{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.TLS.Handshake.Signature
, checkCertificateVerify
, digitallySignDHParams
, digitallySignECDHParams
, digitallySignDHParamsVerify
, digitallySignECDHParamsVerify
, checkSupportedHashSignature
, certificateCompatible
, signatureCompatible
, signatureCompatible13
, hashSigToCertType
, signatureParams
, decryptError
) where
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Imports
import Network.TLS.Packet (generateCertificateVerify_SSL, generateCertificateVerify_SSL_DSS,
encodeSignedDHParams, encodeSignedECDHParams)
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Key
import Network.TLS.Util
import Network.TLS.X509
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
decryptError :: MonadIO m => String -> m a
decryptError msg = throwCore $ Error_Protocol (msg, True, DecryptError)
certificateCompatible :: PubKey -> [CertificateType] -> Bool
certificateCompatible (PubKeyRSA _) cTypes = CertificateType_RSA_Sign `elem` cTypes
certificateCompatible (PubKeyDSA _) cTypes = CertificateType_DSS_Sign `elem` cTypes
certificateCompatible (PubKeyEC _) cTypes = CertificateType_ECDSA_Sign `elem` cTypes
certificateCompatible (PubKeyEd25519 _) _ = True
certificateCompatible (PubKeyEd448 _) _ = True
certificateCompatible _ _ = False
signatureCompatible :: PubKey -> HashAndSignatureAlgorithm -> Bool
signatureCompatible (PubKeyRSA pk) (HashSHA1, SignatureRSA) = kxCanUseRSApkcs1 pk SHA1
signatureCompatible (PubKeyRSA pk) (HashSHA256, SignatureRSA) = kxCanUseRSApkcs1 pk SHA256
signatureCompatible (PubKeyRSA pk) (HashSHA384, SignatureRSA) = kxCanUseRSApkcs1 pk SHA384
signatureCompatible (PubKeyRSA pk) (HashSHA512, SignatureRSA) = kxCanUseRSApkcs1 pk SHA512
signatureCompatible (PubKeyRSA pk) (_, SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA256) = kxCanUseRSApss pk SHA256
signatureCompatible (PubKeyRSA pk) (_, SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA384) = kxCanUseRSApss pk SHA384
signatureCompatible (PubKeyRSA pk) (_, SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA512) = kxCanUseRSApss pk SHA512
signatureCompatible (PubKeyDSA _) (_, SignatureDSS) = True
signatureCompatible (PubKeyEC _) (_, SignatureECDSA) = True
signatureCompatible (PubKeyEd25519 _) (_, SignatureEd25519) = True
signatureCompatible (PubKeyEd448 _) (_, SignatureEd448) = True
signatureCompatible _ (_, _) = False
signatureCompatible13 :: PubKey -> HashAndSignatureAlgorithm -> Bool
signatureCompatible13 (PubKeyEC ecPub) (h, SignatureECDSA) =
maybe False (\g -> findEllipticCurveGroup ecPub == Just g) (hashCurve h)
hashCurve HashSHA256 = Just P256
hashCurve HashSHA384 = Just P384
hashCurve HashSHA512 = Just P521
hashCurve _ = Nothing
signatureCompatible13 pub hs = signatureCompatible pub hs
hashSigToCertType :: HashAndSignatureAlgorithm -> Maybe CertificateType
hashSigToCertType (_, SignatureRSA) = Just CertificateType_RSA_Sign
hashSigToCertType (_, SignatureDSS) = Just CertificateType_DSS_Sign
hashSigToCertType (_, SignatureECDSA) = Just CertificateType_ECDSA_Sign
hashSigToCertType (HashIntrinsic, SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA256)
= Just CertificateType_RSA_Sign
hashSigToCertType (HashIntrinsic, SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA384)
= Just CertificateType_RSA_Sign
hashSigToCertType (HashIntrinsic, SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA512)
= Just CertificateType_RSA_Sign
hashSigToCertType (HashIntrinsic, SignatureEd25519)
= Just CertificateType_Ed25519_Sign
hashSigToCertType (HashIntrinsic, SignatureEd448)
= Just CertificateType_Ed448_Sign
hashSigToCertType _ = Nothing
checkCertificateVerify :: Context
-> Version
-> PubKey
-> ByteString
-> DigitallySigned
-> IO Bool
checkCertificateVerify ctx usedVersion pubKey msgs digSig@(DigitallySigned hashSigAlg _) =
case (usedVersion, hashSigAlg) of
(TLS12, Nothing) -> return False
(TLS12, Just hs) | pubKey `signatureCompatible` hs -> doVerify
