Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- grp :: [String -> ControlMap] -> Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- mF :: String -> String -> ControlMap
- mI :: String -> String -> ControlMap
- mS :: String -> String -> ControlMap
- sound :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- s :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- cc :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- nrpn :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- pF :: String -> Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- pI :: String -> Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
- pS :: String -> Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- pX :: String -> Pattern [Word8] -> ControlPattern
- toArg :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- from :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- to :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- accelerate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- amp :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- attack :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- bandf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- bandq :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- begin :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- legato :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- clhatdecay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- crush :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- channel :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
- coarse :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
- cut :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
- cutoff :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- cutoffegint :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- decay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- delay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- delayfeedback :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- delaytime :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- detune :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- djf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- dry :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- end :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- freq :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- gain :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- gate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- hatgrain :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- hcutoff :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- hold :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- hresonance :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- kriole :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
- lagogo :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lclap :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lclaves :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lclhat :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lcrash :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- leslie :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lrate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lsize :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfo :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfocutoffint :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfodelay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfoint :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfopitchint :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfoshape :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfosync :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lhitom :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lkick :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- llotom :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lock :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- loop :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lophat :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lsnare :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- n :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- note :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- degree :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- mtranspose :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ctranspose :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- harmonic :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- stepsPerOctave :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- octaveRatio :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- nudge :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- octave :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
- offset :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ophatdecay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- orbit :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
- overgain :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- overshape :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- pan :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- panspan :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- pansplay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- panwidth :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- panorient :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- pitch1 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- pitch2 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- pitch3 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- portamento :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- rate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- release :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- resonance :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- room :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- sagogo :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- sclap :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- sclaves :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- scrash :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- semitone :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- shape :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- size :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slide :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- speed :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- squiz :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- s' :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- stutterdepth :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- stuttertime :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- sustain :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- tomdecay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- unit :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- velocity :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- vcfegint :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- vcoegint :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- voice :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- vowel :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- waveloss :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- dur :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- modwheel :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- expression :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- sustainpedal :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- tremolorate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- tremolodepth :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- phaserrate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- phaserdepth :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- fshift :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- fshiftphase :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- fshiftnote :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- triode :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- krush :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- kcutoff :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- octer :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- octersub :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- octersubsub :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ring :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ringf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ringdf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- distort :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- freeze :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- xsdelay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- tsdelay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- real :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- imag :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- enhance :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- partials :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- comb :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- smear :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- scram :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- binshift :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- hbrick :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lbrick :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- att :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- bpf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- bpq :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- chdecay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ctf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ctfg :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- delayfb :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- delayt :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- det :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- gat :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- hg :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- hpf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- hpq :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lag :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lbd :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lch :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lcl :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lcp :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lcr :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfoc :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfoi :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lfop :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lht :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- llt :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- loh :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lpf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lpq :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- lsn :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ohdecay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- phasdp :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- phasr :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- pit1 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- pit2 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- pit3 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- por :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- rel :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- sz :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- sag :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- scl :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- scp :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- scr :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- sld :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- std :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- stt :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- sus :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- tdecay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- tremdp :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- tremr :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- vcf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- vco :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- voi :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- midinote :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- drum :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- drumN :: Num a => String -> a
- array :: Pattern [Word8] -> ControlPattern
- midichan :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- control :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ccn :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- ccv :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- polyTouch :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- midibend :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- miditouch :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- nrpnn :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
- nrpnv :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
- ctlNum :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- frameRate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- frames :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- hours :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- midicmd :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- command :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
- minutes :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- progNum :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- seconds :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- songPtr :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- uid :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- val :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- up :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- cps :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button0 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button1 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button2 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button3 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button4 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button5 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button6 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button7 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button8 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button9 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button10 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button11 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button12 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button13 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button14 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button15 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button16 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button17 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button18 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button19 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button20 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button21 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button22 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button23 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button24 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button25 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button26 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button27 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button28 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button29 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button30 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- button31 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider0 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider1 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider2 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider3 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider4 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider5 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider6 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider7 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider8 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider9 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider10 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider11 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider12 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider13 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider14 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider15 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider16 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider17 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider18 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider19 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider20 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider21 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider22 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider23 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider24 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider25 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider26 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider27 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider28 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider29 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider30 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
- slider31 :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
grp :: [String -> ControlMap] -> Pattern String -> ControlPattern Source #
group multiple params into one
accelerate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers that speed up (or slow down) samples while they play.
