{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML (readMathML) where
import Text.XML.Light hiding (onlyText)
import Text.TeXMath.Types
import Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.MMLDict (getMathMLOperator)
import Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.EntityMap (getUnicode)
import Text.TeXMath.Shared (getTextType, readLength, getOperator, fixTree,
getSpaceWidth, isEmpty, empty)
import Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToTeX (getSymbolType)
import Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToUnicode (fromUnicode)
import Text.TeXMath.Compat (throwError, Except, runExcept, MonadError)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>), (<*>))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat, First(..), getFirst)
import Data.List (transpose)
import Control.Monad (filterM, guard)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, asks, local)
import Data.Either (rights)
readMathML :: String -> Either String [Exp]
readMathML inp = map fixTree <$>
(runExcept (flip runReaderT defaultState (i >>= parseMathML)))
i = maybeToEither "Invalid XML" (parseXMLDoc inp)
data MMLState = MMLState { attrs :: [Attr]
, position :: Maybe FormType
, inAccent :: Bool
, curStyle :: TextType }
type MML = ReaderT MMLState (Except String)
data SupOrSub = Sub | Sup deriving (Show, Eq)
data IR a = Stretchy TeXSymbolType (String -> Exp) String
| Trailing (Exp -> Exp -> Exp) Exp
| E a
instance Show a => Show (IR a) where
show (Stretchy t _ s) = "Stretchy " ++ show t ++ " " ++ show s
show (Trailing _ s) = "Trailing " ++ show s
show (E s) = "E " ++ show s
parseMathML :: Element -> MML [Exp]
parseMathML e@(name -> "math") = do
e' <- row e
return $
case e' of
EGrouped es -> es
_ -> [e']
parseMathML _ = throwError "Root must be math element"
expr :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
expr e = local (addAttrs (elAttribs e)) (expr' e)
expr' :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
expr' e =
case name e of
"mi" -> mkE <$> ident e
"mn" -> mkE <$> number e
"mo" -> (:[]) <$> op e
"mtext" -> mkE <$> text e
"ms" -> mkE <$> literal e
"mspace" -> mkE <$> space e
"mrow" -> mkE <$> row e
"mstyle" -> mkE <$> style e
"mfrac" -> mkE <$> frac e
"msqrt" -> mkE <$> msqrt e
"mroot" -> mkE <$> kroot e
"merror" -> return (mkE empty)
"mpadded" -> mkE <$> row e
"mphantom" -> mkE <$> phantom e
"mfenced" -> mkE <$> fenced e
"menclose" -> mkE <$> enclosed e
"msub" -> sub e
"msup" -> sup e
"msubsup" -> mkE <$> subsup e
"munder" -> mkE <$> under e
"mover" -> mkE <$> over e
"munderover" -> mkE <$> underover e
"mtable" -> mkE <$> table e
"maction" -> mkE <$> action e
"semantics" -> mkE <$> semantics e
"maligngroup" -> return $ mkE empty
"malignmark" -> return $ mkE empty
_ -> throwError $ "Unexpected element " ++ err e
mkE :: Exp -> [IR Exp]
mkE = (:[]) . E
ident :: Element -> MML Exp
ident e = do
s <- getString e
let base = case getOperator (EMathOperator s) of
Just _ -> EMathOperator s
Nothing -> EIdentifier s
mbVariant <- findAttrQ "mathvariant" e
curstyle <- asks curStyle
case mbVariant of
Nothing -> return base
Just v
| curstyle == getTextType v -> return base
| otherwise -> return $ EStyled (getTextType v) [base]
number :: Element -> MML Exp
number e = ENumber <$> getString e
op :: Element -> MML (IR Exp)
op e = do
Just inferredPosition <- (<|>) <$> (getFormType <$> findAttrQ "form" e)
