module Treap.Pretty
( pretty
, prettyPrint
, prettyWith
, compactShowNode
, BinTree (..)
, showTree
, middleLabelPos
, branchLines
) where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Coerce (Coercible, coerce)
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd, intercalate)
import Treap.Pure (Priority (..), Size (..), Treap (..))
pretty :: forall m a . (Coercible m a, Show a) => Treap m a -> String
pretty = prettyWith compactShowNode
prettyPrint :: forall m a . (Coercible m a, Show a) => Treap m a -> IO ()
prettyPrint = putStrLn . pretty
:: forall m a . (Coercible m a, Show a)
=> Size
-> Priority
-> m
-> a
-> String
compactShowNode (Size sz) _ m a =
show sz ++ "," ++ show (coerce @m @a m) ++ ":" ++ show a
:: forall m a .
(Size -> Priority -> m -> a -> String)
-> Treap m a
-> String
prettyWith display = showTree . toBinTree
toBinTree :: Treap m a -> BinTree
toBinTree Empty = Leaf
toBinTree (Node sz p m a left right) = Branch (display sz p m a) (toBinTree left) (toBinTree right)
data BinTree
= Leaf
| Branch String BinTree BinTree
showTree :: BinTree -> String
showTree Leaf = ""
showTree (Branch label left right) = case (left, right) of
(Leaf, Leaf) -> label
(_, Leaf) -> toLines $
[ spaces rootShiftOnlyLeft ++ label
, spaces branchShiftOnlyLeft ++ "╱"
] ++ map (spaces leftShiftOnlyLeft ++) leftLines
(Leaf, _) -> toLines $
[ spaces rootShiftOnlyRight ++ label
, spaces branchShiftOnlyRight ++ "╲"
] ++ map (spaces rightShiftOnlyRight ++) rightLines
(_, _) -> toLines $
[ spaces rootOffset ++ label
++ map (spaces rootOffset ++ ) (branchLines branchHeight)
++ map (spaces childrenOffset ++) (zipChildren leftLines rightLines)
leftStr, rightStr :: String
leftStr = showTree left
rightStr = showTree right
leftLines :: [String]
leftLines = lines leftStr
rightLines = lines rightStr
rootLabelMiddle, leftLabelMiddle, rightLabelMiddle :: Int
rootLabelMiddle = middleLabelPos label
leftLabelMiddle = middleLabelPos $ head leftLines
rightLabelMiddle = middleLabelPos $ head rightLines
rootShiftOnlyLeft, leftShiftOnlyLeft, branchShiftOnlyLeft :: Int
(rootShiftOnlyLeft, leftShiftOnlyLeft) = case compare rootLabelMiddle leftLabelMiddle of
EQ -> (1, 0)
GT -> (0, rootLabelMiddle - leftLabelMiddle - 1)
LT -> (leftLabelMiddle - rootLabelMiddle + 1, 0)
branchShiftOnlyLeft = rootLabelMiddle + rootShiftOnlyLeft - 1
rootShiftOnlyRight, rightShiftOnlyRight, branchShiftOnlyRight :: Int
(rootShiftOnlyRight, rightShiftOnlyRight) = case compare rootLabelMiddle rightLabelMiddle of
EQ -> (0, 1)
GT -> (0, rootLabelMiddle - rightLabelMiddle + 1)
LT -> (rightLabelMiddle - rootLabelMiddle - 1, 0)
branchShiftOnlyRight = rootLabelMiddle + rootShiftOnlyRight + 1
leftWidth, rightOffMiddle, childDistance, branchHeight, rootMustMiddle :: Int
leftWidth = 1 + maximum (map length leftLines)
rightOffMiddle = leftWidth + rightLabelMiddle
childDistance = rightOffMiddle - leftLabelMiddle
branchHeight = childDistance `div` 2
rootMustMiddle = (leftLabelMiddle + rightOffMiddle) `div` 2
rootOffset, childrenOffset :: Int
(rootOffset, childrenOffset) = case compare rootLabelMiddle rootMustMiddle of
EQ -> (0, 0)
LT -> (rootMustMiddle - rootLabelMiddle, 0)
GT -> (0, rootLabelMiddle - rootMustMiddle)
zipChildren :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
zipChildren l [] = l
zipChildren [] r = map (spaces leftWidth ++ ) r
zipChildren (x:xs) (y:ys) =
let xLen = length x
newX = x ++ spaces (leftWidth - xLen)
in (newX ++ y) : zipChildren xs ys
spaces :: Int -> String
spaces n = replicate n ' '
middleLabelPos :: String -> Int
middleLabelPos s =
let (spacePrefix, rest) = span isSpace s
in length spacePrefix + (length (dropWhileEnd isSpace rest) `div` 2)
toLines :: [String] -> String
toLines = intercalate "\n"
branchLines :: Int -> [String]
branchLines n = go 0
go :: Int -> [String]
go i
| i == n = []
| otherwise = line : go (i + 1)
line :: String
line = spaces (n - i - 1) ++ "╱" ++ spaces (2 * i) ++ "╲"