-- |
-- Module      : System.Taffybar.Information.EWMHDesktopInfo
-- Copyright   : (c) José A. Romero L.
-- License     : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : José A. Romero L. <escherdragon@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- Functions to access data provided by the X11 desktop via EWHM hints. This
-- module requires that the EwmhDesktops hook from the XMonadContrib project
-- be installed in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@ configuration:
-- > import XMonad
-- > import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops (ewmh)
-- >
-- > main = xmonad $ ewmh $ ...

module System.Taffybar.Information.EWMHDesktopInfo
  ( EWMHIcon(..)
  , EWMHIconData
  , WorkspaceId(..)
  , X11Window
  , allEWMHProperties
  , ewmhActiveWindow
  , ewmhClientList
  , ewmhCurrentDesktop
  , ewmhDesktopNames
  , ewmhNumberOfDesktops
  , ewmhStateHidden
  , ewmhWMClass
  , ewmhWMDesktop
  , ewmhWMIcon
  , ewmhWMName
  , ewmhWMName2
  , ewmhWMState
  , ewmhWMStateHidden
  , focusWindow
  , getActiveWindow
  , getCurrentWorkspace
  , getVisibleWorkspaces
  , getWindowClass
  , getWindowIconsData
  , getWindowMinimized
  , getWindowState
  , getWindowStateProperty
  , getWindowTitle
  , getWindows
  , getWorkspace
  , getWorkspaceNames
  , isWindowUrgent
  , parseWindowClasses
  , switchOneWorkspace
  , switchToWorkspace
  , withDefaultCtx
  , withEWMHIcons
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Word
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import System.Log.Logger
import System.Taffybar.Information.SafeX11 hiding (logHere)
import System.Taffybar.Information.X11DesktopInfo

import Prelude

logHere :: MonadIO m => Priority -> String -> m ()
logHere p = liftIO . logM "System.Taffybar.Information.EWMHDesktopInfo" p

newtype WorkspaceId = WorkspaceId Int deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq)

-- A super annoying detail of the XGetWindowProperty interface is that: "If the
-- returned format is 32, the returned data is represented as a long array and
-- should be cast to that type to obtain the elements." This means that even
-- though only the 4 least significant bits will ever contain any data, the
-- array that is returned from X11 can have a larger word size. This means that
-- we need to manipulate the underlying data in annoying ways to pass it to gtk
-- appropriately.
type PixelsWordType = Word64

type EWMHProperty = String

ewmhActiveWindow, ewmhClientList, ewmhCurrentDesktop, ewmhDesktopNames, ewmhNumberOfDesktops, ewmhStateHidden, ewmhWMDesktop, ewmhWMStateHidden, ewmhWMClass, ewmhWMState, ewmhWMIcon, ewmhWMName, ewmhWMName2 :: EWMHProperty
ewmhActiveWindow = "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW"
ewmhClientList = "_NET_CLIENT_LIST"
ewmhCurrentDesktop = "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP"
ewmhDesktopNames = "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES"
ewmhNumberOfDesktops = "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS"
ewmhStateHidden = "_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN"
ewmhWMClass = "WM_CLASS"
ewmhWMDesktop = "_NET_WM_DESKTOP"
ewmhWMIcon = "_NET_WM_ICON"
ewmhWMName = "_NET_WM_NAME"
ewmhWMName2 = "WM_NAME"
ewmhWMState = "_NET_WM_STATE"
ewmhWMStateHidden = "_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN"

allEWMHProperties :: [EWMHProperty]
allEWMHProperties =
  [ ewmhActiveWindow
  , ewmhClientList
  , ewmhCurrentDesktop
  , ewmhDesktopNames
  , ewmhNumberOfDesktops
  , ewmhStateHidden
  , ewmhWMClass
  , ewmhWMDesktop
  , ewmhWMIcon
  , ewmhWMName
  , ewmhWMName2
  , ewmhWMState
  , ewmhWMStateHidden

type EWMHIconData = (ForeignPtr PixelsWordType, Int)

data EWMHIcon = EWMHIcon
  { ewmhWidth :: Int
  , ewmhHeight :: Int
  , ewmhPixelsARGB :: Ptr PixelsWordType
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

getWindowStateProperty :: String -> X11Window -> X11Property Bool
getWindowStateProperty property window =
  not . null <$> getWindowState window [property]

getWindowState :: X11Window -> [String] -> X11Property [String]
getWindowState window request = do
  let getAsLong s = fromIntegral <$> getAtom s
  integers <- mapM getAsLong request
  properties <- fetch getWindowProperty32 (Just window) ewmhWMState
  let integerToString = zip integers request
      present = intersect integers $ fromMaybe [] properties
      presentStrings = map (`lookup` integerToString) present
  return $ catMaybes presentStrings

-- | Get a bool reflecting whether window with provided X11Window is minimized
-- or not.
getWindowMinimized :: X11Window -> X11Property Bool
getWindowMinimized = getWindowStateProperty ewmhStateHidden

-- | Retrieve the index of the current workspace in the desktop, starting from
-- 0.
getCurrentWorkspace :: X11Property WorkspaceId
getCurrentWorkspace = WorkspaceId <$> readAsInt Nothing ewmhCurrentDesktop

-- | Retrieve the indexes of all currently visible workspaces
-- with the active workspace at the head of the list.
getVisibleWorkspaces :: X11Property [WorkspaceId]
getVisibleWorkspaces = do
  vis <- getVisibleTags
  allNames <- map swap <$> getWorkspaceNames
  cur <- getCurrentWorkspace
  return $ cur : mapMaybe (`lookup` allNames) vis

-- | Return a list with the names of all the workspaces currently
-- available.
getWorkspaceNames :: X11Property [(WorkspaceId, String)]
getWorkspaceNames = go <$> readAsListOfString Nothing ewmhDesktopNames
  where go = zip [WorkspaceId i | i <- [0..]]

