Packages tagged network-apis

18 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (17), bsd3 (10), mit (7), program (5), web (3), apache (1), captcha (1), console (1), cryptography (1), distributed-computing (1), executable (1), filesystem (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
antigate220.01Interface for captcha recognition API (captcha, library, mit, network-apis, text-recognition)2017-06-122.0.2MikhailKuddah
dropbox-sdk70.01A library to access the Dropbox HTTP API. (library, mit, network-apis)2012-07-300.3.1KannanGoundan
fizzbuzz-as-a-service61.251FizzBuzz as a service (apache, network-apis, program)2018-09-
hsreadability30.01Access to the Readability API. (library, mit, network-apis, web)2015-04-
liblastfm340.01Lastfm API interface (library, mit, network-apis)2018-08-070.7.0DmitryMalikov, MatveyAksenov
librandomorg20.01Wrapper to API (library, mit, network-apis)2012-06-
network-api-support470.03Toolkit for building http client libraries over Network.Http.Conduit (bsd3, library, network-apis)2019-02-150.3.5MarkHibberd, novemberkilo
phone-push50.01Push notifications for Android and iOS (bsd3, library, network-apis)2013-05-220.1.3DavidFendrich
pinboard700.02Access to the Pinboard API (library, mit, network-apis)2022-05-
postcodes20.01A library that gets postcode information from the (bsd3, library, network-apis)2013-10-020.1.1MatthewHall
postgrest522.52REST API for any Postgres database (executable, library, mit, network-apis, postgresql, program)2022-07-129.0.1begriffs, steve_chavez, LaurenceIsla, wolfgangwalther
postmark170.02Library for HTTP Api (bsd3, library, network-apis)2019-02-150.2.7MarkHibberd, novemberkilo
push-notifications40.00Push notifications for Android and iOS (bsd3, library, network-apis)2019-04-030.2.1abrar
simplenote30.01Haskell interface for the simplenote API. (bsd3, library, network-apis)2009-09-231.0MariusEriksen
strongswan-sql110.00Interface library for strongSwan SQL backend (bsd3, console, library, network-apis, program, sql)2019-08-
tahoe-great-black-swamp50.01An implementation of the "Great Black Swamp" LAFS protocol. (bsd3, cryptography, distributed-computing, filesystem, library, network, network-apis, program, security, service, storage, web)2023-11-, jcalderone
trajectory40.01Tools and a library for working with Trajectory. (bsd3, library, network-apis, program)2011-12-
twilio110.01Twilio REST API library for Haskell (bsd3, library, network-apis, web)2018-12-, bcj