{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Transient.Parse(
-- * Setting the stream
setParseStream, setParseString, withParseString, withParseStream,
-- * parsing
string, tDropUntilToken, tTakeUntilToken, integer, hex, int, double, tChar,anyChar,
manyTill, chainManyTill,between, symbol,parens, braces,angles,brackets,
semi, comma, dot,colon, sepBy, sepBy1, chainSepBy, chainSepBy1,chainMany,
commaSep, semiSep, commaSep1, dropSpaces,dropTillEndOfLine,
parseString, tTakeWhile,tTakeUntil, tTakeWhile', tTake, tDrop, tDropUntil, tPutStr,
-- * giving the parse string
withGetParseString, giveParseString,
-- * debug
notParsed, getParseBuffer,clearParseBuffer, showNext,
-- Composing parsing processes
(|-)) where

import Transient.Internals
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid

import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
-- import Control.Exception (throw,IOException)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8  as BS
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Control.Exception hiding (try)
import Data.IORef
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Maybe

-- | set a stream of strings to be parsed
setParseStream :: TransMonad m =>  TransIO (StreamData BS.ByteString) -> m ()
setParseStream iox=  modify $ \s -> s{execMode=Serial,parseContext= ParseContext iox "" (unsafePerformIO $ newIORef False)} -- setState $ ParseContext iox ""

-- | set a string to be parsed
setParseString :: TransMonad m => BS.ByteString -> m ()
setParseString x = modify $ \s -> s{execMode=Serial,parseContext= ParseContext (return SDone) x (unsafePerformIO $ newIORef False)} --  setState $ ParseContext (return SDone) x 

withParseString ::  BS.ByteString -> TransIO a -> TransIO a
withParseString x parse= do
     p <- gets parseContext -- getState <|> return(ParseContext (return SDone) mempty)
     setParseString x
     r <- parse
     modify $ \s -> s{parseContext= p} --setState (ParseContext c (str :: BS.ByteString))
     return r

withParseStream stream parse= do
     p <- gets parseContext -- getState <|> return(ParseContext (return SDone) mempty)
     setParseStream stream
     r <- parse
     modify $ \s -> s{parseContext= p} --setState (ParseContext c (str :: BS.ByteString))
     return r

-- | The parse context contains either the string to be parsed or a computation that gives an stream of
-- strings or both. First, the string is parsed. If it is empty, the stream is pulled for more.
-- data ParseContext str = IsString str => ParseContext (IO  (StreamData str)) str deriving Typeable

-- | succeed if read the string given as parameter
string :: BS.ByteString -> TransIO BS.ByteString
string s= withGetParseString $ \str -> do
    let len= BS.length s
        ret@(s',_) = BS.splitAt len str

    if s == s'   -- !> ("parse string looked, found",s,s')

      then return ret
      else empty -- !> "STRING EMPTY"

-- | fast search for a token.
-- If the token is not found, the parse is left in the original state.
tDropUntilToken token= withGetParseString $ \str ->
    if BS.null str then empty else  drop2 str
  drop2 str=
    if token `BS.isPrefixOf` str   -- !> (BS.take 2 str)
          then  return ((),BS.drop (BS.length token) str)
          else if not $ BS.null str then drop2 $ BS.tail str else empty

tTakeUntilToken :: BS.ByteString -> TransIO BS.ByteString
tTakeUntilToken token= withGetParseString $ \str -> takeit mempty str
  takeit :: Builder -> BS.ByteString -> TransIO ( BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
  takeit res str=
   if BS.null str then empty else
      if token `BS.isPrefixOf` str
          then  return (toLazyByteString res ,BS.drop (BS.length token) str)
          else  if not $ BS.null str then takeit (  res <> (lazyByteString $ BS.singleton $ BS.head str)) $ BS.tail str else empty

-- | read an Integer
integer :: TransIO Integer
integer= withGetParseString $ \str ->
           case BS.readInteger str of
             Just  x -> return  x
             Nothing -> empty

