Safe Haskell | None |
Functions for accessing the values of enumerations including compatibility with the property based testing frameworks QuickCheck and SmallCheck.
- index :: Enumerable a => Integer -> a
- select :: Enumerable a => Int -> Index -> a
- values :: Enumerable a => [(Integer, [a])]
- striped :: Enumerable a => Index -> Integer -> [(Integer, [a])]
- bounded :: Enumerable a => Integer -> [(Integer, [a])]
- featCheck :: (Enumerable a, Show a) => Int -> (a -> Bool) -> IO ()
- ioFeat :: [(Integer, [a])] -> Report a -> IO ()
- ioAll :: Enumerable a => Int -> Report a -> IO ()
- ioBounded :: Enumerable a => Integer -> Int -> Report a -> IO ()
- type Report a = a -> IO ()
- inputRep :: Show a => (a -> Bool) -> Report a
- prePostRep :: (Show a, Show b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> Report a
- uniform :: Enumerable a => Int -> Gen a
- toSeries :: Enumerable a => Int -> [a]
- indexWith :: Enumerate a -> Integer -> a
- selectWith :: Enumerate a -> Int -> Index -> a
- valuesWith :: Enumerate a -> [(Integer, [a])]
- stripedWith :: Enumerate a -> Index -> Integer -> [(Integer, [a])]
- boundedWith :: Enumerate a -> Integer -> [(Integer, [a])]
- uniformWith :: Enumerate a -> Int -> Gen a
- toSeriesWith :: Enumerate a -> Int -> [a]
Accessing functions
index :: Enumerable a => Integer -> aSource
Mainly as a proof of concept we define a function to index into an enumeration. (If this is repeated multiple times it might be very inefficient, depending on whether the dictionary for the Enumerable is shared or not.)
select :: Enumerable a => Int -> Index -> aSource
A more fine grained version of index that takes a size and an
index into the values of that size. select p i
is only defined for i
values :: Enumerable a => [(Integer, [a])]Source
All values of the enumeration by increasing cost (which is the number of constructors for most types). Also contains the cardinality of each list.
striped :: Enumerable a => Index -> Integer -> [(Integer, [a])]Source
A generalisation of values
that enumerates every nth value of the
enumeration from a given starting point.
As a special case values = striped 0 1
Useful for running enumerations in parallel since e.g. striped 0 2
disjoint from striped 0 1 2
and the union of the two cover all values.
bounded :: Enumerable a => Integer -> [(Integer, [a])]Source
A version of values with a limited number of values in each inner list. If the list corresponds to a Part which is larger than the bound it evenly distributes the values across the enumeration of the Part.
A simple property tester
ioFeat :: [(Integer, [a])] -> Report a -> IO ()Source
A rather simple but general property testing driver. The property is an (funcurried) IO function that both tests and reports the error. The driver goes on forever or until the list is exhausted, reporting its progress and the number of tests before each new part.
inputRep :: Show a => (a -> Bool) -> Report aSource
Reports counterexamples to the given predicate by printing them
prePostRep :: (Show a, Show b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> Report aSource
Takes a function and a predicate on its input/output pairs. Reports counterexamples by printing the failing input/output pair.
uniform :: Enumerable a => Int -> Gen aSource
Compatibility with QuickCheck. Distribution is uniform generator over
values bounded by the given size. Typical use: sized uniform
toSeries :: Enumerable a => Int -> [a]Source
Compatibility with SmallCheck.
Non-class versions of the access functions
valuesWith :: Enumerate a -> [(Integer, [a])]Source
Non class version of values
stripedWith :: Enumerate a -> Index -> Integer -> [(Integer, [a])]Source
Non class version of striped
toSeriesWith :: Enumerate a -> Int -> [a]Source
Non class version of toSeries