{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |
-- Module       : Data.TPTP.Pretty
-- Description  : Pretty printers for the TPTP language.
-- Copyright    : (c) Evgenii Kotelnikov, 2019
-- License      : GPL-3
-- Maintainer   : evgeny.kotelnikov@gmail.com
-- Stability    : experimental

module Data.TPTP.Pretty (
) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 8, 0)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Monoid (mempty)

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 11, 0)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))

import Data.Char (isAsciiLower, isAsciiUpper, isDigit)
import Data.List (genericReplicate)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL (nonEmpty, toList)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (
    all, head, tail, cons, snoc, pack, singleton, replace
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (
    Doc, Pretty(..),
    hsep, sep, (<+>), brackets, parens, punctuate, comma, space, line

import Data.TPTP

-- * Helper functions

comment :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
comment c = "%" <+> c <> line

sepBy :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
sepBy as s = hsep (punctuate s as)

sepBy1 :: NonEmpty (Doc ann) -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
sepBy1 as s = hsep (punctuate s (NEL.toList as))

application :: Pretty f => f -> [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
application f [] = pretty f
application f as = pretty f <> parens (as `sepBy` comma)

bracketList :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc ann
bracketList as = brackets (fmap pretty as `sepBy` comma)

bracketList1 :: Pretty a => NonEmpty a -> Doc ann
bracketList1 as = brackets (fmap pretty as `sepBy1` comma)

-- * Names

quoted :: Char -> Text -> Text
quoted q = Text.cons q . flip Text.snoc q
         . Text.replace (Text.singleton q) (Text.pack ['\\', q])
         . Text.replace "\\" "\\\\"

newtype SingleQuoted = SingleQuoted Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty SingleQuoted where
  pretty (SingleQuoted t) = pretty (quoted '\'' t)

instance Pretty Atom where
  pretty (Atom s)
    | isLowerWord s = pretty s
    | otherwise = pretty (SingleQuoted s)
      isLowerWord w = isAsciiLower (Text.head w)
                   && Text.all isAlphaNum (Text.tail w)
      isAlphaNum c = isAsciiLower c || isAsciiUpper c || isDigit c || c == '_'

instance Pretty Var where
  pretty (Var s) = pretty s

newtype DoubleQuoted = DoubleQuoted Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty DoubleQuoted where
  pretty (DoubleQuoted t) = pretty (quoted '"' t)

instance Pretty DistinctObject where
  pretty (DistinctObject s) = pretty (DoubleQuoted s)

newtype DollarWord = DollarWord Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty DollarWord where
  pretty (DollarWord w) = pretty (Text.cons '$' w)

tType :: DollarWord
tType = DollarWord "tType"

instance Named s => Pretty (Name s) where
  pretty = \case
    Reserved s -> pretty (DollarWord (name s))
    Defined  a -> pretty a

instance Named s => Named (Reserved s) where
  name = \case
    Standard s -> name s
    Extended w -> w

instance Named s => Pretty (Reserved s) where
  pretty = pretty . name

-- * Sorts and types

instance Pretty TFF1Sort where
  pretty = \case
    SortVariable v -> pretty v
    TFF1Sort  f ss -> application f (fmap pretty ss)

prettyMapping :: Pretty a => [a] -> a -> Doc ann
prettyMapping as r = args <> pretty r
    args = case as of
      []  -> mempty
      [a] -> pretty a <+> ">" <> space
      _   -> parens (fmap pretty as `sepBy` (space <> "*")) <+> ">" <> space

instance Pretty Type where
  pretty = \case
    Type as r -> prettyMapping as r
    TFF1Type vs as r -> prefix <> if null as then matrix else parens matrix
        prefix = case NEL.nonEmpty vs of
          Nothing  -> mempty
          Just vs' -> "!>" <+> brackets (vars vs') <> ":" <> space
        vars vs' = fmap prettyVar vs' `sepBy1` comma
        prettyVar v = pretty v <> ":" <+> pretty tType
        matrix = prettyMapping as r

-- * First-order logic

instance Pretty Number where
  pretty = \case
    IntegerConstant    i -> pretty i
    RationalConstant n d -> pretty n <> "/" <> pretty d
    RealConstant       r -> pretty (show r)

instance Pretty Term where
  pretty = \case
    Function  f ts -> application f (fmap pretty ts)
    Variable     v -> pretty v
    Number       i -> pretty i
    DistinctTerm d -> pretty d

instance Pretty Literal where
  pretty = \case
    Predicate p ts -> application p (fmap pretty ts)
    Equality a s b -> pretty a <+> pretty s <+> pretty b

instance Pretty Sign where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Clause where
  pretty = \case
    Clause ls -> fmap p ls `sepBy1` (space <> pretty Disjunction)
        p (Positive, l) = pretty l
        p (Negative, l) = "~" <+> parens (pretty l)

instance Pretty Quantifier where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Connective where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Unsorted where
  pretty = mempty

instance Pretty s => Pretty (Sorted s) where
  pretty = \case
    Sorted Nothing  -> mempty
    Sorted (Just s) -> ":" <+> pretty s

