{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Language.Haskell.Printf.Lib
    ( toSplices
    ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), pure)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.String (fromString)
import Language.Haskell.Printf.Geometry (formatOne)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Printf.Printers as Printers
import Language.Haskell.PrintfArg
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Parser (parseStr)
import Parser.Types hiding (lengthSpec, width)

-- | Takes a format string as input and produces a tuple @(args, outputExpr)@.
-- This function processes character escapes as they would appear in Haskell source code.
-- It will emit warnings (or throw an error, as appropriate) when given an invalid format
-- string.
-- Use if you wish to leverage @th-printf@ in conjunction with, for example, an existing
-- logging library.
toSplices :: String -> Q ([Pat], Exp)
toSplices s' =
    case parseStr s' of
        Left x -> fail $ show x
        Right (y, warns) -> do
            mapM_ (qReport False) (concat warns)
            (lhss, rhss) <- unzip <$> mapM extractExpr y
            rhss' <- foldr1 (\x y' -> infixApp x [|(<>)|] y') rhss
            return (map VarP $ concat lhss, rhss')

extractExpr :: Atom -> Q ([Name], ExpQ)
extractExpr (Str s') = return ([], [|fromString $(stringE s')|])
extractExpr (Arg (FormatArg flags' width' precision' spec' lengthSpec')) = do
    (warg, wexp) <- extractArgs width'
    (parg, pexp) <- extractArgs precision'
    varg <- newName "arg"
        ( catMaybes [warg, parg, Just varg]
        , appE
                         { flagSet = $(lift flags')
                         , width = $(wexp)
                         , prec = $(pexp)
                         , value = $(varE varg)
                         , lengthSpec = $(lift lengthSpec')
                         , fieldSpec = $(lift spec')
    extractArgs n =
        case n of
            Just Need -> do
                a <- newName "arg"
                pure (Just a, [|Just (fromInteger (fromIntegral $(varE a)))|])
            Just (Given n') -> pure (Nothing, [|Just $(litE $ integerL n')|])
            Nothing -> pure (Nothing, [|Nothing|])
    formatter =
        case spec' of
            's' -> [|Printers.printfString|]
            '?' -> [|Printers.printfShow|]
            'd' -> [|Printers.printfDecimal|]
            'i' -> [|Printers.printfDecimal|]
            'p' -> [|Printers.printfPtr|]
            'c' -> [|Printers.printfChar|]
            'u' -> [|Printers.printfUnsigned|]
            'x' -> [|Printers.printfHex False|]
            'X' -> [|Printers.printfHex True|]
            'o' -> [|Printers.printfOctal|]
            'f' -> [|Printers.printfFloating False|]
            'F' -> [|Printers.printfFloating True|]
            'e' -> [|Printers.printfScientific False|]
            'E' -> [|Printers.printfScientific True|]
            'g' -> [|Printers.printfGeneric False|]
            'G' -> [|Printers.printfGeneric True|]
            'a' -> [|Printers.printfFloatHex False|]
            'A' -> [|Printers.printfFloatHex True|]
            _ -> undefined