Haskell auto-magic test discovery and runner for the tasty test framework.
Prefix your test case names and tasty-discover
will discover, collect and run
them. All popular Haskell test libraries are covered. Configure once then just
write your tests. Remember to add your test modules to your Cabal/Hpack
files. Tasty ingredients are included along with various configuration options
for different use cases.
See below for full documentation and examples.
Getting Started
There are 4 simple steps:
- Create a test driver file in the test directory
- Mark the driver file as the
in the test suite
- Mark tests with the correct prefixes
- Customise test discovery as needed
Check out the example project to get moving quickly.
Create Test Driver File
You can name this file anything you want but it must contain the correct
preprocessor definition for tasty-discover
to run and to detect the
configuration. It should be at the top level of the test directory.
For example (in test/Driver.hs
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF tasty-discover #-}
In order for Cabal/Stack to know where the tests are, you'll need to configure
the main-is
option of your test-suite to point to the driver file. In the
following example, the test driver file is called Driver.hs
test-suite test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Driver.hs
hs-source-dirs: test
build-depends: base
If you use hpack, that might look like:
main: "Driver.hs"
source-dirs: "test"
- "base"
To ensure that tasty-discover
is available even without installation, add this
to the test suite in your cabal file:
See hpack
documentation for stack
Write Tests
Create test modules and prefix the test function name with an identifier that
corresponds to the testing library you wish to run the test with:
Here is an example test module with a bunch of different tests:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module ExampleTest where
import Data.List
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Discover
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
-- HUnit test case
unit_listCompare :: IO ()
unit_listCompare = [1, 2, 3] `compare` [1,2] @?= GT
-- QuickCheck property
prop_additionCommutative :: Int -> Int -> Bool
prop_additionCommutative a b = a + b == b + a
-- SmallCheck property
scprop_sortReverse :: [Int] -> Bool
scprop_sortReverse list = sort list == sort (reverse list)
-- Hspec specification
spec_prelude :: Spec
spec_prelude = describe "Prelude.head" $ do
it "returns the first element of a list" $ do
head [23 ..] `shouldBe` (23 :: Int)
-- Custom test
-- Write a test for anything with a Tasty instance
-- In order to use this feature, you must add tasty-discover as a library dependency
-- to your test component in the cabal file.
-- The instance defined should not be an orphaned instance. A future version of
-- tasty-discover may choose to define orphaned instances for popular test libraries.
import Test.Tasty (testCase)
import Test.Tasty.Discover (TestCase(..), descriptionOf)
data CustomTest = CustomTest String Assertion
instance Tasty CustomTest where
tasty info (CustomTest prefix act) =
pure $ testCase (prefix ++ descriptionOf info) act
tasty_myTest :: CustomTest
tasty_myTest = CustomTest "Custom: " $ pure ()
-- Tasty TestTree
test_multiplication :: [TestTree]
test_multiplication = [testProperty "One is identity" $ \(a :: Int) -> a * 1 == a]
-- Tasty IO TestTree
test_generateTree :: IO TestTree
test_generateTree = do
input <- pure "Some input"
pure $ testCase input $ pure ()
-- Tasty IO [TestTree]
test_generateTrees :: IO [TestTree]
test_generateTrees = do
inputs <- pure ["First input", "Second input"]
pure $ map (\s -> testCase s $ pure ()) inputs
Customise Discovery
You configure tasty-discover
by passing options to the test driver file.
No Arguments
Example: {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF tasty-discover -optF --debug #-}
- --debug: Output the contents of the generated module while testing.
- --tree-display: Display the test output results hierarchically.
With Arguments
Example: {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF tasty-discover -optF --modules="*CustomTest.hs" #-}
- --modules: Which test modules to discover (with glob pattern).
- --search-dir: Where to look for tests. This is a directory relative
to the location of the source file. By default, this is the directory
of the source file."
- --ignores: Which test modules to ignore (with glob pattern).
- --generated-module: The name of the generated test module.
- --ingredient: Tasty ingredients to add to your test runner.
- --inplace: Has the generated code written to the source file.
It is also possible to override tasty test options with -optF
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF tasty-discover -optF --hide-successes #-}
Example Project
See the testing for this package for a fully configured example.
Change Log
Please see the CHANGELOG.md for the latest changes.
We try to keep tagged releases in our release process, if you care about that.
Deprecation Policy
If a breaking change is implemented, you'll see a major version increase, an
entry in the change log and a compile-time error with a deprecation warning
and clear instructions on how to upgrade. Please do complain if we're doing
this too much.
All contributions welcome! The continuous integration suite is pretty
comprehensive, so just get hacking and add a test case - there are plenty of
examples, so this should be simple - and I'll get to review your change ASAP.
Frequently Asked Questions
Deleting Tests Breaks The Test Run
This is a known limitation and has been reported. No fix is planned unless you have time.
Please see #145 for more information.
If you're interested in helping maintain this package, please let @newhoggy know!
It doesn't take much time (max ~3 hours a month) and all we need to do is:
- Triage issues that are raised.
- Review pull requests from contributors.
- Fix bugs when present.
- Make releases.
- Manage bounds issues on Stackage.
You can create an issue or drop him a line at lukewm AT riseup DOT NET.
Thanks to hspec-discover and tasty-auto for making this possible.
A huge thanks to the growing list of contributors.