Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- a :: UI Element
- altGlyph :: UI Element
- altGlyphDef :: UI Element
- altGlyphItem :: UI Element
- animate :: UI Element
- animateColor :: UI Element
- animateMotion :: UI Element
- animateTransform :: UI Element
- circle :: UI Element
- clipPath :: UI Element
- colorProfile :: UI Element
- cursor :: UI Element
- defs :: UI Element
- desc :: UI Element
- ellipse :: UI Element
- feBlend :: UI Element
- feColorMatrix :: UI Element
- feComponentTransfer :: UI Element
- feComposite :: UI Element
- feConvolveMatrix :: UI Element
- feDiffuseLighting :: UI Element
- feDisplacementMap :: UI Element
- feDistantLight :: UI Element
- feFlood :: UI Element
- feFuncA :: UI Element
- feFuncB :: UI Element
- feFuncG :: UI Element
- feFuncR :: UI Element
- feGaussianBlur :: UI Element
- feImage :: UI Element
- feMerge :: UI Element
- feMergeNode :: UI Element
- feMorphology :: UI Element
- feOffset :: UI Element
- fePointLight :: UI Element
- feSpecularLighting :: UI Element
- feSpotLight :: UI Element
- feTile :: UI Element
- feTurbulence :: UI Element
- filter :: UI Element
- font :: UI Element
- font_face :: UI Element
- font_face_format :: UI Element
- font_face_name :: UI Element
- font_face_srv :: UI Element
- font_face_uri :: UI Element
- foreignObject :: UI Element
- g :: UI Element
- glyph :: UI Element
- glyphRef :: UI Element
- hkern :: UI Element
- image :: UI Element
- line :: UI Element
- linearGradient :: UI Element
- marker :: UI Element
- mask :: UI Element
- metadata :: UI Element
- missing_glyph :: UI Element
- mpath :: UI Element
- path :: UI Element
- pattern :: UI Element
- polygon :: UI Element
- polyline :: UI Element
- radialGradient :: UI Element
- rect :: UI Element
- script :: UI Element
- set :: UI Element
- stop :: UI Element
- style :: UI Element
- svg :: UI Element
- switch :: UI Element
- symbol :: UI Element
- text :: UI Element
- textPath :: UI Element
- title :: UI Element
- tref :: UI Element
- tspan :: UI Element
- use :: UI Element
- view :: UI Element
- vkern :: UI Element
SVG elements as defined by W3C, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition) Appendix M
Whenever possible, the Haskell identifier for an element is the same as the attribute name. However, sometimes changes are necessary:
- Hyphens
are replaced by underscores_
, e.g.font_face
SVG Elements
altGlyphDef :: UI Element Source #
altGlyphItem :: UI Element Source #
animateColor :: UI Element Source #
colorProfile :: UI Element Source #
feComposite :: UI Element Source #
feMergeNode :: UI Element Source #
feMorphology :: UI Element Source #
fePointLight :: UI Element Source #
feSpotLight :: UI Element Source #
feTurbulence :: UI Element Source #