-- | Ask the window manager to switch to the workspace with the given
-- index, starting from 0.
switchToWorkspace :: WorkspaceId -> X11Property ()
switchToWorkspace (WorkspaceId idx) = do
  cmd <- getAtom ewmhCurrentDesktop
  sendCommandEvent cmd (fromIntegral idx)

-- | Move one workspace up or down from the current workspace
switchOneWorkspace :: Bool -> Int -> X11Property ()
switchOneWorkspace dir end = do
  cur <- getCurrentWorkspace
  switchToWorkspace $ if dir then getPrev cur end else getNext cur end

-- | Check for corner case and switch one workspace up
getPrev :: WorkspaceId -> Int -> WorkspaceId
getPrev (WorkspaceId idx) end
  | idx > 0 = WorkspaceId $ idx-1
  | otherwise = WorkspaceId end

-- | Check for corner case and switch one workspace down
getNext :: WorkspaceId -> Int -> WorkspaceId
getNext (WorkspaceId idx) end
  | idx < end = WorkspaceId $ idx+1
  | otherwise = WorkspaceId 0

-- | Get the title of the given X11 window.
getWindowTitle :: X11Window -> X11Property String
getWindowTitle window = do
  let w = Just window
  prop <- readAsString w ewmhWMName
  case prop of
    "" -> readAsString w ewmhWMName2
    _  -> return prop

-- | Get the class of the given X11 window.
getWindowClass :: X11Window -> X11Property String
getWindowClass window = readAsString (Just window) ewmhWMClass

parseWindowClasses :: String -> [String]
parseWindowClasses = filter (not . null) . splitOn "\NUL"

-- | Get EWMHIconData for the given X11Window
getWindowIconsData :: X11Window -> X11Property (Maybe EWMHIconData)
getWindowIconsData window = do
  dpy <- getDisplay
  atom <- getAtom ewmhWMIcon
  lift $ rawGetWindowPropertyBytes 32 dpy atom window

-- | Operate on the data contained in 'EWMHIconData' in the easier to interact
-- with format offered by 'EWMHIcon'. This function is much like
-- 'withForeignPtr' in that the 'EWMHIcon' values that are provided to the
-- callable argument should not be kept around in any way, because it can not be
-- guaranteed that the finalizer for the memory to which those icon objects
-- point will not be executed, after the call to 'withEWMHIcons' completes.
withEWMHIcons :: EWMHIconData -> ([EWMHIcon] -> IO a) -> IO a
withEWMHIcons (fptr, size) action =
  withForeignPtr fptr ((>>= action) . parseIcons size)

-- | Split icon raw integer data into EWMHIcons. Each icon raw data is an
-- integer for width, followed by height, followed by exactly (width*height)
-- ARGB pixels, optionally followed by the next icon.
-- XXX: This function should not be made public, because its return value contains
-- (sub)pointers whose allocation we do not control.
parseIcons :: Int -> Ptr PixelsWordType -> IO [EWMHIcon]
parseIcons 0 _ = return []
parseIcons totalSize arr = do
  iwidth <- fromIntegral <$> peek arr
  iheight <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff arr 1
  let pixelsPtr = advancePtr arr 2
      thisSize = iwidth * iheight
      newArr = advancePtr pixelsPtr thisSize
      thisIcon =
        { ewmhWidth = iwidth
        , ewmhHeight = iheight
        , ewmhPixelsARGB = pixelsPtr
      getRes newSize
        | newSize < 0 =
          logHere ERROR "Attempt to recurse on negative value in parseIcons"
                    >> return []
        | otherwise = (thisIcon :) <$> parseIcons newSize newArr
  getRes $ totalSize - fromIntegral (thisSize + 2)

-- | Get the window that currently has focus if such a window exists.
getActiveWindow :: X11Property (Maybe X11Window)
getActiveWindow = listToMaybe . filter (> 0) <$> readAsListOfWindow Nothing ewmhActiveWindow

-- | Return a list of all @X11Window@s.
getWindows :: X11Property [X11Window]
getWindows = readAsListOfWindow Nothing ewmhClientList

-- | Return the index (starting from 0) of the workspace on which the given
-- window is being displayed.
getWorkspace :: X11Window -> X11Property WorkspaceId
getWorkspace window = WorkspaceId <$> readAsInt (Just window) ewmhWMDesktop

-- | Ask the window manager to give focus to the given window.
focusWindow :: X11Window -> X11Property ()
focusWindow wh = do
  cmd <- getAtom ewmhActiveWindow
  sendWindowEvent cmd (fromIntegral wh)