-- | parse an hexadecimal number
hex ::  TransIO Int
hex = withGetParseString $ \s ->  parsehex (-1) s

  parsehex v s=
    case (BS.null s,v) of
      (True, -1) ->  empty
      (True,_) -> return (v, mempty)
      _  -> do

          let h= BS.head s !> ("HEX",BS.head s)

              t= BS.tail s
              v'= if v== -1 then 0 else v
              x = if h >= '0' && h <= '9' then v' * 16 + ord(h) -ord '0'
                        else if h >= 'A' && h <= 'F' then  v' * 16 + ord h -ord 'A' +10
                        else if h >= 'a' && h <= 'f' then  v' * 16 + ord h -ord 'a' +10
                        else -1
          case (v,x) of
              (-1,-1) -> empty
              (v, -1) -> return (v,s)
              (_, x) -> parsehex x t
integer= do
    s <- tTakeWhile isNumber
    if BS.null  s  then empty else return $ stoi 0 s
  :: TransIO Integer

   stoi :: Integer -> BS.ByteString -> Integer
   stoi x s| BS.null s = x
           | otherwise=  stoi (x *10 + fromIntegral(ord (BS.head s) - ord '0')) (BS.tail s)

-- | read an Int
int :: TransIO Int
int= withGetParseString $ \str ->
           case BS.readInt str of
             Just  x -> return  x
             Nothing -> empty
int= do 
    s <- tTakeWhile isNumber
    if BS.null s then empty else return $ stoi 0 s

    stoi :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> Int
    stoi x s| BS.null s = x
            | otherwise=  stoi (x *10 + (ord (BS.head s) - ord '0')) (BS.tail s)
-- | read a double in floating point/scientific notation
double :: TransIO Double
double= do
    ent  <- integer  -- takes the sign too
    frac <- fracf
    exp <- expf

    return $ (fromIntegral  ent * (10 ^ exp)) +- (( (fromIntegral $ fst $ fromJust $ BS.readInteger frac))
                       /(10 ^ (fromIntegral (BS.length frac) - exp)))
    (+-) a b= if a >= 0 then a + b else a - b

    fracf= do
       tChar '.'
       tTakeWhile isDigit
      <|> return "0"

    expf= do
        tChar 'e' <|> tChar 'E'
      <|> return 0

-- | read many results with a parser (at least one) until a `end` parser succeed.
manyTill :: TransIO a -> TransIO b -> TransIO [a]
manyTill= chainManyTill (:)

--chainManyTill   :: Monoid m =>  (m -> a -> a) -> TransIO m -> TransIO t -> TransIO a
chainManyTill op p end=   scan
      scan  = do{try end; return mempty }
              do{ x <- p; xs <- scan; return (x `op` xs) }

between open close p = do{ open; x <- p; close; return x }

symbol = string

parens p        = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") p  !> "parens "
braces p        = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}") p  !> "braces "
angles p        = between (symbol "<") (symbol ">") p  !> "angles "
brackets p      = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") p  !> "brackets "

semi            = symbol ";"  !> "semi"
comma           = symbol ","  !> "comma"
dot             = symbol "."  !> "dot"
colon           = symbol ":"  !> "colon"

sepBy p sep         = sepBy1 p sep <|> return []

sepBy1 = chainSepBy1 (:)

chainSepBy chain p sep= chainSepBy1 chain p sep <|> return mempty

-- take a byteString of elements separated by a separator and  apply the desired operator to the parsed results
  :: (Monad m, Monoid b, Alternative m) =>
     (a -> b -> b) -> m a -> m x -> m b
chainSepBy1 chain p sep= do{ x <- p
                        ; xs <- chainMany chain (sep >> p)
                        ; return (x `chain` xs)
                        !> "chainSepBy "

chainMany chain v= (chain <$> v <*> chainMany chain v) <|> return mempty

commaSep p      = sepBy p comma
semiSep p       = sepBy p semi

commaSep1 p     = sepBy1 p comma
semiSep1 p      = sepBy1 p semi

dropSpaces= withGetParseString $ \str ->  return( (),BS.dropWhile isSpace str)

dropTillEndOfLine= withGetParseString $ \str -> return ((),BS.dropWhile ( /= '\n') str) !> "dropTillEndOfLine"

parseString= do
    tr "parseString"
    r <- tTakeWhile (not . isSpace)
    return r

