{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module System.Taffybar.Widget.Generic.AutoSizeImage where
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MV
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.GI.Gtk.Threading as Gtk
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
import qualified GI.Gdk as Gdk
import GI.GdkPixbuf.Objects.Pixbuf as Gdk
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import StatusNotifier.Tray (scalePixbufToSize)
import System.Log.Logger
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Util
import Text.Printf
imageLog :: Priority -> String -> IO ()
imageLog = logM "System.Taffybar.Widget.Generic.AutoSizeImage"
borderFunctions :: [Gtk.StyleContext -> [Gtk.StateFlags] -> IO Gtk.Border]
borderFunctions =
[ Gtk.styleContextGetPadding
, Gtk.styleContextGetMargin
, Gtk.styleContextGetBorder
data BorderInfo = BorderInfo
{ borderTop :: Int16
, borderBottom :: Int16
, borderLeft :: Int16
, borderRight :: Int16
} deriving (Show, Eq)
borderInfoZero :: BorderInfo
borderInfoZero = BorderInfo 0 0 0 0
borderWidth, borderHeight :: BorderInfo -> Int16
borderWidth borderInfo = borderLeft borderInfo + borderRight borderInfo
borderHeight borderInfo = borderTop borderInfo + borderBottom borderInfo
toBorderInfo :: (MonadIO m) => Gtk.Border -> m BorderInfo
toBorderInfo border =
<$> Gtk.getBorderTop border
<*> Gtk.getBorderBottom border
<*> Gtk.getBorderLeft border
<*> Gtk.getBorderRight border
addBorderInfo :: BorderInfo -> BorderInfo -> BorderInfo
(BorderInfo t1 b1 l1 r1)
(BorderInfo t2 b2 l2 r2)
= BorderInfo (t1 + t2) (b1 + b2) (l1 + l2) (r1 + r2)
getBorderInfo :: (MonadIO m, Gtk.IsWidget a) => a -> m BorderInfo
getBorderInfo widget = liftIO $ do
stateFlags <- Gtk.widgetGetStateFlags widget
styleContext <- Gtk.widgetGetStyleContext widget
let getBorderInfoFor borderFn =
borderFn styleContext stateFlags >>= toBorderInfo
combineBorderInfo lastSum fn =
addBorderInfo lastSum <$> getBorderInfoFor fn
foldM combineBorderInfo borderInfoZero borderFunctions
:: (MonadIO m, Gtk.IsWidget a)
=> a -> BorderInfo -> m Gdk.Rectangle
getContentAllocation widget borderInfo = do
allocation <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocation widget
currentWidth <- Gdk.getRectangleWidth allocation
currentHeight <- Gdk.getRectangleHeight allocation
currentX <- Gdk.getRectangleX allocation
currentY <- Gdk.getRectangleX allocation
Gdk.setRectangleWidth allocation $ max 1 $
currentWidth - fromIntegral (borderWidth borderInfo)
Gdk.setRectangleHeight allocation $ max 1 $
currentHeight - fromIntegral (borderHeight borderInfo)
Gdk.setRectangleX allocation $
currentX + fromIntegral (borderLeft borderInfo)
Gdk.setRectangleY allocation $
currentY + fromIntegral (borderTop borderInfo)
return allocation
:: MonadIO m
=> Gtk.Image
-> (Int32 -> IO (Maybe Gdk.Pixbuf))
-> Gtk.Orientation
-> m (IO ())
autoSizeImage image getPixbuf orientation = liftIO $ do
case orientation of
Gtk.OrientationHorizontal -> Gtk.widgetSetVexpand image True
_ -> Gtk.widgetSetHexpand image True
_ <- widgetSetClassGI image "auto-size-image"
lastAllocation <- MV.newMVar 0
borderInfo <- getBorderInfo image
let setPixbuf force allocation = do
_width <- Gdk.getRectangleWidth allocation
_height <- Gdk.getRectangleHeight allocation
let width = max 1 $ _width - fromIntegral (borderWidth borderInfo)
height = max 1 $ _height - fromIntegral (borderHeight borderInfo)
size =
case orientation of
Gtk.OrientationHorizontal -> height
_ -> width
previousSize <- MV.readMVar lastAllocation
when (size /= previousSize || force) $ do
MV.modifyMVar_ lastAllocation $ const $ return size
pixbuf <- getPixbuf size
pbWidth <- fromMaybe 0 <$> traverse Gdk.getPixbufWidth pixbuf
pbHeight <- fromMaybe 0 <$> traverse Gdk.getPixbufWidth pixbuf
let pbSize = case orientation of
Gtk.OrientationHorizontal -> pbHeight
_ -> pbWidth
logLevel = if pbSize <= size then DEBUG else WARNING
imageLog logLevel $
printf "Allocating image: size %s, width %s, \
\ height %s, aw: %s, ah: %s, pbw: %s pbh: %s"
(show size)
(show width)
(show height)
(show _width)
(show _height)
(show pbWidth)
(show pbHeight)
Gtk.imageSetFromPixbuf image pixbuf
Gtk.postGUIASync $ Gtk.widgetQueueResize image
_ <- Gtk.onWidgetSizeAllocate image $ setPixbuf False
return $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocation image >>= setPixbuf True
:: MonadIO m
=> (Int32 -> IO Gdk.Pixbuf) -> Gtk.Orientation -> m Gtk.Image
autoSizeImageNew getPixBuf orientation = do
image <- Gtk.imageNew
void $ autoSizeImage image
(\size -> Just <$> (getPixBuf size >>= scalePixbufToSize size orientation))
return image