{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module System.Taffybar.Widget.Generic.AutoSizeImage where

import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MV
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Data.Int
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified GI.Gdk as Gdk
import           GI.GdkPixbuf.Objects.Pixbuf as Gdk
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import           StatusNotifier.Tray (scalePixbufToSize)
import           System.Log.Logger
import           System.Taffybar.Util
import           System.Taffybar.Widget.Util
import           Text.Printf

imageLog :: Priority -> String -> IO ()
imageLog = logM "System.Taffybar.Widget.Generic.AutoSizeImage"

borderFunctions :: [Gtk.StyleContext -> [Gtk.StateFlags] -> IO Gtk.Border]
borderFunctions =
  [ Gtk.styleContextGetPadding
  , Gtk.styleContextGetMargin
  , Gtk.styleContextGetBorder

data BorderInfo = BorderInfo
  { borderTop :: Int16
  , borderBottom :: Int16
  , borderLeft :: Int16
  , borderRight :: Int16
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

borderInfoZero :: BorderInfo
borderInfoZero = BorderInfo 0 0 0 0

borderWidth, borderHeight :: BorderInfo -> Int16
borderWidth borderInfo = borderLeft borderInfo + borderRight borderInfo
borderHeight borderInfo = borderTop borderInfo + borderBottom borderInfo

toBorderInfo :: (MonadIO m) => Gtk.Border -> m BorderInfo
toBorderInfo border =
  <$> Gtk.getBorderTop border
  <*> Gtk.getBorderBottom border
  <*> Gtk.getBorderLeft border
  <*> Gtk.getBorderRight border

addBorderInfo :: BorderInfo -> BorderInfo -> BorderInfo
  (BorderInfo t1 b1 l1 r1)
  (BorderInfo t2 b2 l2 r2)
    = BorderInfo (t1 + t2) (b1 + b2) (l1 + l2) (r1 + r2)

-- | Get the total size of the border (the sum of its assigned margin, border
-- and padding values) that will be drawn for a widget as a "BorderInfo" record.
getBorderInfo :: (MonadIO m, Gtk.IsWidget a) => a -> m BorderInfo
getBorderInfo widget = liftIO $ do
  stateFlags <- Gtk.widgetGetStateFlags widget
  styleContext <- Gtk.widgetGetStyleContext widget

  let getBorderInfoFor borderFn =
        borderFn styleContext stateFlags >>= toBorderInfo
      combineBorderInfo lastSum fn =
        addBorderInfo lastSum <$> getBorderInfoFor fn

  foldM combineBorderInfo borderInfoZero borderFunctions

-- | Get the actual allocation for a "Gtk.Widget", accounting for the size of
-- its CSS assined margin, border and padding values.
  :: (MonadIO m, Gtk.IsWidget a)
  => a -> BorderInfo -> m Gdk.Rectangle
getContentAllocation widget borderInfo = do
  allocation <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocation widget
  currentWidth <- Gdk.getRectangleWidth allocation
  currentHeight <- Gdk.getRectangleHeight allocation
  currentX <- Gdk.getRectangleX allocation
  currentY <- Gdk.getRectangleX allocation

  Gdk.setRectangleWidth allocation $ max 1 $
     currentWidth - fromIntegral (borderWidth borderInfo)
  Gdk.setRectangleHeight allocation $ max 1 $
     currentHeight - fromIntegral (borderHeight borderInfo)
  Gdk.setRectangleX allocation $
     currentX + fromIntegral (borderLeft borderInfo)
  Gdk.setRectangleY allocation $
     currentY + fromIntegral (borderTop borderInfo)

  return allocation

-- | Automatically update the "Gdk.Pixbuf" of a "Gtk.Image" using the provided
-- action whenever the "Gtk.Image" is allocated. Returns an action that forces a
-- refresh of the image through the provided action.
  :: MonadIO m
  => Gtk.Image
  -> (Int32 -> IO (Maybe Gdk.Pixbuf))
  -> Gtk.Orientation
  -> m (IO ())
autoSizeImage image getPixbuf orientation = liftIO $ do
  case orientation of
    Gtk.OrientationHorizontal -> Gtk.widgetSetVexpand image True
    _ -> Gtk.widgetSetHexpand image True

  _ <- widgetSetClassGI image "auto-size-image"

  lastAllocation <- MV.newMVar 0
  -- XXX: Gtk seems to report information about padding etc inconsistently,
  -- which is why we look it up once, at startup. This means that we won't
  -- properly react to changes to these values, which could be a pretty nasty
  -- gotcha for someone down the line. :(
  borderInfo <- getBorderInfo image

  let setPixbuf force allocation = do
        _width <- Gdk.getRectangleWidth allocation
        _height <- Gdk.getRectangleHeight allocation

        let width = max 1 $ _width - fromIntegral (borderWidth borderInfo)
            height = max 1 $ _height - fromIntegral (borderHeight borderInfo)
            size =
              case orientation of
                Gtk.OrientationHorizontal -> height
                _ -> width

        previousSize <- MV.readMVar lastAllocation

        when (size /= previousSize || force) $ do
          MV.modifyMVar_ lastAllocation $ const $ return size

          pixbuf <- getPixbuf size
          pbWidth <- fromMaybe 0 <$> traverse Gdk.getPixbufWidth pixbuf
          pbHeight <- fromMaybe 0 <$> traverse Gdk.getPixbufHeight pixbuf
          let pbSize = case orientation of
                         Gtk.OrientationHorizontal -> pbHeight
                         _ -> pbWidth
              logLevel = if pbSize <= size then DEBUG else WARNING

          imageLog logLevel $
                 printf "Allocating image: size %s, width %s, \
                         \ height %s, aw: %s, ah: %s, pbw: %s pbh: %s"
                 (show size)
                 (show width)
                 (show height)
                 (show _width)
                 (show _height)
                 (show pbWidth)
                 (show pbHeight)

          Gtk.imageSetFromPixbuf image pixbuf
          postGUIASync $ Gtk.widgetQueueResize image

  _ <- Gtk.onWidgetSizeAllocate image $ setPixbuf False
  return $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocation image >>= setPixbuf True

-- | Make a new "Gtk.Image" and call "autoSizeImage" on it. Automatically scale
-- the "Gdk.Pixbuf" returned from the provided getter to the appropriate size
-- using "scalePixbufToSize".
  :: MonadIO m
  => (Int32 -> IO Gdk.Pixbuf) -> Gtk.Orientation -> m Gtk.Image
autoSizeImageNew getPixBuf orientation = do
  image <- Gtk.imageNew
  void $ autoSizeImage image
         (\size -> Just <$> (getPixBuf size >>= scalePixbufToSize size orientation))
  return image

-- | Make a new "Gtk.MenuItem" that has both a label and an icon.
  :: MonadIO m
  => T.Text -> (Int32 -> IO (Maybe Gdk.Pixbuf)) -> m Gtk.MenuItem
imageMenuItemNew labelText pixbufGetter = do
  box <- Gtk.boxNew Gtk.OrientationHorizontal 0
  label <- Gtk.labelNew $ Just labelText
  image <- Gtk.imageNew
  void $ autoSizeImage image pixbufGetter Gtk.OrientationHorizontal
  item <- Gtk.menuItemNew
  Gtk.containerAdd box image
  Gtk.containerAdd box label
  Gtk.containerAdd item box
  Gtk.widgetSetHalign box Gtk.AlignStart
  Gtk.widgetSetHalign image Gtk.AlignStart
  Gtk.widgetSetValign box Gtk.AlignFill
  return item