{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Sound.Tidal.Pattern where

import           Prelude hiding ((<*), (*>))

import           Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import           Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
import           Data.Data (Data) -- toConstr
import           Data.List (delete, findIndex, sort, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import           Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, catMaybes, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import           Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator)
import           Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import           Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))

-- * Types

-- | Time is rational
type Time = Rational

-- | The 'sam' (start of cycle) for the given time value
sam :: Time -> Time
sam = fromIntegral . (floor :: Time -> Int)

-- | Turns a number into a (rational) time value. An alias for 'toRational'.
toTime :: Real a => a -> Rational
toTime = toRational

-- | The end point of the current cycle (and starting point of the next cycle)
nextSam :: Time -> Time
nextSam = (1+) . sam

-- | The position of a time value relative to the start of its cycle.
cyclePos :: Time -> Time
cyclePos t = t - sam t

-- | An arc of time, with a start time (or onset) and a stop time (or offset)
data ArcF a = Arc
  { start :: a
  , stop :: a
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor)

type Arc = ArcF Time

instance NFData a =>
  NFData (ArcF a) where
    rnf (Arc s e) = rnf s `seq` rnf e

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show Arc where
  show (Arc s e) = prettyRat s ++ ">" ++ prettyRat e

instance Num a => Num (ArcF a) where
  negate      = fmap negate
  (+)         = liftA2 (+)
  (*)         = liftA2 (*)
  fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
  abs         = fmap abs
  signum      = fmap signum

instance (Fractional a) => Fractional (ArcF a) where
  recip        = fmap recip
  fromRational = pure . fromRational

sect :: Arc -> Arc -> Arc
sect (Arc s e) (Arc s' e') = Arc (max s s') (min e e')

-- | convex hull union
hull :: Arc -> Arc -> Arc
hull (Arc s e) (Arc s' e') = Arc (min s s') (max e e')

-- | @subArc i j@ is the timespan that is the intersection of @i@ and @j@.
-- intersection
-- The definition is a bit fiddly as results might be zero-width, but
-- not at the end of an non-zero-width arc - e.g. (0,1) and (1,2) do
-- not intersect, but (1,1) (1,1) does.
subArc :: Arc -> Arc -> Maybe Arc
subArc a@(Arc s e) b@(Arc s' e')
  | and [s'' == e'', s'' == e, s < e] = Nothing
  | and [s'' == e'', s'' == e', s' < e'] = Nothing
  | s'' <= e'' = Just (Arc s'' e'')
  | otherwise = Nothing
  where (Arc s'' e'') = sect a b

instance Applicative ArcF where
  pure t = Arc t t
  (<*>) (Arc sf ef) (Arc sx ex) = Arc (sf sx) (ef ex)

-- | The arc of the whole cycle that the given time value falls within
timeToCycleArc :: Time -> Arc
timeToCycleArc t = Arc (sam t) (sam t + 1)

-- | Shifts an arc to the equivalent one that starts during cycle zero
cycleArc :: Arc -> Arc
cycleArc (Arc s e) = Arc (cyclePos s) (cyclePos s + (e-s))

-- | A list of cycle numbers which are included in the given arc
cyclesInArc :: Integral a => Arc -> [a]
cyclesInArc (Arc s e)
  | s > e = []
  | s == e = [floor s]
  | otherwise = [floor s .. ceiling e-1]

-- | A list of arcs of the whole cycles which are included in the given arc
cycleArcsInArc :: Arc -> [Arc]
cycleArcsInArc = map (timeToCycleArc . (toTime :: Int -> Time)) . cyclesInArc

-- | Splits the given 'Arc' into a list of 'Arc's, at cycle boundaries.
arcCycles :: Arc -> [Arc]
arcCycles (Arc s e) | s >= e = []
                | sam s == sam e = [Arc s e]
                | otherwise = Arc s (nextSam s) : arcCycles (Arc (nextSam s) e)

-- | Like arcCycles, but returns zero-width arcs
arcCyclesZW :: Arc -> [Arc]
arcCyclesZW (Arc s e) | s == e = [Arc s e]
                  | otherwise = arcCycles (Arc s e)