<*> asks position
opString <- getString e
let dummy = Operator opString "" inferredPosition 0 0 0 []
let opLookup = getMathMLOperator opString inferredPosition
let opDict = fromMaybe dummy opLookup
props <- filterM (checkAttr (properties opDict))
["fence", "accent", "stretchy"]
let objectPosition = getPosition $ form opDict
inScript <- asks inAccent
let ts = [("accent", ESymbol Accent), ("fence", ESymbol objectPosition)]
let fallback = case opString of
[t] -> ESymbol (getSymbolType t)
_ -> if isJust opLookup
then ESymbol Ord
else EMathOperator
let constructor =
fromMaybe fallback
(getFirst . mconcat $ map (First . flip lookup ts) props)
if ("stretchy" `elem` props) && not inScript
then return $ Stretchy objectPosition constructor opString
else do
return $ (E . constructor) opString
checkAttr ps v = maybe (v `elem` ps) (=="true") <$> findAttrQ v e
text :: Element -> MML Exp
text e = do
textStyle <- maybe TextNormal getTextType
<$> (findAttrQ "mathvariant" e)
s <- getString e
return $ case (textStyle, s) of
(TextNormal, [c]) ->
case getSpaceWidth c of
Just w -> ESpace w
Nothing -> EText textStyle s
_ -> EText textStyle s
literal :: Element -> MML Exp
literal e = do
lquote <- fromMaybe "\x201C" <$> findAttrQ "lquote" e
rquote <- fromMaybe "\x201D" <$> findAttrQ "rquote" e
textStyle <- maybe TextNormal getTextType
<$> (findAttrQ "mathvariant" e)
s <- getString e
return $ EText textStyle (lquote ++ s ++ rquote)
space :: Element -> MML Exp
space e = do
width <- fromMaybe "0.0em" <$> (findAttrQ "width" e)
return $ ESpace (widthToNum width)
style :: Element -> MML Exp
style e = do
tt <- maybe TextNormal getTextType <$> findAttrQ "mathvariant" e
curstyle <- asks curStyle
result <- local (filterMathVariant . enterStyled tt) (row e)
return $ if curstyle == tt
then result
else EStyled tt [result]
row :: Element -> MML Exp
row e = mkExp <$> group e
mkExp :: [IR Exp] -> Exp
mkExp = toExp . toEDelim . matchNesting
toExp :: [InEDelimited] -> Exp
toExp [] = empty
toExp xs =
if any isStretchy xs
then case xs of
[x] -> either (ESymbol Ord) id x
_ -> EDelimited "" "" xs
case xs of
[Right x] -> x
_ -> EGrouped (rights xs)
toEDelim :: [IR InEDelimited] -> [InEDelimited]
toEDelim [] = []
toEDelim [Stretchy _ con s] = [Right $ con s]
toEDelim (xs) = map removeIR xs
removeIR :: IR a -> a
removeIR (E e) = e
removeIR _ = error "removeIR, should only be ever called on processed lists"
removeStretch :: [IR Exp] -> [IR InEDelimited]
removeStretch [Stretchy _ constructor s] = [E $ Right (constructor s)]
removeStretch xs = map f xs
f (Stretchy _ _ s) = E $ Left s
f (E e) = E $ Right e
f (Trailing a b) = Trailing a b
isStretchy :: InEDelimited -> Bool
isStretchy (Left _) = True
isStretchy (Right _) = False
trailingSup :: Maybe (String, String -> Exp) -> Maybe (String, String -> Exp) -> [IR InEDelimited] -> Exp
trailingSup open close es = go es
go [] = case (open, close) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> empty
(Just (openFence, conOpen), Nothing) -> conOpen openFence
(Nothing, Just (closeFence, conClose)) -> conClose closeFence
(Just (openFence, conOpen), Just (closeFence, conClose)) ->
EGrouped [conOpen openFence, conClose closeFence]
go es'@(last -> Trailing constructor e) = (constructor (go (init es')) e)
go es' = EDelimited (getFence open) (getFence close) (toEDelim es')
getFence = fromMaybe "" . fmap fst
matchNesting :: [IR Exp] -> [IR InEDelimited]
