Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- tree_sitter_tsx :: Ptr Language
- data Grammar
- = End
- | Identifier
- | HashBangLine
- | AnonExport
- | AnonStar
- | AnonDefault
- | AnonEqual
- | AnonAs
- | AnonNamespace
- | AnonLBrace
- | AnonComma
- | AnonRBrace
- | AnonType
- | AnonTypeof
- | AnonImport
- | AnonFrom
- | AnonVar
- | AnonLet
- | AnonConst
- | AnonIf
- | AnonElse
- | AnonSwitch
- | AnonFor
- | AnonLParen
- | AnonRParen
- | AnonAwait
- | AnonIn
- | AnonOf
- | AnonWhile
- | AnonDo
- | AnonTry
- | AnonWith
- | AnonBreak
- | AnonContinue
- | AnonDebugger
- | AnonReturn
- | AnonThrow
- | AnonSemicolon
- | AnonColon
- | AnonCase
- | AnonCatch
- | AnonFinally
- | AnonYield
- | AnonLBracket
- | AnonRBracket
- | AnonLAngle
- | AnonRAngle
- | AnonSlash
- | JsxText
- | Identifier'
- | AnonDot
- | AnonClass
- | AnonAsync
- | AnonFunction
- | AnonEqualRAngle
- | AnonNew
- | AnonPlusEqual
- | AnonMinusEqual
- | AnonStarEqual
- | AnonSlashEqual
- | AnonPercentEqual
- | AnonCaretEqual
- | AnonAmpersandEqual
- | AnonPipeEqual
- | AnonRAngleRAngleEqual
- | AnonRAngleRAngleRAngleEqual
- | AnonLAngleLAngleEqual
- | AnonStarStarEqual
- | AnonDotDotDot
- | AnonQuestion
- | AnonAmpersandAmpersand
- | AnonPipePipe
- | AnonRAngleRAngle
- | AnonRAngleRAngleRAngle
- | AnonLAngleLAngle
- | AnonAmpersand
- | AnonCaret
- | AnonPipe
- | AnonPlus
- | AnonMinus
- | AnonPercent
- | AnonStarStar
- | AnonLAngleEqual
- | AnonEqualEqual
- | AnonEqualEqualEqual
- | AnonBangEqual
- | AnonBangEqualEqual
- | AnonRAngleEqual
- | AnonInstanceof
- | AnonBang
- | AnonTilde
- | AnonVoid
- | AnonDelete
- | AnonPlusPlus
- | AnonMinusMinus
- | AnonDQuote
- | AuxStringToken1
- | AnonSQuote
- | AuxStringToken2
- | EscapeSequence
- | Comment
- | AnonBacktick
- | AnonDollarLBrace
- | AnonSlash'
- | RegexPattern
- | RegexFlags
- | Number
- | AnonTarget
- | This
- | Super
- | True
- | False
- | Null
- | Undefined
- | AnonAt
- | AnonStatic
- | AnonAbstract
- | AnonGet
- | AnonSet
- | AnonDeclare
- | AnonPublic
- | AnonPrivate
- | AnonProtected
- | AnonModule
- | AnonAny
- | AnonNumber
- | AnonBoolean
- | AnonString
- | AnonSymbol
- | AnonRequire
- | AnonImplements
- | AnonGlobal
- | AnonInterface
- | AnonExtends
- | AnonEnum
- | Readonly
- | AnonIs
- | AnonKeyof
- | AnonLBracePipe
- | AnonPipeRBrace
- | HiddenAutomaticSemicolon
- | HiddenTemplateChars
- | Program
- | ExportStatement
- | ExportClause
- | HiddenImportExportSpecifier
- | HiddenDeclaration
- | Import
- | ImportStatement
- | ImportClause
- | HiddenFromClause
- | NamespaceImport
- | NamedImports
- | ExpressionStatement
- | VariableDeclaration
- | LexicalDeclaration
- | VariableDeclarator
- | StatementBlock
- | IfStatement
- | SwitchStatement
- | ForStatement
- | ForInStatement
- | HiddenForHeader
- | WhileStatement
- | DoStatement
- | TryStatement
- | WithStatement
- | BreakStatement
- | ContinueStatement
- | DebuggerStatement
- | ReturnStatement
- | ThrowStatement
- | EmptyStatement
- | LabeledStatement
- | SwitchBody
- | SwitchCase
- | SwitchDefault
- | CatchClause
- | FinallyClause
- | ParenthesizedExpression
- | HiddenExpression
- | YieldExpression
- | Object
