Copyright | (c) 2018 Oleg Grenrus |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Tools to work with Directed Acyclic Graphs, by taking advantage of topological sorting.
- data G v i = G {
- gVertices :: [i]
- gFromVertex :: i -> v
- gToVertex :: v -> Maybe i
- gEdges :: i -> [i]
- gDiff :: i -> i -> Int
- gVerticeCount :: Int
- gVertexIndex :: i -> Int
- runG :: forall v r. Ord v => Map v (Set v) -> (forall i. Ord i => G v i -> r) -> Either [v] r
- runG' :: forall v r. Ord v => Map v (Set v) -> (forall i. Ord i => G v i -> r) -> Maybe r
- transpose :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> G v (Down i)
- reduction :: Ord i => G v i -> G v i
- closure :: Ord i => G v i -> G v i
- dfs :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> i -> [[i]]
- dfsTree :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> i -> Tree i
- allPaths :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> i -> i -> [[i]]
- allPaths' :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> i -> i -> [i] -> [[i]]
- allPathsTree :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> i -> i -> Maybe (Tree i)
- shortestPathLengths :: Ord i => G v i -> i -> [Int]
- longestPathLengths :: Ord i => G v i -> i -> [Int]
- edgesSet :: Ord i => G v i -> Set (i, i)
- adjacencyMap :: Ord v => G v i -> Map v (Set v)
- adjacencyList :: Ord v => G v i -> [(v, [v])]
- pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
- treePairs :: Tree a -> [(a, a)]
Graph used in examples:
let example :: Map Char (Set Char); example = S.fromList $ M.fromList [('a', "bxde"), ('b', "d"), ('x', "de"), ('d', "e"), ('e', "")]
:set -XRecordWildCards
import Data.Monoid (All (..))
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Tree (Tree (..))
Few functions to be used in examples
To make examples slightly shorter:
let fmap2 = fmap . fmap
let fmap3 = fmap . fmap2
let traverse2_ = traverse_ . traverse_
let traverse3_ = traverse_ . traverse2_
To display trees:
let dispTree :: Show a => Tree a -> IO (); dispTree = go 0 where go i (T.Node x xs) = putStrLn (replicate (i * 2) ' ' ++ show x) >> traverse_ (go (succ i)) xs
Graph representation.
The runG
creates a
structure. Note, that G
v ii
is kept free,
so you cannot construct i
which isn't in the gVertices
Therefore operations, like gFromVertex
are total (and fast).
g =length
runG example $ \G {..} -> (length gVertices, gVerticeCount)
Right (5,5)
g x) =elemIndex
x (gVertices
runG example $ \G {..} -> map (`elemIndex` gVertices) gVertices
Right [Just 0,Just 1,Just 2,Just 3,Just 4]
runG example $ \G {..} -> map gVertexIndex gVertices
Right [0,1,2,3,4]
G | |
:: Ord v | |
=> Map v (Set v) | Adjacency Map |
-> (forall i. Ord i => G v i -> r) | function on linear indices |
-> Either [v] r | Return the result or a cycle in the graph. |
Run action on topologically sorted representation of the graph.
Topological sorting
runG example $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex gVertices
Right "axbde"
Vertices are sorted
runG example $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex $ sort gVertices
Right "axbde"
Outgoing edges
runG example $ \G {..} -> map (map gFromVertex . gEdges) gVertices
Right ["xbde","de","d","e",""]
Note: target indices are always larger than source vertex' index:
runG example $ \G {..} -> getAll $ foldMap (\a -> foldMap (\b -> All (a < b)) (gEdges a)) gVertices
Right True
let loop = S.fromList $ M.fromList [('a', "bx"), ('b', "cx"), ('c', "ax"), ('x', "")]
runG loop $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex gVertices
Left "abc"
runG (M.singleton 'a' (S.singleton 'a')) $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex gVertices
Left "aa"
transpose :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> G v (Down i) Source #
Graph with all edges reversed.
runG example $ adjacencyList . transpose
Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"abx"),('e',"adx"),('x',"a")]
Commutes with closure
runG example $ adjacencyList . closure . transpose
Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"abx"),('e',"abdx"),('x',"a")]
runG example $ adjacencyList . transpose . closure
Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"abx"),('e',"abdx"),('x',"a")]
Commutes with reduction
runG example $ adjacencyList . reduction . transpose
Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"bx"),('e',"d"),('x',"a")]
runG example $ adjacencyList . transpose . reduction
Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"bx"),('e',"d"),('x',"a")]
Transitive reduction
reduction :: Ord i => G v i -> G v i Source #
Transitive reduction.
Smallest graph, such that if there is a path from u to v in the original graph, then there is also such a path in the reduction.
