{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-} {-| This module provides the high level functions that are re-exported by @Database.Postgres.Temp@. Additionally it includes some identifiers that are used for testing but are not exported. -} module Database.Postgres.Temp.Internal where import Database.Postgres.Temp.Internal.Core import Database.Postgres.Temp.Internal.Config import Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (void, join) import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Options as Client import GHC.Generics import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import System.Process import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>)) import System.Directory -- | Handle for holding temporary resources, the @postgres@ process handle -- and @postgres@ connection information. The 'DB' also includes the -- final plan used to start @initdb@, @createdb@ and -- @postgres@. -- -- @since data DB = DB { dbResources :: Resources -- ^ Temporary resources and the final 'Plan'. , dbPostgresProcess :: PostgresProcess -- ^ @postgres@ process handle and the connection options. } instance Pretty DB where pretty DB {..} = text "dbResources" <> softline <> indent 2 (pretty dbResources) <> hardline <> text "dbPostgresProcess" <> softline <> indent 2 (pretty dbPostgresProcess) -- | Convert a 'DB' to a connection string. Alternatively one can access the -- 'Client.Options' using 'toConnectionOptions'. -- -- @since toConnectionString :: DB -> ByteString toConnectionString = Client.toConnectionString . toConnectionOptions -- | Convert a 'DB' to a connection 'Client.Options' type. -- -- @since toConnectionOptions :: DB -> Client.Options toConnectionOptions = postgresProcessClientOptions . dbPostgresProcess -- | Access the data directory. This was either generated or -- specified explicitly when creating the 'Config' -- -- @since toDataDirectory :: DB -> FilePath toDataDirectory = toFilePath . resourcesDataDir . dbResources {-| Make the data directory permanent. Useful for debugging. If you are using 'with' or 'withConfig' this function will not modify the 'DB' that is passed for cleanup. You will need to setup your own bracket like @ bracket (fmap 'makeDataDirectoryPermanent' 'start') (either mempty 'stop') @ @since -} makeDataDirectoryPermanent :: DB -> DB makeDataDirectoryPermanent db = db { dbResources = makeResourcesDataDirPermanent $ dbResources db } -- | Get the directory that is used to create other temporary directories -- -- @since toTemporaryDirectory :: DB -> FilePath toTemporaryDirectory = resourcesTemporaryDir . dbResources {-| Get the final @postgresql.conf@ @since -} toPostgresqlConfigFile :: DB -> String toPostgresqlConfigFile = completePlanConfig . resourcesPlan . dbResources ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Life Cycle Management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| The fastest config we can make. @ shared_buffers = 12MB fsync = off synchronous_commit = off full_page_writes = off log_min_messages = PANIC log_min_error_statement = PANIC log_statement = none client_min_messages = ERROR @ @since -} fastPostgresConfig :: [(String, String)] fastPostgresConfig = [ ("shared_buffers", "12MB") , ("fsync", "off") , ("synchronous_commit", "off") , ("full_page_writes", "off") , ("log_min_messages", "PANIC") , ("log_min_error_statement", "PANIC") , ("log_statement", "none") , ("client_min_messages", "ERROR") , ("commit_delay", "100000") , ("wal_level", "minimal") , ("archive_mode", "off") , ("max_wal_senders", "0") ] {-| The default configuration. This will create a database called \"postgres\" via @initdb@ (it's default behavior). It will create a temporary directory for the data and a temporary directory for a unix socket and listen on and ::1 on a random port. Additionally it will use the following \"postgresql.conf\" which is optimized for performance. @ shared_buffers = 12MB fsync = off synchronous_commit = off full_page_writes = off log_min_messages = PANIC log_min_error_statement = PANIC log_statement = none client_min_messages = ERROR commit_delay = 100000 wal_level = minimal archive_mode = off max_wal_senders = 0 @ 'defaultConfig' also passes