instance Pretty QuantifiedSort where
  pretty = const (pretty tType)

instance Pretty (Either QuantifiedSort TFF1Sort) where
  pretty = either pretty pretty

unitary :: FirstOrder s -> Bool
unitary = \case
  Atomic{}     -> True
  Negated{}    -> True
  Quantified{} -> True
  Connected{}  -> False

pretty' :: Pretty s => FirstOrder s -> Doc ann
pretty' f
  | unitary f = pretty f
  | otherwise = parens (pretty f)

instance Pretty s => Pretty (FirstOrder s) where
  pretty = \case
    Atomic l -> pretty l
    Negated f -> "~" <+> pretty' f
    Connected f c g -> pretty'' f <+> pretty c <+> pretty'' g
        -- Nested applications of associative connectives do not require
        -- parenthesis. Otherwise, the connectives do not have precedence
        pretty'' e@(Connected _ c' _) | c' == c && isAssociative c = pretty e
        pretty'' e = pretty' e
    Quantified q vs f -> pretty q <+> vs' <> ":" <+> pretty' f
        vs' = brackets (fmap var vs `sepBy1` comma)
        var (v, s) = pretty v <> pretty s

-- ** Units

instance Pretty Language where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Formula where
  pretty = \case
    CNF  c -> pretty c
    FOF  f -> pretty f
    TFF0 f -> pretty f
    TFF1 f -> pretty f

instance Pretty UnitName where
  pretty = either pretty pretty
  prettyList = bracketList

instance Pretty Declaration where
  pretty = \case
    Formula _ f -> pretty f
    Typing  s t -> pretty s <> ":" <+> pretty t
    Sort    s n -> pretty s <> ":" <+> prettyMapping tTypes tType
      where tTypes = genericReplicate n tType

instance Pretty Unit where
  pretty = \case
    Include (Atom f) ns -> application (Atom "include") args <> "."
        args = pretty (SingleQuoted f) : maybeToList (fmap bracketList1 ns)
    Unit nm decl a -> application (declarationLanguage decl) args <> "."
        args = pretty nm : role : pretty decl : ann

        role = case decl of
          Sort{}      -> "type"
          Typing{}    -> "type"
          Formula r _ -> pretty (name r)

        ann = case a of
          Just (s, i) -> pretty s : maybeToList (fmap prettyList i)
          Nothing -> []

  prettyList us = sep (fmap pretty us)

instance Pretty TPTP where
  pretty (TPTP us) = prettyList us

szsComment :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
szsComment = comment . hsep . ("SZS":)

instance Pretty TSTP where
  pretty (TSTP (SZS s d) us) = status <> dataform (prettyList us)
      status = case s of
        Nothing -> mempty
        Just st -> szsComment ["status", pretty st]
      dataform p = case d of
        Nothing -> p
        Just df -> szsComment ["output", "start", pretty df]
                <> p
                <> szsComment ["output", "end", pretty df]

-- * Annotations

instance Pretty Intro where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Success where
  pretty = pretty . name . SZSOntology

instance Pretty NoSuccess where
  pretty = pretty . name . SZSOntology

instance Pretty Status where
  pretty = either pretty pretty

instance Pretty Dataform where
  pretty = pretty . name . SZSOntology

instance Pretty (Either Var Atom) where
  pretty = either pretty pretty
  prettyList = bracketList

instance Pretty Info where
  pretty = \case
    Description    a -> application (Atom "description") [pretty a]
    Iquote         a -> application (Atom "iquote")      [pretty a]
    Status         s -> application (Atom "status")      [pretty s]
    Assumptions    u -> application (Atom "assumptions") [bracketList1 u]
    NewSymbols  n ss -> application (Atom "new_symbols") [pretty n, prettyList ss]
    Refutation     a -> application (Atom "refutation")  [pretty a]
    Bind         v e -> application (Atom "bind")        [pretty v, pretty e]
    Application f as -> application f                    (fmap pretty as)
    Expression     e -> pretty e
    InfoNumber     n -> pretty n
    Infos         is -> prettyList is

  prettyList = bracketList

instance Pretty Expression where
  pretty = \case
    Logical f -> application (DollarWord . name $ formulaLanguage f) [pretty f]
    Term    t -> application (DollarWord "fot") [pretty t]

instance Pretty Parent where
  pretty = \case
    Parent s  [] -> pretty s
    Parent s gts -> pretty s <> ":" <> prettyList gts
  prettyList = bracketList

instance Pretty Source where
  pretty = \case
    UnitSource un -> pretty un
    UnknownSource -> "unknown"
    File (Atom n) i -> source "file" (SingleQuoted n) (pretty     <$> i)
    Theory     n  i -> source "theory"             n  (prettyList <$> i)
    Creator    n  i -> source "creator"            n  (prettyList <$> i)
    Introduced n  i -> source "introduced"         n  (prettyList <$> i)
    Inference  n  i ps ->
      application (Atom "inference") [pretty n, pretty i, prettyList ps]
      source f n i = application (Atom f) (pretty n : maybeToList i)

  prettyList = bracketList