{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MagicHash #-}
module Data.Text.Internal.Fusion
, Step(..)
, stream
, unstream
, reverseStream
, length
, reverse
, reverseScanr
, mapAccumL
, unfoldrN
, index
, findIndex
, countChar
) where
import Prelude (Bool(..), Char, Maybe(..), Monad(..), Int,
Num(..), Ord(..), ($),
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
import Data.Text.Internal.Private (runText)
import Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Char (unsafeWrite)
import Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Shift (shiftL, shiftR)
import qualified Data.Text.Array as A
import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Common as S
import Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Types
import Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Size
import qualified Data.Text.Internal as I
import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf8 as U8
stream :: Text -> Stream Char
stream (Text arr off len) = Stream next off (betweenSize (len `shiftR` 2) len)
!end = off+len
next !i
| i >= end = Done
| otherwise = U8.decodeCharIndex (\c s -> Yield c (i + s)) idx i
idx = A.unsafeIndex arr
{-# INLINE [0] stream #-}
reverseStream :: Text -> Stream Char
reverseStream (Text arr off len) = Stream next (off+len-1) (betweenSize (len `shiftR` 2) len)
{-# INLINE next #-}
next !i
| i < off = Done
| otherwise = U8.reverseDecodeCharIndex (\c w -> Yield c (i - w)) idx i
idx = A.unsafeIndex arr
{-# INLINE [0] reverseStream #-}
unstream :: Stream Char -> Text
unstream (Stream next0 s0 len) = runText $ \done -> do
let mlen = upperBound 4 len + 1
arr0 <- A.new mlen
let outer !arr !maxi = encode
encode !si !di =
case next0 si of
Done -> done arr di
Skip si' -> encode si' di
Yield c si'
| maxi < di + U8.charTailBytes c -> realloc si di
| otherwise -> do
n <- unsafeWrite arr di c
encode si' (di + n)
{-# NOINLINE realloc #-}
realloc !si !di = do
let newlen = (maxi + 1) * 2
arr' <- A.new newlen
A.copyM arr' 0 arr 0 di
outer arr' (newlen - 1) si di
outer arr0 (mlen - 1) s0 0
{-# INLINE [0] unstream #-}
{-# RULES "STREAM stream/unstream fusion" forall s. stream (unstream s) = s #-}
length :: Stream Char -> Int
length = S.lengthI
{-# INLINE[0] length #-}
reverse :: Stream Char -> Text
reverse (Stream next s len0)
| isEmpty len0 = I.empty
| otherwise = I.text arr off' len'
len0' = upperBound 4 (larger len0 4)
(arr, (off', len')) = A.run2 (A.new len0' >>= loop s (len0'-1) len0')
loop !s0 !i !len marr =
case next s0 of
Done -> return (marr, (j, len-j))
where j = i + 1
Skip s1 -> loop s1 i len marr
Yield x s1 | i < least -> {-# SCC "reverse/resize" #-} do
let newLen = len `shiftL` 1
marr' <- A.new newLen
A.copyM marr' (newLen-len) marr 0 len
write s1 (len+i) newLen marr'
| otherwise -> write s1 i len marr
least = U8.charTailBytes x
write t j l mar = do
_ <- unsafeWrite mar (j-least) x
loop t (j-least-1) l mar
{-# INLINE [0] reverse #-}
reverseScanr :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> Char -> Stream Char -> Stream Char
reverseScanr f z0 (Stream next0 s0 len) = Stream next (Scan1 z0 s0) (len+1)
{-# INLINE next #-}
next (Scan1 z s) = Yield z (Scan2 z s)
next (Scan2 z s) = case next0 s of
Yield x s' -> let !x' = f x z
in Yield x' (Scan2 x' s')
Skip s' -> Skip (Scan2 z s')
Done -> Done
{-# INLINE reverseScanr #-}
unfoldrN :: Int -> (a -> Maybe (Char,a)) -> a -> Stream Char
unfoldrN n = S.unfoldrNI n
{-# INLINE [0] unfoldrN #-}
index :: Stream Char -> Int -> Char
index = S.indexI
{-# INLINE [0] index #-}
findIndex :: (Char -> Bool) -> Stream Char -> Maybe Int
findIndex = S.findIndexI
{-# INLINE [0] findIndex #-}
countChar :: Char -> Stream Char -> Int
countChar = S.countCharI
{-# INLINE [0] countChar #-}
mapAccumL :: (a -> Char -> (a,Char)) -> a -> Stream Char -> (a, Text)
mapAccumL f z0 (Stream next0 s0 len) = (nz, I.text na 0 nl)
(na,(nz,nl)) = A.run2 (A.new mlen >>= \arr -> outer arr mlen z0 s0 0)
where mlen = upperBound 4 len
outer arr top = loop
loop !z !s !i =
case next0 s of
Done -> return (arr, (z,i))
Skip s' -> loop z s' i
Yield x s'
| j >= top -> {-# SCC "mapAccumL/resize" #-} do
let top' = (top + 1) `shiftL` 1
arr' <- A.new top'
A.copyM arr' 0 arr 0 top
outer arr' top' z s i
| otherwise -> do d <- unsafeWrite arr i c
loop z' s' (i+d)
(z',c) = f z x
j = i + U8.charTailBytes c
{-# INLINE [0] mapAccumL #-}