the @--no-sync@ flag to @initdb@. If you would like to customize this behavior you can start with the 'defaultConfig' and overwrite fields or combine a 'defaultConfig' with another 'Config' using '<>' ('mappend'). Alternatively you can eschew 'defaultConfig' altogether, however your @postgres@ might start and run faster if you use 'defaultConfig'. The 'defaultConfig' redirects all output to @\/dev\/null@. See 'verboseConfig' for a version that logs more output. To append additional lines to \"postgresql.conf\" file create a custom 'Config' like the following. @ custom = defaultConfig <> mempty { 'postgresConfigFile' = [ ("wal_level, "replica") , ("archive_mode", on") , ("max_wal_senders", "2") , ("fsync", "on") , ("synchronous_commit", "on") ] } @ As an alternative to using 'defaultConfig' one could create a config from connections parameters using 'optionsToDefaultConfig'. @since -} defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = mempty { postgresConfigFile = fastPostgresConfig , initDbConfig = pure mempty { commandLine = mempty { keyBased = Map.singleton "--no-sync" Nothing } } } {-| Default configuration for PostgreSQL versions 9.3 and greater but less than 10. If you get an error that \"--no-sync\" is an invalid parameter then you should use this config. @since -} defaultConfig_9_3_10 :: Config defaultConfig_9_3_10 = mempty { postgresConfigFile = fastPostgresConfig , initDbConfig = pure mempty { commandLine = mempty { keyBased = Map.singleton "--nosync" Nothing } } } -- | Default postgres options -- -- @since verbosePostgresConfig :: [(String, String)] verbosePostgresConfig = [ ("shared_buffers", "12MB") , ("fsync", "off") , ("synchronous_commit", "off") , ("full_page_writes", "off") , ("log_min_duration_statement", "0") , ("client_min_messages", "WARNING") , ("log_min_messages", "WARNING") , ("log_min_error_statement", "WARNING") , ("log_checkpoints", "on") , ("log_connections", "on") , ("log_disconnections", "on") , ("log_lock_waits", "on") , ("log_temp_files", "0") , ("log_autovacuum_min_duration", "0") , ("log_error_verbosity", "default") , ("log_line_prefix", "'%t [%p]: '") , ("lc_messages", "'C'") , ("track_io_timing", "on") ] {-| This is similar to 'defaultConfig' but it logs as much as possible.. @since -} verboseConfig :: Config verboseConfig = defaultConfig <> mempty { logger = pure print , postgresConfigFile = verbosePostgresConfig , initDbConfig = pure standardProcessConfig , postgresConfig = standardProcessConfig } {-| Useful options for configuring and loading @auto_explain@. @since -} autoExplainPostgresConfig :: Int -> [(String, String)] autoExplainPostgresConfig milliseconds = verbosePostgresConfig <> [ ("log_min_duration_statement", show milliseconds <> "ms") , ("shared_preload_libraries", "'auto_explain'") , ("session_preload_libraries", "'auto_explain'") , ("auto_explain.log_analyze", "1") , ("auto_explain.log_buffers", "1") , ("auto_explain.log_timing", "1") , ("auto_explain.log_triggers", "1") , ("auto_explain.log_verbose", "1") , ("auto_explain.log_min_duration", show milliseconds <> "ms") , ("auto_explain.log_nested_statements", "1") , ("auto_explain.sample_rate", "1") , ("auto_explain.log_verbose", "on") , ("log_connections", "off") , ("log_disconnections", "off") ] {-| A config which loads and configures @auto_explain@. Useful for understanding slow queries plans. @since -} autoExplainConfig :: Int -- ^ Minimum number of milliseconds to log. Use 0 to log all queries. -> Config autoExplainConfig milliseconds = defaultConfig <> mempty { postgresConfigFile = autoExplainPostgresConfig milliseconds , postgresConfig = standardProcessConfig } {-| Create zero or more temporary resources and use them to make a 'Config'. The passed in config is inspected and a generated config is created. The final config is built by @ generated '<>' extra @ Based on the value of 'socketDirectory' a \"postgresql.conf\" is created with: @ listen_addresses = ', ::1' unix_socket_directories = \'SOCKET_DIRECTORY\' @ Additionally the @generated@ `Config` also: * Sets a `connectionTimeout` of one minute. * Redirects output to @\/dev\/null@. All of these values can be overrided by the @extra@ config. The returned 'DB' requires cleanup. `startConfig` should be used with a `bracket` and 'stop', e.g. @ `withConfig` :: `Config` -> (`DB` -> IO a) -> IO (Either `StartError` a) 'withConfig' plan f = `bracket` (`startConfig` plan) (either mempty `stop`) $ either (pure . Left) (fmap Right . f) @ or just use 'withConfig'. If you are calling 'startConfig' you probably want 'withConfig' anyway. @since -} startConfig :: Config -- ^ @extra@ configuration that is 'mappend'ed last to the generated `Config`. -- @generated@ '<>' @extra@. -> IO (Either StartError DB) startConfig extra = try $ evalContT $ do dbResources@Resources {..