Safe Haskell | None |
- class Local x
- data LocalDate = LocalDate {
- _loc_day_base :: !Int32
- _loc_day_zone :: !Int16
- data LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime {
- _loc_sec_base :: !Int64
- _loc_sec_zone :: !Int16
- data LocalDateTimeMillis = LocalDateTimeMillis {
- _loc_mil_base :: !Int64
- _loc_mil_mill :: !Int16
- _loc_mil_zone :: !Int16
- data LocalDateTimeMicros = LocalDateTimeMicros {
- _loc_mic_base :: !Int64
- _loc_mic_micr :: !Int32
- _loc_mic_zone :: !Int16
- data LocalDateTimeNanos = LocalDateTimeNanos {
- _loc_nan_base :: !Int64
- _loc_nan_nano :: !Int32
- _loc_nan_zone :: !Int16
- data LocalDateTimePicos = LocalDateTimePicos {
- _loc_pic_base :: !Int64
- _loc_pic_pico :: !Int64
- _loc_pic_zone :: !Int16
- createLocalDate :: Year -> Month -> Day -> TimeZone -> LocalDate
- createLocalDateTime :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTime
- createLocalDateTimeMillis :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> Millis -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTimeMillis
- createLocalDateTimeMicros :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> Micros -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTimeMicros
- createLocalDateTimeNanos :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> Nanos -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTimeNanos
- createLocalDateTimePicos :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> Picos -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTimePicos
- getCurrentLocalDate :: City -> IO LocalDate
- getCurrentLocalDateTime :: City -> IO LocalDateTime
- getCurrentLocalDateTimeMillis :: City -> IO LocalDateTimeMillis
- getCurrentLocalDateTimeMicros :: City -> IO LocalDateTimeMicros
- getCurrentLocalDateTimeNanos :: City -> IO LocalDateTimeNanos
- getCurrentLocalDateTimePicos :: City -> IO LocalDateTimePicos
- getCurrentLocalDate' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDate
- getCurrentLocalDateTime' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTime
- getCurrentLocalDateTimeMillis' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTimeMillis
- getCurrentLocalDateTimeMicros' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTimeMicros
- getCurrentLocalDateTimeNanos' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTimeNanos
- getCurrentLocalDateTimePicos' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTimePicos
- type TransitionTimes = [LocalDateTime]
- getTransitionTimes :: City -> IO TransitionTimes
- baseUnixToUTC :: Int64 -> Int64
- baseUTCToUnix :: Int64 -> (Int64, Second)
LocalDate | |
data LocalDateTime Source
LocalDateTime | |
data LocalDateTimeMillis Source
LocalDateTimeMillis | |
data LocalDateTimeMicros Source
LocalDateTimeMicros | |
data LocalDateTimeNanos Source
LocalDateTimeNanos | |
data LocalDateTimePicos Source
LocalDateTimePicos | |
createLocalDateTime :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTimeSource
Creates a local date and time.
createLocalDateTimeMillis :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> Millis -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTimeMillisSource
Creates a local date and time with millisecond granularity.
createLocalDateTimeMicros :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> Micros -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTimeMicrosSource
Creates a local date and time with microsecond granularity.
createLocalDateTimeNanos :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> Nanos -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTimeNanosSource
Creates a local date and time with nanosecond granularity.
createLocalDateTimePicos :: Year -> Month -> Day -> Hour -> Minute -> Second -> Picos -> TimeZone -> LocalDateTimePicosSource
Creates a local date and time with picosecond granularity.
getCurrentLocalDate :: City -> IO LocalDateSource
Gets the current local date from the system clock.
getCurrentLocalDateTime :: City -> IO LocalDateTimeSource
Gets the current local date and time from the system clock.
getCurrentLocalDateTimeMillis :: City -> IO LocalDateTimeMillisSource
Gets the current local date and time with millisecond granularity from the system clock.
getCurrentLocalDateTimeMicros :: City -> IO LocalDateTimeMicrosSource
Gets the current local date and time with microsecond granularity from the system clock.
getCurrentLocalDateTimeNanos :: City -> IO LocalDateTimeNanosSource
Gets the current local date and time with nanosecond granularity from the system clock.
getCurrentLocalDateTimePicos :: City -> IO LocalDateTimePicosSource
Gets the current local date and time with picosecond granularity from the system clock.
getCurrentLocalDate' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateSource
Gets the current local date from the system clock with preloaded transition times.
getCurrentLocalDateTime' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTimeSource
Gets the current local date and time from the system clock with preloaded transition times.
getCurrentLocalDateTimeMillis' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTimeMillisSource
Gets the current local date and time with millisecond granularity from the system clock with preloaded transition times.
getCurrentLocalDateTimeMicros' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTimeMicrosSource
Gets the current local date and time with microsecond granularity from the system clock with preloaded transition times.
getCurrentLocalDateTimeNanos' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTimeNanosSource
Gets the current local date and time with nanosecond granularity from the system clock with preloaded transition times.
getCurrentLocalDateTimePicos' :: TransitionTimes -> IO LocalDateTimePicosSource
Gets the current local date and time with picosecond granularity from the system clock with preloaded transition times.
type TransitionTimes = [LocalDateTime]Source
getTransitionTimes :: City -> IO TransitionTimesSource
Returns a set of transition times for the given city.
baseUnixToUTC :: Int64 -> Int64Source
Converts a Unix base into a UTC base.
baseUTCToUnix :: Int64 -> (Int64, Second)Source
Converts a UTC base into a Unix base and leap second.