| otherwise -> return False
(_, Nothing) -> doVerify
(_, Just _) -> return False
doVerify =
prepareCertificateVerifySignatureData ctx usedVersion pubKey hashSigAlg msgs >>=
signatureVerifyWithCertVerifyData ctx digSig
createCertificateVerify :: Context
-> Version
-> PubKey
-> Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
-> ByteString
-> IO DigitallySigned
createCertificateVerify ctx usedVersion pubKey hashSigAlg msgs =
prepareCertificateVerifySignatureData ctx usedVersion pubKey hashSigAlg msgs >>=
signatureCreateWithCertVerifyData ctx hashSigAlg
type CertVerifyData = (SignatureParams, ByteString)
buildVerifyData :: SignatureParams -> ByteString -> CertVerifyData
buildVerifyData (RSAParams SHA1_MD5 enc) bs = (RSAParams SHA1_MD5 enc, hashFinal $ hashUpdate (hashInit SHA1_MD5) bs)
buildVerifyData sigParam bs = (sigParam, bs)
prepareCertificateVerifySignatureData :: Context
-> Version
-> PubKey
-> Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
-> ByteString
-> IO CertVerifyData
prepareCertificateVerifySignatureData ctx usedVersion pubKey hashSigAlg msgs
| usedVersion == SSL3 = do
(hashCtx, params, generateCV_SSL) <-
case pubKey of
PubKeyRSA _ -> return (hashInit SHA1_MD5, RSAParams SHA1_MD5 RSApkcs1, generateCertificateVerify_SSL)
PubKeyDSA _ -> return (hashInit SHA1, DSSParams, generateCertificateVerify_SSL_DSS)
_ -> throwCore $ Error_Misc ("unsupported CertificateVerify signature for SSL3: " ++ pubkeyType pubKey)
Just masterSecret <- usingHState ctx $ gets hstMasterSecret
return (params, generateCV_SSL masterSecret $ hashUpdate hashCtx msgs)
| usedVersion == TLS10 || usedVersion == TLS11 =
return $ buildVerifyData (signatureParams pubKey Nothing) msgs
| otherwise = return (signatureParams pubKey hashSigAlg, msgs)
signatureParams :: PubKey -> Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm -> SignatureParams
signatureParams (PubKeyRSA _) hashSigAlg =
case hashSigAlg of
Just (HashSHA512, SignatureRSA) -> RSAParams SHA512 RSApkcs1
Just (HashSHA384, SignatureRSA) -> RSAParams SHA384 RSApkcs1
Just (HashSHA256, SignatureRSA) -> RSAParams SHA256 RSApkcs1
Just (HashSHA1 , SignatureRSA) -> RSAParams SHA1 RSApkcs1
Just (HashIntrinsic , SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA512) -> RSAParams SHA512 RSApss
Just (HashIntrinsic , SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA384) -> RSAParams SHA384 RSApss
Just (HashIntrinsic , SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA256) -> RSAParams SHA256 RSApss
Nothing -> RSAParams SHA1_MD5 RSApkcs1
Just (hsh , SignatureRSA) -> error ("unimplemented RSA signature hash type: " ++ show hsh)
Just (_ , sigAlg) -> error ("signature algorithm is incompatible with RSA: " ++ show sigAlg)
signatureParams (PubKeyDSA _) hashSigAlg =
case hashSigAlg of
Nothing -> DSSParams
Just (HashSHA1, SignatureDSS) -> DSSParams
Just (_ , SignatureDSS) -> error "invalid DSA hash choice, only SHA1 allowed"
Just (_ , sigAlg) -> error ("signature algorithm is incompatible with DSS: " ++ show sigAlg)
signatureParams (PubKeyEC _) hashSigAlg =
case hashSigAlg of
Just (HashSHA512, SignatureECDSA) -> ECDSAParams SHA512
Just (HashSHA384, SignatureECDSA) -> ECDSAParams SHA384
Just (HashSHA256, SignatureECDSA) -> ECDSAParams SHA256
Just (HashSHA1 , SignatureECDSA) -> ECDSAParams SHA1
Nothing -> ECDSAParams SHA1
Just (hsh , SignatureECDSA) -> error ("unimplemented ECDSA signature hash type: " ++ show hsh)
Just (_ , sigAlg) -> error ("signature algorithm is incompatible with ECDSA: " ++ show sigAlg)
signatureParams (PubKeyEd25519 _) hashSigAlg =
case hashSigAlg of
Nothing -> Ed25519Params
Just (HashIntrinsic , SignatureEd25519) -> Ed25519Params
Just (hsh , SignatureEd25519) -> error ("unimplemented Ed25519 signature hash type: " ++ show hsh)
Just (_ , sigAlg) -> error ("signature algorithm is incompatible with Ed25519: " ++ show sigAlg)
signatureParams (PubKeyEd448 _) hashSigAlg =
case hashSigAlg of
Nothing -> Ed448Params
Just (HashIntrinsic , SignatureEd448) -> Ed448Params