} <- ContT $ bracketOnError (setupConfig extra) cleanupConfig dbPostgresProcess <- ContT $ bracketOnError (startPlan resourcesPlan) stopPlan pure DB {..} -- | Default start behavior. Equivalent to calling 'startConfig' with the -- 'defaultConfig'. -- -- @since start :: IO (Either StartError DB) start = startConfig defaultConfig -- | Stop the @postgres@ process and cleanup any temporary resources that -- might have been created. -- -- @since stop :: DB -> IO () stop DB {..} = Async.concurrently_ (stopPlan dbPostgresProcess) $ cleanupConfig dbResources -- | Only stop the @postgres@ process but leave any temporary resources. -- Useful for testing backup strategies when used in conjunction with -- 'restart' or 'withRestart'. -- -- @since stopPostgres :: DB -> IO ExitCode stopPostgres = stopPlan . dbPostgresProcess -- | Only stop the @postgres@ process but leave any temporary resources. -- In contrast to 'stopPostgres' this function makes sure @postgres@ -- has time to properly write files to the data directory. -- -- @since stopPostgresGracefully :: DB -> IO ExitCode stopPostgresGracefully = stopPostgresProcess True . dbPostgresProcess -- | Restart the @postgres@ from 'DB' using the prior 'Config'. This -- will also start an instance previously stoppped with 'stopPostgres'. -- -- @since restart :: DB -> IO (Either StartError DB) restart db@DB{..} = try $ do void $ stopPostgres db let Plan{..} = resourcesPlan dbResources startAction = startPostgresProcess completePlanConnectionTimeout completePlanLogger completePlanPostgres bracketOnError startAction stopPlan $ \result -> pure $ db { dbPostgresProcess = result } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exception safe interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Exception safe database create with options. See 'startConfig' for more details. Calls 'stop' even in the face of exceptions. @since -} withConfig :: Config -- ^ The @extra@ 'Config' combined with the @generated@ 'Config'. See -- 'startConfig' for more info. -> (DB -> IO a) -- ^ @action@ continuation. -> IO (Either StartError a) withConfig extra f = bracket (startConfig extra) (either mempty stop) $ either (pure . Left) (fmap Right . f) {-| Default expectation safe interface. Equivalent to @ 'with' = 'withConfig' 'defaultConfig' @ @since -} with :: (DB -> IO a) -- ^ @action@ continuation. -> IO (Either StartError a) with = withConfig defaultConfig -- | Exception safe version of 'restart'. -- -- @since withRestart :: DB -> (DB -> IO a) -> IO (Either StartError a) withRestart db f = bracket (restart db) (either mempty stop) $ either (pure . Left) (fmap Right . f) -- | Attempt to create a 'Config' from a 'Client.Options'. Useful if you -- want to create a database owned by a specific user you will also login -- with among other use cases. -- -- @since optionsToDefaultConfig :: Client.Options -> Config optionsToDefaultConfig opts = defaultConfig <> optionsToConfig opts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pretty Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Display a 'DB'. -- -- @since prettyPrintDB :: DB -> String prettyPrintDB = show . pretty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- initdb cache ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Configuration for the @initdb@ data directory cache. @since -} data CacheConfig = CacheConfig { cacheTemporaryDirectory :: FilePath -- ^ Root temporary directory used if 'cacheDirectoryType' is set to -- 'Temporary'. @\/tmp@ is a good default. , cacheDirectoryType :: DirectoryType -- ^ Used to specify is a 'Permanent' or 'Temporary' directory should be -- used. 