-- | Similar to 'fmap' but time is relative to the cycle (i.e. the
-- sam of the start of the arc)
mapCycle :: (Time -> Time) -> Arc -> Arc
mapCycle f (Arc s e) = Arc (sam' + f (s - sam')) (sam' + f (e - sam'))
         where sam' = sam s

-- | @isIn a t@ is @True@ if @t@ is inside
-- the arc represented by @a@.
isIn :: Arc -> Time -> Bool
isIn (Arc s e) t = t >= s && t < e

-- | An event is a value that's active during a timespan
-- The part should be equal to or fit inside the
-- whole
data EventF a b = Event
  { whole :: a
  , part :: a
  , value :: b
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor)

type Event a = EventF (ArcF Time) a

instance (NFData a, NFData b) =>
  NFData (EventF a b) where
    rnf (Event w p v) = rnf w `seq` rnf p `seq` rnf v

instance Bifunctor EventF where
  bimap f g (Event w p e) = Event (f w) (f p) (g e)

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show a => Show (Event a) where
  show (Event (Arc ws we) a@(Arc ps pe) e) =
    h ++ "(" ++ show a ++ ")" ++ t ++ "|" ++ show e
    where h | ws == ps = ""
            | otherwise = prettyRat ws ++ "-"
          t | we == pe = ""
            | otherwise = "-" ++ prettyRat we

-- | `True` if an `Event`'s starts is within given `Arc`
onsetIn :: Arc -> Event a -> Bool
onsetIn a e = isIn a (wholeStart e)

-- | Compares two lists of events, attempting to combine fragmented events in the process
-- for a 'truer' compare
compareDefrag :: (Ord a) => [Event a] -> [Event a] -> Bool
compareDefrag as bs = sort (defragParts as) == sort (defragParts bs)

-- | Returns a list of events, with any adjacent parts of the same whole combined
defragParts :: Eq a => [Event a] -> [Event a]
defragParts [] = []
defragParts [e] = [e]
defragParts (e:es) | isJust i = defraged : defragParts (delete e' es)
                   | otherwise = e : defragParts es
  where i = findIndex (isAdjacent e) es
        e' = es !! fromJust i
        defraged = Event (whole e) u (value e)
        u = hull (part e) (part e')

-- | Returns 'True' if the two given events are adjacent parts of the same whole
isAdjacent :: Eq a => Event a -> Event a -> Bool
isAdjacent e e' = (whole e == whole e')
                  && (value e == value e')
                  && ((stop (part e) == start (part e'))
                      (stop (part e') == start (part e))

-- | Get the onset of an event's 'whole'
wholeStart :: Event a -> Time
wholeStart = start . whole

-- | Get the offset of an event's 'whole'
wholeStop :: Event a -> Time
wholeStop = stop . whole

-- | Get the onset of an event's 'whole'
eventPartStart :: Event a -> Time
eventPartStart = start . part

-- | Get the offset of an event's 'part'
eventPartStop :: Event a -> Time
eventPartStop = stop . part

-- | Get the timespan of an event's 'part'
eventPart :: Event a -> Arc
eventPart = part

eventValue :: Event a -> a
eventValue = value

eventHasOnset :: Event a -> Bool
eventHasOnset e = start (whole e) == start (part e)

toEvent :: (((Time, Time), (Time, Time)), a) -> Event a
toEvent (((ws, we), (ps, pe)), v) = Event (Arc ws we) (Arc ps pe) v

-- | an Arc and some named control values
data State = State {arc :: Arc,
                    controls :: StateMap

-- | A function that represents events taking place over time
type Query a = (State -> [Event a])

-- | Also known as Continuous vs Discrete/Amorphous vs Pulsating etc.
data Nature = Analog | Digital
            deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A datatype that's basically a query, plus a hint about whether its events
-- are Analogue or Digital by nature
data Pattern a = Pattern {nature :: Nature, query :: Query a}

data Value = VS { svalue :: String }
           | VF { fvalue :: Double }
           | VR { rvalue :: Rational }
           | VI { ivalue :: Int }
           | VB { bvalue :: Bool }
           deriving (Typeable,Data)

class Valuable a where
  toValue :: a -> Value

instance NFData Value where
  rnf (VS s) = rnf s
  rnf (VF f) = rnf f
  rnf (VR r) = rnf r
  rnf (VI i) = rnf i
  rnf (VB b) = rnf b

instance Valuable String where
  toValue = VS
instance Valuable Double where
  toValue a = VF a
instance Valuable Rational where
  toValue a = VR a
instance Valuable Int where
  toValue a = VI a
instance Valuable Bool where
  toValue a = VB a

instance Eq Value where
  (VS x) == (VS y) = x == y
  (VB x) == (VB y) = x == y

  (VF x) == (VF y) = x == y
  (VI x) == (VI y) = x == y
  (VR x) == (VR y) = x == y