-- | take characters while they meet the condition. if no char matches, it returns empty
tTakeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> TransIO BS.ByteString
tTakeWhile cond= -- parse (BS.span cond)
    withGetParseString $ \s -> do
      let ret@(h,_)= BS.span cond s
      --return () !> ("takewhile'",h,t)
      if BS.null h then empty else return ret

-- | take characters while they meet the condition and drop the next character
tTakeWhile' :: (Char -> Bool) -> TransIO BS.ByteString
tTakeWhile' cond= withGetParseString $ \s -> do
   let (h,t)= BS.span cond s
   return () !> ("takewhile'",h,t)
   if BS.null h then empty else return (h, if BS.null t then t else BS.tail t)

just1 f x= let (h,t)= f x in (Just h,t)

-- | take n characters 
tTake n= withGetParseString $ \s ->  return $ BS.splitAt n s  !> ("tTake",n)

-- | drop n characters
tDrop n= withGetParseString $ \s ->  return $ ((),BS.drop n s)

-- | read a char. If there is no input left it fails with empty
anyChar= withGetParseString $ \s -> if BS.null s then empty else  return (BS.head s ,BS.tail s ) -- !> ("anyChar",s)

-- | verify that the next character is the one expected
tChar c= withGetParseString $ \s -> if BS.null s || BS.head s /= c then empty else return (BS.head s,BS.tail s)  -- !> ("tChar", BS.head s) 
   --  anyChar >>= \x -> if x == c then return c else empty !> ("tChar",x)

withGetParseString2 :: (BS.ByteString -> TransIO (a,BS.ByteString)) -> TransIO a
withGetParseString2 parser=  do

  ParseContext readMore s done <- gets parseContext 

  let str =  s <>  iter 
      iter =  
        let mr =  lazy  !> "READMORE"
        in case mr of
          SMore r ->  r <> iter  !> "SMORE"
          SLast r -> writeIORef done True `seq` r
          SDone   -> writeIORef done True `seq` mempty

      lazy  = unsafePerformIO $ do
        r <- readIORef done
        if r then return SDone else do
          (x,_) <- runTransient readMore 
          tr x
          return $ fromJust x

  (v,str') <- parser str
  modify $ \s -> s{parseContext= ParseContext readMore str' done}
  return  v

-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :m + Transient.Internals Transient.Parse Control.Monad.IO.Class Data.ByteString.Lazy 
-- >>> keep' $ do setParseStream (return  $ SMore "hello") ; r <- withGetParseString2 $ \s-> return(Data.ByteString.Lazy.take 13 s,Data.ByteString.Lazy.drop 13 s); liftIO $ print r
-- >>> keep' $ do setParseString "time-1.9.3/lib/Data/Time/Clock/Internal/SystemTime.hs:1:1: error:" ; r <- (,,) <$> tTakeWhile' (/=':') <*> int <* tChar ':' <*> int; liftIO $ print r
-- "hellohellohel"
-- Nothing
-- ("time-1.9.3/lib/Data/Time/Clock/Internal/SystemTime.hs",1,1)
-- Nothing



withGetParseString3 :: (BS.ByteString -> TransIO (a,BS.ByteString)) -> TransIO a
withGetParseString3 parser=  do

  ParseContext readMore s done <- gets parseContext 
  modify $ \st -> st{execMode= Serial}
  str <-  return s <> iter readMore
  (v,str') <- parser str
  modify $ \s -> s{parseContext= ParseContext readMore str' done}
  return  v
  iter readMore= do
    -- modify $ \s -> s{execMode= Remote}
    mr <-   readMore !> "READMORE"
    case mr of
       SMore r ->  do liftIO $ print "SMORE";  return r <> iter readMore  
       SLast r ->  return r
       SDone   ->  return mempty
  lazy mx= unsafePerformIO  $ do
      (x,_) <- runTransient mx 
      return $ fromJust x

-- | bring the lazy byteString state to a parser which return the rest of the stream together with the result
-- and actualize the byteString state with it
-- The tuple that the parser returns should be :  (what it returns, what should remain to be parsed)

withGetParseString ::   (BS.ByteString -> TransIO (a,BS.ByteString)) -> TransIO a
withGetParseString parser=  Transient $ do