- | AssignmentPattern
- | Array
- | JsxElement
- | JsxFragment
- | JsxExpression
- | JsxOpeningElement
- | NestedIdentifier
- | JsxNamespaceName
- | JsxClosingElement
- | JsxSelfClosingElement
- | JsxAttribute
- | Class
- | ClassDeclaration
- | ClassHeritage
- | Function
- | FunctionDeclaration
- | GeneratorFunction
- | GeneratorFunctionDeclaration
- | ArrowFunction
- | HiddenCallSignature
- | CallExpression
- | NewExpression
- | AwaitExpression
- | MemberExpression
- | SubscriptExpression
- | AssignmentExpression
- | AugmentedAssignmentExpression
- | HiddenInitializer
- | SpreadElement
- | TernaryExpression
- | BinaryExpression
- | UnaryExpression
- | UpdateExpression
- | SequenceExpression
- | String
- | TemplateString
- | TemplateSubstitution
- | Regex
- | MetaProperty
- | Arguments
- | Decorator
- | MemberExpression'
- | CallExpression'
- | ClassBody
- | PublicFieldDefinition
- | FormalParameters
- | RestParameter
- | MethodDefinition
- | Pair
- | HiddenPropertyName
- | ComputedPropertyName
- | NonNullExpression
- | MethodSignature
- | AbstractMethodSignature
- | FunctionSignature
- | AsExpression
- | ImportRequireClause
- | ImplementsClause
- | AmbientDeclaration
- | AbstractClassDeclaration
- | Module
- | InternalModule
- | HiddenModule
- | ImportAlias
- | NestedTypeIdentifier
- | InterfaceDeclaration
- | ExtendsClause
- | EnumDeclaration
- | EnumBody
- | EnumAssignment
- | TypeAliasDeclaration
- | AccessibilityModifier
- | RequiredParameter
- | OptionalParameter
- | HiddenParameterName
- | TypeAnnotation
- | HiddenType
- | ConstructorType
- | HiddenPrimaryType
- | GenericType
- | TypePredicate
- | TypeQuery
- | IndexTypeQuery
- | LookupType
- | MappedTypeClause
- | LiteralType
- | UnaryExpression'
- | ExistentialType
- | FlowMaybeType
- | ParenthesizedType
- | PredefinedType
- | TypeArguments
- | ObjectType
- | CallSignature
- | PropertySignature
- | TypeParameters
- | TypeParameter
- | DefaultType
- | Constraint
- | ConstructSignature
- | IndexSignature
- | ArrayType
- | TupleType
- | UnionType
- | IntersectionType
- | FunctionType
- | AuxProgramRepeat1
- | AuxExportStatementRepeat1
- | AuxExportClauseRepeat1
- | AuxNamedImportsRepeat1
- | AuxVariableDeclarationRepeat1
- | AuxSwitchBodyRepeat1
- | AuxObjectRepeat1
- | AuxArrayRepeat1
- | AuxJsxElementRepeat1
- | AuxJsxOpeningElementRepeat1
- | AuxStringRepeat1
- | AuxStringRepeat2
- | AuxTemplateStringRepeat1
- | AuxClassBodyRepeat1
- | AuxFormalParametersRepeat1
- | AuxImplementsClauseRepeat1
- | AuxExtendsClauseRepeat1
- | AuxEnumBodyRepeat1
- | AuxObjectTypeRepeat1
- | AuxTypeParametersRepeat1
- | ArrayPattern
- | ExportSpecifier
- | ImportSpecifier
- | ObjectPattern
- | PropertyIdentifier
- | ShorthandPropertyIdentifier
- | StatementIdentifier
- | TypeIdentifier
- | ParseError
tree_sitter_tsx :: Ptr Language #
Statically-known rules corresponding to symbols in the grammar.
Bounded Grammar Source # | |
Enum Grammar Source # | |
Eq Grammar Source # | |
Ord Grammar Source # | |
Show Grammar Source # | |
Ix Grammar Source # | |
Defined in TreeSitter.TSX | |
Symbol Grammar Source # | |
Defined in TreeSitter.TSX Methods symbolType :: Grammar -> SymbolType |