{- | Parser for 'TOML' data type: keys, tables, array of tables. Uses value
parsers from "Toml.Parser.Value".

module Toml.Parser.TOML
       ( keyP
       , hasKeyP
       , tableP
       , tableArrayP
       , inlineTableP
       , tomlP
       ) where

import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Monad.Combinators (between, eitherP, optional, sepEndBy)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), (<|))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)

import Toml.Parser.Core (Parser, alphaNumChar, char, lexeme, sc, text, try)
import Toml.Parser.String (basicStringP, literalStringP)
import Toml.Parser.Value (anyValueP)
import Toml.PrefixTree (Key (..), KeysDiff (..), Piece (..), fromList, keysDiff)
import Toml.Type (AnyValue, TOML (..))

import qualified Control.Applicative.Combinators.NonEmpty as NC
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import qualified Data.Text as Text

-- | Parser for bare key piece, like @foo@.
bareKeyPieceP :: Parser Text
bareKeyPieceP = lexeme $ Text.pack <$> bareStrP
    bareStrP :: Parser String
    bareStrP = some $ alphaNumChar <|> char '_' <|> char '-'

-- | Parser for 'Piece'.
keyComponentP :: Parser Piece
keyComponentP = Piece <$>
    (bareKeyPieceP <|> (quote "\"" <$> basicStringP) <|> (quote "'" <$> literalStringP))
    -- adds " or ' to both sides
    quote :: Text -> Text -> Text
    quote q t = q <> t <> q

-- | Parser for 'Key': dot-separated list of 'Piece'.
keyP :: Parser Key
keyP = Key <$> NC.sepBy1 keyComponentP (char '.')

-- | Parser for table name: 'Key' inside @[]@.
tableNameP :: Parser Key
tableNameP = between (text "[") (text "]") keyP

-- | Parser for array of tables name: 'Key' inside @[[]]@.
tableArrayNameP :: Parser Key
tableArrayNameP = between (text "[[") (text "]]") keyP

-- Tables

-- | Parser for lines starting with 'key =', either values or inline tables.
hasKeyP :: Parser (Key, Either AnyValue TOML)
hasKeyP = (,) <$> keyP <* text "=" <*> eitherP anyValueP inlineTableP

-- | Parser for inline tables.
inlineTableP :: Parser TOML
inlineTableP = between
    (text "{") (text "}")
    (tomlFromInline <$> hasKeyP `sepEndBy` text ",")

-- | Parser for a table.
tableP :: Parser (Key, TOML)
tableP = do
    key  <- tableNameP
    toml <- subTableContent key
    pure (key, toml)

-- | Parser for an array of tables.
tableArrayP :: Parser (Key, NonEmpty TOML)
tableArrayP = do
    key       <- tableArrayNameP
    localToml <- subTableContent key
    more      <- optional $ sameKeyP key tableArrayP
    case more of
        Nothing         -> pure (key, localToml :| [])
        Just (_, tomls) -> pure (key, localToml <| tomls)

-- | Parser for a '.toml' file
tomlP :: Parser TOML
tomlP = do
    (val, inline)  <- distributeEithers <$> many hasKeyP
    (table, array) <- fmap distributeEithers
        $ many
        $ eitherPairP (try tableP) tableArrayP

    pure TOML
        { tomlPairs       = HashMap.fromList val
        , tomlTables      = fromList $ inline ++ table
        , tomlTableArrays = HashMap.fromList array

-- | Parser for full 'TOML' under a certain key
subTableContent :: Key -> Parser TOML
subTableContent key = do
    (val, inline)  <- distributeEithers <$> many hasKeyP
    (table, array) <- fmap distributeEithers
        $ many
        $ childKeyP key
        $ eitherPairP (try tableP) tableArrayP

    pure TOML
        { tomlPairs       = HashMap.fromList val
        , tomlTables      = fromList $ inline ++ table
        , tomlTableArrays = HashMap.fromList array

-- | @childKeyP key p@ returns the result of @p@ if the key returned by @p@ is
-- a child key of the @key@, and fails otherwise.
childKeyP :: Key -> Parser (Key, a) -> Parser (Key, a)
childKeyP key p = try $ do
    (k, x) <- p
    case keysDiff key k of
        FstIsPref k' -> pure (k', x)
        _            -> fail $ show k ++ " is not a child key of " ++ show key

-- | @sameKeyP key p@ returns the result of @p@ if the key returned by @p@ is
-- the same as @key@, and fails otherwise.
sameKeyP :: Key -> Parser (Key, a) -> Parser (Key, a)
sameKeyP key parser = try $ do
    (k, x) <- parser
    case keysDiff key k of
        Equal -> pure (k, x)
        _     -> fail $ show k ++ " is not the same as " ++ show key

-- Helper functions

-- | Helper function to create a 'TOML' from a list of key/values or inline tables.
tomlFromInline :: [(Key, Either AnyValue TOML)] -> TOML
tomlFromInline kvs =
    let (lefts, rights) = distributeEithers kvs
    in TOML (HashMap.fromList lefts) (fromList rights) mempty

-- | Helper function to seperate the 'Either'.
distributeEithers :: [(c, Either a b)] -> ([(c, a)], [(c, b)])
distributeEithers = foldr distribute ([], [])
    distribute :: (c, Either a b) -> ([(c, a)], [(c, b)]) -> ([(c, a)], [(c, b)])
    distribute (k, Left a) (ls, rs)  = ((k, a) : ls, rs)
    distribute (k, Right b) (ls, rs) = (ls, (k, b) : rs)

-- | Helper function to make an 'Either' parser.
eitherPairP :: Alternative m => m (c, a) -> m (c, b) -> m (c, Either a b)
eitherPairP a b = (fmap Left <$> a) <|> (fmap Right <$> b)