  (VF x) == (VI y) = x == (fromIntegral y)
  (VI y) == (VF x) = x == (fromIntegral y)

  (VF x) == (VR y) = (toRational x) == y
  (VR y) == (VF x) = (toRational x) == y
  (VI x) == (VR y) = (toRational x) == y
  (VR y) == (VI x) = (toRational x) == y

  _ == _ = False

instance Ord Value where
  compare (VS x) (VS y) = compare x y
  compare (VB x) (VB y) = compare x y
  compare (VF x) (VF y) = compare x y
  compare (VI x) (VI y) = compare x y
  compare (VR x) (VR y) = compare x y
  compare (VS _) _ = LT
  compare _ (VS _) = GT
  compare (VB _) _ = LT
  compare _ (VB _) = GT
  compare (VF x) (VI y) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
  compare (VI x) (VF y) = compare (fromIntegral x) y

  compare (VR x) (VI y) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
  compare (VI x) (VR y) = compare (fromIntegral x) y

  compare (VF x) (VR y) = compare x (fromRational y)
  compare (VR x) (VF y) = compare (fromRational x) y

type StateMap = Map.Map String (Pattern Value)
type ControlMap = Map.Map String Value
type ControlPattern = Pattern ControlMap

-- * Instances

instance NFData a =>
  NFData (Pattern a) where
    rnf (Pattern _ q) = rnf $ \s -> q s

instance Functor Pattern where
  -- | apply a function to all the values in a pattern
  fmap f p = p {query = fmap (fmap f) . query p}

instance Applicative Pattern where
  -- | Repeat the given value once per cycle, forever
  pure v = Pattern Digital $ \(State a _) ->
    map (\a' -> Event a' (sect a a') v) $ cycleArcsInArc a

  (<*>) pf@(Pattern Digital _) px@(Pattern Digital _) = Pattern Digital q
    where q st = catMaybes $ concatMap match $ query pf st
              match (Event fWhole fPart f) =
                (\(Event xWhole xPart x) ->
                  do whole' <- subArc xWhole fWhole
                     part' <- subArc fPart xPart
                     return (Event whole' part' (f x))
                (query px $ st {arc = fPart})
  (<*>) pf@(Pattern Digital _) px@(Pattern Analog _) = Pattern Digital q
    where q st = concatMap match $ query pf st
              match (Event fWhole fPart f) =
                (Event fWhole fPart . f . value)
                (query px $ st {arc = pure (start fPart)})

  (<*>) pf@(Pattern Analog _) px@(Pattern Digital _) = Pattern Digital q
    where q st = concatMap match $ query px st
              match (Event xWhole xPart x) =
                (\e -> Event xWhole xPart (value e x))
                (query pf st {arc = pure (start xPart)})

  (<*>) pf px = Pattern Analog q
    where q st = concatMap match $ query pf st
              match ef =
                (Event (arc st) (arc st) . value ef . value)
                (query px st)

-- | Like <*>, but the structure only comes from the left
(<*) :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
(<*) pf@(Pattern Analog _) px@(Pattern Analog _) = Pattern Analog q
  where q st = concatMap match $ query pf st
            match (Event fWhole fPart f) =
              (Event fWhole fPart . f . value) $
              query px st -- for continuous events, use the original query

-- If one of the patterns is digital, treat both as digital.. (TODO - needs extra thought)
(<*) pf px = Pattern Digital q
    where q st = catMaybes $ concatMap match $ query pf st
              match (Event fWhole fPart f) =
                (\(Event _ xPart x) ->
                  do let whole' = fWhole
                     part' <- subArc fPart xPart
                     return (Event whole' part' (f x))
                (query px $ st {arc = fPart})

