trajectory: Tools and a library for working with Trajectory.

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Trajectory is a project estimation and management tool for project managers, product managers, developers, and designers. It is heavily inspired by, but improves upon, Basecamp and Pivotal Tracker. Like Basecamp, it has a place to organize ideas and exchange free-form feedback; like Pivotal Tracker it has the concept of stories with points instead of time estimations, and it calculates time estimations based on past performance. It also weds the two concepts, connecting stories with ideas.

This is a collection of tools and libraries for interacting with Trajectory.

It provides the lsstory tool, a command-line app that can list stories, filtering by source idea, milestone, point, assignment, whether design or development is needed; it can filter on the state (unstarted, started, finished, done); it can filter on the iteration. It can also be used simply to tell you the next unstarted, unassigned development story to work on.

To build more with this package, look into the Trajectory.API module.

Trajectory is made by thoughtbot

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Versions [RSS]
Dependencies aeson (==, attoparsec (==, base (>=4.0 && <5.0), bytestring, cmdargs, containers, http-enumerator (==, http-types, regexpr, text, unordered-containers (==, uri [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Copyright 2011 Mike Burns
Author Mike Burns
Category Network APIs
Home page
Source repo head: git clone git://
Uploaded by MikeBurns at 2011-12-28T22:35:08Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables lsstory, inittj
Downloads 1030 total (4 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs uploaded by user
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Readme for trajectory-

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Tools and a library for Trajectory.


% cabal install trajectory
% export PATH=~/.cabal/bin
% inittj

You can find your API key in the Trajectory settings.

The account name and project name come from the URL:

It probably makes a ton of sense to use a shell alias:

% alias lsos='lsstory thoughtbot opensource'



% inittj
% inittj --profile thoughtbot-support

% lsstory accountname projectname
% lsstory accountname projectname --idea "Spam is out of control"
% lsstory accountname projectname --next
% lsstory accountname projectname --unstarted
% lsstory accountname projectname --unestimated
% lsstory accountname projectname --unstarted --next --unassigned --incomplete
% lsstory accountname projectname --within-milestone "Fully Backboned"
% lsstory accountname projectname --profile thoughtbot-support --project "Trajectory"
% lsstory accountname projectname --completed

% lsstory accountname projectname --development
% lsstory accountname projectname --design
% lsstory accountname projectname --design --development

% lsstory accountname projectname --all-iterations
% lsstory accountname projectname --current-iteration
% lsstory accountname projectname --iteration 2012-01-02

To do:

% lsidea
% lsmilestone
% lsmilestone --unstarted --next

% mkstory "As a user I want to always be signed in so I don't have to care"
% mkstory "As an admin I want to delete comments so I can remove spam" --idea "Spam is out of control"
% mkstory "As a visitor I am not able to see private messages so I can maintain security" -m -a screenshot.png --top


Copyright 2011 Mike Burns

Trajectory is copyright 2011 thoughtbot