Copyright | (C) 2014 Richard Eisenberg |
License | BSD-style (see LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Richard Eisenberg ( |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Desugars full Template Haskell syntax into a smaller core syntax for further processing. The desugared types and constructors are prefixed with a D.
- data DExp
- data DLetDec
- data DPat
- data DType
- type DKind = DType
- type DCxt = [DPred]
- data DPred
- data DTyVarBndr
- data DMatch = DMatch DPat DExp
- data DClause = DClause [DPat] DExp
- data DDec
- = DLetDec DLetDec
- | DDataD NewOrData DCxt Name [DTyVarBndr] [DCon] [DDerivClause]
- | DTySynD Name [DTyVarBndr] DType
- | DClassD DCxt Name [DTyVarBndr] [FunDep] [DDec]
- | DInstanceD (Maybe Overlap) DCxt DType [DDec]
- | DForeignD DForeign
- | DOpenTypeFamilyD DTypeFamilyHead
- | DClosedTypeFamilyD DTypeFamilyHead [DTySynEqn]
- | DDataFamilyD Name [DTyVarBndr]
- | DDataInstD NewOrData DCxt Name [DType] [DCon] [DDerivClause]
- | DTySynInstD Name DTySynEqn
- | DRoleAnnotD Name [Role]
- | DStandaloneDerivD (Maybe DerivStrategy) DCxt DType
- | DDefaultSigD Name DType
- | DPatSynD Name PatSynArgs DPatSynDir DPat
- | DPatSynSigD Name DPatSynType
- data DDerivClause = DDerivClause (Maybe DerivStrategy) DCxt
- data DerivStrategy
- data DPatSynDir
- = DUnidir
- | DImplBidir
- | DExplBidir [DClause]
- type DPatSynType = DType
- data Overlap :: *
- data PatSynArgs
- = PrefixPatSyn [Name]
- | InfixPatSyn Name Name
- | RecordPatSyn [Name]
- data NewOrData
- data DTypeFamilyHead = DTypeFamilyHead Name [DTyVarBndr] DFamilyResultSig (Maybe InjectivityAnn)
- data DFamilyResultSig
- data InjectivityAnn :: * = InjectivityAnn Name [Name]
- data DCon = DCon [DTyVarBndr] DCxt Name DConFields (Maybe DType)
- data DConFields
- = DNormalC [DBangType]
- | DRecC [DVarBangType]
- type DBangType = (Bang, DType)
- type DVarBangType = (Name, Bang, DType)
- data Bang :: * = Bang SourceUnpackedness SourceStrictness
- data SourceUnpackedness :: *
- data SourceStrictness :: *
- data DForeign
- data DPragma
- data DRuleBndr
- data DTySynEqn = DTySynEqn [DType] DType
- data DInfo
- type DInstanceDec = DDec
- data Role :: *
- data AnnTarget :: *
- class Desugar th ds | ds -> th where
- dsExp :: DsMonad q => Exp -> q DExp
- dsDecs :: DsMonad q => [Dec] -> q [DDec]
- dsType :: DsMonad q => Type -> q DType
- dsInfo :: DsMonad q => Info -> q DInfo
- dsPatOverExp :: DsMonad q => Pat -> DExp -> q (DPat, DExp)
- dsPatsOverExp :: DsMonad q => [Pat] -> DExp -> q ([DPat], DExp)
- dsPatX :: DsMonad q => Pat -> q (DPat, [(Name, DExp)])
- dsLetDecs :: DsMonad q => [Dec] -> q [DLetDec]
- dsTvb :: DsMonad q => TyVarBndr -> q DTyVarBndr
- dsCxt :: DsMonad q => Cxt -> q DCxt
- dsCon :: DsMonad q => Con -> q [DCon]
- dsForeign :: DsMonad q => Foreign -> q DForeign
- dsPragma :: DsMonad q => Pragma -> q DPragma
- dsRuleBndr :: DsMonad q => RuleBndr -> q DRuleBndr
- type PatM q = WriterT [(Name, DExp)] q
- dsPred :: DsMonad q => Pred -> q DCxt
- dsPat :: DsMonad q => Pat -> PatM q DPat
- dsDec :: DsMonad q => Dec -> q [DDec]
- dsDerivClause :: DsMonad q => Pred -> q DDerivClause
- dsLetDec :: DsMonad q => Dec -> q [DLetDec]
- dsMatches :: DsMonad q => Name -> [Match] -> q [DMatch]
- dsBody :: DsMonad q => Body -> [Dec] -> DExp -> q DExp
- dsGuards :: DsMonad q => [(Guard, Exp)] -> DExp -> q DExp
- dsDoStmts :: DsMonad q => [Stmt] -> q DExp
- dsComp :: DsMonad q => [Stmt] -> q DExp