-- | Like <*>, but the structure only comes from the right
(*>) :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
(*>) pf@(Pattern Analog _) px@(Pattern Analog _) = Pattern Analog q
  where q st = concatMap match $ query px st
            match (Event xWhole xPart x) =
              (\e -> Event xWhole xPart (value e x)) $
              query pf st -- for continuous events, use the original query

(*>) pf px = Pattern Digital q
    where q st = catMaybes $ concatMap match $ query pf st
              match (Event _ fPart f) =
                (\(Event xWhole xPart x) ->
                  do let whole' = xWhole
                     part' <- subArc fPart xPart
                     return (Event whole' part' (f x))
                (query px $ st {arc = fPart})

infixl 4 <*, *>

instance Monad Pattern where
  return = pure
  p >>= f = unwrap (f <$> p)

-- | Turns a pattern of patterns into a single pattern.
-- (this is actually 'join')
-- 1/ For query 'arc', get the events from the outer pattern @pp@
-- 2/ Query the inner pattern using the 'part' of the outer
-- 3/ For each inner event, set the whole and part to be the intersection
--    of the outer whole and part, respectively
-- 4/ Concatenate all the events together (discarding wholes/parts that didn't intersect)
-- TODO - what if a continuous pattern contains a discrete one, or vice-versa?
unwrap :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
unwrap pp = pp {query = q}
  where q st = concatMap
          (\(Event w p v) ->
             mapMaybe (munge w p) $ query v st {arc = p})
          (query pp st)
        munge ow op (Event iw ip v') =
            w' <- subArc ow iw
            p' <- subArc op ip
            return (Event w' p' v')

-- | Turns a pattern of patterns into a single pattern. Like @unwrap@,
-- but structure only comes from the inner pattern.
innerJoin :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
innerJoin pp = pp {query = q}
  where q st = concatMap
               (\(Event _ p v) -> mapMaybe munge $ query v st {arc = p}
          (query pp st)
          where munge (Event iw ip v) =
                    p <- subArc (arc st) ip
                    p' <- subArc p (arc st)
                    return (Event iw p' v)

-- | Turns a pattern of patterns into a single pattern. Like @unwrap@,
-- but structure only comes from the outer pattern.
outerJoin :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
outerJoin pp = pp {query = q}
  where q st = concatMap
          (\(Event w p v) ->
             mapMaybe (munge w p) $ query v st {arc = pure (start w)}
          (query pp st)
          where munge ow op (Event _ _ v') =
                    p' <- subArc (arc st) op
                    return (Event ow p' v')

-- | Like @unwrap@, but cycles of the inner patterns are compressed to fit the
-- timespan of the outer whole (or the original query if it's a continuous pattern?)
-- TODO - what if a continuous pattern contains a discrete one, or vice-versa?
squeezeJoin :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
squeezeJoin pp = pp {query = q}
  where q st = concatMap
          (\(Event w p v) ->
             mapMaybe (munge w p) $ query (compressArc (cycleArc w) v) st {arc = p}
          (query pp st)
        munge oWhole oPart (Event iWhole iPart v) =
          do w' <- subArc oWhole iWhole
             p' <- subArc oPart iPart
             return (Event w' p' v)

noOv :: String -> a
noOv meth = error $ meth ++ ": not supported for patterns"

class TolerantEq a where
   (~==) :: a -> a -> Bool

instance TolerantEq Value where
         (VS a) ~== (VS b) = a == b
         (VI a) ~== (VI b) = a == b
         (VR a) ~== (VR b) = a == b
         (VF a) ~== (VF b) = abs (a - b) < 0.000001
         _ ~== _ = False

instance TolerantEq ControlMap where
  a ~== b = Map.differenceWith (\a' b' -> if a' ~== b' then Nothing else Just a') a b == Map.empty

instance TolerantEq (Event ControlMap) where
  (Event w p x) ~== (Event w' p' x') = w == w' && p == p' && x ~== x'

instance TolerantEq a => TolerantEq [a] where
  as ~== bs = (length as == length bs) && all (uncurry (~==)) (zip as bs)

instance Eq (Pattern a) where
  (==) = noOv "(==)"

instance Ord a => Ord (Pattern a) where
  min = liftA2 min
  max = liftA2 max
  compare = noOv "compare"
  (<=) = noOv "(<=)"

