{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.TeXMath.Writers.MathML (writeMathML)
import Text.XML.Light
import Text.TeXMath.Types
import Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToUnicode
import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT)
import Text.TeXMath.Shared (getMMLType, handleDownup)
import Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.MMLDict (getMathMLOperator)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Printf
writeMathML :: DisplayType -> [Exp] -> Element
writeMathML dt exprs =
add_attr dtattr $ math $ showExp TextNormal $ EGrouped
$ everywhere (mkT $ handleDownup dt) exprs
where dtattr = Attr (unqual "display") dt'
dt' = case dt of
DisplayBlock -> "block"
DisplayInline -> "inline"
math :: Element -> Element
math = add_attr (Attr (unqual "xmlns") "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML") . unode "math"
mrow :: [Element] -> Element
mrow = unode "mrow"
showFraction :: TextType -> FractionType -> Exp -> Exp -> Element
showFraction tt ft x y =
case ft of
NormalFrac -> unode "mfrac" [x', y']
InlineFrac -> withAttribute "displaystyle" "false" .
unode "mstyle" . unode "mfrac" $ [x', y']
DisplayFrac -> withAttribute "displaystyle" "true" .
unode "mstyle" . unode "mfrac" $ [x', y']
NoLineFrac -> withAttribute "linethickness" "0" .
unode "mfrac" $ [x', y']
where x' = showExp tt x
y' = showExp tt y
spaceWidth :: Rational -> Element
spaceWidth w =
withAttribute "width" (dropTrailing0s
(T.pack $ printf "%.3f" (fromRational w :: Double)) <> "em") $ unode "mspace" ()
makeStretchy :: FormType -> Element -> Element
makeStretchy (fromForm -> t) = withAttribute "stretchy" "true"
. withAttribute "form" t
fromForm :: FormType -> T.Text
fromForm FInfix = "infix"
fromForm FPostfix = "postfix"
fromForm FPrefix = "prefix"
makeScaled :: Rational -> Element -> Element
makeScaled x = withAttribute "minsize" s . withAttribute "maxsize" s
where s = dropTrailing0s $ T.pack $ printf "%.3f" (fromRational x :: Double)
dropTrailing0s :: T.Text -> T.Text
dropTrailing0s t = case T.unsnoc t of
Just (ts, '0') -> addZero $ T.dropWhileEnd (== '0') ts
_ -> t
addZero x = case T.unsnoc x of
Just (_, '.') -> T.snoc x '0'
_ -> x
makeStyled :: TextType -> [Element] -> Element
makeStyled a es = withAttribute "mathvariant" attr
$ unode "mstyle" es
where attr = getMMLType a
makeText :: TextType -> T.Text -> Element
makeText a s = case (leadingSp, trailingSp) of
(False, False) -> s'
(True, False) -> mrow [sp, s']
(False, True) -> mrow [s', sp]
(True, True) -> mrow [sp, s', sp]
where sp = spaceWidth (1/3)
s' = withAttribute "mathvariant" attr $ tunode "mtext" $ toUnicode a s
trailingSp = case T.unsnoc s of
Just (_, c) -> T.any (== c) " \t"
_ -> False
leadingSp = case T.uncons s of
Just (c, _) -> T.any (== c) " \t"
_ -> False
attr = getMMLType a
makeArray :: TextType -> [Alignment] -> [ArrayLine] -> Element
makeArray tt as ls = unode "mtable" $
map (unode "mtr" .
zipWith (\a -> setAlignment a . unode "mtd". map (showExp tt)) as') ls
where setAlignment AlignLeft = withAttribute "columnalign" "left"
setAlignment AlignRight = withAttribute "columnalign" "right"
setAlignment AlignCenter = withAttribute "columnalign" "center"
as' = as ++ cycle [AlignCenter]
withAttribute :: String -> T.Text -> Element -> Element
withAttribute a = add_attr . Attr (unqual a) . T.unpack
accent :: T.Text -> Element
accent = add_attr (Attr (unqual "accent") "true") .
tunode "mo"
makeFence :: FormType -> Element -> Element
makeFence (fromForm -> t) = withAttribute "stretchy" "false" . withAttribute "form" t
showExp' :: TextType -> Exp -> Element
showExp' tt e =
case e of
ESymbol Accent x -> accent x
ESymbol _ x ->
let isaccent = case (elem "accent") . properties <$>
getMathMLOperator x FPostfix of
Just True -> "true"
_ -> "false"
in withAttribute "accent" isaccent $ tunode "mo" x
_ -> showExp tt e
showExp :: TextType -> Exp -> Element
showExp tt e =
case e of
ENumber x -> tunode "mn" x
EGrouped [x] -> showExp tt x
EGrouped xs -> mrow $ map (showExp tt) xs
EDelimited start end xs -> mrow $
[ makeStretchy FPrefix (tunode "mo" start) | not (T.null start) ] ++
map (either (makeStretchy FInfix . tunode "mo") (showExp tt)) xs ++
[ makeStretchy FPostfix (tunode "mo" end) | not (T.null end) ]
EIdentifier x -> tunode "mi" $ toUnicode tt x
EMathOperator x -> tunode "mo" x
ESymbol Open x -> makeFence FPrefix $ tunode "mo" x
ESymbol Close x -> makeFence FPostfix $ tunode "mo" x
ESymbol Ord x -> tunode "mi" x
ESymbol _ x -> tunode "mo" x
ESpace x -> spaceWidth x
EFraction ft x y -> showFraction tt ft x y
ESub x y -> unode "msub" $ map (showExp tt) [x, y]
ESuper x y -> unode "msup" $ map (showExp tt) [x, y]
ESubsup x y z -> unode "msubsup" $ map (showExp tt) [x, y, z]
EUnder _ x y -> unode "munder" [showExp tt x, showExp' tt y]
EOver _ x y -> unode "mover" [showExp tt x, showExp' tt y]
EUnderover _ x y z -> unode "munderover"
[showExp tt x, showExp' tt y, showExp' tt z]
EPhantom x -> unode "mphantom" $ showExp tt x
EBoxed x -> withAttribute "notation" "box" .
unode "menclose" $ showExp tt x
ESqrt x -> unode "msqrt" $ showExp tt x
ERoot i x -> unode "mroot" [showExp tt x, showExp tt i]
EScaled s x -> makeScaled s $ showExp tt x
EArray as ls -> makeArray tt as ls
EText a s -> makeText a s
EStyled a es -> makeStyled a $ map (showExp a) es
tunode :: String -> T.Text -> Element
tunode s = unode s . T.unpack