{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Network.TLS.SessionManager (
, defaultConfig
, newSessionManager
) where
import Basement.Block (Block)
import Data.ByteArray (convert)
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Reaper
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.IORef
import Data.OrdPSQ (OrdPSQ)
import qualified Data.OrdPSQ as Q
import Network.TLS
#if !MIN_VERSION_tls(1,5,0)
import Network.TLS.Compression
import qualified System.Clock as C
import Network.TLS.Imports
data Config = Config {
ticketLifetime :: !Int
, pruningDelay :: !Int
, dbMaxSize :: !Int
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config {
ticketLifetime = 86400
, pruningDelay = 6000
, dbMaxSize = 1000
toKey :: ByteString -> Block Word8
toKey = convert
toValue :: SessionData -> SessionDataCopy
#if MIN_VERSION_tls(1,5,0)
#if MIN_VERSION_tls(1,5,3)
toValue (SessionData v cid comp msni sec mg mti malpn siz flg) =
SessionDataCopy v cid comp msni sec' mg mti malpn' siz flg
toValue (SessionData v cid comp msni sec mg mti malpn siz) =
SessionDataCopy v cid comp msni sec' mg mti malpn' siz
!sec' = convert sec
!malpn' = convert <$> malpn
toValue (SessionData v cid comp msni sec) =
SessionDataCopy v cid comp msni sec'
!sec' = convert sec
fromValue :: SessionDataCopy -> SessionData
#if MIN_VERSION_tls(1,5,0)
#if MIN_VERSION_tls(1,5,3)
fromValue (SessionDataCopy v cid comp msni sec' mg mti malpn' siz flg) =
SessionData v cid comp msni sec mg mti malpn siz flg
fromValue (SessionDataCopy v cid comp msni sec' mg mti malpn' siz) =
SessionData v cid comp msni sec mg mti malpn siz
!sec = convert sec'
!malpn = convert <$> malpn'
fromValue (SessionDataCopy v cid comp msni sec') =
SessionData v cid comp msni sec
!sec = convert sec'
type SessionIDCopy = Block Word8
data SessionDataCopy = SessionDataCopy
!(Maybe HostName)
(Block Word8)
#if MIN_VERSION_tls(1,5,0)
!(Maybe Group)
!(Maybe TLS13TicketInfo)
!(Maybe (Block Word8))
#if MIN_VERSION_tls(1,5,3)
deriving (Show,Eq)
type Sec = Int64
type Value = (SessionDataCopy, IORef Availability)
type DB = OrdPSQ SessionIDCopy Sec Value
type Item = (SessionIDCopy, Sec, Value, Operation)
data Operation = Add | Del
data Use = SingleUse | MultipleUse
data Availability = Fresh | Used
newSessionManager :: Config -> IO SessionManager
newSessionManager conf = do
let lifetime = fromIntegral $ ticketLifetime conf
maxsiz = dbMaxSize conf
reaper <- mkReaper defaultReaperSettings {
reaperEmpty = Q.empty
, reaperCons = cons maxsiz
, reaperAction = clean
, reaperNull = Q.null
, reaperDelay = pruningDelay conf * 1000000
return SessionManager {
sessionResume = resume reaper MultipleUse
#if MIN_VERSION_tls(1,5,0)
, sessionResumeOnlyOnce = resume reaper SingleUse
, sessionEstablish = establish reaper lifetime
, sessionInvalidate = invalidate reaper
cons :: Int -> Item -> DB -> DB
cons lim (k,t,v,Add) db
| lim <= 0 = Q.empty
| Q.size db == lim = case Q.minView db of
Nothing -> assert False $ Q.insert k t v Q.empty
Just (_,_,_,db') -> Q.insert k t v db'
| otherwise = Q.insert k t v db
cons _ (k,_,_,Del) db = Q.delete k db
clean :: DB -> IO (DB -> DB)
clean olddb = do
currentTime <- C.sec <$> C.getTime C.Monotonic
let !pruned = snd $ Q.atMostView currentTime olddb
return $ merge pruned
ins db (k,p,v) = Q.insert k p v db
-- There is not 'merge' API.
-- We hope that newdb is smaller than pruned.
merge pruned newdb = foldl' ins pruned entries
entries = Q.toList newdb
establish :: Reaper DB Item -> Sec
-> SessionID -> SessionData -> IO ()
establish reaper lifetime k sd = do
ref <- newIORef Fresh
!p <- (+ lifetime) . C.sec <$> C.getTime C.Monotonic
let !v = (sd',ref)
reaperAdd reaper (k',p,v,Add)
!k' = toKey k
!sd' = toValue sd
resume :: Reaper DB Item -> Use
-> SessionID -> IO (Maybe SessionData)
resume reaper use k = do
db <- reaperRead reaper
case Q.lookup k' db of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (p,v@(sd,ref)) ->
case use of
SingleUse -> do
available <- atomicModifyIORef' ref check
reaperAdd reaper (k',p,v,Del)
return $ if available then Just (fromValue sd) else Nothing
MultipleUse -> return $ Just (fromValue sd)
check Fresh = (Used,True)
check Used = (Used,False)
!k' = toKey k
invalidate :: Reaper DB Item
-> SessionID -> IO ()
invalidate reaper k = do
db <- reaperRead reaper
case Q.lookup k' db of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (p,v) -> reaperAdd reaper (k',p,v,Del)
!k' = toKey k