instance Num a => Num (Pattern a) where
  negate      = fmap negate
  (+)         = liftA2 (+)
  (*)         = liftA2 (*)
  fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
  abs         = fmap abs
  signum      = fmap signum

instance Enum a => Enum (Pattern a) where
  succ           = fmap succ
  pred           = fmap pred
  toEnum         = pure . toEnum
  fromEnum       = noOv "fromEnum"
  enumFrom       = noOv "enumFrom"
  enumFromThen   = noOv "enumFromThen"
  enumFromTo     = noOv "enumFromTo"
  enumFromThenTo = noOv "enumFromThenTo"

instance (Num a, Ord a) => Real (Pattern a) where
  toRational = noOv "toRational"

instance (Integral a) => Integral (Pattern a) where
  quot          = liftA2 quot
  rem           = liftA2 rem
  div           = liftA2 div
  mod           = liftA2 mod
  toInteger     = noOv "toInteger"
  x `quotRem` y = (x `quot` y, x `rem` y)
  x `divMod`  y = (x `div`  y, x `mod` y)

instance (Fractional a) => Fractional (Pattern a) where
  recip        = fmap recip
  fromRational = pure . fromRational

instance (Floating a) => Floating (Pattern a) where
  pi    = pure pi
  sqrt  = fmap sqrt
  exp   = fmap exp
  log   = fmap log
  sin   = fmap sin
  cos   = fmap cos
  asin  = fmap asin
  atan  = fmap atan
  acos  = fmap acos
  sinh  = fmap sinh
  cosh  = fmap cosh
  asinh = fmap asinh
  atanh = fmap atanh
  acosh = fmap acosh

instance (RealFrac a) => RealFrac (Pattern a) where
  properFraction = noOv "properFraction"
  truncate       = noOv "truncate"
  round          = noOv "round"
  ceiling        = noOv "ceiling"
  floor          = noOv "floor"

instance (RealFloat a) => RealFloat (Pattern a) where
  floatRadix     = noOv "floatRadix"
  floatDigits    = noOv "floatDigits"
  floatRange     = noOv "floatRange"
  decodeFloat    = noOv "decodeFloat"
  encodeFloat    = ((.).(.)) pure encodeFloat
  exponent       = noOv "exponent"
  significand    = noOv "significand"
  scaleFloat n   = fmap (scaleFloat n)
  isNaN          = noOv "isNaN"
  isInfinite     = noOv "isInfinite"
  isDenormalized = noOv "isDenormalized"
  isNegativeZero = noOv "isNegativeZero"
  isIEEE         = noOv "isIEEE"
  atan2          = liftA2 atan2

instance Num ControlMap where
  negate      = (applyFIS negate negate id <$>)
  (+)         = Map.unionWith (fNum2 (+) (+))
  (*)         = Map.unionWith (fNum2 (*) (*))
  fromInteger i = Map.singleton "n" $ VI $ fromInteger i
  signum      = (applyFIS signum signum id <$>)
  abs         = (applyFIS abs abs id <$>)

instance Fractional ControlMap where
  recip        = fmap (applyFIS recip id id)
  fromRational = Map.singleton "speed" . VF . fromRational

showPattern :: Show a => Arc -> Pattern a -> String
showPattern a p = intercalate "\n" $ map show $ queryArc p a

instance (Show a) => Show (Pattern a) where
  show = showPattern (Arc 0 1)

instance Show Value where
  show (VS s) = ('"':s) ++ "\""
  show (VI i) = show i
  show (VF f) = show f ++ "f"
  show (VR r) = show r ++ "r"
  show (VB b) = show b

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show ControlMap where
  show m = intercalate ", " $ map (\(name, v) -> name ++ ": " ++ show v) $ Map.toList m

prettyRat :: Rational -> String
prettyRat r | unit == 0 && frac > 0 = showFrac (numerator frac) (denominator frac)
            | otherwise =  show unit ++ showFrac (numerator frac) (denominator frac)
  where unit = floor r :: Int
        frac = r - toRational unit

