{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeSynonymInstances,FlexibleInstances #-}
module Transient.Move.PubSub where
import Transient.Base
import Transient.Internals ((!>))
import Transient.Move
import Transient.Move.Utils
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import Data.Typeable
#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS
import Data.TCache
import Data.TCache.DefaultPersistence

type Suscribed = M.Map String [Node]

#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS

instance Indexable Suscribed where
   key _= "#suscribed"

instance Serializable Suscribed where
   serialize= pack . show
   deserialize= read . unpack

suscribed= getDBRef  "#suscribed" :: DBRef Suscribed

atomicModifyDBRef :: DBRef Suscribed -> (Suscribed -> (Suscribed,a)) -> IO a
atomicModifyDBRef ref proc= atomically $ do
    x <- readDBRef  ref `onNothing` return M.empty
    let (r,y) = proc x
    writeDBRef ref r
    return y


suscribed= undefined

atomicModifyDBRef a b= return ()


suscribe :: (Typeable a,Loggable a) => String -> Cloud a
suscribe key= do
  node <- local getMyNode
  local (getMailbox' key) <|> notifySuscribe key node

notifySuscribe key node = atServer (do
       localIO $ atomicModifyDBRef suscribed $ \ss -> (insert key [ node] ss,())
       susc node)
  susc node=do
      exploreNet $ localIO $ liftIO $ atomicModifyDBRef suscribed $ \ss -> (insert key  [node] ss,())


  insert h node susc=
       let ns = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup h susc
       in M.insert h (union node ns) susc

unsuscribe key withness= do
   node <- local getMyNode
   local $ deleteMailbox' key withness
   atServer $ exploreNet $ localIO $ atomicModifyDBRef suscribed $ \ss -> (delete key [node] ss,())

  delete h nodes susc=
       let ns = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup h susc
       in M.insert h (ns \\ nodes) susc

publish :: (Typeable a, Loggable a) => String -> a -> Cloud ()
publish key dat= do
   n <- local getMyNode
   publishExclude [n] key dat
   -- publishExclude :: Loggable a => [Node] -> String -> a -> Cloud ()
   publishExclude excnodes key dat= foldPublish (<|>) empty excnodes key $ local $ do
                     putMailbox' key dat
                     return () !> "PUTMAILBOX"

-- | executes `proc` in all the nodes suscribed to `key`
foldPublish op init excnodes key proc= atServer $ do
#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS
    nodes <- localIO $ atomically  ((readDBRef suscribed) `onNothing` return M.empty)
                        >>= return . fromMaybe [] . M.lookup key
    nodes <- localIO empty
    let unodes= union nodes excnodes
    return() !> ("NODES PUB",nodes \\ excnodes)
    foldr op init $ map pub (nodes \\ excnodes)


    pub   node= runAt node $ proc

main = keep $ initNode $  inputNodes <|>  (onBrowser $ do


    --local $ optionn ("f" :: String) "fire" 
      -- crawl the cloud to list all the nodes connected 
    --r <- exploreNet $ local  $ return <$> getMyNode :: Cloud [Node]
    --localIO $ print r 

    wnode <- local getMyNode
    atRemote $  local $ updateConnectionInfo wnode "" >> return ()

    r <- suscribe "hello" <|> do
              local  $ optionn ("f" :: String) "fire"
              publish ("hello" ::String) ("world" :: String)

    local $ render $ rawHtml $ p (r :: String) )