attack :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers to specify the attack time (in seconds) of an envelope applied to each sample. Only takes effect if release
is also specified.
bandf :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Sets the center frequency of the band-pass filter.
bandq :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Sets the q-factor of the band-pass filter.y
begin :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Skips the beginning of each sample, e.g. `0.25` to cut off the first quarter from each sample.
Using `begin "-1"` combined with `cut "-1"` means that when the sample cuts itself it will begin playback from where the previous one left off, so it will sound like one seamless sample. This allows you to apply a synth param across a long sample in a way similar to chop
cps 0.5 d1 $ sound "breaks125*8" begin "-1" coarse "1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128"
This will play the breaks125
sample and apply the changing coarse
parameter over the sample. Compare to:
d1 $ (chop 8 $ sounds "breaks125") coarse "1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128"
which performs a similar effect, but due to differences in implementation sounds different.
legato :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Skips the beginning of each sample, e.g. `0.25` to cut off the first quarter from each sample.
Using `begin "-1"` combined with `cut "-1"` means that when the sample cuts itself it will begin playback from where the previous one left off, so it will sound like one seamless sample. This allows you to apply a synth param across a long sample in a way similar to chop
cps 0.5 d1 $ sound "breaks125*8" begin "-1" coarse "1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128"
This will play the breaks125
sample and apply the changing coarse
parameter over the sample. Compare to:
d1 $ (chop 8 $ sounds "breaks125") coarse "1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128"
which performs a similar effect, but due to differences in implementation sounds different.
clhatdecay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Skips the beginning of each sample, e.g. `0.25` to cut off the first quarter from each sample.
Using `begin "-1"` combined with `cut "-1"` means that when the sample cuts itself it will begin playback from where the previous one left off, so it will sound like one seamless sample. This allows you to apply a synth param across a long sample in a way similar to chop
cps 0.5 d1 $ sound "breaks125*8" begin "-1" coarse "1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128"
This will play the breaks125
sample and apply the changing coarse
parameter over the sample. Compare to:
d1 $ (chop 8 $ sounds "breaks125") coarse "1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128"
which performs a similar effect, but due to differences in implementation sounds different.
crush :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
bit crushing, a pattern of numbers from 1 (for drastic reduction in bit-depth) to 16 (for barely no reduction).
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Skips the beginning of each sample, e.g. `0.25` to cut off the first quarter from each sample.
Using `begin "-1"` combined with `cut "-1"` means that when the sample cuts itself it will begin playback from where the previous one left off, so it will sound like one seamless sample. This allows you to apply a synth param across a long sample in a way similar to chop
cps 0.5 d1 $ sound "breaks125*8" begin "-1" coarse "1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128"
This will play the breaks125
sample and apply the changing coarse
parameter over the sample. Compare to:
d1 $ (chop 8 $ sounds "breaks125") coarse "1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128"
which performs a similar effect, but due to differences in implementation sounds different.
channel :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern Source #
choose the physical channel the pattern is sent to, this is super dirt specific
coarse :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern Source #
fake-resampling, a pattern of numbers for lowering the sample rate, i.e. 1 for original 2 for half, 3 for a third and so on.
cut :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern Source #
In the style of classic drum-machines, cut
will stop a playing sample as soon as another samples with in same cutgroup is to be played.
An example would be an open hi-hat followed by a closed one, essentially muting the open.
d1 $ stack [ sound "bd", sound "~ [~ [ho:2 hc/2]]" # cut "1" ]
This will mute the open hi-hat every second cycle when the closed one is played.
