{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
module Graphics.UI.Threepenny.SVG.Attributes (
accent_height, accumulate, additive, alphabetic, amplitude,
arabic_form, ascent, attributeName, attributeType, azimuth,
baseFrequency, baseProfile, bbox, begin, bias, by,
calcMode, cap_height, class_, clipPathUnits, contentScriptType,
contentStyleType, cx, cy,
d, descent, diffuseConstant, divisor, dur, dx, dy,
edgeMode, elevation, end, exponent, externalResourcesRequired,
filterRes, filterUnits, format, from, fx, fy,
g1, g2, glyph_name, glyphRef, gradientTransform, gradientUnits,
hanging, height, horiz_adv_x, horiz_origin_x, horiz_origin_y,
id, ideographic, in_, in2, intercept,
k, k1, k2, k3, k4, kernelMatrix, kernelUnitLength,
keyPoints, keySplines, keyTimes,
lang, lengthAdjust, limitingConeAngle, local,
markerHeight, markerUnits, markerWidth, maskContentUnits, maskUnits,
mathematical, max, media, method, min, mode,
name, numOctaves,
onabort, onactivate, onbegin, onclick, onend, onerror, onfocusin, onfocusout,
onload, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup,
onrepeat, onresize, onscroll, onunload, onzoom,
operator, order, orient, orientation, origin,
overline_position, overline_thickness,
panose_1, path, pathLength, patternContentUnits,
patternTransform, patternUnits, points, pointsAtX, pointsAtY, pointsAtZ,
preserveAlpha, preserveAspectRatio, primitiveUnits,
r, radius, refX, refY, rendering_intent, repeatCount, repeatDur,
requiredExtensions, requiredFeatures, restart, result, rotate, rx, ry,
scale, seed, slope, spacing, specularConstant, specularExponent, spreadMethod,
startOffset, stdDeviation, stemh, stemv, stitchTiles,
strikethrough_position, strikethrough_thickness,
string, style, surfaceScale, systemLanguage,
tableValues, target, targetX, targetY, textLength, title, to, transform, type_,
u1, u2, underline_position, underline_thickness, unicode, unicode_range, units_per_em,
v_alphabetic, v_hanging, v_ideographic, v_mathematical, values, version,
vert_adv_y, vert_origin_x, vert_origin_y, viewBox, viewTarget,
width, widths,
x, x_height, x1, x2, xChannelSelector,
xlink_actuate, xlink_arcrole, xlink_href, xlink_role, xlink_show, xlink_title, xlink_type,
xml_base, xml_lang, xml_space,
y, y1, y2, yChannelSelector,
z, zoomAndPan,
refx, refy,
alignment_baseline, baseline_shift,
clip_path, clip_rule, clip, color_interpolation_filters, color_interpolation,
color_profile, color_rendering, color, cursor,
direction, display, dominant_baseline,
fill_opacity, fill_rule, fill, filter, flood_color,flood_opacity,
font_family, font_size_adjust, font_size, font_stretch, font_style, font_variant,
glyph_orientation_horizontal, glyph_orientation_vertical,
image_rendering, kerning,
letter_spacing, lighting_color,
marker_end, marker_mid, marker_start, mask,
opacity, overflow, pointer_events,
shape_rendering, stop_color, stop_opacity,
stroke_dasharray, stroke_dashoffset, stroke_linecap, stroke_linejoin,
stroke_miterlimit, stroke_opacity, stroke_width, stroke,
text_anchor, text_decoration, text_rendering,
unicode_bidi, visibility, word_spacing, writing_mode
) where
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core (Element, WriteAttr, attr,
mkWriteAttr, set')
import Prelude hiding (exponent, filter, id, max,
strAttr :: String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr :: String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
n = (String -> Element -> UI ()) -> WriteAttr Element String
forall i x. (i -> x -> UI ()) -> WriteAttr x i
mkWriteAttr (WriteAttr Element String -> String -> Element -> UI ()
forall x i o. ReadWriteAttr x i o -> i -> x -> UI ()
set' (String -> WriteAttr Element String
attr String
intAttr :: String -> WriteAttr Element Int
intAttr :: String -> WriteAttr Element Int
intAttr String
n = (Int -> Element -> UI ()) -> WriteAttr Element Int
forall i x. (i -> x -> UI ()) -> WriteAttr x i
mkWriteAttr (WriteAttr Element String -> String -> Element -> UI ()
forall x i o. ReadWriteAttr x i o -> i -> x -> UI ()
set' (String -> WriteAttr Element String
attr String
n) (String -> Element -> UI ())
-> (Int -> String) -> Int -> Element -> UI ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Int -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
fltAttr :: String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr :: String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
n = (Float -> Element -> UI ()) -> WriteAttr Element Float
forall i x. (i -> x -> UI ()) -> WriteAttr x i
mkWriteAttr (WriteAttr Element String -> String -> Element -> UI ()
forall x i o. ReadWriteAttr x i o -> i -> x -> UI ()
set' (String -> WriteAttr Element String
attr String
n) (String -> Element -> UI ())
-> (Float -> String) -> Float -> Element -> UI ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Float -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
accent_height :: WriteAttr Element Float
accent_height = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
accumulate :: WriteAttr Element String
accumulate = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
additive :: WriteAttr Element String
additive = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
alignment_baseline :: WriteAttr Element String
alignment_baseline = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
alphabetic :: WriteAttr Element Float
alphabetic = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
amplitude :: WriteAttr Element Float
amplitude = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
arabic_form :: WriteAttr Element String
arabic_form = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
ascent :: WriteAttr Element Float
ascent = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
attributeName :: WriteAttr Element String
attributeName = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
attributeType :: WriteAttr Element String
attributeType = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
azimuth :: WriteAttr Element Float
azimuth = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
baseFrequency :: WriteAttr Element String
baseFrequency = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
baseProfile :: WriteAttr Element String
baseProfile = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
baseline_shift :: WriteAttr Element String
baseline_shift = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
bbox :: WriteAttr Element String
bbox = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
begin :: WriteAttr Element String
