{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, PolyKinds,
ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, TypeOperators #-}
module TreeSitter.Unmarshal
( parseByteString
, FieldName(..)
, Unmarshal(..)
, UnmarshalAnn(..)
, UnmarshalField(..)
, SymbolMatching(..)
, step
, push
, goto
, peekNode
, peekFieldName
, getFields
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Effect hiding ((:+:))
import Control.Effect.Reader
import Control.Effect.Fail
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import TreeSitter.Cursor as TS
import TreeSitter.Language as TS
import TreeSitter.Node as TS
import TreeSitter.Parser as TS
import TreeSitter.Tree as TS
import TreeSitter.Token as TS
import Source.Loc
import Source.Span
import Data.Proxy
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
parseByteString :: (Unmarshal t, UnmarshalAnn a) => Ptr TS.Language -> ByteString -> IO (Either String (t a))
parseByteString language bytestring = withParser language $ \ parser -> withParseTree parser bytestring $ \ treePtr ->
if treePtr == nullPtr then
pure (Left "error: didn't get a root node")
withRootNode treePtr $ \ rootPtr ->
withCursor (castPtr rootPtr) $ \ cursor ->
runM (runFail (runReader cursor (runReader bytestring (peekNode >>= unmarshalNode))))
class Unmarshal t where
:: ( Carrier sig m
, Member (Reader ByteString) sig
, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig
, MonadFail m
, MonadIO m
, UnmarshalAnn a
=> Node
-> m (t a)
default unmarshalNode
:: ( Carrier sig m
, Generic1 t
, GUnmarshal (Rep1 t)
, Member (Reader ByteString) sig
, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig
, MonadFail m
, MonadIO m
, UnmarshalAnn a
=> Node
-> m (t a)
unmarshalNode x = do
goto (nodeTSNode x)
to1 <$> gunmarshalNode x
instance (Unmarshal f, Unmarshal g, SymbolMatching f, SymbolMatching g) => Unmarshal (f :+: g) where
unmarshalNode node = do
let lhsSymbolMatch = symbolMatch (Proxy @f) node
rhsSymbolMatch = symbolMatch (Proxy @g) node
if lhsSymbolMatch then
L1 <$> unmarshalNode @f node
else if rhsSymbolMatch then
R1 <$> unmarshalNode @g node
fail $ showFailure (Proxy @(f :+: g)) node
instance Unmarshal t => Unmarshal (Rec1 t) where
unmarshalNode = fmap Rec1 . unmarshalNode
instance Unmarshal (Token sym n) where
unmarshalNode = fmap Token . unmarshalAnn
class UnmarshalAnn a where
:: ( Carrier sig m
, Member (Reader ByteString) sig
, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig
, MonadFail m
, MonadIO m
=> Node
-> m a
instance UnmarshalAnn () where
unmarshalAnn _ = pure ()
instance UnmarshalAnn Text.Text where
unmarshalAnn node = do
range <- unmarshalAnn node
bytestring <- ask
pure (decodeUtf8 (slice range bytestring))
instance (UnmarshalAnn a, UnmarshalAnn b) => UnmarshalAnn (a,b) where
unmarshalAnn node = (,)
<$> unmarshalAnn @a node
<*> unmarshalAnn @b node
instance UnmarshalAnn Loc where
unmarshalAnn node = Loc
<$> unmarshalAnn @Range node
<*> unmarshalAnn @Span node
instance UnmarshalAnn Range where
unmarshalAnn node = do
let start = fromIntegral (nodeStartByte node)
end = fromIntegral (nodeEndByte node)
pure (Range start end)
instance UnmarshalAnn Span where
unmarshalAnn node = do
let spanStart = pointToPos (nodeStartPoint node)
spanEnd = pointToPos (nodeEndPoint node)
pure (Span spanStart spanEnd)
pointToPos :: TSPoint -> Pos
pointToPos (TSPoint line column) = Pos (fromIntegral line) (fromIntegral column)
class UnmarshalField t where
:: ( Carrier sig m
, Member (Reader ByteString) sig
, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig
, MonadFail m
, MonadIO m
, Unmarshal f
, UnmarshalAnn a
=> [Node]
-> m (t (f a))
instance UnmarshalField Maybe where
unmarshalField [] = pure Nothing
unmarshalField [x] = Just <$> unmarshalNode x
unmarshalField _ = fail "expected a node of type (Maybe a) but got multiple"
instance UnmarshalField [] where
unmarshalField (x:xs) = do
head' <- unmarshalNode x
tail' <- unmarshalField xs
pure $ head' : tail'
unmarshalField [] = pure []
instance UnmarshalField NonEmpty where
unmarshalField (x:xs) = do
head' <- unmarshalNode x
tail' <- unmarshalField xs
pure $ head' :| tail'
unmarshalField [] = fail "expected a node of type (NonEmpty a) but got an empty list"
class SymbolMatching (a :: * -> *) where
symbolMatch :: Proxy a -> Node -> Bool
showFailure :: Proxy a -> Node -> String
instance SymbolMatching f => SymbolMatching (M1 i c f) where
symbolMatch _ = symbolMatch (Proxy @f)
showFailure _ = showFailure (Proxy @f)
instance SymbolMatching f => SymbolMatching (Rec1 f) where
symbolMatch _ = symbolMatch (Proxy @f)
showFailure _ = showFailure (Proxy @f)
instance (KnownNat n, KnownSymbol sym) => SymbolMatching (Token sym n) where
symbolMatch _ node = nodeSymbol node == fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy @n))