matchNesting ((break isFence) -> (inis, rest)) =
let inis' = removeStretch inis in
case rest of
[] -> inis'
((Stretchy Open conOpen opens): rs) ->
let jOpen = Just (opens, conOpen)
(body, rems) = go rs 0 []
body' = matchNesting body in
case rems of
[] -> inis' ++ [E $ Right $ trailingSup jOpen Nothing body']
(Stretchy Close conClose closes : rs') ->
let jClose = Just (closes, conClose) in
inis' ++ (E $ Right $ trailingSup jOpen jClose body') : matchNesting rs'
_ -> (error "matchNesting: Logical error 1")
((Stretchy Close conClose closes): rs) ->
let jClose = Just (closes, conClose) in
(E $ Right $ trailingSup Nothing jClose (matchNesting inis)) : matchNesting rs
_ -> error "matchNesting: Logical error 2"
isOpen (Stretchy Open _ _) = True
isOpen _ = False
isClose (Stretchy Close _ _) = True
isClose _ = False
go :: [IR a] -> Int -> [IR a] -> ([IR a], [IR a])
go (x:xs) 0 a | isClose x = (reverse a, x:xs)
go (x:xs) n a | isOpen x = go xs (n + 1) (x:a)
go (x:xs) n a | isClose x = go xs (n - 1) (x:a)
go (x:xs) n a = go xs n (x:a)
go [] _ a = (reverse a, [])
isFence :: IR a -> Bool
isFence (Stretchy Open _ _) = True
isFence (Stretchy Close _ _) = True
isFence _ = False
group :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
group e = do
front <- concat <$> mapM expr frontSpaces
middle <- local resetPosition (row' body)
end <- concat <$> local resetPosition (mapM expr endSpaces)
return $ (front ++ middle ++ end)
cs = elChildren e
(frontSpaces, noFront) = span spacelike cs
(endSpaces, body) = let (as, bs) = span spacelike (reverse noFront) in
(reverse as, reverse bs)
row' :: [Element] -> MML [IR Exp]
row' [] = return []
row' [x] = do
pos <- maybe FInfix (const FPostfix) <$> asks position
local (setPosition pos) (expr x)
row' (x:xs) =
pos <- maybe FPrefix (const FInfix) <$> asks position
e <- local (setPosition pos) (expr x)
es <- local (setPosition pos) (row' xs)
return (e ++ es)
safeExpr :: Element -> MML Exp
safeExpr e = mkExp <$> expr e
frac :: Element -> MML Exp
frac e = do
[num, denom] <- mapM safeExpr =<< (checkArgs 2 e)
rawThick <- findAttrQ "linethickness" e
return $
if thicknessZero rawThick
then EFraction NoLineFrac num denom
else EFraction NormalFrac num denom
msqrt :: Element -> MML Exp
msqrt e = ESqrt <$> (row e)
kroot :: Element -> MML Exp
kroot e = do
[base, index] <- mapM safeExpr =<< (checkArgs 2 e)
return $ ERoot index base
phantom :: Element -> MML Exp
phantom e = EPhantom <$> row e
fenced :: Element -> MML Exp
fenced e = do
open <- fromMaybe "(" <$> (findAttrQ "open" e)
close <- fromMaybe ")" <$> (findAttrQ "close" e)
sep <- fromMaybe "," <$> (findAttrQ "separators" e)
let expanded =
case sep of
"" -> elChildren e
_ ->
let seps = map (\x -> unode "mo" [x]) sep
sepsList = seps ++ repeat (last seps) in
fInterleave (elChildren e) (sepsList)
safeExpr $ unode "mrow"
([unode "mo" open | not $ null open] ++
[unode "mrow" expanded] ++
[unode "mo" close | not $ null close])
enclosed :: Element -> MML Exp
enclosed e = do
mbNotation <- findAttrQ "notation" e
case mbNotation of
Just "box" -> EBoxed <$> row e
_ -> row e
action :: Element -> MML Exp
action e = do
selection <- maybe 1 read <$> (findAttrQ "selection" e)
safeExpr =<< maybeToEither ("Selection out of range")
(listToMaybe $ drop (selection - 1) (elChildren e))
sub :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
sub e = do
[base, subs] <- (checkArgs 2 e)