begin = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
bias :: WriteAttr Element Float
bias = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
by :: WriteAttr Element Float
by = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
calcMode :: WriteAttr Element String
calcMode = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
cap_height :: WriteAttr Element Float
cap_height = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
class_ :: WriteAttr Element String
class_ = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
clip :: WriteAttr Element String
clip = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
clip_path :: WriteAttr Element String
clip_path = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
clip_rule :: WriteAttr Element String
clip_rule = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
clipPathUnits :: WriteAttr Element String
clipPathUnits = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
color :: WriteAttr Element String
color = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
color_interpolation :: WriteAttr Element String
color_interpolation = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
color_interpolation_filters :: WriteAttr Element String
color_interpolation_filters = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
color_profile :: WriteAttr Element String
color_profile = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
color_rendering :: WriteAttr Element String
color_rendering = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
contentScriptType :: WriteAttr Element String
contentScriptType = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
contentStyleType :: WriteAttr Element String
contentStyleType = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
cursor :: WriteAttr Element String
cursor = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
cx :: WriteAttr Element String
cx = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
cy :: WriteAttr Element String
cy = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
d :: WriteAttr Element String
d = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
descent :: WriteAttr Element Float
descent = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
diffuseConstant :: WriteAttr Element Float
diffuseConstant = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
direction :: WriteAttr Element String
direction = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
display :: WriteAttr Element String
display = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
divisor :: WriteAttr Element Float
divisor = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
dominant_baseline :: WriteAttr Element String
dominant_baseline = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
dur :: WriteAttr Element String
dur = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
dx :: WriteAttr Element String
dx = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
dy :: WriteAttr Element String
dy = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
edgeMode :: WriteAttr Element String
edgeMode = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
elevation :: WriteAttr Element Float
elevation = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
enable_background :: WriteAttr Element String
enable_background = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
end :: WriteAttr Element String
end = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
exponent :: WriteAttr Element Float
exponent = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
externalResourcesRequired :: WriteAttr Element String
externalResourcesRequired = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
fill :: WriteAttr Element String
fill = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
fill_opacity :: WriteAttr Element String
fill_opacity = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
fill_rule :: WriteAttr Element String
fill_rule = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
filter :: WriteAttr Element String
filter = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
filterRes :: WriteAttr Element String
filterRes = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
filterUnits :: WriteAttr Element String
filterUnits = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
flood_color :: WriteAttr Element String
flood_color = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
flood_opacity :: WriteAttr Element String
flood_opacity = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
font_family :: WriteAttr Element String
font_family = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
font_size :: WriteAttr Element String
font_size = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
font_size_adjust :: WriteAttr Element String
font_size_adjust = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
font_stretch :: WriteAttr Element String
font_stretch = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
font_style :: WriteAttr Element String
font_style = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
font_variant :: WriteAttr Element String
font_variant = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
font_weight :: WriteAttr Element String
font_weight = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
format :: WriteAttr Element String
format = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
from :: WriteAttr Element Float
from = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
fx :: WriteAttr Element String
fx = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
fy :: WriteAttr Element String
fy = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
g1 :: WriteAttr Element String
g1 = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
g2 :: WriteAttr Element String
g2 = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
glyph_name :: WriteAttr Element String
glyph_name = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
glyph_orientation_horizontal :: WriteAttr Element String
glyph_orientation_horizontal = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
glyph_orientation_vertical :: WriteAttr Element String
glyph_orientation_vertical = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
glyphRef :: WriteAttr Element String
glyphRef = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
gradientTransform :: WriteAttr Element String
gradientTransform = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
gradientUnits :: WriteAttr Element String
gradientUnits = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