- dsClauses :: DsMonad q => Name -> [Clause] -> q [DClause]
- dsBangType :: DsMonad q => BangType -> q DBangType
- dsVarBangType :: DsMonad q => VarBangType -> q DVarBangType
- dsTypeFamilyHead :: DsMonad q => TypeFamilyHead -> q DTypeFamilyHead
- dsFamilyResultSig :: DsMonad q => FamilyResultSig -> q DFamilyResultSig
- module Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Sweeten
- expand :: (DsMonad q, Data a) => a -> q a
- expandType :: DsMonad q => DType -> q DType
- reifyWithWarning :: Quasi q => Name -> q Info
- withLocalDeclarations :: DsMonad q => [Dec] -> DsM q a -> q a
- dsReify :: DsMonad q => Name -> q (Maybe DInfo)
- reifyWithLocals_maybe :: DsMonad q => Name -> q (Maybe Info)
- reifyWithLocals :: DsMonad q => Name -> q Info
- class Quasi m => DsMonad m where
- data DsM q a
- scExp :: DsMonad q => DExp -> q DExp
- scLetDec :: DsMonad q => DLetDec -> q DLetDec
- applyDExp :: DExp -> [DExp] -> DExp
- applyDType :: DType -> [DType] -> DType
- dPatToDExp :: DPat -> DExp
- removeWilds :: DsMonad q => DPat -> q DPat
- getDataD :: Quasi q => String -> Name -> q ([TyVarBndr], [Con])
- dataConNameToDataName :: Quasi q => Name -> q Name
- dataConNameToCon :: Quasi q => Name -> q Con
- nameOccursIn :: Data a => Name -> a -> Bool
- allNamesIn :: Data a => a -> [Name]
- flattenDValD :: Quasi q => DLetDec -> q [DLetDec]
- getRecordSelectors :: Quasi q => DType -> [DCon] -> q [DLetDec]
- mkTypeName :: Quasi q => String -> q Name
- mkDataName :: Quasi q => String -> q Name
- newUniqueName :: Quasi q => String -> q Name
- mkTupleDExp :: [DExp] -> DExp
- mkTupleDPat :: [DPat] -> DPat
- maybeDLetE :: [DLetDec] -> DExp -> DExp
- maybeDCaseE :: String -> DExp -> [DMatch] -> DExp
- substTy :: DsMonad q => Map Name DType -> DType -> q DType
- tupleDegree_maybe :: String -> Maybe Int
- tupleNameDegree_maybe :: Name -> Maybe Int
- unboxedSumDegree_maybe :: String -> Maybe Int
- unboxedSumNameDegree_maybe :: Name -> Maybe Int
- unboxedTupleDegree_maybe :: String -> Maybe Int
- unboxedTupleNameDegree_maybe :: Name -> Maybe Int
- strictToBang :: Bang -> Bang
- extractBoundNamesStmt :: Stmt -> Set Name
- extractBoundNamesDec :: Dec -> Set Name
- extractBoundNamesPat :: Pat -> Set Name
Desugared data types
Corresponds to TH's Exp
type. Note that DLamE
takes names, not patterns.
Declarations as used in a let
Corresponds to TH's Pat
Corresponds to TH's Type
type, used to represent
types and kinds.
Corresponds to TH's Pred
Corresponds to TH's Match
Corresponds to TH's Clause
Corresponds to TH's Dec
data DDerivClause Source #
Corresponds to TH's DerivClause
DDerivClause (Maybe DerivStrategy) DCxt |
data DerivStrategy Source #
Same as DerivStrategy
from TH; defined here for backwards compatibility.
StockStrategy | A "standard" derived instance |
AnyclassStrategy | -XDeriveAnyClass |
NewtypeStrategy | -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving |
data DPatSynDir Source #
Corresponds to TH's PatSynDir
DUnidir | pattern P x {<-} p |
DImplBidir | pattern P x {=} p |
DExplBidir [DClause] | pattern P x {<-} p where P x = e |
type DPatSynType = DType Source #
Corresponds to TH's PatSynType
Varieties of allowed instance overlap.
Overlappable | May be overlapped by more specific instances |
Overlapping | May overlap a more general instance |
Overlaps | Both |
Incoherent | Both |
data PatSynArgs Source #
Same as PatSynArgs
from TH; defined here for backwards compatibility.