reorderScripts base subs ESub
reorderScripts :: Element -> Element -> (Exp -> Exp -> Exp) -> MML [IR Exp]
reorderScripts e subs c = do
baseExpr <- expr e
subExpr <- postfixExpr subs
return $
case baseExpr of
[s@(Stretchy Open _ _)] -> [s, E $ c empty subExpr]
[s@(Stretchy Close _ _)] -> [Trailing c subExpr, s]
[s@(Stretchy _ _ _)] -> [s, E $ ESub empty subExpr]
_ -> [E $ c (mkExp baseExpr) subExpr]
sup :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
sup e = do
[base, sups] <- (checkArgs 2 e)
reorderScripts base sups ESuper
subsup :: Element -> MML Exp
subsup e = do
[base, subs, sups] <- (checkArgs 3 e)
ESubsup <$> safeExpr base <*> (postfixExpr subs)
<*> (postfixExpr sups)
under :: Element -> MML Exp
under e = do
[base, below] <- (checkArgs 2 e)
EUnder False <$> safeExpr base <*> postfixExpr below
over :: Element -> MML Exp
over e = do
[base, above] <- (checkArgs 2 e)
EOver False <$> safeExpr base <*> postfixExpr above
underover :: Element -> MML Exp
underover e = do
[base, below, above] <- (checkArgs 3 e)
EUnderover False <$> safeExpr base <*> (postfixExpr below)
<*> (postfixExpr above)
semantics :: Element -> MML Exp
semantics e = do
guard (not $ null cs)
first <- safeExpr (head cs)
if isEmpty first
then fromMaybe empty . getFirst . mconcat <$> mapM annotation (tail cs)
else return first
cs = elChildren e
annotation :: Element -> MML (First Exp)
annotation e = do
encoding <- findAttrQ "encoding" e
case encoding of
Just "application/mathml-presentation+xml" ->
First . Just <$> row e
Just "MathML-Presentation" ->
First . Just <$> row e
_ -> return (First Nothing)
table :: Element -> MML Exp
table e = do
defAlign <- maybe AlignCenter toAlignment <$> (findAttrQ "columnalign" e)
rs <- mapM (tableRow defAlign) (elChildren e)
let (onlyAligns, exprs) = (map .map) fst &&& (map . map) snd $ rs
let rs' = map (pad (maximum (map length rs))) exprs
let aligns = map findAlign (transpose onlyAligns)
return $ EArray aligns rs'
findAlign xs = if null xs then AlignCenter
else foldl1 combine xs
combine x y = if x == y then x else AlignCenter
tableRow :: Alignment -> Element -> MML [(Alignment, [Exp])]
tableRow a e = do
align <- maybe a toAlignment <$> (findAttrQ "columnalign" e)
case name e of
"mtr" -> mapM (tableCell align) (elChildren e)
"mlabeledtr" -> mapM (tableCell align) (tail $ elChildren e)
_ -> throwError $ "Invalid Element: Only expecting mtr elements " ++ err e
tableCell :: Alignment -> Element -> MML (Alignment, [Exp])
tableCell a e = do
align <- maybe a toAlignment <$> (findAttrQ "columnalign" e)
case name e of
"mtd" -> (,) align . (:[]) <$> row e
_ -> throwError $ "Invalid Element: Only expecting mtd elements " ++ err e
maybeToEither :: (MonadError e m) => e -> Maybe a -> m a
maybeToEither = flip maybe return . throwError
fInterleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
fInterleave [] _ = []
fInterleave _ [] = []
fInterleave (x:xs) ys = x : fInterleave ys xs
defaultState :: MMLState
defaultState = MMLState [] Nothing False TextNormal
addAttrs :: [Attr] -> MMLState -> MMLState
addAttrs as s = s {attrs = (map renameAttr as) ++ attrs s }
renameAttr :: Attr -> Attr
renameAttr v@(qName . attrKey -> "accentunder") =
Attr (unqual "accent") (attrVal v)
renameAttr a = a
filterMathVariant :: MMLState -> MMLState
filterMathVariant s@(attrs -> as) =
s{attrs = filter ((/= unqual "mathvariant") . attrKey) as}
