Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- tree_sitter_haskell :: Ptr Language
- data Grammar
- = END
- | HiddenLayoutSemicolon
- | HiddenLayoutOpenBrace
- | HiddenLayoutCloseBrace
- | HiddenQualifiedModuleDot
- | HiddenInitializeLayout
- | AnonModule
- | AnonLBrace
- | AnonRBrace
- | AnonLParen
- | AnonComma
- | AnonRParen
- | AnonType
- | AllConstructors
- | AnonImport
- | AnonQualified
- | AnonAs
- | AnonHiding
- | AnonPattern
- | AnonLAngleMinus
- | AnonDeriving
- | AnonInstance
- | AnonEqual
- | AnonFamily
- | ImplicitParameterIdentifier
- | AnonMinusRAngle
- | AnonBang
- | AnonAt
- | AnonLBracket
- | AnonRBracket
- | AnonTilde
- | AnonDotDot
- | AnonSQuote
- | UnitConstructor
- | ListConstructor
- | FunctionConstructor
- | AnonLet
- | AnonColonColon
- | AnonBackslash
- | AnonCase
- | AnonMinus
- | AnonPipe
- | AnonWhere
- | AnonIn
- | AnonOf
- | Wildcard
- | HiddenTerminal
- | AnonForeign
- | AnonExport
- | AnonCcall
- | AnonStdcall
- | AnonCplusplus
- | AnonJvm
- | AnonDotnet
- | AnonUnsafe
- | AnonSafe
- | AnonDefault
- | AnonDo
- | AnonIf
- | AnonThen
- | AnonElse
- | AnonClass
- | AnonInfixl
- | AnonInfixr
- | AnonInfix
- | AnonStar
- | AnonForall
- | AnonDot
- | AnonData
- | AnonEqualRAngle
- | AnonNewtype
- | HiddenVariableIdentifier
- | AuxSlashLBracketAMinusZRBracketLParenBackslashWPipeSQuoteRParenStarSlash
- | PrimitiveConstructorIdentifier
- | PrimitiveVariableIdentifier
- | AnonBacktick
- | TypeOperator
- | ConstructorSymbol
- | VariableSymbol
- | Comment
- | Pragma
- | CppDirective
- | Float
- | Char
- | String
- | HiddenIntegerLiteral
- | HiddenOctalLiteral
- | HiddenHexidecimalLiteral
- | AnonP
- | AnonD
- | AnonT
- | AnonE
- | AnonDollar
- | AuxSlashLBracketCaretPipeRBracketSlash
- | AuxSlashBackslashPipeLBracketCaretBackslashRBracketRBracketSlash
- | AuxSlashDotStarBackslashPipeBackslashSStarBackslashRBracketSlash
- | Module
- | HiddenTopDeclarations
- | HiddenStatements
- | HiddenDeclarations
- | ModuleExports
- | Export
- | TypeConstructorExport
- | ModuleExport
- | QualifiedImportDeclaration
- | ImportDeclaration
- | HiddenImportDeclaration
- | ImportAlias
- | ImportSpec
- | HiddenImportSpec
- | Import
- | HiddenGeneralDeclaration
- | HiddenDeclaration
- | BidirectionalPatternSynonym
- | UnidirectionalPatternSynonym
- | HiddenTopDeclaration
- | StandaloneDerivingDeclaration
- | TypeSynonymDeclaration
- | TypeSynonymBody
- | TypeFamilyDeclaration
- | FunctionDeclaration
- | TypeInstanceDeclaration
- | TypeInstanceBody
- | HiddenFunlhs
- | HiddenAPattern
- | ViewPattern
- | HiddenStrictAPattern
- | AsPattern
- | TuplePattern
- | ListPattern
- | ParenthesizedPattern
- | IrrefutablePattern
- | HiddenPattern
- | HiddenLpat
- | ConstructorPattern
- | LabeledPattern
- | FieldPattern
- | NamedFieldPun
- | RecordWildCards
- | PromotedTypeOperator
- | QuotedName
- | HiddenGeneralConstructor
- | HiddenGeneralTypeConstructor
- | TuplingConstructor
- | HiddenStatement
- | BindPattern
- | LetStatement
- | HiddenExpression
- | ExpressionTypeSignature
- | InfixOperatorApplication
- | HiddenLexp
- | TypeApplication
- | Lambda
- | LambdaHead
- | LambdaCase
- | PrefixNegation
- | LeftOperatorSection
- | RightOperatorSection
- | ArithmeticSequence
- | ListComprehension
- | Generator
- | EnumFrom
- | EnumFromThen
- | EnumFromTo
- | EnumFromThenTo
- | FunctionBody
- | HiddenFunctionBody
- | HiddenTopWhere
- | Where
- | LetExpression
- | InClause
- | CaseExpression
- | Alternative
- | CaseGuardPattern
- | HiddenGuards
- | FunctionGuardPattern
- | Guard
- | PatternGuard
- | ParenthesizedExpression
- | NegativeLiteral
- | Fields
- | FieldLabel
- | FunctionApplication
- | HiddenAExpression
- | LabeledUpdate
- | LabeledConstruction
- | FieldBind
- | ListExpression
- | TupleExpression
- | ForeignImportDeclaration
- | ForeignExportDeclaration
- | HiddenForeignDeclaration
- | CallingConvention
- | Safety
- | DefaultDeclaration
- | Do
- | ConditionalExpression
- | TypeClassDeclaration
- | FunctionalDependency
- | AnnotatedTypeVariable
- | TypeClassInstanceDeclaration
- | FixityDeclaration
- | HiddenOp
- | TypeSignature
- | HiddenTypeSignature
- | DefaultSignature
- | KindSignature
- | HiddenKind
- | HiddenKindPattern
- | HiddenAkind