Just (hsh , SignatureEd448) -> error ("unimplemented Ed448 signature hash type: " ++ show hsh)
Just (_ , sigAlg) -> error ("signature algorithm is incompatible with Ed448: " ++ show sigAlg)
signatureParams pk _ = error ("signatureParams: " ++ pubkeyType pk ++ " is not supported")
signatureCreateWithCertVerifyData :: Context
-> Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
-> CertVerifyData
-> IO DigitallySigned
signatureCreateWithCertVerifyData ctx malg (sigParam, toSign) = do
cc <- usingState_ ctx isClientContext
DigitallySigned malg <$> signPrivate ctx cc sigParam toSign
signatureVerify :: Context -> DigitallySigned -> PubKey -> ByteString -> IO Bool
signatureVerify ctx digSig@(DigitallySigned hashSigAlg _) pubKey toVerifyData = do
usedVersion <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
let (sigParam, toVerify) =
case (usedVersion, hashSigAlg) of
(TLS12, Nothing) -> error "expecting hash and signature algorithm in a TLS12 digitally signed structure"
(TLS12, Just hs) | pubKey `signatureCompatible` hs -> (signatureParams pubKey hashSigAlg, toVerifyData)
| otherwise -> error "expecting different signature algorithm"
(_, Nothing) -> buildVerifyData (signatureParams pubKey Nothing) toVerifyData
(_, Just _) -> error "not expecting hash and signature algorithm in a < TLS12 digitially signed structure"
signatureVerifyWithCertVerifyData ctx digSig (sigParam, toVerify)
signatureVerifyWithCertVerifyData :: Context
-> DigitallySigned
-> CertVerifyData
-> IO Bool
signatureVerifyWithCertVerifyData ctx (DigitallySigned hs bs) (sigParam, toVerify) = do
checkSupportedHashSignature ctx hs
verifyPublic ctx sigParam toVerify bs
digitallySignParams :: Context -> ByteString -> PubKey -> Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm -> IO DigitallySigned
digitallySignParams ctx signatureData pubKey hashSigAlg =
let sigParam = signatureParams pubKey hashSigAlg
in signatureCreateWithCertVerifyData ctx hashSigAlg (buildVerifyData sigParam signatureData)
digitallySignDHParams :: Context
-> ServerDHParams
-> PubKey
-> Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
-> IO DigitallySigned
digitallySignDHParams ctx serverParams pubKey mhash = do
dhParamsData <- withClientAndServerRandom ctx $ encodeSignedDHParams serverParams
digitallySignParams ctx dhParamsData pubKey mhash
digitallySignECDHParams :: Context
-> ServerECDHParams
-> PubKey
-> Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
-> IO DigitallySigned
digitallySignECDHParams ctx serverParams pubKey mhash = do
ecdhParamsData <- withClientAndServerRandom ctx $ encodeSignedECDHParams serverParams
digitallySignParams ctx ecdhParamsData pubKey mhash
digitallySignDHParamsVerify :: Context
-> ServerDHParams
-> PubKey
-> DigitallySigned
-> IO Bool
digitallySignDHParamsVerify ctx dhparams pubKey signature = do
expectedData <- withClientAndServerRandom ctx $ encodeSignedDHParams dhparams
signatureVerify ctx signature pubKey expectedData
digitallySignECDHParamsVerify :: Context
-> ServerECDHParams
-> PubKey
-> DigitallySigned
-> IO Bool
digitallySignECDHParamsVerify ctx dhparams pubKey signature = do
expectedData <- withClientAndServerRandom ctx $ encodeSignedECDHParams dhparams
signatureVerify ctx signature pubKey expectedData
withClientAndServerRandom :: Context -> (ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> b) -> IO b
withClientAndServerRandom ctx f = do
(cran, sran) <- usingHState ctx $ (,) <$> gets hstClientRandom
<*> (fromJust "withClientAndServer : server random" <$> gets hstServerRandom)
return $ f cran sran
checkSupportedHashSignature :: Context -> Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm -> IO ()
checkSupportedHashSignature _ Nothing = return ()
checkSupportedHashSignature ctx (Just hs) =
unless (hs `elem` supportedHashSignatures (ctxSupported ctx)) $
let msg = "unsupported hash and signature algorithm: " ++ show hs
in throwCore $ Error_Protocol (msg, True, IllegalParameter)