    ParseContext readMore s done <- gets parseContext

    let loop = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
          r <-readIORef done
          if r then return mempty else do
            (mr,_) <- runTransient readMore
            case mr of
              Nothing -> mempty
              Just(SMore r) ->  return r <> do
                                              d <- readIORef done
                                              if d then mempty else loop

              Just(SLast r) -> do tr "LAST"; writeIORef done True ; return r
              Just SDone -> do  tr  "DONE"; writeIORef done True ; return mempty  -- !> "withGetParseString SDONE" 

    -- str <-  liftIO $ (s <> ) `liftM`  loop
    str <- liftIO $ return s <> loop
    --if BS.null str then return Nothing else do
        --return () !> ("withGetParseString", BS.take 3 str)
    mr <- runTrans $ parser str
    case mr of
                  Nothing -> return Nothing    --  !> "NOTHING"
                  Just (v,str') -> do
                        --return () !> (v,str') 
                        modify $ \s-> s{parseContext= ParseContext readMore str' done}
                        return $ Just v

-- >>> keep' $ do x <- return "hello" <> lazy (liftIO $ print "world" >> return "world"); liftIO $ print $ take 3 x

-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :m + Transient.Internals Transient.Parse Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- >>> keep' $ do x <- withParseStream (return $ SMore "hello world") $ tTake 2 ; liftIO $ print x
-- *** Exception: ghc: signal: 15

-- | bring the data of the parse context as a lazy byteString
giveParseString :: TransIO BS.ByteString
giveParseString= (noTrans $ do
   ParseContext readMore s done<- gets parseContext -- getData `onNothing` error "parser: no context"
                                --  :: StateIO (ParseContext BS.ByteString)  -- change to strict BS

   let loop = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
           (mr,_) <-  runTransient readMore
           tr ("read",mr)

           case mr of
            Nothing -> mempty
            Just(SMore r) ->  (r <>) `liftM` loop
            Just(SLast r) ->  (r <>) `liftM` loop
            Just SDone -> return mempty
   liftIO $ (s <> ) `liftM` loop)

-- | drop from the stream until a condition is met
tDropUntil cond= withGetParseString $ \s -> f s
  f s= if BS.null s then return ((),s) else if cond s then return ((),s) else f $ BS.tail s

-- | take from the stream until a condition is met
tTakeUntil cond= withGetParseString $ \s -> f s
  f s= if BS.null s then return (s,s) else if cond s then return (s,s) else f $ BS.tail s

-- | add the String at the beginning of the stream to be parsed
tPutStr s'= withGetParseString $ \s -> return ((),s'<> s)
-- | True if the stream has finished
isDone :: TransIO Bool
isDone=  noTrans $ do
    ParseContext _ _ done<- gets parseContext
    liftIO $ readIORef done

dropUntilDone= (withGetParseString $ \s -> do
    tr "dropUntilDone"
    ParseContext _ _ done <- gets parseContext
    let loop s= do
            if (unsafePerformIO $ readIORef done)== True ||  BS.null s then return((), s) else loop $ BS.tail s
            -- end <- s `seq` liftIO $ readIORef   done
            -- if end then return((), s) else loop $ BS.tail s
    loop s)
   <|> return()

-- | return the portion of the string not parsed
-- it is useful for testing purposes:
-- >  result <- myParser  <|>  (do rest <- notParsed ; liftIO (print "not parsed this:"++ rest))
--  would print where myParser  stopped working. 
-- This does not work with (infinite) streams. Use `getParseBuffer` instead
notParsed:: TransIO BS.ByteString
notParsed= withGetParseString $ \s -> return (s,mempty) !> "notParsed"

-- | get the current buffer already read but not yet parsed
getParseBuffer :: TransIO BS.ByteString
getParseBuffer= do
  ParseContext _ s _<- gets parseContext
  return s

-- | empty the buffer
clearParseBuffer :: TransIO ()
   modify$ \s -> s{parseContext= let ParseContext readMore _ d= parseContext s in ParseContext readMore mempty d}

