{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ViewPatterns, GADTs #-}
module Text.TeXMath.Writers.Eqn (writeEqn) where
import Data.List (intercalate, transpose)
import Data.Char (isAscii, ord)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.TeXMath.Types
import qualified Text.TeXMath.Shared as S
import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
writeEqn :: DisplayType -> [Exp] -> String
writeEqn dt exprs =
intercalate " " $ map writeExp $ everywhere (mkT $ S.handleDownup dt) exprs
writeExp' :: Exp -> String
writeExp' e@(EGrouped _) = writeExp e
writeExp' e = if ' ' `elem` s
then "{" ++ s ++ "}"
else s
where s = writeExp e
writeExps :: [Exp] -> String
writeExps = intercalate " " . map writeExp
writeExp :: Exp -> String
writeExp (ENumber s) = s
writeExp (EGrouped es) = "{" ++ writeExps es ++ "}"
writeExp (EDelimited open close es) =
"left " ++ mbQuote open ++ " " ++ intercalate " " (map fromDelimited es) ++
" right " ++ mbQuote close
where fromDelimited (Left e) = "\"" ++ e ++ "\""
fromDelimited (Right e) = writeExp e
mbQuote "" = "\"\""
mbQuote s = s
writeExp (EMathOperator s) =
if s `elem` ["sin", "cos", "tan", "sinh", "cosh",
"tanh", "arc", "max", "min", "lim",
"log", "ln", "exp"]
then s
else "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
writeExp (ESymbol Ord [c])
| c `elem` ['\x2061'..'\x2064'] = ""
writeExp (EIdentifier s) = writeExp (ESymbol Ord s)
writeExp (ESymbol t s) =
case s of
"\8805" -> ">="
"\8804" -> "<="
"\8801" -> "=="
"\8800" -> "!="
"\177" -> "+-"
"\8594" -> "->"
"\8592" -> "<-"
"\8810" -> "<<"
"\8811" -> ">>"
"\8734" -> "inf"
"\8706" -> "partial"
"\189" -> "half"
"\8242" -> "prime"
"\8776" -> "approx"
"\183" -> "cdot"
"\215" -> "times"
"\8711" -> "grad"
"\8230" -> "..."
"\8721" -> "sum"
"\8747" -> "int"
"\8719" -> "prod"
"\8898" -> "union"
"\8899" -> "inter"
"\945" -> "alpha"
"\946" -> "beta"
"\967" -> "chi"
"\948" -> "delta"
"\916" -> "DELTA"
"\1013" -> "epsilon"
"\951" -> "eta"
"\947" -> "gamma"
"\915" -> "GAMMA"
"\953" -> "iota"
"\954" -> "kappa"
"\955" -> "lambda"
"\923" -> "LAMBDA"
"\956" -> "mu"
"\957" -> "nu"
"\969" -> "omega"
"\937" -> "OMEGA"
"\981" -> "phi"
"\966" -> "varphi"
"\934" -> "PHI"
"\960" -> "pi"
"\928" -> "PI"
"\968" -> "psi"
"\936" -> "PSI"
"\961" -> "rho"
"\963" -> "sigma"
"\931" -> "SIGMA"
"\964" -> "tau"
"\952" -> "theta"
"\920" -> "THETA"
"\965" -> "upsilon"
"\933" -> "UPSILON"
"\958" -> "xi"
"\926" -> "XI"
"\950" -> "zeta"
_ -> let s' = if all isAscii s
then s
else "\\[" ++ unwords (map toUchar s) ++ "]"
toUchar c = printf "u%04X" (ord c)
in if length s > 1 && (t == Rel || t == Bin || t == Op)
then "roman{\"" ++
(if t == Rel || t == Bin
then " "
else "") ++
s' ++
(if t == Rel || t == Bin || t == Op
then " "
else "") ++
else s'
writeExp (ESpace d) =
case d of
_ | d > 0 && d < (2 % 9) -> "^"
| d >= (2 % 9) && d < (3 % 9) -> "~"
| d < 0 -> "back " ++ show (floor (-1 * d * 100) :: Int)
| otherwise -> "fwd " ++ show (floor (d * 100) :: Int)
writeExp (EFraction fractype e1 e2) = writeExp' e1 ++ op ++ writeExp' e2
where op = if fractype == NoLineFrac
then " / "
else " over "
writeExp (ESub b e1) = writeExp' b ++ " sub " ++ writeExp' e1
writeExp (ESuper b e1) = writeExp' b ++ " sup " ++ writeExp' e1
writeExp (ESubsup b e1 e2) =
writeExp' b ++ " sub " ++ writeExp' e1 ++ " sup " ++ writeExp' e2
writeExp (EOver _convertible b e1) =
writeExp' b ++ " to " ++ writeExp' e1
writeExp (EUnder _convertible b e1) =
writeExp' b ++ " from " ++ writeExp' e1
writeExp (EUnderover convertible b e1@(ESymbol Accent _) e2) =
writeExp (EUnder convertible (EOver False b e2) e1)
writeExp (EUnderover convertible b e1 e2@(ESymbol Accent _)) =
writeExp (EOver convertible (EUnder False b e1) e2)
writeExp (EUnderover _convertible b e1 e2) =
writeExp' b ++ " from " ++ writeExp' e1 ++ " to " ++ writeExp' e2
writeExp (ESqrt e) = "sqrt " ++ writeExp' e
writeExp (ERoot i e) = "\"\" sup " ++ writeExp' i ++ " sqrt " ++ writeExp' e
writeExp (EPhantom e) = "hphantom " ++ writeExp' e
writeExp (EBoxed e) = writeExp e
writeExp (EScaled _size e) = writeExp e
writeExp (EText ttype s) =
let quoted = "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
in case ttype of
TextNormal -> "roman " ++ quoted
TextItalic -> quoted
TextBold -> "bold " ++ quoted
TextBoldItalic -> "bold italic " ++ quoted
_ -> quoted
writeExp (EStyled ttype es) =
let contents = "{" ++ writeExps es ++ "}"
in case ttype of
TextNormal -> "roman " ++ contents
TextItalic -> "italic " ++ contents
TextBold -> "bold " ++ contents
TextBoldItalic -> "bold italic " ++ contents
_ -> contents
writeExp (EArray aligns rows) =
"matrix{\n" ++ concat cols ++ "}"
where cols = zipWith tocol aligns (transpose rows)
tocol al cs =
(case al of
AlignLeft -> "lcol"
AlignCenter -> "ccol"
AlignRight -> "rcol") ++
"{ " ++ intercalate " above " (map tocell cs) ++ " }\n"
tocell [e] = writeExp' e
tocell es = writeExp (EGrouped es)