hanging :: WriteAttr Element Float
hanging = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
height :: WriteAttr Element String
height = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
horiz_adv_x :: WriteAttr Element Float
horiz_adv_x = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
horiz_origin_x :: WriteAttr Element Float
horiz_origin_x = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
horiz_origin_y :: WriteAttr Element Float
horiz_origin_y = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
id :: WriteAttr Element String
id = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
ideographic :: WriteAttr Element Float
ideographic = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
image_rendering :: WriteAttr Element String
image_rendering = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
in_ :: WriteAttr Element String
in_ = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
in2 :: WriteAttr Element String
in2 = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
intercept :: WriteAttr Element Float
intercept = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
k :: WriteAttr Element Float
k = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
k1 :: WriteAttr Element Float
k1 = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
k2 :: WriteAttr Element Float
k2 = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
k3 :: WriteAttr Element Float
k3 = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
k4 :: WriteAttr Element Float
k4 = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
kernelMatrix :: WriteAttr Element String
kernelMatrix = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
kernelUnitLength :: WriteAttr Element String
kernelUnitLength = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
kerning :: WriteAttr Element String
kerning = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
keyPoints :: WriteAttr Element String
keyPoints = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
keySplines :: WriteAttr Element String
keySplines = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
keyTimes :: WriteAttr Element String
keyTimes = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
lang :: WriteAttr Element String
lang = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
lengthAdjust :: WriteAttr Element String
lengthAdjust = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
letter_spacing :: WriteAttr Element String
letter_spacing = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
lighting_color :: WriteAttr Element String
lighting_color = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
limitingConeAngle :: WriteAttr Element Float
limitingConeAngle = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
local :: WriteAttr Element String
local = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
marker_end :: WriteAttr Element String
marker_end = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
marker_mid :: WriteAttr Element String
marker_mid = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
marker_start :: WriteAttr Element String
marker_start = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
markerHeight :: WriteAttr Element String
markerHeight = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
markerUnits :: WriteAttr Element String
markerUnits = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
markerWidth :: WriteAttr Element String
markerWidth = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
mask :: WriteAttr Element String
mask = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
maskContentUnits :: WriteAttr Element String
maskContentUnits = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
maskUnits :: WriteAttr Element String
maskUnits = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
mathematical :: WriteAttr Element Float
mathematical = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
max :: WriteAttr Element String
max = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
media :: WriteAttr Element String
media = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
method :: WriteAttr Element String
method = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
min :: WriteAttr Element String
min = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
mode :: WriteAttr Element String
mode = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
name :: WriteAttr Element String
name = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
numOctaves :: WriteAttr Element Int
numOctaves = String -> WriteAttr Element Int
intAttr String
offset :: WriteAttr Element Float
offset = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
onabort :: WriteAttr Element String
onabort = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onactivate :: WriteAttr Element String
onactivate = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onbegin :: WriteAttr Element String
onbegin = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onclick :: WriteAttr Element String
onclick = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onend :: WriteAttr Element String
onend = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onerror :: WriteAttr Element String
onerror = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onfocusin :: WriteAttr Element String
onfocusin = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onfocusout :: WriteAttr Element String
onfocusout = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onload :: WriteAttr Element String
onload = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onmousedown :: WriteAttr Element String
onmousedown = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onmousemove :: WriteAttr Element String
onmousemove = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onmouseout :: WriteAttr Element String
onmouseout = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onmouseover :: WriteAttr Element String
onmouseover = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onmouseup :: WriteAttr Element String
onmouseup = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onrepeat :: WriteAttr Element String
onrepeat = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onresize :: WriteAttr Element String
onresize = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onscroll :: WriteAttr Element String
onscroll = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onunload :: WriteAttr Element String
onunload = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
onzoom :: WriteAttr Element String
