telegram-raw-api-0.1.0: Servant bindings to the Telegram bot API

Safe HaskellNone



Compound parameters


data CompoundParam (tag :: Type) (sym :: Symbol) (a :: Type) Source #

(KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api, ToMultipart tag a, MultipartBackend tag) => HasClient m (CompoundParam tag sym a :> api) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.Telegram.API.CompoundParam

Associated Types

type Client m (CompoundParam tag sym a :> api) :: Type #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy (CompoundParam tag sym a :> api) -> Request -> Client m (CompoundParam tag sym a :> api) #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy (CompoundParam tag sym a :> api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (CompoundParam tag sym a :> api) -> Client mon' (CompoundParam tag sym a :> api) #

type Client m (CompoundParam tag sym a :> api) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.Telegram.API.CompoundParam

type Client m (CompoundParam tag sym a :> api) = (ByteString, a) -> Client m api

data CompoundParams (tag :: Type) (sym :: Symbol) (a :: Type) Source #

(KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api, ToMultipart tag a, MultipartBackend tag) => HasClient m (CompoundParams tag sym a :> api) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.Telegram.API.CompoundParam

Associated Types

type Client m (CompoundParams tag sym a :> api) :: Type #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy (CompoundParams tag sym a :> api) -> Request -> Client m (CompoundParams tag sym a :> api) #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy (CompoundParams tag sym a :> api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (CompoundParams tag sym a :> api) -> Client mon' (CompoundParams tag sym a :> api) #

type Client m (CompoundParams tag sym a :> api) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.Telegram.API.CompoundParam

type Client m (CompoundParams tag sym a :> api) = (ByteString, [a]) -> Client m api

newtype Warp a Source #


Warp a 
ToHttpApiData a => ToHttpApiData (Warp [a]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.Telegram.API.CompoundParam