taffybar-4.1.0: A desktop bar similar to xmobar, but with more GUI
Copyright(c) José A. Romero L.
LicenseBSD3-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerJosé A. Romero L. <escherdragon@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Functions to access data provided by the X11 desktop via EWHM hints. This module requires that the EwmhDesktops hook from the XMonadContrib project be installed in your ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs configuration:

import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops (ewmh)

main = xmonad $ ewmh $ ...


data EWMHIcon Source #





Instances details
Show EWMHIcon Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.Taffybar.Information.EWMHDesktopInfo

Eq EWMHIcon Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.Taffybar.Information.EWMHDesktopInfo

type EWMHIconData = (ForeignPtr PixelsWordType, Int) Source #

allEWMHProperties :: [EWMHProperty] Source #

ewmhActiveWindow :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhClientList :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhCurrentDesktop :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhDesktopNames :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhNumberOfDesktops :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhStateHidden :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhWMClass :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhWMDesktop :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhWMIcon :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhWMName :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhWMName2 :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhWMState :: EWMHProperty Source #

ewmhWMStateHidden :: EWMHProperty Source #

focusWindow :: X11Window -> X11Property () Source #

Ask the window manager to give focus to the given window.

getActiveWindow :: X11Property (Maybe X11Window) Source #

Get the window that currently has focus if such a window exists.

getCurrentWorkspace :: X11Property WorkspaceId Source #

Retrieve the index of the current workspace in the desktop, starting from 0.

getVisibleWorkspaces :: X11Property [WorkspaceId] Source #

Retrieve the indexes of all currently visible workspaces with the active workspace at the head of the list.

getWindowClass :: X11Window -> X11Property String Source #

Get the class of the given X11 window.

getWindowIconsData :: X11Window -> X11Property (Maybe EWMHIconData) Source #

Get EWMHIconData for the given X11Window

getWindowMinimized :: X11Window -> X11Property Bool Source #

Get a bool reflecting whether window with provided X11Window is minimized or not.

getWindowTitle :: X11Window -> X11Property String Source #

Get the title of the given X11 window.

getWindows :: X11Property [X11Window] Source #

Return a list of all X11Windows, sorted by initial mapping order, oldest to newest.

getWindowsStacking :: X11Property [X11Window] Source #

Return a list of all X11Windows, sorted in stacking order, bottom-to-top.

getWorkspace :: X11Window -> X11Property WorkspaceId Source #

Return the index (starting from 0) of the workspace on which the given window is being displayed.

getWorkspaceNames :: X11Property [(WorkspaceId, String)] Source #

Return a list with the names of all the workspaces currently available.

isWindowUrgent :: X11Window -> X11Property Bool Source #

Determine whether the "urgent" flag is set in the WM_HINTS of the given window.

switchOneWorkspace :: Bool -> Int -> X11Property () Source #

Move one workspace up or down from the current workspace

switchToWorkspace :: WorkspaceId -> X11Property () Source #

Ask the window manager to switch to the workspace with the given index, starting from 0.

withX11Context :: DisplayName -> X11Property a -> IO a Source #

Makes a connection to the default X11 display using getX11Context and puts the current display and root window objects inside a ReaderT transformer for further computation.

withEWMHIcons :: EWMHIconData -> ([EWMHIcon] -> IO a) -> IO a Source #

Operate on the data contained in EWMHIconData in the easier to interact with format offered by EWMHIcon. This function is much like withForeignPtr in that the EWMHIcon values that are provided to the callable argument should not be kept around in any way, because it can not be guaranteed that the finalizer for the memory to which those icon objects point will not be executed, after the call to withEWMHIcons completes.