{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
module Control.Concurrent.TokenLimiter
( Count
, LimitConfig(..)
, RateLimiter
, newRateLimiter
, tryDebit
, penalize
, waitDebit
, defaultLimitConfig
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.IORef
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.Int
import GHC.IO
import GHC.Prim
import System.Clock
type Count = Int
data LimitConfig = LimitConfig {
maxBucketTokens :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Count
, initialBucketTokens :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Count
, bucketRefillTokensPerSecond :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Count
, clockAction :: IO TimeSpec
, delayAction :: TimeSpec -> IO ()
} deriving (Generic)
data RateLimiter = RateLimiter {
_bucketTokens :: !(MutableByteArray# RealWorld)
, _bucketLastServiced :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(MVar TimeSpec)
defaultLimitConfig :: LimitConfig
defaultLimitConfig = LimitConfig 5 1 1 nowIO sleepIO
nowIO = getTime MonotonicCoarse
sleepIO x = threadDelay $! fromInteger (toNanoSecs x `div` 1000)
newRateLimiter :: LimitConfig -> IO RateLimiter
newRateLimiter lc = do
!now <- nowIO
!mv <- newMVar now
mk mv
initial = initialBucketTokens lc
nowIO = clockAction lc
!(I# initial#) = initial
!(I# nbytes#) = sizeOf $! initial
mk mv = IO $ \s# ->
case newByteArray# nbytes# s# of
(# s1#, arr# #) -> case writeIntArray# arr# 0# initial# s1# of
s2# -> (# s2#, RateLimiter arr# mv #)
rateToNsPer :: Integral a => a -> a
rateToNsPer tps = 1000000000 `div` tps
readBucket :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> IO Int
readBucket bucket# = IO $ \s# ->
case readIntArray# bucket# 0# s# of
(# s1#, w# #) -> (# s1#, I# w# #)
penalize :: RateLimiter -> Count -> IO Count
penalize rl delta = addLoop
bucket# = _bucketTokens rl
rdBucket = readBucket bucket#
addLoop = do
!b@(I# bb#) <- rdBucket
let !ibb'@(I# bb'#) = b - delta
IO $ \s# -> case casIntArray# bucket# 0# bb# bb'# s# of
(# s1#, prev# #) -> if (I# prev#) == b
then (# s1#, ibb' #)
else let (IO f) = addLoop in f s1#
tryDebit :: LimitConfig -> RateLimiter -> Count -> IO Bool
tryDebit cfg rl cnt = do
let nowIO = clockAction cfg
snd <$> tryDebit' nowIO cfg rl cnt
tryDebit' :: IO TimeSpec -> LimitConfig -> RateLimiter -> Count -> IO (Int, Bool)
tryDebit' nowIO cfg rl ndebits = tryGrab
bucket# = _bucketTokens rl
mv = _bucketLastServiced rl
maxTokens = maxBucketTokens cfg
refillRate = bucketRefillTokensPerSecond cfg
rdBucket = readBucket bucket#
tryGrab = do
!nt <- rdBucket
if nt >= ndebits
then tryCas nt (nt - ndebits)
else fetchMore nt
tryCas !nt@(I# nt#) !newval@(I# newVal#) =
IO $ \s# -> case casIntArray# bucket# 0# nt# newVal# s# of
(# s1#, prevV# #) -> let prevV = I# prevV#
rest = if prevV == nt
then return (newval, True)
else tryGrab
(IO restF) = rest
in restF s1#
addLoop !numNewTokens = go
go = do
!b@(I# bb#) <- rdBucket
let !ibb'@(I# bb'#) = min (fromIntegral maxTokens) (b + numNewTokens)
IO $ \s# -> case casIntArray# bucket# 0# bb# bb'# s# of
(# s1#, prev# #) -> if (I# prev#) == b
then (# s1#, ibb' #)
else let (IO f) = go in f s1#
fetchMore !nt = do
newBalance <- modifyMVar mv $ \lastUpdated -> do
now <- nowIO
let !numNanos = toNanoSecs $ now - lastUpdated
let !nanosPerToken = toInteger $ rateToNsPer refillRate
let !numNewTokens0 = numNanos `div` nanosPerToken
let numNewTokens = fromIntegral numNewTokens0
let !lastUpdated' = lastUpdated +
fromNanoSecs (toInteger numNewTokens * toInteger nanosPerToken)
if numNewTokens > 0
then do nb <- addLoop numNewTokens
return (lastUpdated', nb)
else return (lastUpdated, nt)
if newBalance >= ndebits
then tryGrab
else return (newBalance, False)
waitForTokens :: TimeSpec -> LimitConfig -> RateLimiter -> Count -> Count -> IO ()
waitForTokens now cfg (RateLimiter _ mv) balance ntokens = do
lastUpdated <- readMVar mv
let numNeeded = fromIntegral ntokens - balance
let delta = toNanoSecs $ now - lastUpdated
let nanos = nanosPerToken * toInteger numNeeded
let sleepNanos = max 1 (fromInteger (nanos - delta + 500))
let !sleepSpec = fromNanoSecs sleepNanos
sleepFor sleepSpec
nanosPerToken = toInteger $ rateToNsPer refillRate
refillRate = bucketRefillTokensPerSecond cfg
sleepFor = delayAction cfg
waitDebit :: LimitConfig -> RateLimiter -> Count -> IO ()
waitDebit lc rl ndebits = go
cacheClock ref = do
m <- readIORef ref
case m of
Nothing -> do !now <- clockAction lc
writeIORef ref (Just now)
return now
(Just t) -> return t
go = do
ref <- newIORef Nothing
let clock = cacheClock ref
(balance, b) <- tryDebit' clock lc rl ndebits
if b
then return $! ()
else do now <- clock
waitForTokens now lc rl balance ndebits >> go