showFrac :: Integer -> Integer -> String
showFrac 0 _ = ""
showFrac 1 2 = "½"
showFrac 1 3 = "⅓"
showFrac 2 3 = "⅔"
showFrac 1 4 = "¼"
showFrac 3 4 = "¾"
showFrac 1 5 = "⅕"
showFrac 2 5 = "⅖"
showFrac 3 5 = "⅗"
showFrac 4 5 = "⅘"
showFrac 1 6 = "⅙"
showFrac 5 6 = "⅚"
showFrac 1 7 = "⅐"
showFrac 1 8 = "⅛"
showFrac 3 8 = "⅜"
showFrac 5 8 = "⅝"
showFrac 7 8 = "⅞"
showFrac 1 9 = "⅑"
showFrac 1 10 = "⅒"

showFrac n d = fromMaybe plain $ do n' <- up n
                                    d' <- down d
                                    return $ n' ++ d'
  where plain = " " ++ show n ++ "/" ++ show d
        up 1 = Just "¹"
        up 2 = Just "²"
        up 3 = Just "³"
        up 4 = Just "⁴"
        up 5 = Just "⁵"
        up 6 = Just "⁶"
        up 7 = Just "⁷"
        up 8 = Just "⁸"
        up 9 = Just "⁹"
        up 0 = Just "⁰"
        up _ = Nothing
        down 1 = Just "₁"
        down 2 = Just "₂"
        down 3 = Just "₃"
        down 4 = Just "₄"
        down 5 = Just "₅"
        down 6 = Just "₆"
        down 7 = Just "₇"
        down 8 = Just "₈"
        down 9 = Just "₉"
        down 0 = Just "₀"
        down _ = Nothing

-- * Internal functions

empty :: Pattern a
empty = Pattern {nature = Digital, query = const []}

queryArc :: Pattern a -> Arc -> [Event a]
queryArc p a = query p $ State a Map.empty

isDigital :: Pattern a -> Bool
isDigital = (== Digital) . nature

isAnalog :: Pattern a -> Bool
isAnalog = not . isDigital

-- | Splits queries that span cycles. For example `query p (0.5, 1.5)` would be
-- turned into two queries, `(0.5,1)` and `(1,1.5)`, and the results
-- combined. Being able to assume queries don't span cycles often
-- makes transformations easier to specify.
splitQueries :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
splitQueries p = p {query = \st -> concatMap (\a -> query p st {arc = a}) $ arcCyclesZW (arc st)}

-- | Apply a function to the arcs/timespans (both whole and parts) of the result
withResultArc :: (Arc -> Arc) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withResultArc f pat = pat
  { query = map (\(Event w p e) -> Event (f w) (f p) e) . query pat}

-- | Apply a function to the time (both start and end of the timespans
-- of both whole and parts) of the result
withResultTime :: (Time -> Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withResultTime f = withResultArc (\(Arc s e) -> Arc (f s) (f e))

-- | Apply a function to the timespan of the query
withQueryArc :: (Arc -> Arc) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withQueryArc f p = p {query = query p . (\(State a m) -> State (f a) m)}

-- | Apply a function to the time (both start and end) of the query
withQueryTime :: (Time -> Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withQueryTime f = withQueryArc (\(Arc s e) -> Arc (f s) (f e))

-- | @withEvent f p@ returns a new @Pattern@ with each event mapped over
-- function @f@.
withEvent :: (Event a -> Event b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
withEvent f p = p {query = map f . query p}

-- | @withEvent f p@ returns a new @Pattern@ with f applied to the resulting list of events for each query
-- function @f@.
withEvents :: ([Event a] -> [Event b]) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
withEvents f p = p {query = f . query p}

-- | @withPart f p@ returns a new @Pattern@ with function @f@ applied
-- to the part.
withPart :: (Arc -> Arc) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withPart f = withEvent (\(Event w p v) -> Event w (f p) v)

-- | Apply one of three functions to a Value, depending on its type
applyFIS :: (Double -> Double) -> (Int -> Int) -> (String -> String) -> Value -> Value
applyFIS f _ _ (VF f') = VF $ f f'
applyFIS _ f _ (VI i ) = VI $ f i
applyFIS _ _ f (VS s ) = VS $ f s
applyFIS _ _ _ v = v