The green edges are not in the transitive reduction:
runG example $ \g -> adjacencyList $ reduction g
Right [('a',"bx"),('b',"d"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"d")]
Taking closure first doesn't matter:
runG example $ \g -> adjacencyList $ reduction $ closure g
Right [('a',"bx"),('b',"d"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"d")]
Transitive closure
closure :: Ord i => G v i -> G v i Source #
Transitive closure.
A graph, such that if there is a path from u to v in the original graph, then there is an edge from u to v in the closure.
The purple edge is added in a closure:
runG example $ \g -> adjacencyList $ closure g
Right [('a',"bdex"),('b',"de"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"de")]
Taking reduction first, doesn't matter:
runG example $ \g -> adjacencyList $ closure $ reduction g
Right [('a',"bdex"),('b',"de"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"de")]
dfs :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> i -> [[i]] Source #
Depth-first paths starting at a vertex.
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ dfs g <$> gToVertex 'x'
Right (Just ["xde","xe"])
All paths
allPaths :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> i -> i -> [[i]] Source #
All paths from a
to b
. Note that every path has at least 2 elements, start and end.
Use allPaths'
for the intermediate steps only.
See dfs
, which returns all paths starting at some vertice.
This function returns paths with specified start and end vertices.
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPaths g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'e'
Right (Just ["axde","axe","abde","ade","ae"])
There are no paths from element to itself:
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPaths g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'a'
Right (Just [])
allPaths' :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> i -> i -> [i] -> [[i]] Source #
without begin and end elements.
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPaths' g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'e' <*> pure []
Right (Just ["xd","x","bd","d",""])
allPathsTree :: forall v i. Ord i => G v i -> i -> i -> Maybe (Tree i) Source #
Like allPaths
but return a Tree
All paths from a
to b
. Note that every path has at least 2 elements, start and end,
Unfortunately, this is the same as
as in our example graph, all paths from dfs
g <$> gToVertex
end up in 'e'
let t = runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPathsTree g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'e'
fmap3 (T.foldTree $ \a bs -> if null bs then [[a]] else concatMap (map (a:)) bs) t
Right (Just (Just ["axde","axe","abde","ade","ae"]))
fmap3 (S.fromList . treePairs) t
Right (Just (Just (fromList [('a','b'),('a','d'),('a','e'),('a','x'),('b','d'),('d','e'),('x','d'),('x','e')])))
let ls = runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPaths g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'e'
fmap2 (S.fromList . concatMap pairs) ls
Right (Just (fromList [('a','b'),('a','d'),('a','e'),('a','x'),('b','d'),('d','e'),('x','d'),('x','e')]))
paths show how one can explore the paths.
traverse3_ dispTree t
'a' 'x' 'd' 'e' 'e' 'b' 'd' 'e' 'd' 'e' 'e'
traverse3_ (putStrLn . T.drawTree . fmap show) t
'a' | +- 'x' | | | +- 'd' | | | | | `- 'e' | | | `- 'e' ...
There are no paths from element to itself, but we'll return a
single root node, as Tree
cannot be empty.
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPathsTree g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'a'
Right (Just (Just (Node {rootLabel = 'a', subForest = []})))
Path lengths
shortestPathLengths :: Ord i => G v i -> i -> [Int] Source #
Shortest paths lengths starting from a vertex.
The resulting list is of the same length as gVertices
It's quite efficient to compute all shortest (or longest) paths' lengths
at once. Zero means that there are no path.
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> shortestPathLengths g <$> gToVertex 'a'
Right (Just [0,1,1,1,1])
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> shortestPathLengths g <$> gToVertex 'b'
Right (Just [0,0,0,1,2])
longestPathLengths :: Ord i => G v i -> i -> [Int] Source #
Longest paths lengths starting from a vertex.
The resulting list is of the same length as gVertices
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> longestPathLengths g <$> gToVertex 'a'
Right (Just [0,1,1,2,3])
runG example $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex gVertices
Right "axbde"
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> longestPathLengths g <$> gToVertex 'b'
Right (Just [0,0,0,1,2])
edgesSet :: Ord i => G v i -> Set (i, i) Source #
Edges set.
runG example $ \g@G{..} -> map (\(a,b) -> [gFromVertex a, gFromVertex b]) $ S.toList $ edgesSet g
Right ["ax","ab","ad","ae","xd","xe","bd","de"]
adjacencyMap :: Ord v => G v i -> Map v (Set v) Source #
Recover adjacency map representation from the G
runG example adjacencyMap
Right (fromList [('a',fromList "bdex"),('b',fromList "d"),('d',fromList "e"),('e',fromList ""),('x',fromList "de")])
adjacencyList :: Ord v => G v i -> [(v, [v])] Source #
Adjacency list representation of G
runG example adjacencyList
Right [('a',"bdex"),('b',"d"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"de")]