PrefixPatSyn [Name] | pattern P {x y z} = p |
InfixPatSyn Name Name | pattern {x P y} = p |
RecordPatSyn [Name] | pattern P { {x,y,z} } = p |
Is it a newtype
or a data
data DTypeFamilyHead Source #
Corresponds to TH's TypeFamilyHead
DTypeFamilyHead Name [DTyVarBndr] DFamilyResultSig (Maybe InjectivityAnn) |
data DFamilyResultSig Source #
Corresponds to TH's FamilyResultSig
DNoSig | |
DKindSig DKind | |
DTyVarSig DTyVarBndr |
Corresponds to TH's Con
DCon [DTyVarBndr] DCxt Name DConFields (Maybe DType) | A GADT result type, if there is one |
data DConFields Source #
A list of fields either for a standard data constructor or a record data constructor.
DNormalC [DBangType] | |
DRecC [DVarBangType] |
Bang SourceUnpackedness SourceStrictness | C { {-# UNPACK #-} !}a |
data SourceUnpackedness :: * #
NoSourceUnpackedness | C a |
SourceNoUnpack | C { {-# NOUNPACK #-} } a |
SourceUnpack | C { {-# UNPACK #-} } a |
data SourceStrictness :: * #
NoSourceStrictness | C a |
SourceLazy | C {~}a |
SourceStrict | C {!}a |
Corresponds to TH's Foreign
Corresponds to TH's Pragma
Corresponds to TH's RuleBndr
DRuleVar Name | |
DTypedRuleVar Name DType |
Corresponds to TH's TySynEqn
type (to store type family equations).
Corresponds to TH's Info
DTyConI DDec (Maybe [DInstanceDec]) | |
DVarI Name DType (Maybe Name) | The |
DTyVarI Name DKind | |
DPrimTyConI Name Int Bool | The |
DPatSynI Name DPatSynType |
type DInstanceDec Source #
= DDec | Guaranteed to be an instance declaration |
Role annotations
NominalR | nominal |
RepresentationalR | representational |
PhantomR | phantom |
InferR | _ |
ModuleAnnotation | |
TypeAnnotation Name | |
ValueAnnotation Name |
The Desugar
Main desugaring functions
dsPatOverExp :: DsMonad q => Pat -> DExp -> q (DPat, DExp) Source #
Desugar a pattern, along with processing a (desugared) expression that is the entire scope of the variables bound in the pattern.
dsPatsOverExp :: DsMonad q => [Pat] -> DExp -> q ([DPat], DExp) Source #
Desugar multiple patterns. Like dsPatOverExp
dsPatX :: DsMonad q => Pat -> q (DPat, [(Name, DExp)]) Source #
Desugar a pattern, returning a list of (Name, DExp) pairs of extra variables that must be bound within the scope of the pattern
dsLetDecs :: DsMonad q => [Dec] -> q [DLetDec] Source #
Desugar Dec
s that can appear in a let expression
Secondary desugaring functions
type PatM q = WriterT [(Name, DExp)] q Source #
Desugaring a pattern also returns the list of variables bound in as-patterns and the values they should be bound to. This variables must be brought into scope in the "body" of the pattern.
dsDec :: DsMonad q => Dec -> q [DDec] Source #
Desugar a single Dec
, perhaps producing multiple DDec
dsDerivClause :: DsMonad q => Pred -> q DDerivClause Source #
dsLetDec :: DsMonad q => Dec -> q [DLetDec] Source #
Desugar a single Dec
, perhaps producing multiple DLetDec
:: DsMonad q | |
=> Name | Name of the scrutinee, which must be a bare var |
-> [Match] | Matches of the |
-> q [DMatch] |
Desugar a list of matches for a case
:: DsMonad q | |
=> Body | body to desugar |
-> [Dec] | "where" declarations |
-> DExp | what to do if the guards don't match |
-> q DExp |
Desugar a Body
:: DsMonad q | |
=> [(Guard, Exp)] | Guarded expressions |
-> DExp | What to do if none of the guards match |
-> q DExp |
Desugar guarded expressions
Desugar clauses to a function definition
dsBangType :: DsMonad q => BangType -> q DBangType Source #
Desugar a BangType
(or a StrictType
, if you're old-fashioned)
dsVarBangType :: DsMonad q => VarBangType -> q DVarBangType Source #
Desugar a VarBangType
(or a VarStrictType
, if you're old-fashioned)
dsTypeFamilyHead :: DsMonad q => TypeFamilyHead -> q DTypeFamilyHead Source #
Desugar a TypeFamilyHead
dsFamilyResultSig :: DsMonad q => FamilyResultSig -> q DFamilyResultSig Source #
Desugar a FamilyResultSig
Converting desugared AST back to TH AST
Expanding type synonyms
expandType :: DsMonad q => DType -> q DType Source #
Expands all type synonyms in a desugared type. Also expands open type family applications. (In GHCs before 7.10, this part does not work if there are any variables.) Attempts to expand closed type family applications, but aborts the moment it spots anything strange, like a nested type family application or type variable.
reifyWithWarning :: Quasi q => Name -> q Info Source #
Reify a declaration, warning the user about splices if the reify fails. The warning says that reification can fail if you try to reify a type in the same splice as it is declared.