onzoom = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
opacity :: WriteAttr Element String
opacity = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
operator :: WriteAttr Element String
operator = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
order :: WriteAttr Element String
order = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
orient :: WriteAttr Element String
orient = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
orientation :: WriteAttr Element String
orientation = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
origin :: WriteAttr Element String
origin = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
overflow :: WriteAttr Element String
overflow = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
overline_position :: WriteAttr Element Float
overline_position = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
overline_thickness :: WriteAttr Element Float
overline_thickness = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
panose_1 :: WriteAttr Element Int
panose_1 = String -> WriteAttr Element Int
intAttr String
path :: String
path = String
pathLength :: WriteAttr Element Float
pathLength = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
patternContentUnits :: WriteAttr Element String
patternContentUnits = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
patternTransform :: WriteAttr Element String
patternTransform = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
patternUnits :: WriteAttr Element String
patternUnits = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
pointer_events :: WriteAttr Element String
pointer_events = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
points :: WriteAttr Element String
points = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
pointsAtX :: WriteAttr Element Float
pointsAtX = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
pointsAtY :: WriteAttr Element Float
pointsAtY = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
pointsAtZ :: WriteAttr Element Float
pointsAtZ = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
preserveAlpha :: WriteAttr Element String
preserveAlpha = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
preserveAspectRatio :: WriteAttr Element String
preserveAspectRatio = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
primitiveUnits :: WriteAttr Element String
primitiveUnits = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
r :: WriteAttr Element String
r = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
radius :: WriteAttr Element String
radius = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
refX :: WriteAttr Element String
refX = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
refY :: WriteAttr Element String
refY = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
refx :: WriteAttr Element String
refx = WriteAttr Element String
refy :: WriteAttr Element String
refy = WriteAttr Element String
{-# DEPRECATED refx, refy "Use 'refX' and 'refY' instead" #-}
rendering_intent :: WriteAttr Element String
rendering_intent = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
repeatCount :: WriteAttr Element String
repeatCount = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
repeatDur :: WriteAttr Element String
repeatDur = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
requiredExtensions :: WriteAttr Element String
requiredExtensions = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
requiredFeatures :: WriteAttr Element String
requiredFeatures = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
restart :: WriteAttr Element String
restart = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
result :: WriteAttr Element String
result = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
rotate :: WriteAttr Element String
rotate = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
rx :: WriteAttr Element String
rx = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
ry :: WriteAttr Element String
ry = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
scale :: WriteAttr Element Float
scale = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
seed :: WriteAttr Element Float
seed = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
shape_rendering :: WriteAttr Element String
shape_rendering = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
slope :: WriteAttr Element Float
slope = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
spacing :: WriteAttr Element String
spacing = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
specularConstant :: WriteAttr Element Float
specularConstant = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
specularExponent :: WriteAttr Element Float
specularExponent = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
spreadMethod :: WriteAttr Element String
spreadMethod = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
startOffset :: WriteAttr Element String
startOffset = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stdDeviation :: WriteAttr Element String
stdDeviation = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stemh :: WriteAttr Element Float
stemh = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
stemv :: WriteAttr Element Float
stemv = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
stitchTiles :: WriteAttr Element String
stitchTiles = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stop_color :: WriteAttr Element String
stop_color = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stop_opacity :: WriteAttr Element String
stop_opacity = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
strikethrough_position :: WriteAttr Element Float
strikethrough_position = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
strikethrough_thickness :: WriteAttr Element Float
strikethrough_thickness = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
string :: WriteAttr Element String
string = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stroke :: WriteAttr Element String
stroke = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stroke_dasharray :: WriteAttr Element String
stroke_dasharray = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stroke_dashoffset :: WriteAttr Element String
stroke_dashoffset = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stroke_linecap :: WriteAttr Element String
stroke_linecap = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stroke_linejoin :: WriteAttr Element String
stroke_linejoin = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stroke_miterlimit :: WriteAttr Element String