Using cut
with negative values will only cut the same sample. This is useful to cut very long samples
d1 $ sound "bev, [ho:3]" # cut "-1"
Using `cut "0"` is effectively _no_ cutgroup.
cutoff :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Applies the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
delay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Sets the level of the delay signal.
delayfeedback :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Sets the amount of delay feedback.
delaytime :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Sets the length of the delay.
gain :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers that specify volume. Values less than 1 make
the sound quieter. Values greater than 1 make the sound louder. For
the linear equivalent, see amp
hcutoff :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Applies the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
hresonance :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Applies the resonance of the high-pass filter.
lock :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
A pattern of numbers. Specifies whether delaytime is calculated relative to cps. When set to 1, delaytime is a direct multiple of a cycle.
degree :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
Pushes things forward (or backwards within built-in latency) in time. Allows for nice things like _swing_ feeling:
d1 $ stack [ sound "bd bd/4", sound "hh(5,8)" ] # nudge "[0 0.04]*4"
- -pitch model
mtranspose :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
Pushes things forward (or backwards within built-in latency) in time. Allows for nice things like _swing_ feeling:
d1 $ stack [ sound "bd bd/4", sound "hh(5,8)" ] # nudge "[0 0.04]*4"
- -pitch model
ctranspose :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
Pushes things forward (or backwards within built-in latency) in time. Allows for nice things like _swing_ feeling:
d1 $ stack [ sound "bd bd/4", sound "hh(5,8)" ] # nudge "[0 0.04]*4"
- -pitch model
harmonic :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
Pushes things forward (or backwards within built-in latency) in time. Allows for nice things like _swing_ feeling:
d1 $ stack [ sound "bd bd/4", sound "hh(5,8)" ] # nudge "[0 0.04]*4"
- -pitch model
stepsPerOctave :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
Pushes things forward (or backwards within built-in latency) in time. Allows for nice things like _swing_ feeling:
d1 $ stack [ sound "bd bd/4", sound "hh(5,8)" ] # nudge "[0 0.04]*4"
- -pitch model
octaveRatio :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
Pushes things forward (or backwards within built-in latency) in time. Allows for nice things like _swing_ feeling:
d1 $ stack [ sound "bd bd/4", sound "hh(5,8)" ] # nudge "[0 0.04]*4"
- -pitch model
ophatdecay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
orbit :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers. An orbit
is a global parameter context for patterns. Patterns with the same orbit will share hardware output bus offset and global effects, e.g. reverb and delay. The maximum number of orbits is specified in the superdirt startup, numbers higher than maximum will wrap around.
pan :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers between 0 and 1, from left to right (assuming stereo), once round a circle (assuming multichannel)
panspan :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers between -inf and inf, which controls how much multichannel output is fanned out (negative is backwards ordering)
pansplay :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers between 0.0 and 1.0, which controls the multichannel spread range (multichannel only)
panwidth :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers between 0.0 and inf, which controls how much each channel is distributed over neighbours (multichannel only)
panorient :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers between -1.0 and 1.0, which controls the relative position of the centre pan in a pair of adjacent speakers (multichannel only)
portamento :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
rate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
used in SuperDirt softsynths as a control rate or "speed"
release :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers to specify the release time (in seconds) of an envelope applied to each sample. Only takes effect if attack
is also specified.
resonance :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Specifies the resonance of the low-pass filter.
room :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Sets the level of reverb.
shape :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
wave shaping distortion, a pattern of numbers from 0 for no distortion up to 1 for loads of distortion.
size :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers from 0 to 1. Sets the perceptual size (reverb time) of the room
to be used in reverb.
speed :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of numbers which changes the speed of sample playback, i.e. a cheap way of changing pitch. Negative values will play the sample backwards!
s' :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern Source #
a pattern of strings. Selects the sample to be played.
unit :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern Source #
used in conjunction with speed
, accepts values of "r" (rate, default behavior), "c" (cycles), or "s" (seconds).
Using `unit "c"` means speed
will be interpreted in units of cycles, e.g. `speed "1"` means samples will be stretched to fill a cycle.
Using `unit "s"` means the playback speed will be adjusted so that the duration is the number of seconds specified by speed
vowel :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern Source #
formant filter to make things sound like vowels, a pattern of either a
, e
, i
, o
or u
. Use a rest (`~`) for no effect.
expression :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
phaserrate :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #
fshiftnote :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern Source #