'defaultCacheConfig' uses 'Permanent' @~\/.tmp-postgres@ -- by default. , cacheUseCopyOnWrite :: Bool -- ^ Some operatoring system versions support flags for @cp@ that allow -- \"copy on write\" which is about 2x faster. 'defaultCacheConfig' -- attempts to determine if the @cp@ on the path supports copy on write -- and sets this to 'True' if it does. } {-| A handle to cache temporary resources and configuration. @since -} data Cache = Cache { cacheResourcesCow :: Bool , cacheResourcesDirectory :: CompleteDirectoryType } deriving stock (Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData) -- | A bool that is 'True' if the @cp@ on the path supports \"copy on write\" -- flags. cowCheck :: Bool cowCheck = unsafePerformIO $ do let #ifdef darwin_HOST_OS cpFlag = "-c" #else cpFlag = "--reflink=auto" #endif (_, _, errorOutput)<- readProcessWithExitCode "cp" [cpFlag] "" -- if the flags do not exist we get a message like "cp: illegal option" let usage = "usage:" -- macos missingFile = "cp: missing file operand" -- linux pure $ usage == take (length usage) errorOutput || missingFile == take (length missingFile) errorOutput {-# NOINLINE cowCheck #-} cpFlags :: String cpFlags = if cowCheck #ifdef darwin_HOST_OS then "cp -Rc " #else then "cp -R --reflink=auto " #endif else "cp -R " {-| 'defaultCacheConfig' attempts to determine if the @cp@ on the path supports \"copy on write\" flags and if it does, sets 'cacheUseCopyOnWrite' to 'True'. It sets 'cacheDirectoryType' to 'Permanent' @~\/.tmp-postgres@ and 'cacheTemporaryDirectory' to @\/tmp@ (but this is not used when 'Permanent' is set). @since -} defaultCacheConfig :: CacheConfig defaultCacheConfig = CacheConfig { cacheDirectoryType = Permanent "~/.tmp-postgres" , cacheTemporaryDirectory = "/tmp" , cacheUseCopyOnWrite = cowCheck } {-| Setup the @initdb@ cache folder. @since -} setupInitDbCache :: CacheConfig -> IO Cache setupInitDbCache CacheConfig {..} = bracketOnError (setupDirectoryType cacheTemporaryDirectory "tmp-postgres-cache" cacheDirectoryType ) cleanupDirectoryType $ pure . Cache cacheUseCopyOnWrite {-| Cleanup the cache directory if it was 'Temporary'. @since -} cleanupInitDbCache :: Cache -> IO () cleanupInitDbCache = cleanupDirectoryType . cacheResourcesDirectory {-| Enable @initdb@ data directory caching. This can lead to a 4x speedup. Exception safe version of 'setupInitDbCache'. Equivalent to @ 'withDbCacheConfig' = bracket ('setupInitDbCache' config) 'cleanupInitDbCache' @ @since -} withDbCacheConfig :: CacheConfig -- ^ Configuration -> (Cache -> IO a) -- ^ action for which caching is enabled -> IO a withDbCacheConfig config = bracket (setupInitDbCache config) cleanupInitDbCache {-| Equivalent to 'withDbCacheConfig' with the 'CacheConfig' 'defaultCacheConfig' makes. Here is an example using caching: @ withDbCache $ \\cache -> do withConfig (cacheConfig cache) $ \\db -> ... withConfig (cacheConfig cache) $ \\db -> ... @ @since -} withDbCache :: (Cache -> IO a) -> IO a withDbCache = withDbCacheConfig defaultCacheConfig {-| Helper to make a 'Config' out of caching info. @since -} cacheConfig :: Cache -> Config cacheConfig Cache {..} = mempty { initDbCache = pure $ pure (cacheResourcesCow, toFilePath cacheResourcesDirectory) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- withSnapshot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| A type to track a possibly temporary snapshot directory @since -} newtype Snapshot = Snapshot { unSnapshot :: CompleteDirectoryType } deriving stock (Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData) {- | Shutdown the database and copy the directory to a folder. @since -} takeSnapshot :: DB -- ^ The handle. The @postgres@ is shutdown and the data directory is copied. -> IO (Either StartError Snapshot) takeSnapshot db = try $ do throwIfNotSuccess id =<< stopPostgresGracefully db bracketOnError (setupDirectoryType (toTemporaryDirectory db) "tmp-postgres-snapshot" Temporary ) cleanupDirectoryType $ \snapShotDir -> do let snapshotCopyCmd = cpFlags <> toDataDirectory db <> "/* " <> toFilePath snapShotDir throwIfNotSuccess (SnapshotCopyFailed snapshotCopyCmd) =<< system snapshotCopyCmd pure $ Snapshot snapShotDir {-| Cleanup any temporary resources used for the snapshot. @since -} cleanupSnapshot :: Snapshot -> IO () cleanupSnapshot = cleanupDirectoryType . unSnapshot {- | Exception safe method for taking a file system level copy of the database cluster. Snapshots are useful if you would like to start every test from a migrated database and the migration process is more time consuming then copying the additional data. Here is an example with caching and snapshots: @ withDbCache $ \\cache -> withConfig (cacheConfig cache) $ \\db -> migrate db withSnapshot Temporary db $ \\snapshot -> do withConfig (snapshotConfig db) $ \\migratedDb -> ... withConfig (snapshotConfig db) $ \\migratedDb -> ... withConfig (snapshotConfig db) $ \\migratedDb -> ... @ The 'Snapshot's are ephemeral. If you would like the 'Snapshot's to persistent consider using 'cacheAction' instead. @since -} withSnapshot :: DB -> (Snapshot -> IO a) -> IO (Either StartError a) withSnapshot db f = bracket (takeSnapshot db) (either mempty cleanupSnapshot) (either (pure . Left) (fmap Right . f)) -- Helper for 'snapshotConfig' and 'cacheAction' fromFilePathConfig :: FilePath -> Config fromFilePathConfig filePath = mempty { copyConfig = pure $ pure CopyDirectoryCommand { sourceDirectory = filePath , destinationDirectory = Nothing , useCopyOnWrite = cowCheck } , initDbConfig = Zlich } {-| Convert a snapshot into a 'Config' that includes a 'copyConfig' for copying the snapshot directory to a temporary directory. @since -} snapshotConfig :: Snapshot -> Config snapshotConfig = fromFilePathConfig . toFilePath . unSnapshot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cacheAction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cacheActionLocks :: MVar (Map.Map FilePath (MVar ())) cacheActionLocks = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar mempty {-# NOINLINE cacheActionLocks #-} withActionLock :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a withActionLock filePath action = do theLock <- modifyMVar cacheActionLocks $ \theMap -> do theLock <- case Map.lookup filePath theMap of Nothing -> newMVar () Just x -> pure x pure (Map.insert filePath theLock theMap, theLock) withMVar theLock $ \_ -> action {-| Check to see if a cached data directory exists. If the file path does not exist the @initial@ config is used to start a @postgres@ instance. After which the @action@ is applied, the data directory is cached and @postgres@ is shutdown. 'cacheAction' 'mappend's a config to copy the cached data directory on startup onto the @initial@ config and returns it. In other words: @ initialConfig <> configFromCachePath @ 'cacheAction' can be used to create a snapshot of migrated database and not remigrate as long as the migration does not change. See 'withSnapshot' for a ephemeral version of taking snapshots. You can nest calls to cacheAction and safe to call it from several threads. However 'cacheAction' uses locks internal to prevent multiple threads from stomping on each other. If one makes a nested call and accidently uses the same cache directory in both calls the calls will deadlock. If this occurs on the same thread RTS will throw an exception. However do not rely on this and just be careful to not reuse the same cache path when nesting calls. There is no good reuse the cache path when nesting so one is unlikely to run into this. @since -} cacheAction :: FilePath -- ^ Location of the data directory cache. -> (DB -> IO ()) -- ^ @action@ to cache. -> Config -- ^ @initial@ 'Config'. -> IO (Either StartError Config) cacheAction cachePath action config = do fixCachePath <- fixPath cachePath let result = config <> fromFilePathConfig fixCachePath withActionLock fixCachePath $ do nonEmpty <- doesFileExist $ fixCachePath <> "/PG_VERSION" if nonEmpty then pure $ pure result else fmap join $ withConfig config $ \db -> do action db -- TODO see if parallel is better throwIfNotSuccess id =<< stopPostgresGracefully db createDirectoryIfMissing True fixCachePath let snapshotCopyCmd = cpFlags <> toDataDirectory db <> "/* " <> fixCachePath system snapshotCopyCmd >>= \case ExitSuccess -> pure $ pure result x -> pure $ Left $ SnapshotCopyFailed snapshotCopyCmd x