module System.Taffybar.Information.X11DesktopInfo
( X11Context(..)
, X11Property
, X11Window
, doLowerWindow
, eventLoop
, getAtom
, getDefaultCtx
, getDisplay
, getPrimaryOutputNumber
, getVisibleTags
, getWindowState
, getWindowStateProperty
, isWindowUrgent
, postX11RequestSyncProp
, readAsInt
, readAsListOfInt
, readAsListOfString
, readAsListOfWindow
, readAsString
, sendCommandEvent
, sendWindowEvent
, withDefaultCtx
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MV
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Bits (testBit, (.|.))
import Data.List.Split (endBy)
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
hiding (getWindowProperty8, getWindowProperty32, getWMHints)
import Graphics.X11.Xrandr
import Prelude
import System.Taffybar.Information.SafeX11
data X11Context = X11Context
{ contextDisplay :: Display
, _contextRoot :: Window
, atomCache :: MV.MVar [(String, Atom)]
type X11Property a = ReaderT X11Context IO a
type X11Window = Window
type PropertyFetcher a = Display -> Atom -> Window -> IO (Maybe [a])
withDefaultCtx :: X11Property a -> IO a
withDefaultCtx fun = do
ctx <- getDefaultCtx
res <- runReaderT fun ctx
closeDisplay (contextDisplay ctx)
return res
getDisplay :: X11Property Display
getDisplay = contextDisplay <$> ask
readAsInt :: Maybe X11Window
-> String
-> X11Property Int
readAsInt window name = do
prop <- fetch getWindowProperty32 window name
case prop of
Just (x:_) -> return (fromIntegral x)
_ -> return (-1)
readAsListOfInt :: Maybe X11Window
-> String
-> X11Property [Int]
readAsListOfInt window name = do
prop <- fetch getWindowProperty32 window name
case prop of
Just xs -> return (map fromIntegral xs)
_ -> return []
readAsString :: Maybe X11Window
-> String
-> X11Property String
readAsString window name = do
prop <- fetch getWindowProperty8 window name
case prop of
Just xs -> return . UTF8.decode . map fromIntegral $ xs
_ -> return []
readAsListOfString :: Maybe X11Window
-> String
-> X11Property [String]
readAsListOfString window name = do
prop <- fetch getWindowProperty8 window name
case prop of
Just xs -> return (parse xs)
_ -> return []
parse = endBy "\0" . UTF8.decode . map fromIntegral
readAsListOfWindow :: Maybe X11Window
-> String
-> X11Property [X11Window]
readAsListOfWindow window name = do
prop <- fetch getWindowProperty32 window name
case prop of
Just xs -> return $ map fromIntegral xs
_ -> return []
isWindowUrgent :: X11Window -> X11Property Bool
isWindowUrgent window = do
hints <- fetchWindowHints window
return $ testBit (wmh_flags hints) urgencyHintBit
getVisibleTags :: X11Property [String]
getVisibleTags = readAsListOfString Nothing "_XMONAD_VISIBLE_WORKSPACES"
getAtom :: String -> X11Property Atom
getAtom s = do
(X11Context d _ cacheVar) <- ask
a <- lift $ lookup s <$> MV.readMVar cacheVar
let updateCacheAction = lift $ MV.modifyMVar cacheVar updateCache
updateCache currentCache =
atom <- internAtom d s False
return ((s, atom):currentCache, atom)
maybe updateCacheAction return a
eventLoop :: (Event -> IO ()) -> X11Property ()
eventLoop dispatch = do
(X11Context d w _) <- ask
liftIO $ do
selectInput d w $ propertyChangeMask .|. substructureNotifyMask
allocaXEvent $ \e -> forever $ do
event <- nextEvent d e >> getEvent e
case event of
MapNotifyEvent { ev_window = window } ->
selectInput d window propertyChangeMask
_ -> return ()
dispatch event
sendCommandEvent :: Atom -> Atom -> X11Property ()
sendCommandEvent cmd arg = do
(X11Context dpy root _) <- ask
sendCustomEvent dpy cmd arg root root
sendWindowEvent :: Atom -> X11Window -> X11Property ()
sendWindowEvent cmd win = do
(X11Context dpy root _) <- ask
sendCustomEvent dpy cmd cmd root win
getDefaultCtx :: IO X11Context
getDefaultCtx = do
d <- openDisplay ""
w <- rootWindow d $ defaultScreen d
cache <- MV.newMVar []
return $ X11Context d w cache
getWindowStateProperty :: X11Window -> String -> X11Property Bool
getWindowStateProperty window property = not . null <$> getWindowState window [property]
getWindowState :: X11Window -> [String] -> X11Property [String]
getWindowState window request = do
let getAsLong s = fromIntegral <$> getAtom s
integers <- mapM getAsLong request
properties <- fetch getWindowProperty32 (Just window) "_NET_WM_STATE"
let integerToString = zip integers request
present = intersect integers $ fromMaybe [] properties
presentStrings = map (`lookup` integerToString) present
return $ catMaybes presentStrings
fetch :: (Integral a)
=> PropertyFetcher a
-> Maybe X11Window
-> String
-> X11Property (Maybe [a])
fetch fetcher window name = do
(X11Context dpy root _) <- ask
atom <- getAtom name
liftIO $ fetcher dpy atom (fromMaybe root window)
fetchWindowHints :: X11Window -> X11Property WMHints
fetchWindowHints window = do
(X11Context d _ _) <- ask
liftIO $ getWMHints d window
sendCustomEvent :: Display
-> Atom
-> Atom
-> X11Window
-> X11Window
-> X11Property ()
sendCustomEvent dpy cmd arg root win =
liftIO $ allocaXEvent $ \e -> do
setEventType e clientMessage
setClientMessageEvent e win cmd 32 arg currentTime
sendEvent dpy root False structureNotifyMask e
sync dpy False
postX11RequestSyncProp :: X11Property a -> a -> X11Property a
postX11RequestSyncProp prop def = do
c <- ask
let action = runReaderT prop c
lift $ postX11RequestSyncDef def action
isActiveOutput :: XRRScreenResources -> RROutput -> X11Property Bool
isActiveOutput sres output = do
(X11Context display _ _) <- ask
maybeOutputInfo <- liftIO $ xrrGetOutputInfo display sres output
return $ maybe 0 xrr_oi_crtc maybeOutputInfo /= 0
getActiveOutputs :: X11Property [RROutput]
getActiveOutputs = do
(X11Context display rootw _) <- ask
maybeSres <- liftIO $ xrrGetScreenResources display rootw
maybe (return []) (\sres -> filterM (isActiveOutput sres) $ xrr_sr_outputs sres)
getPrimaryOutputNumber :: X11Property (Maybe Int)
getPrimaryOutputNumber = do
(X11Context display rootw _) <- ask
primary <- liftIO $ xrrGetOutputPrimary display rootw
outputs <- getActiveOutputs
return $ primary `elemIndex` outputs
doLowerWindow :: X11Window -> X11Property ()
doLowerWindow window =
asks contextDisplay >>= lift . flip lowerWindow window