-- | Used for debugging. It shows the next N characters in the parse buffer 
showNext msg n= do
   r <- tTake n
   liftIO $ print (msg,r);
   modify $ \s -> s{parseContext= (parseContext s){buffer= r <>buffer(parseContext s)}}

-- infixl 0 |-

-- | Chain two parsers. The motivation is to parse a chunked HTTP response which contains
-- JSON messages.
-- If the REST response is infinite and contains JSON messages, I have to chain the 
-- dechunk parser with the JSON decoder of aeson, to produce a stream of aeson messages. 
-- Since the boundaries of chunks and JSON messages do not match, it is not possible to add a 
-- `decode` to the monadic pipeline. Since the stream is potentially infinite and/or the
-- messages may arrive at any time, I can not wait until all the input finish before decoding 
-- the messages.
-- I need to generate a ByteString stream with the first parser, which is the input for
-- the second parser. 
-- The first parser wait until the second consume the previous chunk, so it is pull-based.
-- many parsing stages can be chained with this operator.
-- The output is nondeterministic: it can return 0, 1 or more results
-- example: https://t.co/fmx1uE2SUd
-- (|--) :: TransIO (StreamData BS.ByteString) -> TransIO b -> TransIO b
-- p |-- q =  do
--   --addThreads 1
--   v  <- liftIO $ newIORef undefined -- :: TransIO (MVar (StreamData BS.ByteString -> IO ()))
--   initq v <|> initp v
--     -- `catcht`  \(_ :: BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar) -> empty
-- -- TODO #2 use react instrad of MVar's? need buffering-contention
--   where
--   initq v= do
--     --abduce
--     r <-withParseStream (takev v ) q
--     liftIO $ print "AFGRT WITH"
--     return r

--   initp v= do
--     --abduce

--     return () !> "INITP"
--     repeatIt
--     where
--     repeatIt= do 
--         r <- p
--         putv  v r
--         return () !> "AFTER PUTV"
--         repeatIt
--         empty
--         -- return () !> ("putMVar")
--         -- t <-liftIO  $ (putv v r >> return True)  `catcht` \(_ :: BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar) -> return  False
--         -- if t then repeatIt  else empty

--   takev v= do 
--        return () !> "BEFORE TAKEV"
--        --modify $ \s -> s{execMode= Remote}
--        r <- react (writeIORef v) (return()) 
--        return () !> ("TAKEV",r)
--        liftIO $ threadDelay 5000000
--        return r

--   putv v s= liftIO $ do
--      proc <-   readIORef v -- :: TransIO (StreamData BS.ByteString -> IO())
--      return  () !> ("PUTV", s)
--      proc s

(|-) :: TransIO (StreamData BS.ByteString) -> TransIO b -> TransIO b
p |- q =  do
  --addThreads 1
  pcontext <- liftIO $ newIORef $ Just undefined
  v  <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar
  initp v pcontext <|> initq v pcontext
-- `catcht`  \(_ :: BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar) -> empty

  initq v pcontext= do
    setParseStream (do r <- liftIO $ takeMVar v; tr ("rec",fmap (BS.take 10) r); return r)--  `catch`  \(_:: SomeException) -> return SDone ) 
    r <- q
    Just p <- liftIO $ readIORef pcontext
    liftIO $ writeIORef pcontext Nothing !> "WRITENOTHING"
    pc <- gets parseContext
    modify $ \ s -> s{parseContext= p{done=done pc}}
    return r

  initp v pcontext= do
    ParseContext _ _ done <- gets parseContext

    let repeatIt= do
          pc <- liftIO $ readIORef pcontext
          if isNothing pc then tr "FINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" >> empty  else do
            d <- liftIO $ readIORef done
            if d then do  tr "sendDone";liftIO  $ putMVar v SDone; repeatIt else do
                r <- p

                liftIO  $ putMVar v r  -- `catch` \(_ :: BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar) -> return  False

                p <- gets parseContext
                liftIO $ writeIORef pcontext $ Just p
                case r of
                  SDone -> empty
                  SLast _ -> empty
                  SMore _ -> repeatIt