stroke_miterlimit = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stroke_opacity :: WriteAttr Element String
stroke_opacity = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
stroke_width :: WriteAttr Element String
stroke_width = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
style :: WriteAttr Element String
style = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
surfaceScale :: WriteAttr Element Float
surfaceScale = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
systemLanguage :: WriteAttr Element String
systemLanguage = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
tableValues :: WriteAttr Element String
tableValues = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
target :: WriteAttr Element String
target = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
targetX :: WriteAttr Element Float
targetX = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
targetY :: WriteAttr Element Float
targetY = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
text_anchor :: WriteAttr Element String
text_anchor = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
text_decoration :: WriteAttr Element String
text_decoration = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
text_rendering :: WriteAttr Element String
text_rendering = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
textLength :: WriteAttr Element String
textLength = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
title :: WriteAttr Element String
title = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
to :: WriteAttr Element Float
to = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
transform :: WriteAttr Element String
transform = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
type_ :: WriteAttr Element String
type_ = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
u1 :: WriteAttr Element String
u1 = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
u2 :: WriteAttr Element String
u2 = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
underline_position :: WriteAttr Element Float
underline_position = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
underline_thickness :: WriteAttr Element Float
underline_thickness = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
unicode :: WriteAttr Element String
unicode = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
unicode_bidi :: WriteAttr Element String
unicode_bidi = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
unicode_range :: WriteAttr Element String
unicode_range = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
units_per_em :: WriteAttr Element Float
units_per_em = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
v_alphabetic :: WriteAttr Element Float
v_alphabetic = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
v_hanging :: WriteAttr Element Float
v_hanging = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
v_ideographic :: WriteAttr Element Float
v_ideographic = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
v_mathematical :: WriteAttr Element Float
v_mathematical = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
values :: WriteAttr Element String
values = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
version :: WriteAttr Element Float
version = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
vert_adv_y :: WriteAttr Element Float
vert_adv_y = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
vert_origin_x :: WriteAttr Element Float
vert_origin_x = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
vert_origin_y :: WriteAttr Element Float
vert_origin_y = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
viewBox :: WriteAttr Element String
viewBox = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
viewTarget :: WriteAttr Element String
viewTarget = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
visibility :: WriteAttr Element String
visibility = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
width :: WriteAttr Element String
width = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
widths :: WriteAttr Element String
widths = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
word_spacing :: WriteAttr Element String
word_spacing = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
writing_mode :: WriteAttr Element String
writing_mode = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
x :: WriteAttr Element String
x = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
x_height :: WriteAttr Element Float
x_height = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
x1 :: WriteAttr Element String
x1 = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
x2 :: WriteAttr Element String
x2 = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xChannelSelector :: WriteAttr Element String
xChannelSelector = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xlink_actuate :: WriteAttr Element String
xlink_actuate = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xlink_arcrole :: WriteAttr Element String
xlink_arcrole = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xlink_href :: WriteAttr Element String
xlink_href = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xlink_role :: WriteAttr Element String
xlink_role = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xlink_show :: WriteAttr Element String
xlink_show = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xlink_title :: WriteAttr Element String
xlink_title = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xlink_type :: WriteAttr Element String
xlink_type = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xml_base :: WriteAttr Element String
xml_base = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xml_lang :: WriteAttr Element String
xml_lang = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
xml_space :: WriteAttr Element String
xml_space = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
y :: WriteAttr Element String
y = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
y1 :: WriteAttr Element String
y1 = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
y2 :: WriteAttr Element String
y2 = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
yChannelSelector :: WriteAttr Element String
yChannelSelector = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String
z :: WriteAttr Element Float
z = String -> WriteAttr Element Float
fltAttr String
zoomAndPan :: WriteAttr Element String
zoomAndPan = String -> WriteAttr Element String
strAttr String