setPosition :: FormType -> MMLState -> MMLState
setPosition p s = s {position = Just p}
resetPosition :: MMLState -> MMLState
resetPosition s = s {position = Nothing}
enterAccent :: MMLState -> MMLState
enterAccent s = s{ inAccent = True }
enterStyled :: TextType -> MMLState -> MMLState
enterStyled tt s = s{ curStyle = tt }
getString :: Element -> MML String
getString e = do
tt <- asks curStyle
return $ fromUnicode tt $ stripSpaces $ concatMap cdData
$ onlyText $ elContent $ e
onlyText :: [Content] -> [CData]
onlyText [] = []
onlyText ((Text c):xs) = c : onlyText xs
onlyText (CRef s : xs) = (CData CDataText (fromMaybe s $ getUnicode s) Nothing) : onlyText xs
onlyText (_:xs) = onlyText xs
checkArgs :: Int -> Element -> MML [Element]
checkArgs x e = do
let cs = elChildren e
if nargs x cs
then return cs
else (throwError ("Incorrect number of arguments for " ++ err e))
nargs :: Int -> [a] -> Bool
nargs n xs = length xs == n
err :: Element -> String
err e = name e ++ maybe "" (\x -> " line " ++ show x) (elLine e)
findAttrQ :: String -> Element -> MML (Maybe String)
findAttrQ s e = do
inherit <- asks (lookupAttrQ s . attrs)
return $
findAttr (QName s Nothing Nothing) e
<|> inherit
lookupAttrQ :: String -> [Attr] -> Maybe String
lookupAttrQ s = lookupAttr (QName s Nothing Nothing)
name :: Element -> String
name (elName -> (QName n _ _)) = n
stripSpaces :: String -> String
stripSpaces = reverse . (dropWhile isSpace) . reverse . (dropWhile isSpace)
toAlignment :: String -> Alignment
toAlignment "left" = AlignLeft
toAlignment "center" = AlignCenter
toAlignment "right" = AlignRight
toAlignment _ = AlignCenter
getPosition :: FormType -> TeXSymbolType
getPosition (FPrefix) = Open
getPosition (FPostfix) = Close
getPosition (FInfix) = Op
getFormType :: Maybe String -> Maybe FormType
getFormType (Just "infix") = (Just FInfix)
getFormType (Just "prefix") = (Just FPrefix)
getFormType (Just "postfix") = (Just FPostfix)
getFormType _ = Nothing
pad :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
pad n xs = xs ++ (replicate (n - len) [])
len = length xs
isSpace :: Char -> Bool
isSpace ' ' = True
isSpace '\t' = True
isSpace '\n' = True
isSpace _ = False
spacelikeElems, cSpacelikeElems :: [String]
spacelikeElems = ["mtext", "mspace", "maligngroup", "malignmark"]
cSpacelikeElems = ["mrow", "mstyle", "mphantom", "mpadded"]
spacelike :: Element -> Bool
spacelike e@(name -> uid) =
uid `elem` spacelikeElems || uid `elem` cSpacelikeElems &&
and (map spacelike (elChildren e))
thicknessZero :: Maybe String -> Bool
thicknessZero (Just s) = thicknessToNum s == 0.0
thicknessZero Nothing = False
widthToNum :: String -> Rational
widthToNum s =
case s of
"veryverythinmathspace" -> 1/18
"verythinmathspace" -> 2/18
"thinmathspace" -> 3/18
"mediummathspace" -> 4/18
"thickmathspace" -> 5/18
"verythickmathspace" -> 6/18
"veryverythickmathspace" -> 7/18
"negativeveryverythinmathspace" -> -1/18
"negativeverythinmathspace" -> -2/18
"negativethinmathspace" -> -3/18
"negativemediummathspace" -> -4/18
"negativethickmathspace" -> -5/18
"negativeverythickmathspace" -> -6/18
"negativeveryverythickmathspace" -> -7/18
_ -> fromMaybe 0 (readLength s)
thicknessToNum :: String -> Rational
thicknessToNum s =
case s of
"thin" -> (3/18)
"medium" -> (1/2)
"thick" -> 1
v -> fromMaybe 0.5 (readLength v)
postfixExpr :: Element -> MML Exp
postfixExpr e = local (setPosition FPostfix . enterAccent) (safeExpr e)