taffybar-4.1.0: A desktop bar similar to xmobar, but with more GUI
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




pixelsARGBToBytesABGR :: (Storable a, Bits a, Num a, Integral a) => Ptr a -> Int -> IO (Ptr Word8) Source #

Convert a C array of integer pixels in the ARGB format to the ABGR format. Returns an unmanged Ptr that points to a block of memory that must be freed manually.

pixBufFromEWMHIcon :: EWMHIcon -> IO Pixbuf Source #

Create a pixbuf from the pixel data in an EWMHIcon.

pixBufFromColor :: MonadIO m => Int32 -> Word32 -> m Pixbuf Source #

Create a pixbuf with the indicated RGBA color.

getWindowIconForAllClasses :: Monad m => (p -> String -> m (Maybe a)) -> p -> String -> m (Maybe a) Source #