-- | Apply one of two functions to a Value, depending on its type (int
-- or float; strings and rationals are ignored)
fNum2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Value -> Value -> Value
fNum2 fInt _      (VI a) (VI b) = VI $ fInt a b
fNum2 _    fFloat (VF a) (VF b) = VF $ fFloat a b
fNum2 _    fFloat (VI a) (VF b) = VF $ fFloat (fromIntegral a) b
fNum2 _    fFloat (VF a) (VI b) = VF $ fFloat a (fromIntegral b)
fNum2 _    _      x      _      = x

getI :: Value -> Maybe Int
getI (VI i) = Just i
getI (VR x) = Just $ floor x
getI (VF x) = Just $ floor x
getI _  = Nothing

getF :: Value -> Maybe Double
getF (VF f) = Just f
getF (VR x) = Just $ fromRational x
getF (VI x) = Just $ fromIntegral x
getF _  = Nothing

getS :: Value -> Maybe String
getS (VS s) = Just s
getS _  = Nothing

getB :: Value -> Maybe Bool
getB (VB b) = Just b
getB _  = Nothing

getR :: Value -> Maybe Rational
getR (VR r) = Just r
getR (VF x) = Just $ toRational x
getR (VI x) = Just $ toRational x
getR _  = Nothing

compressArc :: Arc -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
compressArc (Arc s e) p | s > e = empty
                        | s > 1 || e > 1 = empty
                        | s < 0 || e < 0 = empty
                        | otherwise = s `rotR` _fastGap (1/(e-s)) p

compressArcTo :: Arc -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
compressArcTo (Arc s e) = compressArc (Arc (cyclePos s) (e - sam s))

_fastGap :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
_fastGap 0 _ = empty
_fastGap r p = splitQueries $
  withResultArc (\(Arc s e) -> Arc (sam s + ((s - sam s)/r'))
                             (sam s + ((e - sam s)/r'))
                 ) $ p {query = f}
  where r' = max r 1
        -- zero width queries of the next sam should return zero in this case..
        f st@(State a _) | start a' == nextSam (start a) = []
                         | otherwise = query p st {arc = a'}
          where mungeQuery t = sam t + min 1 (r' * cyclePos t)
                a' = (\(Arc s e) -> Arc (mungeQuery s) (mungeQuery e)) a

-- | Shifts a pattern back in time by the given amount, expressed in cycles
rotL :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
rotL t p = withResultTime (subtract t) $ withQueryTime (+ t) p

-- | Shifts a pattern forward in time by the given amount, expressed in cycles
rotR :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
rotR t = rotL (negate t)

-- ** Event filters

-- | Remove events from patterns that to not meet the given test
filterValues :: (a -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
filterValues f p = p {query = filter (f . value) . query p}

-- | Turns a pattern of 'Maybe' values in to a pattern of values,
-- dropping the events of 'Nothing'.
filterJust :: Pattern (Maybe a) -> Pattern a
filterJust p = fromJust <$> filterValues isJust p

-- formerly known as playWhen
filterWhen :: (Time -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
filterWhen test p = p {query = filter (test . wholeStart) . query p}

filterOnsets :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
filterOnsets p = p {query = filter (\e -> eventPartStart e == wholeStart e) . query p}

playFor :: Time -> Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
playFor s e = filterWhen (\t -> (t >= s) && (t < e))

-- ** Temporal parameter helpers

tParam :: (t1 -> t2 -> Pattern a) -> Pattern t1 -> t2 -> Pattern a
tParam f tv p = innerJoin $ (`f` p) <$> tv

tParam2 :: (a -> b -> c -> Pattern d) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b -> c -> Pattern d
tParam2 f a b p = innerJoin $ (\x y -> f x y p) <$> a <*> b

tParam3 :: (a -> b -> c -> Pattern d -> Pattern e) -> (Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c -> Pattern d -> Pattern e)
tParam3 f a b c p = innerJoin $ (\x y z -> f x y z p) <$> a <*> b <*> c

tParamSqueeze :: (a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c) -> (Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c)
tParamSqueeze f tv p = squeezeJoin $ (`f` p) <$> tv

-- | Mark values in the first pattern which match with at least one
-- value in the second pattern.
matchManyToOne :: (b -> a -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern (Bool, b)
matchManyToOne f pa pb = pa {query = q}
  where q st = map match $ query pb st
            match (Event xWhole xPart x) =
              Event xWhole xPart (any (f x) (as $ start xWhole), x)
            as s = map value $ query pa $ fQuery s
            fQuery s = st {arc = Arc s s}