The following definitions allow you to register a list of
s to be used in reification queries.
withLocalDeclarations :: DsMonad q => [Dec] -> DsM q a -> q a Source #
Add a list of declarations to be considered when reifying local declarations.
dsReify :: DsMonad q => Name -> q (Maybe DInfo) Source #
Like reify
, but safer and desugared. Uses local declarations where
reifyWithLocals_maybe :: DsMonad q => Name -> q (Maybe Info) Source #
Like reify
from Template Haskell, but looks also in any not-yet-typechecked
declarations. To establish this list of not-yet-typechecked declarations,
use withLocalDeclarations
. Returns Nothing
if reification fails.
Note that no inferred type information is available from local declarations;
bottoms may be used if necessary.
reifyWithLocals :: DsMonad q => Name -> q Info Source #
Like reifyWithLocals_maybe
, but throws an exception upon failure,
warning the user about separating splices.
class Quasi m => DsMonad m where Source #
A DsMonad
stores some list of declarations that should be considered
in scope. DsM
is the prototypical inhabitant of DsMonad
Minimal complete definition
A convenient implementation of the DsMonad
class. Use by calling
Nested pattern flattening
Utility functions
removeWilds :: DsMonad q => DPat -> q DPat Source #
Remove all wildcards from a pattern, replacing any wildcard with a fresh variable
:: Quasi q | |
=> String | Print this out on failure |
-> Name | Name of the datatype ( |
-> q ([TyVarBndr], [Con]) |
Extract the TyVarBndr
s and constructors given the Name
of a type
dataConNameToDataName :: Quasi q => Name -> q Name Source #
From the name of a data constructor, retrive the datatype definition it is a part of.
dataConNameToCon :: Quasi q => Name -> q Con Source #
From the name of a data constructor, retrieve its definition as a Con
nameOccursIn :: Data a => Name -> a -> Bool Source #
Check if a name occurs anywhere within a TH tree.
allNamesIn :: Data a => a -> [Name] Source #
Extract all Names mentioned in a TH tree.
flattenDValD :: Quasi q => DLetDec -> q [DLetDec] Source #
If the declaration passed in is a DValD
, creates new, equivalent
declarations such that the DPat
in all DValD
s is just a plain
. Other declarations are passed through unchanged.
Note that the declarations that come out of this function are rather
less efficient than those that come in: they have many more pattern
Produces DLetDec
s representing the record selector functions from
the provided DCon
Note that if the same record selector appears in multiple constructors,
will return only one binding for that selector.
For example, if you had:
data X = X1 {y :: Symbol} | X2 {y :: Symbol}
Then calling getRecordSelectors
on [X1, X2]
will return:
[ DSigD y (DAppT (DAppT DArrowT (DConT X)) (DConT Symbol)) , DFunD y [ DClause [DConPa X1 [DVarPa field]] (DVarE field) , DClause [DConPa X2 [DVarPa field]] (DVarE field) ] ]
instead of returning one binding for X1
and another binding for X2
mkTypeName :: Quasi q => String -> q Name Source #
Like TH's lookupTypeName
, but if this name is not bound, then we assume
it is declared in the current module.
mkDataName :: Quasi q => String -> q Name Source #
Like TH's lookupDataName
, but if this name is not bound, then we assume
it is declared in the current module.
newUniqueName :: Quasi q => String -> q Name Source #
Like newName, but even more unique (unique across different splices),
and with unique nameBase
s. Precondition: the string is a valid Haskell
alphanumeric identifier (could be upper- or lower-case).
mkTupleDExp :: [DExp] -> DExp Source #
mkTupleDPat :: [DPat] -> DPat Source #
maybeDCaseE :: String -> DExp -> [DMatch] -> DExp Source #
If matches is non-empty, make a case statement; otherwise make an error statement
substTy :: DsMonad q => Map Name DType -> DType -> q DType Source #
Capture-avoiding substitution on types
unboxedTupleNameDegree_maybe :: Name -> Maybe Int Source #
Extract the degree of an unboxed tuple name
strictToBang :: Bang -> Bang Source #