
zipWithTails f =
curry $ generate (\(xs0,ys0) ->
do (x,xs) <- viewL xs0
(_,ys) <- viewL ys0
return (f x ys0, (xs,ys)))
{-# INLINE zipWithTails1 #-}
zipWithTails1 ::
(y0 -> T y1 -> y2) -> T y0 -> T y1 -> T y2
zipWithTails1 f xs ys =
generate (\(xs0,ys0) ->
do (x,xs1) <- viewL xs0
ys1 <- ys0
return (f x ys1, (xs1, fmap snd $ viewL ys1)))
(xs, Just ys)
{-# INLINE zipWithTailsInf #-}
zipWithTailsInf ::
(y0 -> T y1 -> y2) -> T y0 -> T y1 -> T y2
zipWithTailsInf f =
curry $ generate (\(xs0,ys0) ->
do (x,xs) <- viewL xs0
return (f x ys0, (xs, switchL empty (flip const) ys0)))
{-# INLINE zipWithAppend #-}
zipWithAppend ::
(y -> y -> y) ->
T y -> T y -> T y
zipWithAppend f xs ys =
runViewL xs (\nextX sx ->
runViewL ys (\nextY sy ->
unfoldR (zipStep nextX nextY f) (sx,sy)
{-# INLINE zipStep #-}
zipStep ::
(s -> Maybe (a,s)) ->
(t -> Maybe (a,t)) ->
(a -> a -> a) -> (s, t) -> Maybe (a, (s, t))
zipStep nextX nextY f (xt,yt) =
case (nextX xt, nextY yt) of
(Just (x,xs), Just (y,ys)) -> Just (f x y, (xs,ys))
(Nothing, Just (y,ys)) -> Just (y, (xt,ys))
(Just (x,xs), Nothing) -> Just (x, (xs,yt))
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
delayLoop ::
(T y -> T y)
-> T y
-> T y
delayLoop proc prefix =
let ys = fromList (toList prefix List.++ toList (proc ys))
in ys
delayLoopOverlap ::
(Additive.C y) =>
-> (T y -> T y)
-> T y
-> T y
delayLoopOverlap time proc xs =
let ys = zipWith (Additive.+) xs (delay zero time (proc (fromList (toList ys))))
in ys
{-# INLINE sequence_ #-}
sequence_ :: Monad m => T (m a) -> m ()
sequence_ =
switchL (return ()) (\x xs -> x >> sequence_ xs)
{-# INLINE mapM_ #-}
mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> T a -> m ()
mapM_ f = sequence_ . map f
fold :: Monoid m => T m -> m
fold = foldR mappend mempty
{-# DEPRECATED monoidConcat "Use foldMap instead." #-}
monoidConcat :: Monoid m => T m -> m
monoidConcat = fold
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> T a -> m
foldMap f = monoidConcat . map f
{-# DEPRECATED monoidConcatMap "Use foldMap instead." #-}
monoidConcatMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> T a -> m
monoidConcatMap = foldMap
instance Semigroup (T y) where
(<>) = append
instance Monoid (T y) where
mempty = empty
mappend = append
catMaybes :: T (Maybe a) -> T a
catMaybes sig =
runViewL sig (\next ->
generate (
let go s0 =
next s0 >>= \(ma,s1) ->
fmap (flip (,) s1) ma `mplus`
go s1
in go))
flattenPairs :: T (a,a) -> T a
flattenPairs sig =
runViewL sig (\next t ->
(\(carry,s0) ->
fmap (\b -> (b, (Nothing, s0))) carry `mplus`
fmap (\((a,b),s1) -> (a, (Just b, s1))) (next s0))
interleave, interleaveAlt ::
T y -> T y -> T y
interleave xs ys =
runViewL xs (\nextX sx ->
runViewL ys (\nextY sy ->
(\(select,(sx0,sy0)) ->
case select of
False -> fmap (mapSnd (\sx1 -> (True, (sx1,sy0)))) $ nextX sx0
True -> fmap (mapSnd (\sy1 -> (False, (sx0,sy1)))) $ nextY sy0)
(False, (sx,sy))))
interleaveAlt xs ys = flattenPairs $ zip xs ys