{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Toml.PrefixTree
( PrefixTree (..)
, singleT
, insertT
, lookupT
, PrefixMap
, single
, insert
, lookup
, fromList
, Piece (..)
, Key (..)
, pattern (:||)
, Prefix
, KeysDiff (..)
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Text as Text
newtype Piece = Piece { unPiece :: Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, IsString)
newtype Key = Key { unKey :: NonEmpty Piece }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Semigroup, Generic)
instance Hashable Key
instance IsString Key where
fromString :: String -> Key
fromString = \case
"" -> Key ("" :| [])
s -> case Text.splitOn "." (fromString s) of
[] -> error "Text.splitOn returned empty string"
x:xs -> coerce @(NonEmpty Text) @Key (x :| xs)
pattern (:||) :: Piece -> [Piece] -> Key
pattern x :|| xs <- ((NonEmpty.head &&& NonEmpty.tail) . unKey -> (x, xs))
x :|| xs = Key $ x :| xs
{-# COMPLETE (:||) #-}
type Prefix = Key
type PrefixMap a = HashMap Piece (PrefixTree a)
data PrefixTree a
= Leaf !Key !a
| Branch { bCommonPref :: !Prefix
, bVal :: !(Maybe a)
, bPrefixMap :: !(PrefixMap a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data KeysDiff
= Equal
| NoPrefix
| FstIsPref { diff :: !Key}
| SndIsPref { diff :: !Key}
| Diff { pref :: !Key
, diffFst :: !Key
, diffSnd :: !Key
deriving (Show, Eq)
keysDiff :: Key -> Key -> KeysDiff
keysDiff (x :|| xs) (y :|| ys)
| x == y = listSame xs ys []
| otherwise = NoPrefix
listSame :: [Piece] -> [Piece] -> [Piece] -> KeysDiff
listSame [] [] _ = Equal
listSame [] (s:ss) _ = FstIsPref $ s :|| ss
listSame (f:fs) [] _ = SndIsPref $ f :|| fs
listSame (f:fs) (s:ss) pr =
if f == s
then listSame fs ss (pr ++ [f])
else Diff (x :|| pr) (f :|| fs) (s :|| ss)
singleT :: Key -> a -> PrefixTree a
singleT = Leaf
single :: Key -> a -> PrefixMap a
single k@(p :|| _) = HashMap.singleton p . singleT k
insertT :: Key -> a -> PrefixTree a -> PrefixTree a
insertT newK newV (Leaf k v) =
case keysDiff k newK of
Equal -> Leaf k newV
NoPrefix -> error "Algorithm error: can't be equal prefixes in insertT:Leaf case"
FstIsPref rK -> Branch k (Just v) $ single rK newV
SndIsPref lK -> Branch newK (Just newV) $ single lK v
Diff p k1@(f :|| _) k2@(s :|| _) ->
Branch p Nothing $ HashMap.fromList [(f, Leaf k1 v), (s, Leaf k2 newV)]
insertT newK newV (Branch pref mv prefMap) =
case keysDiff pref newK of
Equal -> Branch pref (Just newV) prefMap
NoPrefix -> error "Algorithm error: can't be equal prefixes in insertT:Branch case"
FstIsPref rK -> Branch pref mv $ insert rK newV prefMap
SndIsPref lK@(piece :|| _) ->
Branch newK (Just newV) $ HashMap.singleton piece (Branch lK mv prefMap)
Diff p k1@(f :|| _) k2@(s :|| _) ->
Branch p Nothing $ HashMap.fromList [ (f, Branch k1 mv prefMap)
, (s, Leaf k2 newV)
insert :: Key -> a -> PrefixMap a -> PrefixMap a
insert k@(p :|| _) v prefMap = case HashMap.lookup p prefMap of
Just tree -> HashMap.insert p (insertT k v tree) prefMap
Nothing -> HashMap.insert p (singleT k v) prefMap
lookupT :: Key -> PrefixTree a -> Maybe a
lookupT lk (Leaf k v) = if lk == k then Just v else Nothing
lookupT lk (Branch pref mv prefMap) =
case keysDiff pref lk of
Equal -> mv
NoPrefix -> Nothing
Diff _ _ _ -> Nothing
SndIsPref _ -> Nothing
FstIsPref k -> lookup k prefMap
lookup :: Key -> PrefixMap a -> Maybe a
lookup k@(p :|| _) prefMap = HashMap.lookup p prefMap >>= lookupT k
fromList :: [(Key, a)] -> PrefixMap a
fromList = foldl' insertPair mempty
insertPair :: PrefixMap a -> (Key, a) -> PrefixMap a
insertPair prefMap (k, v) = insert k v prefMap