- | KindFunctionType
- | PatternTypeSignature
- | ScopedTypeVariables
- | HiddenTypePattern
- | InfixOperatorPattern
- | HiddenType
- | FunctionType
- | ParenthesizedTypePattern
- | HiddenAtype
- | TupleType
- | KindTupleType
- | ListType
- | KindListType
- | KindParenthesizedConstructor
- | AlgebraicDatatypeDeclaration
- | GadtDeclaration
- | HiddenGadtWhere
- | GadtConstructor
- | ParenthesizedConstructorOperator
- | HiddenSimpleType
- | ContextPattern
- | HiddenContextLpat
- | Context
- | EqualityConstraint
- | Class
- | Constructors
- | DataConstructor
- | StrictType
- | InfixDataConstructor
- | RecordDataConstructor
- | Deriving
- | NewtypeDeclaration
- | NewConstructor
- | Field
- | HiddenLiteral
- | HiddenVariable
- | HiddenQualifiedConstructor
- | HiddenQualifiedModuleIdentifier
- | QualifiedModuleIdentifier
- | HiddenQualifiedTypeConstructorIdentifier
- | QualifiedTypeConstructorIdentifier
- | HiddenQualifiedTypeClassIdentifier
- | QualifiedTypeClassIdentifier
- | HiddenQualifiedConstructorIdentifier
- | QualifiedConstructorIdentifier
- | HiddenQualifiedConstructorOperator
- | QualifiedConstructorOperator
- | HiddenQualifiedVariableIdentifier
- | QualifiedVariableIdentifier
- | HiddenQualifiedVariableOperator
- | QualifiedVariableOperator
- | VariableOperator
- | HiddenConstructorIdentifier
- | ModuleIdentifier
- | VariableIdentifier
- | TypeVariableIdentifier
- | InfixVariableIdentifier
- | QualifiedInfixVariableIdentifier
- | InfixConstructorIdentifier
- | ConstructorOperator
- | HiddenQualifiedOperator
- | Integer
- | QuasiQuotation
- | Splice
- | QuasiQuotationExpressionBody
- | AuxModuleRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenTopDeclarationsRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenStatementsRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenStatementsRepeat2
- | AuxHiddenDeclarationsRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenDeclarationsRepeat2
- | AuxModuleExportsRepeat1
- | AuxExportRepeat1
- | AuxExportRepeat2
- | AuxImportSpecRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenFunlhsRepeat1
- | AuxTuplePatternRepeat1
- | AuxLabeledPatternRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenGeneralTypeConstructorRepeat1
- | AuxTuplingConstructorRepeat1
- | AuxLambdaCaseRepeat1
- | AuxLambdaCaseRepeat2
- | AuxListComprehensionRepeat1
- | AuxFunctionBodyRepeat1
- | AuxCaseExpressionRepeat1
- | AuxCaseExpressionRepeat2
- | AuxAlternativeRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenGuardsRepeat1
- | AuxFieldsRepeat1
- | AuxLabeledUpdateRepeat1
- | AuxListExpressionRepeat1
- | AuxDefaultDeclarationRepeat1
- | AuxTypeClassDeclarationRepeat1
- | AuxFunctionalDependencyRepeat1
- | AuxFixityDeclarationRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenTypeSignatureRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenTypeSignatureRepeat2
- | AuxHiddenKindRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenTypeRepeat1
- | AuxTupleTypeRepeat1
- | AuxKindTupleTypeRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenGadtWhereRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenGadtWhereRepeat2
- | AuxHiddenSimpleTypeRepeat1
- | AuxHiddenContextLpatRepeat1
- | AuxContextRepeat1
- | AuxConstructorsRepeat1
- | AuxDataConstructorRepeat1
- | AuxDerivingRepeat1
- | AuxQualifiedModuleIdentifierRepeat1
- | AuxQuasiQuotationExpressionBodyRepeat1
- | Annotation
- | ConstructorIdentifier
- | Dot
- | EqualityLhs
- | EqualityRhs
- | Expression
- | Instance
- | Kind
- | LambdaBody
- | PackageQualifiedImport
- | Pattern
- | QuasiQuotationDeclaration
- | QuasiQuotationExpression
- | QuasiQuotationPattern
- | QuasiQuotationQuoter
- | QuasiQuotationType
- | Star
- | StrictPattern
- | Type
- | TypeClassIdentifier
- | TypeConstructorIdentifier
- | TypePattern
- | VariableSymbol'
- | Where'
- | ParseError
tree_sitter_haskell :: Ptr Language #
Statically-known rules corresponding to symbols in the grammar.
Bounded Grammar Source # | |
Enum Grammar Source # | |
Eq Grammar Source # | |
Ord Grammar Source # | |
Show Grammar Source # | |
Ix Grammar Source # | |
Defined in TreeSitter.Haskell | |
Symbol Grammar Source # | |
Defined in TreeSitter.Haskell Methods symbolType :: Grammar -> SymbolType |