Safe Haskell | None |
Modifiers for types, i.e. newtype wrappers where the values satisfy some constraint (non-empty, positive etc.). Suggestions on useful types are appreciated.
To apply the modifiers types you can use the record label. For instance:
data C a = C [a] [a] derivingTypeable
a =>Enumerable
(C a) whereenumerate
$ \xs ys -> C (nonEmpty
xs) (nonEmpty
Alternatively you can put everything in pattern postition:
a =>Enumerable
(C a) whereenumerate
$ \(Free
ys)) -> C xs ys)
The first approach has the advantage of being usable with a
point free style: \xs -> C (
xs) . nonEmpty
- newtype NonEmpty a = NonEmpty {
- nonEmpty :: [a]
- mkNonEmpty :: (a, [a]) -> NonEmpty a
- class (Typeable a, Integral a) => Infinite a
- newtype Nat a = Nat {
- nat :: a
- newtype NonZero a = NonZero {
- nonZero :: a
- newtype Unicode = Unicode {}
- unicodes :: [Unicode] -> String
- newtype Printable = Printable {}
- printables :: [Printable] -> String
List modifiers
A type of non empty lists.
Typeable1 NonEmpty | |
Show a => Show (NonEmpty a) | |
Enumerable a => Enumerable (NonEmpty a) |
mkNonEmpty :: (a, [a]) -> NonEmpty aSource
Numeric modifiers
class (Typeable a, Integral a) => Infinite a Source
A class of infinite precision integral types. Integer
is the principal
class member.
A type of (infinite precision) natural numbers such that nat a >= 0
A type of (infinite precision) non-zero integers such that nonZero a /= 0
Character and string modifiers
Any unicode character.
Printable ASCII characters
printables :: [Printable] -> StringSource
Smart constructor for printable ASCII strings