showFailure _ _ = "expected " ++ symbolVal (Proxy @sym)
instance (SymbolMatching f, SymbolMatching g) => SymbolMatching (f :+: g) where
symbolMatch _ = (||) <$> symbolMatch (Proxy @f) <*> symbolMatch (Proxy @g)
showFailure _ = sep <$> showFailure (Proxy @f) <*> showFailure (Proxy @g)
sep :: String -> String -> String
sep a b = a ++ ". " ++ b
step :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig, MonadIO m) => m Bool
step = ask >>= liftIO . ts_tree_cursor_goto_next_sibling
push :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig, MonadIO m) => m a -> m (Maybe a)
push m = do
hasChildren <- ask >>= liftIO . ts_tree_cursor_goto_first_child
if hasChildren then do
a <- m
Just a <$ (ask >>= liftIO . ts_tree_cursor_goto_parent)
pure Nothing
goto :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig, MonadIO m) => TSNode -> m ()
goto node = do
cursor <- ask
liftIO (with node (ts_tree_cursor_reset_p cursor))
peekNode :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig, MonadIO m) => m Node
peekNode = do
cursor <- ask
liftIO $ alloca $ \ tsNodePtr -> do
_ <- ts_tree_cursor_current_node_p cursor tsNodePtr
alloca $ \ nodePtr -> do
ts_node_poke_p tsNodePtr nodePtr
peek nodePtr
peekFieldName :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig, MonadIO m) => m (Maybe FieldName)
peekFieldName = do
cursor <- ask
fieldName <- liftIO $ ts_tree_cursor_current_field_name cursor
if fieldName == nullPtr then
pure Nothing
Just . FieldName . toHaskellCamelCaseIdentifier <$> liftIO (peekCString fieldName)
type Fields = Map.Map FieldName [Node]
getFields :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig, MonadIO m) => m Fields
getFields = go Map.empty
where go fs = do
node <- peekNode
fieldName <- peekFieldName
keepGoing <- step
let fs' = case fieldName of
Just fieldName' -> Map.insertWith (flip (++)) fieldName' [node] fs
_ -> if nodeIsNamed node /= 0 && nodeIsExtra node == 0
then Map.insertWith (flip (++)) (FieldName "extraChildren") [node] fs
else fs
if keepGoing then go fs'
else pure fs'
lookupField :: FieldName -> Fields -> [Node]
lookupField k = fromMaybe [] . Map.lookup k
slice :: Range -> ByteString -> ByteString
slice (Range start end) = take . drop
where drop = B.drop start
take = B.take (end - start)
newtype FieldName = FieldName { getFieldName :: String }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
class GUnmarshal f where
:: ( Carrier sig m
, Member (Reader ByteString) sig
, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig
, MonadFail m
, MonadIO m
, UnmarshalAnn a
=> Node
-> m (f a)
instance GUnmarshal f => GUnmarshal (M1 i c f) where
gunmarshalNode node = M1 <$> gunmarshalNode node
instance GUnmarshal U1 where
gunmarshalNode _ = pure U1
instance UnmarshalAnn k => GUnmarshal (K1 c k) where
gunmarshalNode node = K1 <$> unmarshalAnn node
instance GUnmarshal Par1 where
gunmarshalNode node = Par1 <$> unmarshalAnn node
instance Unmarshal t => GUnmarshal (Rec1 t) where
gunmarshalNode node = Rec1 <$> unmarshalNode node
instance (GUnmarshalProduct f, GUnmarshalProduct g) => GUnmarshal (f :*: g) where
gunmarshalNode node = push getFields >>= gunmarshalProductNode @(f :*: g) node . fromMaybe Map.empty
instance (GUnmarshal f, GUnmarshal g, SymbolMatching f, SymbolMatching g) => GUnmarshal (f :+: g) where
gunmarshalNode node = do
let lhsSymbolMatch = symbolMatch (Proxy @f) node
rhsSymbolMatch = symbolMatch (Proxy @g) node
if lhsSymbolMatch then
L1 <$> gunmarshalNode @f node
else if rhsSymbolMatch then
R1 <$> gunmarshalNode @g node
fail $ showFailure (Proxy @f) node `sep` showFailure (Proxy @g) node
class GUnmarshalProduct f where
:: ( Carrier sig m
, Member (Reader ByteString) sig
, Member (Reader (Ptr Cursor)) sig
, MonadFail m
, MonadIO m
, UnmarshalAnn a
=> Node
-> Fields
-> m (f a)
instance (GUnmarshalProduct f, GUnmarshalProduct g) => GUnmarshalProduct (f :*: g) where
gunmarshalProductNode node fields = (:*:)
<$> gunmarshalProductNode @f node fields
<*> gunmarshalProductNode @g node fields
instance UnmarshalAnn k => GUnmarshalProduct (M1 S c (K1 i k)) where
gunmarshalProductNode node _ = M1 . K1 <$> unmarshalAnn node
instance GUnmarshalProduct (M1 S c Par1) where
gunmarshalProductNode node _ = M1 . Par1 <$> unmarshalAnn node
instance (UnmarshalField f, Unmarshal g, Selector c) => GUnmarshalProduct (M1 S c (f :.: g)) where
gunmarshalProductNode _ fields =
M1 . Comp1 <$> unmarshalField (lookupField (FieldName (selName @c undefined)) fields)
instance (Unmarshal t, Selector c) => GUnmarshalProduct (M1 S c (Rec1 t)) where
gunmarshalProductNode _ fields =
case lookupField (FieldName (selName @c undefined)) fields of
[] -> fail $ "expected a node " <> selName @c undefined <> " but didn't get one"
[x] -> M1 . Rec1 <$> unmarshalNode x
_ -> fail "expected a node but got multiple"